Chapter 120 : My heart and my deeds are as clear as a mirror!

Sprinkle enough to be full.

even took a walk afterwards

Although it was a snowy night, the scattered snow particles falling on the body did not even feel much cold, just a little cool and comfortable,

After the meal, Matou Sakura quietly slipped a job card into Emiya Shirou's hand.

It was only then that Kotomine Kirei realized that if he wasn't at Emiya's house tonight, there was no guarantee that the girl Matou Sakura would be the same as before, and be wiped out by that scum in this snowy night.

Algal head kills.

"It was a good thing by accident?

But in fact, there is not much feeling. His character is an extreme ego type. Whether he is good or evil, it just conforms to his behavior philosophy, nothing more.

I will not be too complacent because of my good deeds, and I will not feel too much guilt because of my own evil deeds.

If you have to say something, stick to what you do, that is the justice he believes!

"Then let Emiya play with himself slowly.

Open the time-space channel 15, go back to Chaldea, and look at Angelika's situation. With the help of those magicians from ancient times and even the age of gods, Angelika's situation

It's actually not that difficult to solve.

After the mental state was lifted, everyone is now trying to restore her spirit body. After her spirit body is officially restored, Yan Fengjie reckons her special

It's time to start with the mission rewards.

as predicted.

By the next morning, Kotomine Kirei's system had a new invitation card, a random different time and space bond invitation card, which was basically the only thing he had when he went to the new world


"Kirei-san, the woman you kidnapped has woken up.

I brought some breakfast from Wanmintang back to the lake, and I don’t know if I smelled the fragrance, but Fujimaru Tatsuka rushed in early in the morning with the elementary school girl, and saw the steaming table on the table.

Delicate breakfast, immediately brightened eyes.

"Good things can't be enjoyed by one person alone! Senior Jiejie!


With his appetite, in fact, this amount is not enough to fill him up. Breakfast is just a habit for Yan Feng'li.

Get comfortable.

It doesn't matter if you share some profit and go out.

Sometimes there is really a kind of eating. When several people eat together, it feels more delicious.

After finishing breakfast, there was still some left over. Kotomine Kirei thought about it, and simply went to Manmin Hall to pack a few more, and took twenty or thirty exquisite breakfasts to the infirmary, and handed the breakfasts to

After seeing Weber who seemed to be a little swollen at the door.

Entering the interior of the infirmary, a beautiful blond woman appeared on a display screen before the cabin where Angelika's spirit was placed.

"Are you Kotomine-dono? Thank you for freeing my spirit from the curse of Darius.

Her speech seemed very steady, and she also seemed unhurried during the communication with Kotomine Kirei.

"I'm very interested in the magic tricks and job cards of the Ainsworth family, and it's mostly because of this reason that I saved you.

.Do you need the technology of Enxiao Wensi?It would be great if only that kind of thing could repay this kindness.

There was a slight pause in her voice, and Lu Ji said again:

"However, I still want to entrust you to save my brother.

"Julian, he should still continue to resist the erosion of Darius

"It's not a difficult commission. But I don't like doing it myself.

"You can ask for it, if I can satisfy it, I will do my best to satisfy you.

"Okay. Although I haven't figured out what to ask you to do, but this commission is based on your sincerity, so I accept it.

Darius Ainsworth.

Although as a magician, it is a very good existence.

But it is also limited to the field of magicians.

The reincarnation that lasted for thousands of years is just a simple accumulation of time and experience.

What's more, what is relying on now is still a young magician with less than ten magic circuits. Although the quality has been passed down from generation to generation, the quantity is determined by the sky.

Darius cannot make changes either.

"The system has used a random different time and space invitation card.

"Order accepted.

It will take some time for the invitation cards to be sent out. Naturally, Yan Fengli intends to take advantage of the current time to solve the situation of Ainsworth.

Discuss the space-time channel

Arrived at this dilapidated Fuyuki City again, the magic circuit buried in this city allows him to expand the range of perception crazily the moment he touches the ground

"Sure enough, the Holy Grail War has begun

Probably in a Xindu park near the school, Emiya Shiro possessed the future [self) through a dream summoning, incarnated as Archer, and was fighting with a spirit-displaced

Doll contestants fight.

"The convenience of Ainsworth's magic is very good, but this method of replacing the damaged personality into the doll as the core is still a bit evil.

