Although he made an attack in the end, the Noble Phantasm itself is an inherent barrier that pulls the target into the space of the bell tower.

its name is,

-- "The Evening Bell of Destiny".

As long as he is within this inherent barrier, Darius will be beheaded here one by one no matter what trump card he has to survive.

"Spiritual persistence, erasure--

"Magic is corrosive, obliterating a

"Seek stubs, obliterate--

One blow after another, after obliterating the various concepts in Darius one by one, when Yanfeng'li's last blow completely destroyed all his possibilities, the

The magician's eyes have completely lost all color

"Ash to dust-

"Earth to earth-

Muttering softly, Kotomine Yuri shattered the spiritual body of this magician who had survived for thousands of years with one kick, causing him to completely perish in this world.

When Kotomine Kirei opened his eyes again and returned to reality, Julian had already clearly felt that the part of himself that did not belong to him was like melting snow in winter

Dissolved quickly.

what have you done?

Julian took off his glasses, although his expression was still gloomy, his words were a little softer.

"The curse that haunted your family for millennia is gone.

"Julian Ainsworth, if you have acted contrary to the destiny, the evening bell will reveal your name.

Yan Fengli's indifferent voice came to his ears, and that uncharacteristic gesture seemed to read the destiny, which made Julian feel an indescribable sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.

The influence of the teacher's spirit foundation still exists.

Seeing Julian's terrified expression, Yan Feng'li also gradually woke up from the mental state just like the arbiter of destiny. He is a person who longs for power, but he will never allow

Dominated by power.

"It is necessary to slowly absorb the spirit foundation of his old man, and at the same time limit the upper limit of the Noble Phantasm's power.

"I killed many concepts just now, and my understanding of death has actually surpassed the upper limit of my own understanding.

Analyzing the situation he encountered very clearly in his mind, Kotomine Kirei exhaled slightly, and immediately stared deeply at Julian and the little girl with blank eyes.

"Your sister Angelica has entrusted me with freeing you from Anzworth's fate.

The fate of Ainsworth?

Julian was taken aback for a moment, but after being silent for a while, he shook his head firmly, ",/Anzworth's fate is not over yet.

"Until Elijah is completely freed from the curse of the gods, Ainsworth's fate cannot come to an end.

A clay puppet of disaster?That kind of dangerous thing will only cause a lot of trouble in today's time and space, and I will bring her to a safe time and space.

"Can that eradicate the 6000-year evil stored in Erika's body? Impossible.

His attitude is still firm, he tried his best to restrain his fear, and then said word by word

"6000 years of malice. That's farther back than the known history of man

"Erica will end with my own hands.

Hearing this sentence, Yanfeng Jieli narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a while, he suddenly showed a strange smile.

"Arie Garszworth, it's up to you to finish it yourself, isn't that what you said?

"Then this is the penalty for arguing with me.

"This wish comes from me

"cut off!

"Yoshiki Riro! Did you know that the Greek gods are actually the God of Mechanics (Nomacho) from an alien planet? Did you know that in the distant age of the gods, there were

Was this planet confronting the Greek gods and destroying most of the organisms of their twelve main gods? Why did Darius Ainsworth and the clay puppets of Calamity use several

Thousands of years can't open the magic box? Why is the most precious hope bestowed by Athena in the magic box suppressed at the bottom of the evil in the world?

"Answer, only one"

"Because, Pandora's magic box is simply a scam of the Greek gods! In the depths of the magic box, the things hidden

"Stop talking!

"Perhaps it is the mechanical body of the Greek gods!

"The day when the magic box is released may mean that the machine gods will wake up from the magic box again and bring people "hope". This "hope" is called "God".

(ps: take a bite of Pandora's box, there is a machine-god in pan-human history, and the body of the machine-god still exists in the pan-human history. The last time the milk satellite landed was Hijikata Toshizo and the old sword

Chapter 122: Emiya, sit down! (1/5, please subscribe

Chapter 122 : Emiya, sit down!

"The body of the machine god? Is it impossible that you want to say that the malice that even overflows the box is the lubricant or maintenance fluid of those machine gods?"

Pandora's Box He's already seen it with his own eyes

The maliciousness that overflows the upper limit of the magic box is almost comparable to the maliciousness of human civilization

"Man and God are one. The reason why the Greek gods abandoned the body of the machine god is also because of human beings' good expectations and respect for the robes.

"But as a god, I also clearly symbolize the negative malice of human beings, and it is not without meaning.

