Please indicate clearly.

"Because I know enough. When to put on airs and when to be soft.

"what do you mean?"

"Not to mention my father, even if the devil wants to recruit my elder brother and sister Yu, it doesn't matter. If he wants, I can even recruit them one by one for him.

The mother in the book is a little hard to call.

After finishing speaking, the Susano stood up slowly, and said to Qingqiuin Ena:

"Go and tell that Demon Lord.

"Wait for seven days. If you don't follow Ijie Nuozun, he will appear in Taga. Just ask him to move to the Taga sea area at that time."

Chapter 138: Don't try to explain to an awkward woman. (1/5, please subscribe

Chapter 138: Don't try to explain to an awkward woman.

"Grandpa said that after seven days, Yushen must be pleasantly surprised in the Taga sea area.

"Surprise? What's a surprise? You translate for a translator?"

Kotomine Kirei looked at Athena, and asked softly, "What do you think is a surprise.

"It should be there to recruit Ijie Nozon for you.

"Oh? This is called a surprise? Isn't this our official request?

"Then maybe the other party is planning to give you some extra additions.

"That's it. That's right, this is called a surprise."

Listening to the saying that the Demon King and the God of Disobedience are one-on-one, Qing Qiuyuan Ena couldn't help but clenched her fists. She really felt that the characters of these two people were too bad.

"Did you hear that? Little girl, go tell that old man, if there is no surprise, today will be hard.

For the first time, Qingqiuyuan Huina felt that grandpa's words were something that could be easily exploited, at least when facing the king of gods in the future, he needed to be more rigorous.

""Lu Yu Lu Bian" will appear near Awaji Island after seven days.

Is it broken?

It is a very obscure and remote term, but for Athena, it is not an uncommon vocabulary. She explained to her ally and future prince:

"Izanaki and Izanami are the gods after the seventh generation of the Kojiki. As the eighth generation gods, the mission given to the two is to pass from the sky through the "Sky Spear"

"Stir the sea water to fix the "land" in the sea water and create "islands".

"The original island was called "Yu Lu Bian".Or the original "island"

"Then the two of them landed on this original "island", erected the pillars of the sky, built the Hall of Hachiro, and at the same time began to admire each other, completing the marriage of the gods.and here

These descendants are now Yashima, also known as "Yadaozi".

"Of course, "Yashimako" is actually nine.

"I understand. There are usually five of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The original "Son of the Island", in terms of seniority, this "Son of the Island" can be regarded as Susanoo's elder brother.

If the Poyurubian really appeared near Awaji Island, then there would even be a heavenly pillar on that island that could lead to Takamahara.

"If it appears as a related myth. Not only the "Isao Nuozun" and "Ifen Ranzun" who did not follow, but even "Gao Tianyuan", the original gods of the Seventh Generation of Gods in the Chronicle of Koji

It is possible to show up.

Dominion One

Kotomine Kirei's eyes narrowed slightly. A similar situation had also appeared in the biography of the Hidden God. In a different dimension that occasionally coincides with the present world, there is a real "mythical realm".

Even in the world over there, countless "myth reappearances" are still going on

"It's more like shock than surprise.

Although the god of disobedience among the gods does not appear as a mythical status to highlight its combat power, but usually the gods with extraordinary status will not be too weak when they appear as disobedience.

Such as Mekar the Disobedient, Mithra the Disobedient, etc., these high-level Gods of Disobedience are usually extremely troublesome existences.

"The three gods of good fortune.

"God of the Five Pillars.

Corresponding to the gods of the most primitive and apex of the myths of various countries, "Heavenly Yuzhong", followed by "Gaohuang Shengling" and "Shenhuang Shengling" corresponding to Yin and Yang

"It's just that if Lu Yuhu made it up, it shouldn't make Gao Tianyuan appear.

"However, assuming that it really is the "Broken Harmony" that manifests, at least it is possible to meet that couple directly.

If that time comes, "Yijie Ranzun" will be handed over to my concubine.

Athena said with a very calm expression, "It's just an evil spirit bound by the underworld. As the master of the underworld, it's not difficult to suppress her.

"Sleeves may be playing at home at that time. It has to be considered that "Shine Yuri" was originally the core of "Yashimako"

"It's okay.

The goddess' expression was still calm, but after a while, she showed a faint smile

"With my concubine here, I will never allow other guys to interfere with your battle with Yinuo Zun.

Cold determination resided in those dark blue pupils, Yan Feng'li stared at the goddess in front of him, laughed for a while.

i will trust you athena

"Let's go. Go to "Na Yu Lu Ma".

