It was the full recovery medicine taken in advance, and barely managed to heal the backlash injury before being eliminated from the negative existence.

But now, Gavan is not only unable to use the "Mantra", even the storage space cannot be opened for the time being.

Even the spiritual link with the "Shanhe Sheji Map" has become extremely weak, and I can no longer control it to do anything, but it can still be used...

There was only this pitch-black long sword in his hand.

"Bai Lao is right. There is always the possibility that I will not be able to use this special ability. It is always good to have more means of self-defense and defense."

After coughing twice, Jia Fan pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, a memory flashed in his eyes.

It was a very strict white-haired old man. As a comer and an elder, he taught and guided him some things that he didn't understand at the time.

And until now, he still remembers it well, and has not forgotten it.

"Swordsmanship is not only for training skills, but also for training one's will and 'heart'?"

Gavan muttered to himself.

Then, he suddenly recalled what he had witnessed with his own eyes, the death fight between a hero as an ordinary person and a real monster.

Undocumented knight, did you feel the same way I do now?

Or is it slightly different?

Looking up at the starry sky dissipating, the space channel closing, and turning back into a false sky, Gavan's mood was indescribably complicated and free and easy.

Courage, and fearlessness?

He laughed lightly at himself, these two words really didn't suit him.

Well, there is also the so-called obsession...

"Hey, monster, let's gamble with our lives."

Withdrawing his gaze from the false sky, Gavan cast his calm gaze forward, his figure gradually shrunk, and finally managed to maintain a pitch-black figure about two meters high.

The breathing method transmitted from a certain supreme swordsman in the body began to mobilize.

It doesn't contain the slightest sense of mystery, it's just using the oxygen in the blood vessels all over the body, and then providing powerful power for the heart and muscles.

He raised his right hand and pointed forward the black long sword in his hand.

"Just look at my half-baked swordsmanship..."

A pair of black and white eyes stared directly at the indescribable god, and there seemed to be something deep inside, which was——

A blazing fire of soul and will.

For the first time in his life, the man named Jiafan became obsessed with fighting.

He is going to win.

"Can I hack you to death?"

Chapter 170 Four: Materialism, Under the Battle of Life and Death

In fact, as early as when the skeleton army was summoned.

Gavan noticed that among those waves of monsters, there were still some obviously different special individuals.

They are different from other monsters that can only act on instinct. They not only have independent self-awareness, but also surprisingly possess "martial arts" means.

After verification at the time, Gavan found that they were all boxers parasitized by pitch-black tentacles, and all their techniques and memories had been absorbed, and some of them would still maintain their original appearance before the mutation.

Even, they still talk like they used to, casually walked into the houses on the street, and were treated as the same kind by the people who took refuge inside, and took the initiative to accept them.

However, because its personality has been fundamentally and irreversibly distorted, it can only be regarded as a monster with some human "shadows" left.

After all...they started killing for no reason as soon as they walked into the house.

All, Gavan was silent at the time, and cleared them as quickly as possible.

We are also prepared to face all kinds of martial arts after finding the "source" of the disaster.

Moreover, when he barely arrived at the last moment, he also witnessed the shocking scene of the familiar giant of light being completely swallowed by darkness.

The iconic head dart made Jiafan even more psychologically prepared to face an enemy with tens of thousands of years of combat experience memory.

However, after he really started fighting with Karthus, he never saw the other party use any "techniques".

Even those dark red terrifying energies are basically released directly in the most brutal way, without any subtlety at all.

Even if he is occasionally shot down from a high altitude to the ground by that huge palm in a way that ignores the distance in space, he can only feel pure brute force.

Regarding this, he felt puzzled, and also felt that the other party might hide his clumsiness.

But after sensing the group of pitch-black waves rushing towards the crack in the [-]-meter space, as well as some of the more familiar existences among them, he looked at the martial arts techniques that were displayed to the fullest.

Gavan's doubts were completely dispelled.

Because this guy didn't absorb the Boxer memories stored by the pitch-black tentacles at all.

When He was evolving, he rejected all these pitch-black tentacles that had mastered martial arts as "impurities"!

And this arrogance and contempt finally came to Jiafan.

Created the last chance.


The melodious sound of the sword echoed in the dead desert.

A pitch-black long sword with a cold light slashed at an arm that was gradually changing from black to light gray, rubbing brilliant sparks.

Moreover, its sword edge really cut in, causing pure black divine blood to overflow from the wound.


The indifferent emotion no longer existed, and Karthus watched in shock, completely unable to comprehend the trauma he suffered from being cut by a mere mortal sword.

