"Moreover, the god himself will be like a mark, locked by the final boss, even if he escapes to the universe, he may be hunted down relentlessly.

Is it such a troublesome thing?

After the Roman emperor heard the hidden dangers of becoming a god, he nodded slightly, "If this kind of power full of side effects is added to the rest of the body, it will make the

Her beauty is stained with countless flaws.

"Don't worry. I will compensate you and her. Since this child has the courage to escape from the bottom of the well, I will also give her the opportunity to touch the higher sky.

"Hmm! That's great! Although I can't remember your existence in my memory, Yu faintly feels that there should be some kind of fetter relationship with you, so I will believe you and get married.

present.After Erica woke up, he told her that Yu would present a grand song and dance party for her gorgeous performance, so that she could fully experience Yu's beautiful voice.

Ah this

Yan Feng took a sharp breath, this reward

Before he had time to say anything else, the consciousness of the Roman emperor had re-drilled into the job card, and it took a while for her to recover before she could reappear.

I'm sorry for you, Erica.

Slightly smashing his tongue, Kotomine Kirei boxed the fallen Italian girl with space control magic, then injected air into the box, and returned to the seaside of Sardinia

in the villa.

Seeing Kotomine Kirei's return, the goddess who had returned to her little girl's form raised her eyebrows slightly, "Have Mekar and Veleslana been resolved yet?

"Yeah. This girl is not bad either. She delayed Mekal for half an hour by herself, and finally defeated the god king. Although she has the influence of the Roman region bonus, she is also a

Very nice material.

"Then leave it to the concubine to educate. If it is a talent that can be made, it might not be possible to become one of the fighters trained by the concubine in the future.

Warrior under Athena.

A pure golden mythical dress.

good guy.

"What do you think of being called a Saint?

"The reason?

"It will be easier to explode. For example, shouting "for Athena" and the like, and then suddenly the small universe explodes

"Even after the opponent is defeated, you can still say "Erica, don't you still have life to burn?".

"Kirei. Are you talking about Athena from other worlds?

/That's right, it's a purple-haired woman.

"If we can meet "Athena" from other worlds in the future, maybe the "spirituality" that can devour them will further evolve.

"An 'Athena' from another world?

After Kotomine Kirei thought for a while, he suddenly thought of Athena on the Xingyue film set. Of course, he was referring to the machine god Athena

Is it possible that the "Last Hope" put into the "Pandora's Box" by Athena is "Athena's Mechanic Body"?

If the straight one is the body of Athena.

Maybe, you can really give it to Athena in this world to try

However, first we have to deal with the accumulation of "maliciousness" in "Pandora's Box"

"A god who purifies evil?"

After Athena thought for a while, she said frankly, "To purify the world of malice, most of them gather in the mythology system of the Asian basin. Shintoism in Japan, the legend of Immortals and Buddhas in Japan

say wait--

"Among them, Bodhisattvas such as "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (King Nuo's)" and "Avalokitesvara" all specialize in purifying malice.

"However, as you said, there is that ferocious female leader in ** now. If you want to compete with her on that land, you will definitely have to face the pressure from Luo Hao.

"So. The most suitable is Shintoism, and among them, Izanaki has the legend of washing away the filth and the evil of the underworld. If it comes to the legend of purifying malice... this

An "Ivano Zun" is undoubtedly the most suitable target.

"Even, sleeves can give birth to the "Three Noble Sons" again from malice and filth.If you get this kind of spiritual status, as Kirei said, "the accumulated malicious cleansing j

It seems that Ping can also have miraculous effects.

"To sum up, do you want to see my child die?

"You always look at things from such a tricky angle, Kirei.

"Want to or don't?


Ips: There is another update coming soon, it should be resolved before a little bit. ]

This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures. )

Chapter 137 : I plan to catch a Susano to be my holy son-in-law. (5/5, please subscribe

Chapter 137 : I plan to catch a Susano to be my son-in-law.

Servant summoning requires the use of something that has a relationship with the Servant as a puller.

People usually call it a holy relic.

of course.

There are also some people who don't need holy relics, and can summon servants who have relationships by themselves

Such a person is often called

"Holy legacy]

"Take Susakuman as a sacrifice? Don't tell me you forgot to give the gift, but Susano was expelled from the land by Izanagi himself?

"Most fathers prefer the youngest son, and it is normal for the youngest son to be angry if he does not meet the expected standards.

"Actually, you just want to hunt down that Susano Kok?"

"When I went to the magic association of the Seven Sisters in Italy, all the information about me and you was leaked by the Japanese group.

Kotomine Kirei is not a very magnanimous person, those people spread information about himself and Athena throughout the industry, the typical action is to give him eye drops

In that case.