According to the legend about Ishinozun, the so-called father of the gods did live in seclusion near Awaji Island in his later years.

ask for flowers

As the eldest son of the head of "Yadaoko", in fact, in the Chronicle of Koji, before this "son of the island", there were two premature babies, "Mizu" and "Awashima", and these two were not the same.

The reason why they are not regarded as "Children of the Island" is that the birth of the sleeves has undergone abnormal changes.

"Because the goddess spoke first before preparing to give birth to the first two "islands".Between the attitudes of matrilineal and patrilineal civilizations, Awaji Island was designated as matrilineal civilization and patrilineal

The first marker conquered by the Ming Dynasty.

"So, Awaji Island is actually a kind of belittling of the Earth Mother God. Because the "sons of the island" born by Ikino Noson as the dominant power are far more than "Awajima" and

"Water! More perfect.

Yanfeng Jieli listened to the goddess' speech with some acid, but he didn't hear it. From Yijie Ranzun's point of view, Athena now typically empathizes with her, even

The feelings of the victim's family.

In particular, Yiji Ranzun is not an earth goddess in the conventional sense, but a "god of heaven". Although she gave birth to "land" and took charge of "Yellow Spring", she is still a high-ranking woman.

The "celestial gods" born in Tianyuan are by no means the conquered "earth mother gods" like Athena and the others.

of course.

Kotomine Kirei will definitely not be able to express his opinion at this time

Whether it's a woman or a goddess.

When this kind of initiative to become a "victim" empathizes with her, saying anything will make her feel "betrayed", so the most sensible choice at this time is not to open

When we waited for the so-called seventh day in Awaji Island

It happened to be the high tide period, Kotomine Yuri and Athena were waiting for the so-called "Yu Lumei" to appear in the seaside area where Qingqiu Yuan's family arranged.

and the night of the seventh day came.

When the bright moon in the night sky sprinkled its brilliance on the sea.

It is when the turbulent currents and even whirlpools begin to appear on the surface of the spring tide.

Countless schools of fish seem to be attracted by the "bait", and they are crazily involved in the swimming vortex, and they begin to gather into a kind of spectacle at sea

"" Lu Yu Hu Bian!, here we come.

The cold words of the goddess fell into Kotomine Kirei's ears, and immediately, they were in Kotomine Kirei's eyes

school of fish.

It seems to be integrated.

It turned into a floating island above the sea.Knife

Chapter 139: To deal with you, I still need to use this card.jpg (2/5, please subscribe

Chapter 139 : To deal with you, I still need to use this cardJpg

"Lu Yu Lu Bian" is the original "Son of the Island J.

It is the "son of the island" made of dripping seawater.


How does a liquid itself become a solidified thing?

Moreover, "Bashimako" is not an island that is completely enclosed in one area, nor can it be completely radiated by a core area.

So, how can we make "Broken Harmony!" the core of making "Island Son"?

only one answer

"The Isle of Swimming."

"Island of Fish. Island of Dragons"

"This is the true essence of "Moving and Thinking".

Dripping sea water.

swimming condensate

"I see.

Yanfeng's eyes glowed with splendor, and just as he was about to enter the swimming island, a melodious singing voice came slowly from afar.

"Shaoshi can seek Taoism" [-]", Mingguang can learn from immortals. Dan painted Bilinyu, green jade and gold chapters.

"The cloud car has no track, and the wind horse remembers the whip. The spirit can be baited, and it will last for 3000 years."

Under the bright moonlight, a graceful lady appeared above the sea. She rode the sea waves with her feet. When she saw Yanfeng and Athena, her pupils appeared

Showed a fierce fighting spirit.

"Why are you passing it on?

"Could it be that the leader is deliberately admiring me?

He smiled, and then said coldly, "I'm ashamed to be called the King of Japan. If I accept it, it would be against the spirit of heroes and heroes in the sky."

"Interesting. Since that's the case, how to call it is up to you.

"Let's call it Yan Feng.

I see.Are you of the same family as me, Luo Cuilian, in your heart?

A slight smile appeared on the face of the Holy Hierarch, and Kotomine Kirei's statement made her feel a little better.

"There is no need to say too much polite words. Didn't the Holy Hierarch get summoned by some people here?

'No need to pry.This time it was just a whim, but now it seems that it is just right.

She pointed to the "Island of Fish" that appeared, and immediately said:

"Then there should be more than one disobedient god. Tell me first, who is your target?

"Ikino Zun.

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