The moment Kotomine Kirei came to his conclusion, that El-Melloi II's expression became extremely gloomy, "Evil way, this guy is no different from Matou Zouken.

"No, it's dirtier than Matou Zouken!

"But his ambition has never changed." Kotomine Kirei suddenly sneered, "Sometimes he finds it funny, like Darius and Matou Zouken, who initially wanted to obtain immortality

Most of the reasons are to have more time to think about how to complete the relief to others.

"Matou Zouken tries to cut off all human evil.

"Darius tried to redeem the sins of mankind, and analyzed Pandora's box, so that Pandora's mission came to an end and she could sleep peacefully.

"but in the end

"They have all forgotten their original purpose.

Hurting more people in order to save others.

"That's nothing but refined self-gratification.

Roman clenched his fists, his expression full of incomprehension. In terms of identity, he used to be a magician named Solomon, the ancestor of all magicians after the Western calendar, and he himself

The appearance of such evil ways among the successors of his descendants even increased his self-loathing a lot.

ask for flowers

Ever since the incineration of humanity was due to the fact that he indulged those demon gods in "Getia", his heart was filled with the sense of guilt for slaughtering countless creatures, and this sense of guilt gradually

Evolved into a now habitual self-loathing.

"Everyone pays for their choices

"You don't have to add his faults to yourself.

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's pointed words, Roman couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly, Kotomine Kirei shook his head slightly, "I said, I know a lot of things, including that

"Although you have to bear a lot of responsibility for that matter, this matter has nothing to do with you after all.

Roman closed his eyes, bit his lips, and after a long time, he spoke again, "I understand, Kirei. Regarding this young lady's treatment plan, we already have some plans

"Well, then I'll leave it to you.

With a large number of experts like Chaldea, Kotomine Kirei doesn't intend to take out his third-rate spiritual body healing magic to embarrass himself

left the infirmary.

Yan Fengli ran to the kitchen again, found the "Grand Lady" who was working hard to prepare dinner inside, smiled and moved to the side of the "Lady", and then spoke

"Shirou, I went to a parallel world today and met you in the parallel world.


The somewhat dark-skinned young man raised his head slightly, and glanced at Kotomine Kirei, who was now extremely aged, even a few years younger than him in appearance.

Over there, am I still clinging to that stupid sense of justice?The twisted justice inherited from Qie Nao.

Oh no.He gave up Kiritsugu's justice, chose to protect only his only family, and is now working hard to save his only family.

Emiya Shiro paused slightly when he heard this, the arm holding the spatula paused, and for a moment, a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth.


"You told me this, probably because you intend to let me go to that parallel world with you to do something.

"Go and teach that kid. He is about to break into the Holy Grail War. You should know the hardships of a young man with no magic education breaking into the Holy Grail War."

After all, you just want me to be a babysitter.

He shook his head slightly, and after a moment of silence, he laughed again.

"However, let's treat it as a long-lost walk." Dao

Chapter 119: Hello seaweed head, goodbye seaweed head. (2/4, please subscribe

Chapter 119: Hello seaweed head, goodbye seaweed head.

"This is the teacher I found for you temporarily.

In the dojo of the Emiya Family, Kotomine Yuri introduced the man who used the code name for picking ears and stealing bells to Emiya Shiro

"Just call him Archer.

"Yes. Please advise, Mr. Archer.

The young man in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling. When he heard that he was about to become his teacher, a strange sense of resistance emerged in his heart, as well as a subtle feeling of being so fat.

"Hmph. If you can keep up.

Staring at his young self, Archer subconsciously put on a bad face, as if no matter when he faced his young self, he couldn't let his mentality change.

calm down.

"Senior. Are there any guests?"

Just when the two were about to start training, a voice from outside the dojo made Archer's body stiffen unconsciously, and Kotomine Kirei looked at "Nine Four Seven" with a half-smile.

He glanced at the bow soldier who seemed to have a stress response.

The door of the dojo was slightly pushed open, and a head of beautiful purple hair came into the sight of everyone in the dojo. Immediately, the girl raised her head slightly, revealing that gentle and pleasant face

"Senior, who are these two?"

"I'm his distant uncle."

Kotomine Kirei pointed at Emiya Shirou, smiled and said, "I have some friendship with his late adoptive father, this time I came to see how he is doing.

Uncle, uncle?You look quite young. '

"It's true that young people are pleasant to speak, but I'm already 28 this year.

"I can't see it at all. What about the other one?"

Archer was silent for a while, and then a word popped out of his mouth, "Cousin.

"I'm his cousin.

"My name is Emiya, too.

"Senior, do you still have uncles and cousins? Have you two eaten dinner? Is there any taboo? I'm going to start cooking now.

Seeing the darkening expression on Archer's face, Kotomine Kirei actually wanted to laugh in his heart, the daily life that Matou Sakura participated in was actually his daily life when he was young

It's just that now, after he has long lost those precious pasts, seeing Matou Sakura again now, he feels somewhat unbalanced in his heart.