It is necessary to have a good talk with them about how to cultivate the trust induction 960 between people

"I see. Is it revenge? I can understand your anger, but why are you focusing on that so-called Su Xiaoming?"

"That Susanoo claims to be a graduate of the God of Disobedience, and lives in seclusion in the secluded world. In fact, the current four families in Kyoto are all controlled by sleeves behind the scenes, and the matter of monkeys has escaped.

Don't open this old boy's calculations.

"So, you think it's the sleeve who deliberately leaked our information and plans to repay the sleeve, right?

"how do you feel?

"The concubine feels that she can bring a dark night to Kyoto.

The corners of the goddess's lips raised slightly, and she seemed a little unbearable to be offended by Kotomine Kirei so directly.

"Besides, I also feel that I can't pretend that I didn't hear this crazy talk about claiming to be a graduate.

After leaving Italy again, the Seven Italian Sisters had deduced from the situation at the scene that the imperial body should have killed two more Gods of Disobedience.

When they learned that they were going to Japan again, they chose to hide the news very rationally.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

(bfcc) That Yushen does not seem to be a very generous type. Once he is offended, if he is swept away again, the peace that Southern Europe has finally ushered in will be ruined again.

Fighting wits and bravery with the old Nordic wolf these years, they all feel that their lives are a bit short, and they have to deal with the habitual thieves and eccentricities of the Black Prince, who calls himself an archaeologist.

They often like to steal some secret treasures in Europe without them "noticing".

Moreover, he seems to regard this behavior as a kind of interest, and he often complains complacently that the magicians of the Seven Sisters have dealt too much with these demon kings with flawed personalities

After that, there have been many calm experiences.

A demon king with a personality like Kotomine Kirei, as long as he is allowed to act and does not announce what he has done, this guy will ignore them

Isn't it good to live a small life of one-acre and three-thirds of the field?


Under such silence, when Kotomine Kirei and Athena broke into Japan again, the members of the Official History Compilation Committee suffered another attack without warning.

Then came the attack from Kotomine Kirei, a 'god wiper' who didn't talk about martial arts.

After firmly coercing the direct heirs of the magician and conjurer families in Kyoto, and snatching the information of the "Universe" from their memories, Kotomine made a wedding ceremony.

Without hesitation, he broke into Qingqiuyuan's house.

"My king! Please calm down.

The goddess of the Qingqiu family knelt down in front of the demon king and begged humbly, "Please forgive us for our sins.

"The reason?

Kotomine Kirei stared coldly at the girl named Kiyoshuin Ena, and said with a very flat expression, "The act of announcing the information about me and Athena to the entire industry."

Don't you think that you can simply expose it by saying "please calm down"?

I am willing to pay compensation!King.

"Okay, let's talk first.

Kiyoshuin Ena remained silent, took out a "sealed divine sword" from the altar beside him, and handed it to Kotomine Kirei

"You don't need to use this kind of trash to perfuse me. It's just 'Tian Congyun', and in essence it's just a subordinate god of the arrogant person who claims to be a graduate.

do it.What exactly do you want?

"Summon for me the Ikino Zun who I don't follow!

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's request, Kiyoshuin Ena's expression became extremely complicated. The imperial body's request was undoubtedly telling her that she would summon the one who did not follow, Ikino

, and then seize its power.

"Listen, this is an ultimatum. If you can't let me see Ijie Nuozun who refuses to follow, I will directly rush into the underworld and decapitate that guy!

"As for the guy I'm talking about, you should know who it is.

Such a tough attitude.

King of sweet gods.

Are they all such arrogant and tough guys?No wonder it is called the Demon King.

Qing Qiuyuan Ena, as a goddess favored by the god of disobedience in the secluded world, has served by the side of the god of disobedience all year round, and can even borrow "heaven of disobedience"

Congyun's divine power.

She is the one who best understands the power of the gods.

At the same time, I also secretly tested how arrogant those who hide the gods will be after possessing such powers

But after experiencing this arrogant attitude, Qingqiu Yuan Huina found that she didn't have the confidence to raise her head in front of this Lord of the Glaze God at all.

The treasured sword that she regards as half of her body is regarded as scrap iron by the other party.

"Your request, Ena will pass it on to Grandpa as soon as possible.

"Within three hours, I need to hear a response.

The goddess of Seishuin left the ordinary world and went to the secluded world. After meeting the Susanoo, she reported Kotomine Kirei's request

After the Susano heard the words, he didn't mean to get angry, but responded with a smile:

"Ena. Do you know why grandpa was able to exist in this world until now after he appeared in the Heian era?

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