forget the concept of time

Cow went to space concept.

Only the memory is constantly circulating.

When a name is put on the lips and repeated ten times, it will feel very clear. If it is repeated thousands of times, it will probably become a strange noun.

I have experienced death in which the temperature of the body is gradually drawn away.

But now, they are feeling the arrival of another kind of death.

is the death of memory.

"Kotomine", "Priest", "Bond"

""Yan Feng Li",

""Singularity", "Kyoshishu", "Majin", "Master"-

Vocabulary turned into nouns gradually blurred the original understanding, memory began to become objective data, and the soul gradually emptied itself

These are the materials that have been carefully constructed called "Yofeng and "Yotofeng Lianli! Individuals"

Does it have any relationship with him?

""who am I?

In an empty world, the most ridiculous questions are born.

"What is 'I' doing?

"Here! Where is it?

Doubts began to emerge one after another, as if to overwrite all past records, endless questions began to be born


I don't know when it started, a voice suddenly answered his doubts.

"You are the best friend of the poor monk, Lord Yanfeng.

A sinister voice answered his query.

"Who are you?

"The poor monk is Daoman, Ashiya Daoman.


"Yes. The poor monk is your friend, although it is more like a bad friend who uses each other.

"Then why am I here?

"Because you forgot the way back.

A heroic voice answered his inquiry.

"and who are you?

"Artoria. Artoria Pendrake. I am your sword

As if a ray of light began to appear in front of his eyes, he could see an illusory girl standing in front of him and stretching out her hand to him

She is smiling.

Behind her, the onmyoji, who seemed to have barely managed to catch a ray of light to paint, also extended his hand to him with a smile.

"Come on, my friend.

"Come back! Yu's guest general! Yu is Iskandar! You are Yu's guest general.

The heroic man is shouting

"If you have this place, it will be quite troublesome later, so please stand up. By the way, I am Weber Velvet.

"Qiji, the belt is about to be ready, Ai Ge and Karen will be here waiting for your return.

"It's not yet time to lead you to the Hall of Valor, so please go back and give the gift. As a Valkyrie, I hereby deny your qualification to step into the upper echelons.

"Master Yanfeng

"Senior Kirei-

"Father Sang

"Mr. Yan

"Fall the Lord

Calling the individual "Kotomine" one by one, the voice of the individual who was reincarnated as "Kotomine Kirei" is forming "him".

"Greetings, it's time to come back.

A woman named Artoria smiled and grabbed his hand, and his right hand was grabbed by a blonde long-haired beauty who had the same face as Arturia.

"Liya, robbing men is not something you should do.

"Mine his sword, he is my craftsman.

"It's not the sword's turn to come on stage at this time, step back, I'm his wife.

Oh? I can't pretend that I didn't hear such words, Mr. Morgan.

A young woman with short silver hair stepped over the two of them, hugging "him" very naturally.

"I'm Claudia.

"Claudia Ortonia.

"Longing for you, someone who can have feelings.

"'Li, it was you who dragged me back from hell.

"This time, it's my turn

"It's our turn.

"to wake you up

In the empty world, the darkness has dissipated slightly, and every existence who calls him "Yanfeng'li" is slightly illuminating the darkness,

2.2 Although it cannot illuminate the whole world

But enough.

To illuminate a man named Kotomine Kirei.

"The bond is the light--

"Light will be a bond--

"Keep it all--

All the light began to merge into Kotomine Kirei's body, the most original "reason" began to wake up in his spiritual body, and the man named Kotomine Yuri began to transform

"Wake up!"

Until a certain moment, when a deep voice sounded from outside the coffin, Yanfeng Lianli, who had completed the transformation, opened his eyes, and he pushed away the lacquered coffin boards that were close at hand.

He saw the old man sitting quietly outside the coffin.

"I am back

After pondering for a while, the man spoke softly again


The old man on the mountain was silent for a moment, and after a while, his still rigid voice rose slowly.

"Welcome back.

"My, disciple.

Bond Relationship Master-Apprentice (Hassan Sabah)

[ps: There are too many people who worship the old woman as a teacher, so I choose the old man! ]

Chapter 111: Starting today, I will ring the bell. (3/5, please subscribe

Chapter 111: From today onwards, I will ring the bell

The bond between master and apprentice (Hassan Sabah

Rank1: Assassin (4)

Rank2: Strong (2- [Arash], [Wang Hassan])

Rank3: Fencing Genius (3)

Rank4: Infinite Martial Arts (2- [Lancelot], [Wang Hassan])

Rank 5: Hassan above Hassan-Hassan is an assassin who has tempered the assassination technique to the peak of a period, and only the assassin who is above Hassan is eligible for the title, and Hassan above Hassan is beheaded

Hassan, the strongest Hassan who commands Hassan.You have the ability to summon Hassan of all ages to fight for you.

Rank6: Evening Bell - He is the one who can hear the revelation from the sky and ring the death knell to the enlightener of the sky.You can specify a target to determine whether to ring its bell, if

When the evening bell rings, the target can be dragged into the "Bell Tower Barrier" and judged by you alone.

Rank7: Crowned Assassin - the strongest assassin in human history, he reached the top of the crowned existence only by relying on his assassination technique, his assassination technique is no longer only for real existence

things, but together with the "concept" has the ability to assassinate it.You can more intuitively observe the things that can be assassinated, including the concept of existence, you can capture the damage to them

possible assassination.

Rank 8: Skill of Death - The supreme magic eye that has been awakened after witnessing countless deaths, but now he has long since abandoned his eyes, and no longer needs to witness a specific dead point or line, any attack

There is a certain chance to kill the target's "survival state! Kill. Any of your attacks is to trigger the "death!" effect. According to your understanding of "death of all things", "death"

The higher the upper limit effect, if you can't understand the "death" of the opponent, you can't "kill" it

Special bond: lv8

Consummation: You have received a special reward. Based on your master-student relationship with the bonder, your killing intent begins to change, and a strange fluctuation begins in your killing intent

Birth, you call it "the wave of killing intent".

The wave of killing intent, is that thing in Street Fighter?

The trial of death is over

Kotomine Kirei directly obtained the bond of the Old Man of the Mountain at the Perfect level, and in the eyes of this old man, he may be the only disciple who can inherit everything he has now.

It is not surprising to directly fill up the rank value of the fetters.

A person with weaker feelings.

When encountering enough to develop feelings, usually the feelings will appear extreme.

I got the "wave of killing intent" from the Street Fighter series in the completion reward, but after going through the trial of death, the newly born "wave of killing intent" can't affect the words at all.

peak to gift, inner emotions

"The fluctuation of killing intent has reached the limit, and he can even wrestle with a guy like King Asura head-on.

From the fetters of consummation, there is also a flash of inspiration, that is the evil ghost who has given up all human emotions and is fighting King Asura in outer space

"Planet-level combat capabilities

If it's just the fluctuation of killing intent in Street Fighter's worldview, Kotomine Kirei thinks it's dispensable, but if it's the "fluctuation of killing intent" in Asura's Wrath, you can release it at will

The wave punches that go out are comparable to the qigong waves used by Super Saiyans, and the ultimate mystery of instant prison killing can even reach a level not inferior to Kaiwangquan.

"If it reaches that height, it will also be eroded by killing intent, and it will completely turn into a monster that only pursues killing.

"This power is very powerful, but if you can't control it, you can only kill it at that time.

No matter what ability, nothing can surpass his individual will. Kotomine Kirei pursues power, but he doesn't think that power is a pursuit that should be abandoned in life.

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