You must know that after the final evolution and the ultimate divine body obtained, his unreasonable physical strength is completely enough to resist nuclear explosions without any defense, without any loss.

But now, he was injured by an attack that didn't even cut through steel.

"Mortal, what have you done?!"

Karthus couldn't help asking with a low growl.

At the same time, he is still trying his best to resist this rather strange world environment all the time.

Not only can he no longer perceive any extraordinary power, but the divine power stored in his body is also completely imprisoned, and continues to disappear at a frighteningly fast speed for no reason.

Even his body, which has evolved to the limit, is constantly collapsing uncontrollably.

And there is no way to stop this process.

Just barely stabilizing the "integrity" of this body is already the maximum limit he can do.

"Nothing, I just made the world 'normal'."

Gavan replied softly with a flat tone.

His eyes were completely locked on the other party's injured arm, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly curl up.

"Sure enough, I guessed've been completely 'denied', monster!"

The muscles of the arms holding the sword were completely tensed, and they pressed down with all their strength.

"Look at how weak you have become? Even my half-baked swordsmanship can hurt you!"

"Arrogance, I am a god!"

Hearing these blasphemy words, Karthus, who couldn't release any energy, clenched his fist for the first time since his birth, and slammed into the opponent's abdomen with all his strength.

That has been weakened to the limit, but still can be called inhuman terrifying brute force, and instantly knocked the opponent out without any suspense.


However, after two back flips, Gavan landed on the ground and stood firmly, regaining his simple and simple posture.

You know, he was knocked down thousands of times by an old sword master and a supreme swordsman, so if you want to overthrow him by brute force...

It's not that easy.

As for the swordsmanship that Gavan has learned, apart from being the most comprehensive and solid foundation, it is divided into four parts——

"Slash", "Block", "Unload", "Shunpo".

And this is all he has learned about the so-called swordsmanship.

As for the duration of "Fantasy Killer Materialism", it is 10 minutes.

Then things will be simple and clear, before the end of this 10-minute time limit...

"Either you die, or I die!"

His feet slammed on the ground, relying on the special skills passed down from a certain supreme swordsman, Gavan's figure instantly disappeared in place.

Then the next moment.

A sharp black long sword appeared directly in front of Karthus.

With an indomitable trajectory, he slashed down with all his strength.



The sound of metal colliding echoed, and pure black blood spattered.

The pupils of the eyes suddenly burning with the flame of will, looked at the god who had fallen into the clouds with frightened and angry eyes.

And at this time, even if it is unbelievable.

Karthus finally fully understood the current situation, the real battle of life and death...

it has started.

""Flesh and Flesh Warfare - Life Demon Armor"."

Countless slender tentacles of original origin struggled frantically to extend out of the body.

Even at the moment of contact with the outside world, it was like an object splashed with sulfuric acid, continuously melting, but they were still intertwined with each other, and finally weaved into a layer of dark gray full body armor covering the body surface.

"Then let's keep fighting... mortals!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!!"

A series of roars sounded almost simultaneously.

It was the fist that was swung with afterimages in an instant, continuously blasted out crazily, and then was firmly blocked by a pitch-black long sword, making the violent collision sound.

"It's too loose, you trash!"

The palm holding the sword was a little numb from the backlash, but Jia Fan stepped forward instead of retreating, relying on his waist strength, he swung the long sword in his hand fiercely from bottom to top.

While leaving new sword marks on the opponent's body, he also flew out because of the iron fist hitting his side face.

However, after just rolling a few times in the air, he lost his strength and fell back to the ground, and then rushed back at top speed again with bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Under the false canopy.

On the dead land.

In the different-dimensional space that has been turned into a cage, two figures collided with each other desperately.

The pitch-black long sword sliced ​​open the god's body, which had already weakened to the limit, soaking the ground with pure black blood.

The armored iron fist continuously blasted out new bruises and wounds on the mortal body that had reached the limit of the human body.

Even though the number of punches he swings is random, almost relying on instinct and intuition, but the terrifying brute force far exceeds his own, but it still brings him a huge life-threatening threat.

The energy-storing cells throughout the body are operating at full strength, but they have also been weakened to the extreme, and can barely help absorb a small part of the force.

For the rest, either rely on the technique of unloading force to reduce the damage, or block all of them with the long sword in hand.

Amazing dynamic vision captures the trajectory of punches.

The sharp nerve reflex drives the body's instinct to make a timely response.

Slash, block, slash, dodge.

Without any magical aura, it was just a simple, hard and sharp black long sword, and it was swung out of the sky full of sword shadows.

But this didn't come from any gorgeous and powerful moves, it was just a slash that was approaching a certain level.

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