"Is this the spiritual liquid?"

At this moment, Xia Chuan felt dense water droplets appearing around him, as if his whole body was soaked in water, but this was not ordinary water, but spiritual fluid.

At this moment, the hundred and eight thousand pores of his whole body stretched out, greedily devouring every drop of psychic liquid, his own flesh and blood was devouring a huge amount of energy.

He found that the extraordinary power of his body, as well as the strength of his body, were rapidly improving at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his bones, skin, muscles, internal organs and other parts had undergone tremendous transformation.

It seems that this extraordinary force permeates every corner of his body, turning into an extraordinary body.

And at this time, Xia Chuan finally knew why the spiritual liquid was of great benefit to extraordinary warriors, because after the purification of spiritual power, all kinds of impurities in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth were repelled, leaving only the purest energy.

Therefore, these spiritual fluids can be easily swallowed and absorbed by the human body, and quickly improve one's cultivation.

At the same time, these spiritual liquids have the effect of washing the marrow and cutting the sutras, which greatly improves the human body's aptitude and has many benefits.

If high-ranking extraordinary warriors are willing, they can use psychic liquid to cleanse the marrow and cut scriptures for ordinary people. 05 In this way, the probability of ordinary people being promoted to extraordinary will be greater.

Maybe the aptitude can be raised from the ordinary level to the genius level.Boom~~~ Immediately, Xia Chuan entered the state of retreat and cultivation.

But at this time, due to the influence of Xia Chuan's vision of heaven and earth, it was just the beginning, and it was not the end.Crash~~ Thousands of miles around were covered by clouds of aura, causing majestic torrential rain. The entire Kunlun Mountains and the huge area formed a huge rain.

Countless drops of spirit liquid fell from mid-air and poured onto the ground.

This also brought about huge changes in the entire Kunlun Mountains.

The first is the weeds all over the Kunlun Mountains. Countless weeds are growing crazily and savagely. The weeds that were only a dozen centimeters high are now growing wildly.

In just an instant, the height of the weeds increased to tens of centimeters, or even one meter in height, and there were traces of weeds everywhere on the withered and yellow land.

At the same time, among the countless weeds, some of the high-quality weeds devoured a large amount of spiritual liquid, and unexpectedly formed individual plants of spiritual grass, which evolved into spiritual medicines, containing pure spiritual energy.

Secondly, there are trees all over the mountain. These trees are also like weeds, and they start to grow crazily.

Countless big trees covered the Kunlun Mountains, turning this area into a terrifying primeval forest. If humans stayed in this place, they would mistakenly think that they had entered the kingdom of giants.

Immediately afterwards, the supreme flowers in the depths of the mountain, no matter what season they are, are all blooming at this moment, swallowing a large amount of spiritual liquid at the same time, and evolving into spiritual flowers.

It can be said that overnight, a large amount of elixir was bred in the entire Kunlun Mountains, and it evolved from an ordinary mountain to a mountain full of psychic liquid, and the aura of heaven and earth is extremely abundant.

There is no doubt that the Kunlun Mountains have become a legendary paradise, containing a lot of elixir, a lot of opportunities, this is a real treasure.

Some of these plants even obtained great opportunities, devoured enough psychic liquid, and actually produced unimaginable evolution, possessing weak spiritual intelligence.

In the depths of a certain valley, there happened to be a dead tree that was nearly withered, nearly ten meters tall, and completely bare. It had lost all the leaves on its body, but even so, it was still tenaciously alive, showing no sign of death.

And it is the famous Lightning Strike Wood, which was accidentally bombarded by thunder and almost burned the whole tree. If it was the spiritless era, then this tree would be dead, and sooner or later it would wither and die.

But now, it has been supplemented with a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, and even now it has been nourished by a huge spiritual liquid, which actually makes this lightning strike wood glow with new vitality. "Ray, Ray, Ray..."

This lightning strike tree seems to have given birth to a weak consciousness and a strong will to survive. This is the will to live from death, and it emits infinite power.Ye la la~~~ In the blink of an eye, purple leaves grew one after another on each branch of this lightning strike tree, densely packed, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, the whole tree was lush and lush, and even its trunk quickly grew from a height of ten meters to 50 meters.