"Let the brothers have a good chat, little girl over there, you haven't introduced yourself yet.

Sorry, sorry.I'm Sakura Matou, senior's junior at school.

"Sister. I really hope that all the girls are as well-behaved as you, Sakura! That kind of thing that often likes to tear down the house is like destroying my beautiful imagination of the girls.

"Does uncle also have a good school girl?

Putting on indoor shoes, Kotomine Kirei took Matou Sakura and left the dojo, leaving Emiya Shirou and Archer exchanging feelings in the dojo.

After closing the door of the dojo, Matou Sakura suddenly stopped outside the dojo, staring at Kotomine Kirei, Xiuran said:

"Uncle, you are not an ordinary person.

"It's very sharp.

Seeing the gradually vigilant expression of this gentle and pleasant little guy, Kotomine Kirei laughed again, "Don't worry, I'm here to help you.

"Who are you?

"I used to be comrades-in-arms with Emiya Kiritsugu. There is no intention of lying about this matter. In addition, in fact, my relationship with you should also be regarded as very close. After all, your former father

But my teacher.

father, father?

Far field Tokiomi?

Matou Sakura's eyes flashed complicated emotions for a moment, he looked at the man who claimed to be his father's student, "He has been away from Fuyuki for so long, now let you come back

Are you still planning to give up on that?

"I'm not very interested in the Holy Grail War anymore.

Kotomine waved his hands at the end of the ceremony. After participating in the Holy Grail War many times, I always feel a little disgusted.

"It's you little guys who don't have much self-protection ability, which makes people a little worried, so I specially found someone to give that kid special training

Special training?Wait, do you mean that the senior wants to

Subconsciously, Jian Xiangying seemed to be planning to return to the dojo, and wanted to ask that person what happened.

"A man's determined action, don't try to stop it.

"Otherwise, if you let him make a choice that he regrets for the rest of his life, he will really hate you for the rest of his life.

The senior standing in the dojo, Matou Sakura fell into hesitation, Kotomine Kirei walked into the Emiya residence, waited for about 2 minutes, Matou Sakura also walked in.

Standing in front of Yan Feng'li, she bowed deeply after a while, "I will trouble you for the matter of senior.

"Got it?

"If senior can let go of Miyu-chan's affairs, I'm afraid I won't be senior.

There was a slight smile mixed with sadness on the girl's face, Kotomine Kirei smiled, just like in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, everyone knows that President Kaiba's Gaika monster is

What is normal, probably in the Xingyue world, everyone knows that Shirou Emiya is a fool who will not hesitate to choose to sacrifice himself for justice, right?

"Now that you know the answer, let's cook honestly. If this meal doesn't satisfy me, I won't be responsible for the kid's safety.

"Yes! I will bring out my best dishes to satisfy you, Uncle!

Stepping on a slightly brisk pace, Matou Sakura took the apron with ease, and then ran to the kitchen to start preparing the dishes. Kotomine Kirei couldn't help sighing as she looked at other people's juniors.

Take a breath

"The juniors of other people's families will kindly wake up the seniors in the morning, maybe send a good morning kiss, and even prepare breakfast before the seniors wake up.

But what about your own home?

The king of children is good at demolishing houses, and he has to go to the house to unravel the tiles if he doesn't fight for a few days, and now he is bringing Mordred to make troubles everywhere at Dao's wife.

Sometimes Yanfeng'li was very afraid that when he went to Liyue again, what he heard was the news that the two idiots and the traveler were beheaded by the rice cooker Dao Wife

"It's not easy to provoke the seven rulers of the world in Tivat. Dao's wife's thunder general killed a demon god with his own hands. It's not easy for me to go to that country to find bad luck now."

"When Angelika's treatment is completed, I can get that new invitation card from different time and space. I hope to come to a world where my strength can be further improved.

Just when the two Emiya Shirou were exchanging feelings, and Matou Sakura was humming a relaxing tune in the kitchen and earnestly preparing the dishes, Kotomine got married and suddenly sensed the door of Emiya's house

An unexpected visitor came.

He put the good tangerine into his lips, and walked leisurely to the door of Wei Gong's house.

The door of the mansion, stretched out his hand in an instant and locked the throat of the visitor.

"I'm going to eat next, I don't really want to be affected by it, so can you please leave directly?

Looking at the gloomy seaweed head, Kotomine Yuri directly penetrated his body without hesitation, and took out the job card hidden deep in his body.

The moment the job card was taken out, the struggling youth with seaweed head stopped at the same time, turned into a doll, and fell limply in Kotomine Kirei's hands

"Assassin job card is the most useless thing for me.

"However, if you have a chance, you can study it for Ai Ge

He suddenly felt that he really wanted to hear that sound effect, that is, the sound of "Masked Control" from the belt.

[ps: I need to go out to deal with a little matter tonight, and I will write two updates later when I come back. 】

This book is collected by "The Poet" novel group 331941041

Chapter 120 : My heart and my deeds are as clear as a mirror! (3/4, please subscribe

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