Everything in the world has completely stopped moving here at this moment, even thinking will be completely frozen.

Even that indescribable great existence completely stopped all his movements and remained motionless.

It's like suddenly turning into a huge stone statue full of epic sense.

And the only active exception here is the silent figure that appeared behind Karthus at some unknown time.

"Particles move at rest."

After confirming that the other party was indeed unable to move, Gavan reluctantly twitched the corner of his mouth as he felt the energy consumption in his body.

"You can be immune when the time of magic release is stopped, but you can give me immunity again when the physical time is stopped?"

He smiled, looking tired.

But fortunately, this battle is finally coming to an end.

"The maximum limit of spiral gravity..."

Raise your hands, and use up all the energy stored in your body at once.

The inexplicable fluctuations spread, and the rules of the world were completely shaken, causing a twisted "spear" with a length of hundreds of meters that should have been impossible to exist, to appear.

That power involves one of the fundamentals of the universe.

After taking a deep breath, Gavan aimed at the cracked head and threw it down with all his strength.

sighed softly.

"'Spear of Constructs'."


The invisible twisted spear silently blended into the indescribable divine body in the space where time stopped, as if nothing had happened.

But after a few seconds.

Particle motion stands still and time begins to flow again.

Karthus, however, was still like a lifeless boulder statue, maintaining that one-armed posture, motionless.

And Gavan fell from the sky exhausted, and sat down on the hot sand, panting heavily, and didn't bother to say anything.

He is really tired.

He casually held a piece of crystal that was burnt out by high temperature due to the previous explosions, and threw it towards the huge figure with all his strength.

And the power caused by such a stone-throwing behavior is estimated to be only able to smash a big bag on the head of an ordinary person, let alone cause any damage to monsters or even gods.

But in fact, after the crystal that had drawn a perfect parabola in mid-air, it hit the huge sculpture-like figure...

The other party shattered instantly.

From the tentacles that make up the lower body as the starting point, the cracked lines spread rapidly to the whole body at a height of [-] meters, like smashed pottery.

Then, a gust of wind blew by, and the "dust" all over the sky was directly raised.

It was Karthus who had been completely destroyed and reduced to dust.

And among them, there are also some crystals that are also floating in it, as if they are weightless.

But this is also normal, after all, the nearby is in a state of gravity imbalance.


Gavan let out a long and heavy breath, and finally relaxed.

Then, he stood up staggeringly, patted the dust off his body, and prepared to deal with the "mess" caused by him.

"Then, next, I have to..."

"Boom boom boom!"

The roar of a boulder hitting the ground suddenly interrupted his voice.

It was the crystals that were floating around, and was directly pressed back to the ground by some kind of terrifying momentum that almost turned into substance.

Even the nearby gravity, which was originally out of balance due to the aftermath, returned to normal under a strange fluctuation.

Then, in the almost frozen air, something else fell.

Then, when it was about to completely touch the ground, it stopped three feet from the ground in an instant.

It was a dim but fiery ball of light.

Originally hidden and suspended in a certain [-]-meter giant, that only existed in the upper body of the ribs and spine.

Inside, there was a familiar terrifying aura.

Suddenly, a foot stepped out of it, and stepped firmly on the mid-air as if walking on flat ground, while the dim ball of light behind it instantly turned pitch black, and then crazily blended into the place where it stepped out. In the figure of "Chrysalis".

after a few seconds.

Three meters tall, with pitch-black skin, every inch of muscle lines is perfect, quietly looking down at his new body.

Compared with the previous [-]-meter giant, the power on him has increased rather than decreased.

Like an abyss like a sea, it overwhelms everything.


Is a real god.

"That's right, it's finally completely parasitic, and all the 'impurities' have been expelled."

The indescribable ravings reverberate, which is enough to instantly distort the three elements of any creature existing on the earth.

He admired in a low voice, with a trace of imperceptible pity in his tone.

Because for some reason, he still couldn't get any memory from this host body, and, without the flesh and blood energy of the carbon-based organisms on half the planet, the "magnitude" of this body did not meet the original expectation ,but......

These shortcomings can all be made up for.

Karthus looked down at his eyes, and the seemingly silent figure declared the cruel reality.

said indifferently.

"Mortal, you lost."

Chapter 170 Three: Materialism, Life and Death Battle

Did he lose?