What's even more peculiar is that densely packed thunder runes appeared on every leaf of this lightning strike tree, as if each leaf contained the power of lightning.Crackling~~~ Immediately, the lightning strike tree shook slightly, and the lightning flashed, as if every branch turned into a huge lightning bolt, attracting the power of thunder from the sky.

The entire sky dimmed because of this force, a large cloud of dark clouds floated over, and at the same time astonishing bolts of lightning fell, bombarding the Lightning Strike Tree.

But this tree didn't suffer any harm, but enjoyed it immensely, it was like promoting its own evolution by devouring the power of thunder from the sky.

Obviously, this tree has evolved into a thunder-like tree, possessing 897 powers to control thunder.

In the depths of a certain forest, an astonishing vine happened to grow on a certain tree. It was about to die, but it suddenly obtained a huge psychic liquid.

In an instant, this emerald green vine seemed to come to life, giving birth to wisdom. "Who am I?"

This vine gave birth to a ignorant will, like a newborn baby, and began to seek itself. It didn't know who it was and why it was born.

It just started to grow autonomously out of the plant's instinct, out of the survival instinct.Ye la la~~~ In an instant, this emerald green vine began to grow crazily, gaining the ability to regenerate at a high speed, and its body was entangled with trees after trees.

It didn't take long for the entire forest to be covered by this vine. It seemed that every tree became its parasitic object and attached itself to the trees.

At this moment, the entire forest is shrouded under a huge monster, as if a terrifying monster is entrenched in the forest and regards this place as its own territory.

Even this vine went deep into the earth, frantically absorbing the nutrients of the earth.

It can be said that it has covered an area of ​​ten kilometers with its roots, and any creature that enters this area will be sensed by it.

Chapter 264 The changes in the animals in the Kunlun Mountains are exacerbating the changing nature

In the depths of the jungle somewhere in the Kunlun Mountains, a huge flower happened to grow. It looked like a sunflower in appearance, but it was black and exuded a strange aura. "Hungry, hungry, hungry..."

This black sun flower seems to have given birth to a weak intelligence, it only has one feeling now, that is hunger, extreme hunger, this kind of hunger is enough to make any creature lose its mind.Wow~~ I saw a huge fragrance emanating from this black sunflower. This fragrance is almost invisible to the naked eye. It covered an area with a radius of ten kilometers in just an instant, and it was even spreading slowly.

But this is not an ordinary fragrance, but a phantom fragrance.

If any living beings smell this fragrance, they will be involuntarily bewitched and completely fall into hallucinations. They will regard this place as a paradise, and they will not be willing to leave at all.

But if they stay in this place for a long time, the creatures that enter this area will become the food or fertilizer of this black sunflower.

And similarly mutated plants began to increase rapidly in the entire Kunlun Mountains.

However, it is not plants that benefit the most, but various animals living in the Kunlun Mountains.

In a certain grassland, a wounded jackal fell to the ground dying. Because of a hunting, it suffered a huge injury, fell to the ground, and was abandoned by other jackals.

Because in the animal world, injury means death, and there is basically no hope of recovery.Crash~~~ But at this moment, drops of psychic fluid fell from the sky and merged into the jackal's body one after another. I saw that the jackal's injuries quickly recovered.

And it's not just as simple as recovering from the injury, but more importantly, its body has been further strengthened, and its entire volume has increased by more than three times.

It can be said that its body is now even bigger than the Siberian tiger. "Hou Chuan!"

Immediately, the jackal stood up from where it was, and let out an excited roar, which was even more terrifying than tigers and leopards, and the sound was transmitted dozens of miles away.

A gleam of wisdom emerged from the depths of its pupils, and with a bang, its huge sharp claws slammed on the ground, creating a huge deep pit in an instant.

Obviously, it was no longer an ordinary jackal.

But it wasn't just this jackal that had mutated. Many jackals on the grassland had mutated to varying degrees, allowing them to further evolve.

In a certain snowfield, it is covered with snow.

Since the Kunlun Mountains are located in a plateau area with an altitude of more than 3000 meters, snow fields can be seen everywhere, with low temperatures and white snow.

And in a corner deep in the snow field, a snow leopard suddenly appeared. This is already an endangered animal in the Kunlun Mountains, and it is basically difficult for ordinary people to find its trace.

