"However, what you say makes sense.

"Having power in your hands without using it and not having power in your hands are two different concepts.

"If I am asked to defeat the trials of myself one by one, I will never refuse.

It doesn't matter what others do.

However, the only thing that can't be accepted calmly is losing to oneself.

"Then, Kirei has agreed.

"I will be your sword.

"Then I'll be your knife maker

Kotomine Yuri stretched out his hand, Artoria laughed, raised his hand and held it with Kotomine Kirei, and from this moment on, they truly became a team with a shared destiny

"Master Yanfeng. The matter of the replacement has been completed. The next step is to lead everyone to the Azrael Temple in accordance with the previous agreement.

When referring to the BFCC, the leader of the assassination order had an obvious sense of pilgrimage in his tone.

Even with the fear of imminent death

But as long as the thought of being able to meet the first generation

If you can use this to complete Kotomine-sama's transaction.

Even if you give up this life, it doesn't matter.

What matters is the village, the sect, and loyalty.

Life is such a thing, there is no value in lingering, and continuing to survive like crickets will only taint the name of the church.

"Death is not the end. Cursed Wrist, you will still walk with me in the future.


The curse wrist responded reverently to the lord, and after noon, this Hassan rushed towards the Azrael Spirit Temple on the mountain with Kotomine Kirei and his party.

Due to the existence of the aura that is very similar to that of death, the old man of the mountain

Many areas seem to be haunted by unknown undead

The boundary between life and death is extremely blurred here.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the first-generation leader has always lived in seclusion here and never died.

Neither the living nor the dead.

A state between life and death.

Stepping into the Temple of Azrael, the smell of death seemed to have turned into substance, and no one spoke

It seems that here, the soul has a feeling of being frozen.

Unspeakable, Fujimaru Tatsuka and Mash even felt like they were about to stop breathing.


"The leading apostate.

"Your wishes have been communicated here.

"The meaning of saving the era, I recognize it--!

A deep, magnetic voice slowly rose, and everyone present unconsciously cast their gazes at Kotomine Kirei.

Yanfeng gave Li a look at these people, rubbed his forehead and said:

"It's not me talking.

"Abandon your faith and choose your own apostate, I already know the bet you made with the Pharaoh.

"Your victory or defeat, I will witness and recognize it. You are the winner, and you can go to obtain the Holy Grail.

From the depths of the Azrael Temple, a huge skeleton slowly appeared in front of everyone. The dark blue seemed to symbolize the flames of the soul converging in the pupils of the skull.

He stared at the crowd, and slowly said:

"However, those who step into my spiritual temple must face death!"

"Competing with the dead for the value of life. If ye cannot overcome the dead, the evening bell will toll your bell--"

"If you conquer the dead, I shall give hope to the living.

As he said that, behind this Hassan, black figures slowly emerged one by one, all of them wore skull masks that Hassan would wear in the past.

"The afterimages of the dead left in the world, you can only gain my approval by fighting with them.

Yanfeng nodded in knot, and walked forward without any hesitation. Those dark figures behind the first generation of Hassan spanned a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and surrounded Yanfeng

The side of the ceremony.

"Dream liquid!

"Fantasy Computer"

"Flash of Fantasy"

"Break your body temperature"

delusional patrol j

"Super Fantastic Star" [-]

"Mad Imagination Shadow Lamp"--

Dozens of Hassan's stunts seemed to be vented instinctively, covering all the skills that Hassan had accomplished throughout his life at the same time, Yan Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

These are homicide techniques that have been honed over time.

Even Kotomine Kirei had to admit this.

But one

All they can kill are humans.

It has surpassed human beings, and is no longer a human individual, but an existence that their unique skills cannot destroy anyway.

"Then, I will also use your technology to respond.

No technology whatsoever will close the door on him.

As long as you are willing to acquire it, and as long as you can understand the content of the technology, Kotomine will be able to control the so-called stunts of the Hassans without any suspense.

"Delusion Heart Sound One-

The crimson "Devil's Wrist" suddenly extended from Kotomine's gifted right wrist. It was not as dry as the cursed wrist, but rather thick and covered with red dragon scales.

"Dragon's Claw".

"Your heart--

"I accept it!

The dragon's claws stabbed forward, as if piercing a mirror in the space, as if rushing into a bottom of water.

Immediately after the next moment, there was a scalp-numbing tearing sound.

Immediately -

All the assassins who came to Kotomine Kirei's siege collapsed in an instant, turning into groups of black shadows and reintegrating into the building of the mausoleum.

"It's the next" technique!-

"Master Yanfeng! You actually acquired the technique below in just a few hours, and transformed it so perfectly!

When the curse wrist seemed to want to say something, the deep voice of the old man of the mountain sounded again:

"Stupid one

'That's already a finished thing beyond the limits of your skills.

"Also, he didn't learn it completely, but just finished it.

"That is no longer a delusional heart sound, but the "Dragon Art" that only temporarily replaces its name.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 109: You are the crowned one.

Chapter 109: You are the literati of Jiayi Daiguan.

"It's not a "human skill", but a "dragon skill"--

"And this imitated technology is no longer a technique for assassinating humans.

The old man of the mountain watched Yanfeng's ceremony and was silent for a long time, then he spoke again:

"If you want to learn the art of assassination, you can sit quietly in my temple for seven days.

"If you can learn the real art of assassination, it will only be good for you, and there will be no harm.

"The magicians over there still have a trial, I need them to go to the Atlas Court, where a man of destiny is waiting for the two of them.

.Old Fu.

Although I also want to go to the Atlas Academy, there is really no need to be in a hurry now. Fujimaru Tatsuka and Mash really need the presence of that great detective

Although it has always given people a feeling of being a [-]-year-old boy.

But without this Sherlock Holmes who is currently waiting in the courtyard of Atlas, the future of Chaldea will not be easy.

"Apostate man.

"You are sailing into the unknown.

"Seven days here, I will give you the test of death, if you pass, you can share my "reason".

Kotomine Kirei's eyes narrowed slightly, he pondered for a while, then nodded without hesitation,

"If this is a trial that must be overcome, then I will not escape.

"Then, testers, just enter the spiritual temple later.

After all, the old man walked slowly into the inner layer of the spiritual temple, and when he was about to melt into the darkness, he suddenly said

"Curse Arm One


"Leave the head on your neck first. I will behead you myself when the incident in the holy capital is over.

Curse Wrist responded excitedly, and then led Fujimaru and his party to leave. Master Sanzang quietly walked to Kirei's side, and said in a low voice

"The enlightenment of Mr. Skeleton has indeed reached the level of a Buddha.

"The trials he proposed may not be simpler than the trials I experienced during my journey west.

"Master, you'd better be careful.

Of course, Yan Feng would not underestimate the crowned assassin. Among the five crowned servants he knew, the crowned sword was the king chosen by heaven, and the crowned spear was the most influential in the Western world.

The founder of the strongest country, Rome, is one with the godhead of one of the supreme gods, and the crown technique is also a chosen one like King Arthur.

As for the crown bow, Yanfeng'li did not comment.

Only the Crown Assassin purely tempered his own belief and martial arts, advancing into the realm of the gods, and his martial arts and spiritual awareness have reached the highest realm beyond the reach of human beings.


In the entire Xingyue world, only the Queen of the Gods in the Kingdom of Shadows and the Great Enlightened One in Lingshan can be on the same level as him in terms of martial arts and spiritual awareness.

within the hierarchy.

His trials are of great value.

Yan Feng'li is very clear that since he has a lot of mixed abilities, he has never had the opportunity to completely digest and integrate them into his own things. This is undoubtedly an opportunity

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