Facing this trial with sincerity will inevitably have a great degree of room for improvement in his strength.

"Don't die, Lord Yanfeng.

"If I don't die, is the mage going to give me some reward?

"No, the Sutra of Rebirth is a bit of a mouthful.

"Isn't that the job of a monk?

"Although I said so, the scriptures that are difficult to pronounce are often easy to bite the tongue.

"Then I suggest you go and learn about physical superpowers from Ava Jiang Juggernaut

It is another technical stage whose business ability is not up to standard

Sure enough, in the Xingyue world, you can't wait for the spells and bow ranks to be normal. The crown magician selected by the world is now a set of defeats when encountering people.

The matter of the bow is to hit people with a longbow as a mace. If it weren't for the moon god who has outer space, Yanfeng Lianli even felt that Orion would rush to kill himself without hesitation.

Po'ola paused.

"Do not worry.

"Again, if you act together with Fujimaru and the others, why don't you ask me to replenish your magic power first?

"That kind of thing, just rely on faith!

Oh faith?

Yanfeng gave the gift, looking at her pale hands, you nodded in satisfaction, "You people who have faith (physics) are really reassuring.

up to moses


These people with pure beliefs are all existences who can divide the sea with one punch and subdue dragons with their bare hands

"Protect them well.

"Leave it to me, please.

Fujimaru Tachika and his party left the temple.

Kotomine Kirei stepped into the depths of the spiritual temple, as if he could hear countless dead spirits being sealed within the walls of the spiritual temple.

ask for flowers

Through the dark corridors,

In the end, he came to a slightly bright empty room.

The room was empty.

There is only one pool.

No, it seems a bit too ordinary to describe it with a pool.

It was like an entrance to another world.

There was not the slightest fluctuation in the water surface.

But when the eyes pierced the water, it was as if one could see endless souls cruising beneath it.



"I have practiced here for many years, and now this place is the gate of the underworld between life and death.

The old man of the mountain in a shabby robe watched Yanfeng's ceremony, and slowly said:

"That magician is too immature to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving this era.

"Although he is a strong-willed person, compared with you, he is still a rough stone that takes a lot of time to polish to its brilliance.

"This planet has a lot more to face than that.

"Apostate. You have abandoned your original beliefs and achieved yourself. I have seen the revelation of heaven in you.

"What revelation?

"You will be crowned, and the future will be the crowned one.


Yanfeng Jieli narrowed his eyes slightly, and then laughed, "So, is your trial to see me more clearly?

"Exactly. Kotomine Kirei, we are neither the living nor the dead, and we will not excessively interfere with the direction of this world.

"However, you are the one who can intervene in the world.

"Kotomine Kirei, after you have gone through the trial of death, you have enough ability to carry "death" and "me"--

"what do you mean?"

"My spirit foundation will be handed over to you for use. Although I can also belittle my spiritual status and become a servant to overcome obstacles for you, I will definitely not be able to defeat you in that state

come to face the enemy.

I see,

Because my own spirit level will become incomplete, I choose to hand over the spirit base directly to me. If I can bear the old man's spirit base, it is equivalent to arriving early

To the crown of the field.

Seeing death, touching death, resisting death, embracing death--

"After everything is done.

"You, you can awaken those eyes.

"The magic eye that looks straight into the death of all things." Knife



Chapter 110: The link that holds everything together. (2/5, please subscribe)

Chapter 110: The Bond That Holds Everything

Countless deaths.

There are countless deaths in sight

Giving up the resistance of the body, feeling the energy of the body being gradually pulled away,

Body temperature begins to drop.

Breathing becomes difficult.

Even with a physique that is more terrifying than the phantom species, it is like a corpse lying here, experiencing the feeling of being gradually decomposed by microorganisms,

Kotomine Kirei began to feel like a creature like an African elephant or a blue whale.

Experience how normal animals are treated after death.

His body had to be soaked in water, the back was a "corpse" that was being corroded by living microorganisms, but the front passed through the gate of Hades, witnessing Hades from the side of the living

Countless "deaths".

the body is dying,

The spirit is witnessing death.

The world seems to be speeding up, losing the meaning of time.

The concepts of life and death gradually blurred in his mind, but gradually became clearer

"Two instruments.

He seemed to suddenly understand why the Liangyi family advocated that the birth body can accommodate multiple successors,

Divide "[-]" and don't understand Yin and Yang.

Experience men and women separately.

Perceive life and death separately

When the Liangyizhi floats to the surface, the Liangyi is the dead

When the two ceremonies surfaced on the surface of the water, the two rituals were the dead.

And one day, Liang Yizhi died completely, leaving only the living who had understood the dead countless times and could witness death with his own eyes

Her name is Two Rites.

"What is death, do you understand? Kotomine Kirei.

"No idea.

"Death is just death, the end of everything, the end of everything.

When the old man on the mountain picked him up from the water, Kotomine Kirei's eyes were already flickering with a faint blue light

"All I can feel is the fragility of life."

"And, the technology that speeds up their rupture.

"Exactly. Death has no meaning, it is life that gives meaning to death.

The old man of the mountain nodded, took advantage of the situation and placed Kotomine Kirei's body in a pitch-black coffin, and then continued:

"Visible death, you have seen.

"Next, let's experience death without sound and without pictures.

"It's like a snake sheds its skin and a caterpillar breaks into a butterfly.

"Animals, insects, plants, human beings, all species that build the world, and the process of extinction of all things, use your spirit to remember.

"If you can't return, you won't be able to break yourself, you won't be able to understand "death", and you won't be able to "rebirth".

"The moment you broke through this coffin again-

"The world of Kotomine Kirei will be completely unfolded to you.

wordless darkness

In the dark without light,

It's as if the body doesn't feel the reality of touching something

Rather, does the body seem to be floating? Or does it seem to be unable to feel the weight of the body at all?

Perception is blurred.but the keenness of the guide

Can clearly capture the concept of time passing by every second, but can't help denying whether his perception of time is correct

"I broke through the infinite darkness, but I was able to hear the voice from the Lord——

"Yanfeng, gift, you who have no faith now, can you correctly recognize yourself and understand what your honest faith is?

The old man on the mountain quietly sat cross-legged in front of the coffin, waiting for the moment when the man walked out of the coffin.

He trusts so much.

If anyone else in this world can complete this kind of trial.

It must be this man.

Yanfeng's ceremony symbolizes "change", symbolizes "hope", symbolizes "maintenance", and symbolizes the existence of "group"

"Let me see your "Light", savior of humanity, savior of human history!

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