But at this moment it appeared in the snow field.


I saw that this snow leopard also received a large amount of psychic liquid to instill the power, cleansing the marrow and cutting the scriptures, causing the snow leopard's body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Its speed has become more vigorous and more stealthy, and it has become a killer in the snow field.

Often it jumps, runs, and spans hundreds of meters. Ordinary creatures can't see the snow leopard at all, and they are probably killed.

In a certain prairie land, there are potholes everywhere.

These potholes are the famous rabbit holes, and a large number of rabbits live in them. They rely on these rabbit holes to avoid hunting by many animals on the grassland.

But at this moment, these rabbits living in the rabbit hole also mutated.

After devouring a large amount of heaven and earth spirit liquid, the bodies of these rabbits instantly swelled by more than three times, and both their strength and speed became even more terrifying.


In an instant, I saw a huge eagle flying down from the sky at an extremely fast speed, stretched out its sharp claws, and wanted to catch one of the rabbits as dinner between them.

Boom~~ But at this moment, the rabbit didn't dodge, but jumped lightly. With its strong jumping power, it jumped into the mid-air in an instant, and then kicked lightly, hitting the eagle hard. .

With a bang, the eagle didn't even know what happened. It felt as if it had been hit by a huge rock, and its head was instantly kicked and torn apart.

And this rabbit landed lightly on the ground, calm and composed, as if everything it did just now was nothing at all.

Obviously, these rabbits are no longer defenseless animals. They have powerful fighting power in every gesture, and it is difficult for ordinary beasts to kill them.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Immediately, a herd of Tibetan antelopes ushered in the grassland, hundreds of thousands of them, they were gathering in groups, looking for food everywhere on the grassland, at this moment huge clusters of heaven and earth spirit liquid also fell from the sky.

These heaven and earth psychic fluids have also poured into these Tibetan antelopes one after another.

Immediately, these Tibetan antelopes underwent an unimaginable metamorphosis, and their muscles, bones, and hair were further evolved.

It seems that they have evolved from a thin and small sheep to a muscular sheep with muscles all over their body. Their size has doubled, and their bodies are filled with an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Booming~~~ In an instant, this group of Tibetan antelopes seemed to have sensed the changes in their bodies, and felt that they were full of unimaginable strength and extremely abundant energy.

Immediately afterwards, they began to run wildly on the grassland, tirelessly, and their speed was even faster than that of a Maxima.

The momentum of this group of Tibetan antelopes running wildly is like a country with thousands of troops and horses.

All the animals that stood in front of them were trampled to death by them (Qian Nuozhao), even the ones that were directly trampled into a ball of meat paste, with no bones left, the death condition was extremely miserable.

There are countless similar animal mutations in the Kunlun Mountains, such as vultures and eagles living on the edge of the cliff, they seem to be transformed into sonic planes, their bodies become stronger, and their speed is even more amazing. The speed can break through the speed of sound, which is extremely terrifying.

There are also poisonous snakes, frogs, bees, mosquitoes, flies, and various insects hidden in the deep forest, all of which have begun to produce unimaginable mutations and evolutions.

Originally, with the revival of Xuanhuangxing's aura, the changes of these animals have been accelerating, causing them to evolve, but now due to Xia Chuan's practice, the changes in the Kunlun Mountains have been further accelerated.

Undoubtedly, countless wild animals in the Kunlun Mountains are moving towards an even more astonishing evolutionary direction. .

Chapter 265 The Boiling of Netizens, The Mutation of the Kunlun Mountains That Shocked the Country

At this moment, a group of people are traveling near the Kunlun Mountains. They are a group of donkey friends. After all, the Kunlun Mountains are famous for their charming scenery. Every year, a large number of people travel here by car.

They also suddenly saw the changes in the Kunlun Mountains.

"Just kidding, what happened? Why did the nearby weeds grow taller than the grass on the grave overnight?" A middle-aged man in black was instantly stunned.

They originally drove an RV to this place to camp and enjoy the beautiful scenery here, but when they were enjoying the rare camping, when they got up the next morning, they suddenly found that the weeds around the RV had grown to a certain level. meters, or even two meters in height.

It can be said that they were simply submerged in the weeds, and they couldn't see any way at all.