Looking at the enemy in front of him who not only didn't die, but seemed to have become stronger, Gavan, who was about to end his state of "King of Mantra", thought this way.

To be honest, the outcome of the battle has always been unimportant to him.

After all, until now, he has never had the slightest interest in fighting with others.

Rather, compared to such insignificant things, he would rather lie on the green lawn with a certain slime in a certain monster town and bask in the sun for a while.

But this time, he couldn't lose.

Because the trouble and mess he caused hasn't been fixed yet.

Even at this time, he still has a way to get out, and then escapes from this world with the system, and returns to a safe place, but...

He still can't lose.

Raising his hand to cover his dusty face, Gafan hadn't known how many times he felt unlucky.

Even though they have come to a daily world, they still encounter troublesome incidents of life and death crisis.

But this time was different from all the previous situations.

His bottom line and three views are all clearly telling himself that he must be responsible for this to the end, even if...

You might die for it.

Gavan remained silent for a while, but suddenly recalled in his mind that in a certain dead land that was approaching the end, there was once a red-haired girl who loved to laugh, and saved a man who was completely desperate, which was himself.

Chloe Dora.

That is the person he respects most in his life.

He didn't know what the color of the sky was before the doomsday world was polluted, but he felt that it should be the same color as the girl's clear blue eyes.

And this has become his favorite color.

"Big sister...please give me a hard push behind my back."

After taking a deep breath, he breathed out slowly, Gavan finally made up his mind.

He stepped on the desolate desert with his feet firmly on the ground, held his right hand toward nothingness, and took out a long black sword from the storage space.

It was a farewell gift from Liya to her in the last world, when she finished her adventure travel and was about to return after parting.

It's not a magical item, but a strange sword with superior hardness and sharpness.

Because of its uniqueness and estimated price, novices can't afford it, and veterans can't use it. It is regarded as a tasteless food by business owners, and it is a pity to discard it. It has never been sold.

Until Liya, who was struggling with what gift to buy when she was shopping, saw her and caught her eye.

Then I spent all the savings I had accumulated since I continued to do adventure missions for a month to buy it, and happily gave it to someone.

And as for the reason for choosing this one?

It's just because it looks almost exactly the same as the pitch-black long sword that someone gave her.

"No, you're wrong, I haven't lost yet."

Gavan retorted hoarsely.

At the same time, the rules of the world gathered on him began to "collapse" constantly.

Witnessing and perceiving the human being in the blue and white robe in front of him, the aura is falling like an avalanche.

Karthus said indifferently.

"Mortal, you are getting weaker, and you are about to get out of this strange state completely. Don't deceive yourself and let yourself die without dignity. After all... you have fought me to this point anyway."

The pitch-black palm was raised, and the deadly breath spread.

"Don't make me look down on you."

And in the next moment.

The terrifying energy that had already gathered suddenly dissipated completely.

It was as if, being swallowed by an unknown giant beast in the void, it was swallowed into the bloody mouth.

This unexpected scene made Karthus slightly taken aback.

Then, until then, he suddenly discovered in astonishment that it wasn't just the other party whose aura continued to fall like an avalanche...

And Himself!

what's the situation? ! ! !

Quickly mobilized the divine power stored in his body, trying to eliminate all possible curses or negative states of anger, but Karthus was even more astonished to find that he could no longer use any extraordinary power.

Even his three-meter-high pitch-black divine body, which condenses all the essence and essence, seems to be showing signs of uncontrollable collapse.

The balance of victory and defeat, which was already a foregone conclusion, gradually settled again.

And all of this is just because of someone's last sentence that represents the momentary truth and completely shakes the rules of the world.

"'Fantasy Killer Materialism'."

With the spread and disappearance of inexplicable fluctuations.

The entire dead desert space was only for a moment, and even a trace of mysterious power that violated common sense could no longer be found.

There is absolutely no existence that can use any extraordinary means in this place of absolute law.

Among them, even Gavan himself was included.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, staining the ground red, and a soul-damaging crack spread across his cheeks.

The "King of Mantra", which was originally two seconds away from the final time limit, was directly interrupted by the effect created by himself, and the rule synchronization was cancelled.

The backlash it caused instantly shattered half of the organs and flesh in Gavan's body.

But under an extremely powerful medicine, they all recovered in an instant.

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