Ignoring this Holy Grail War, Kotomine Kirei's ultimate goal was just the employment card system, and he went directly to Ainsworth's house.

Existence, after passing through the defensive area patrolled by a large number of puppets used by the Ainsworth family as patrol guardians.

Yan Feng broke into the upper level of the Zisworth Castle with a gift

A tightly sealed gate, with a height of about 15 to 25 meters, can be imagined as a rather large space inside.

Locking his eyes on the "quality" of the gate, Kotomine Kirei lightly swung his fist, smashing this huge steel gate made of magic alloy easily into 947-

After the person entered and exited the space, he stepped into the room.

As he imagined, the entrance looks like the bottom layer of a spiral staircase, and looking up, there are about twelve sections of spiral staircase, and each section has about 20 steps.

"" Up the palace!?

If you really step on this spiral staircase, you will probably be led to other spaces by displacement magic. The surrounding space is extremely unstable, which Kotomine Kirei can easily perceive

Each section of the spiral staircase corresponds to an unknown different space, just like the non-existent staircase in the urban ghost story.

"Lu Chang's magic is really interesting.

This level of misleading has no effect on Kotomine Kirei at all. He quickly climbed up to the top of the spiral staircase and pushed it away again.

There was a door.

This time, what came into view was a huge study room like a library

In the study room, there was a gloomy young man.

And a childish girl in a trance.

When the young man saw Yan Feng'li, the uninvited guest who broke into the study suddenly, a tyrannical emotion appeared between his brows.

"Your family seems to be... who are you?

"It's the same speech as your sister.

Yan Fengli used his wrist a little, dried his head, and said with a sneer

"It's just a passing assassin, remember it for me.

. )

Chapter 121: Yishu Lian----! (4/4, please subscribe)

Chapter 121: Righteousness "Shu Li Knife Temple ----!

Julian Ainsworth.

In other words, the boy called Giju Rian.

In fact, in essence, he is a young man with a fair personality, although his magic aptitude is so ordinary that it can even be called inferior.

But myself.

But it is the same as Emiya Shirou.

There is a young boy who is eager to sleep in his heart.

"Assassin? Is it a fantasy summoning? You are indeed covered with something like a spirit base, but--

Subconsciously, Julian planned to use displacement magic to remove the spirit foundation existing in the man in front of him, but,

When he was trying to prepare to spy on that spirit base, a man's extremely crazy roar suddenly came from the depths of his soul

"That spirit base! What exactly is it?! God, god? A real god? A complete god spirit?

"How is it possible? Why did the spiritual status of the gods appear here without warning? The job card can't touch the spiritual status to that level!"

In the depths of the soul, the man named Darius Sizeworth was roaring crazily.

Because he spied part of the scale and information of the crown spirit base, he was hit by a huge amount of information from the crown system almost instantly, and his spirit was almost directly crushed by a large number of people.

Information is scattered.

"Crown position? The seven knights of the crown position at the top of the vertical follower? This system

Darius Enxiaowensi's spirit was trembling, and he hadn't fully recovered from the huge amount of information shock, but he understood. The person in front of Julian who claimed to be passing by

The assassin's man was by no means a target he and Julian could fight.


The scolding voice, like a spirit of speech, was transmitted to Julian's voice, which originated from the meme infection left by generations, and Julian didn't even have any power to resist.

Use the space-displacing magic to escape from here.


The dull bell began to ring continuously in Darius' ears. He looked around and found that he was no longer in the deep area of ​​Julian's spirit at this moment, but there was no sign at all.

Appeared on a sand dune under dusk.

"where is this place?

The sense of fear in Darius' heart began to amplify infinitely, and a tremor originating from the depths of his soul made him howl in extreme anxiety, as if he heard footsteps.

No one can be seen, but footsteps can be heard, as if accompanied by the rhythm of the bell.

"The evening bell has revealed your name-

"Darius Ainsworth.

When the man's low voice fell in his ears, pure self-colored wings began to fall from the sky, and the moment his eyes were attracted uncontrollably

"Heaven has appointed thy crime-

"I will take away your "life"

The moment the voice sounded nearby, an arm pierced through his chest fiercely without warning.

""Angel of Death"-

To deal with a magician who has survived for nearly a thousand years, Kotomine Kirei chose the most conservative and rude solution without any hesitation, which originated from the spirit base of his teacher.

The treasures stored in it.

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