"That's right, the surrounding trees are also in a terrible mess. They were only a few meters high, or a height of more than ten meters, but now they have grown to a height of tens of meters or hundreds of meters. This is completely crazy. What happened?" Another middle-aged woman in red was also dumbfounded.

She felt that the world was completely crazy, how could it suddenly change so quickly overnight, 897, it was as if she had come to a strange place.

At this moment, she felt that she was not staying in the Kunlun Mountains, but in a strange virgin forest. "Could it be that we have traveled to a different world, and this place is not Xuanhuangxing?" A bald young man's heart moved, and he expressed his guess.

He felt that it was impossible for the world to change so quickly, so the only possibility was that when they fell asleep, they had already traveled to another world. "No, it's still Xuanhuangxing here. Just now, my mobile phone still had a signal, and at the same time I called for help, asking the police to come and rescue us."

A young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said in a deep voice. He was many times calmer than the others. After discovering the changes around him, he immediately called the police.

Anyway, even if he really died in this place, at least the police would know where he died and would find a chance to avenge himself. "As expected of Teacher Li, she is really mature and steady."

Everyone was amazed. Seeing the unimaginable changes around them, they (affa) panicked, but when they heard that the police had been called, they immediately felt relieved.

After all, the police may come to help by then.

"Don't be too happy. Although I did call the police just now, the police told me that there are too many people calling the police and the route is busy. If we want to leave this weird place, we still need to rely on ourselves. Waiting for the police to come to rescue, I'm afraid it's not realistic."

The man with the gold-rimmed glasses said in a deep voice, he did not put his hopes on the police.

"Damn it, this incident has already caused a lot of noise on the Internet. It's not just that our place has changed, but the entire Kunlun Mountains, an area of ​​thousands of kilometers, has undergone unimaginable changes." The bald young man The man turned on his mobile phone and skillfully opened the news page. Sure enough, the news of the Kunlun Mountains mutation had already been widely spread, and it even reached the top of Weibo's most searched list.

At this moment, countless netizens are already discussing the mutation of the Kunlun Mountains.

what? !

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback. They thought their experience was special and not universal, but they didn't expect this kind of mutation to appear in the entire Kunlun Mountains.

You must know that they are just an ordinary mountain in the Kunlun Mountains, and they can only be said to be a corner of it. If the scope of the drastic change is so amazing, then what happened.

They couldn't wait to turn on their mobile phones, hoping to search for enough information on the Internet.

I saw the post bar, Weibo, official account, and major forums, all of which spread the news of the drastic changes in the Kunlun Mountains, which caused countless netizens to boil.

"Shocked, a mysterious heavy rain fell on the Kunlun Mountains last night, which caused shocking changes in the Kunlun Mountains. Animals and plants have undergone amazing mutations. Now the relevant departments have prevented everyone from approaching the Kunlun Mountains, and at the same time listed the Kunlun Mountains as a third-level alert area, no one is allowed to enter the Kunlun Mountains."

A piece of news spread immediately, indicating that the relevant departments had noticed this change in the sky and earth, and began to prevent others from approaching the Kunlun Mountains, lest there be any unpredictable dangers.

"Nimma, it's scary, it's really scary. I'm a freelance traveler who travels around in a caravan. It rained heavily last night. I didn't expect the weeds around my caravan to be higher than the grass on the grave. , almost drowned me, as if the surrounding weeds wanted to bury me, it was too scary, and now I don't know how to leave."

A netizen immediately uploaded pictures and videos of himself at the scene. It was just a caravan appearing in a weed, but each weed was one meter, or even two meters high.

Even a large RV looks very small in the midst of such amazing weeds. If someone shoots it from a high altitude, it will look like a toy car submerged in weeds.

"What are the weeds? Those trees are the real scary ones. Each of them grows to a height of tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters. Now the whole forest seems to have many skyscrapers. I Being in the forest is like a little man entering the kingdom of giants."

Some netizens uploaded pictures of themselves staying in the forest of the Kunlun Mountains. They saw extremely tall trees growing around them, and human beings under these trees seemed extremely small.

It's as if the whole world has been magnified and humans have been shrunk.

No one would believe such a thing if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

"Indeed, the changes are really astonishing. Such a big change has happened in just one night."

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