.God?you?That's why you descended from Longge, a real god!Are you someone from Greek mythology? ! "

Julian's eyes were close to madness, he couldn't accept Kotomine Kirei's declaration just now.

But in reality, Kotomine Kirei was sneering in his heart.

Magical girl Illya's story about the Greek gods showed the body of the Mech God as early as the beginning. Although many Mech Gods in the Lost Belt were patched in the later period, but Mo Yi

Under the world view, the Age of Gods Greece must be the same as the pan-human history, and there is a world line of Mechanism.

He couldn't actually prove that the inside of Pandora's Box was Mekhan's body, but

Who can deny his statement?

Of course, the most important thing is to recover Pandora's Box.

It’s not that the magical girl Yi 947 Liya doesn’t have a linkage plot. The Emiya’s family is full of heroes. This sentence is not a joke.

Go up to the Wei Palace and make trouble.

Down to Emiya Miyu and Eliasviel

The ultimate destination of this family is Chaldea. If the Magic King notices this world, he will get Pandora's Box.

the created monster

I'm afraid it's not comparable to the original level of "Lu" like Tiamat.

"So. Are you representing the gods to recover female Li Jia?

Julian gradually understood everything, he was silent for a long time, and finally sighed slightly.

"Maybe it's a good idea to fuck her.

Emiya Shirou didn't know how to describe his current mood

Prepared mentally for the Holy Grail War.

Through the employment card, I discovered that the man who taught me to fight turned out to be my future self.

Thinking that she must never lose to that person, and absolutely must rescue Miyu.

Without hesitation, he continued to break into various battlefields to fight.

At the end of the battle.

Finally broke through all obstacles and entered Ainsworth's castle.

What came into view was his sister sitting obediently at the dining table eating, and Yan Feng Kirei was also sitting there, smiling and raising his hand to him

It is absolutely different from the imagined picture.

"Young man, you have finally defeated all the front enemies and reached the final level!

"Congratulations, I am your final boss, surprise?

The man introduced himself in this way, and the vile smile with the corners of his mouth slightly raised made Emiya Shirou suffer from indescribable pressure both physically and mentally.

Fatigue hit like a tide, the dream summoning spirit foundation covering his body dissipated, and then he fell unconscious.

When you wake up again.

He saw the same student who had spent three years in school with him.

In particular, there are very few students in the school. It is blunt to say that Emiya Shirou's youth was spent with Yoshiki Rian.


Emiya Shiro sat up suddenly, then stood up immediately, and walked step by step in front of Yoshiki Rian, staring at the man whom he once regarded as a friend

"Miyu her

"I was rescued by that man in advance, don't you already know about this?"

Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, and Yoshiki Riku also looked at the young man in front of him whom he once recognized as a friend, and was silent for a while before opening his mouth and saying

"Weimiya, sit down.

Seeing Lu Xian's empty eyes, Emiya Shirou was also silent for a while, and finally chose to sit down.

"That year, it should be said that it was five years ago, the large-scale gas leak reported in the news accident actually originated from the conflict of the Holy Grail War and affected the entire Fuyuki

City, you and that man Emiya Kiritsugu took away the Kamikoko of the Sakuzuki family when the vicious incident that caused the death of tens of thousands of people, right?

"She was originally a wishing machine used to respond to people's wishes, or a god before the age of seven. If it can be used well (bfcc), it will definitely be able to save some things

But when I searched for the past, she disappeared

It's noisy.

Thinking of the number of people killed and injured in that accident, Emiya Shiro closed his lips, unable to say a word

"On that day, Angelika's sister and father both died.

"The spirit of Darius began to transfer to me with the death of both of them

"According to his guidance, I couldn't wait to find the existence of Shenzhizi, and then she disappeared.

Stared by those empty eyes, Shirou Emiya couldn't even say any rebuttal words, his heart seemed to be tightly held, and the indescribable pressure hit him

the spirit of.


On that day, he and Kiritsugu took Kamikoko away.

Moreover, in order to prevent Kamyoko's power from being used arbitrarily again, Kiritsugu even used magic.

'Hey, Emiya, tell me why, sister Beatriz and Angelica, my family members died so without warning, even the only hope to save them

Hope, and was cut off for no reason?

"I tried my best to retain their remnants, but it was just a broken personality that was barely implanted, and my father was even more dilapidated.

"Beatrice asked me crying, why did it become like this?

"Sister Angelika didn't smile anymore, as if she had forgotten other expressions.

"And myself, in this icy castle, endured the erosion of Darius, and worked desperately for Elija's despair that could barely see the future.

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