"It is said that the changes in the Kunlun Mountains were all caused by a heavy rain. What kind of heavy rain has promoted the rapid evolution of these plants." in conclusion."

"In fact, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened in Hua country. I don't know if you remember it. Not long ago, didn't similar things happen in the closed city?" "Indeed, although there was no such thing as a closed city It rained heavily, but those plants and animals also experienced unimaginable changes, which also happened overnight." Many netizens talked about it, and everyone was shocked. .

Chapter 266 This is the era of the explosion of species, and creatures all over the world are competing

"The recovery of spiritual energy must have caused the change in the Kunlun Mountains, otherwise, how could such a change occur." A netizen immediately shouted, saying that it must be the recovery of the spiritual energy of Xuanhuangxing that caused the huge change , otherwise such a mutation would not be possible.

"Hehe, who doesn't know that it is the change caused by the recovery of spiritual energy. The question is why such a recovery of spiritual energy happened in the Kunlun Mountains and not in other places." It was recovered early, but some places recovered slowly, which is extremely strange no matter how you look at it." "It can only be said that there must be some unknown secrets in these places that recovered early."

"It's like talking with your lungs. Who doesn't know that there must be a secret in it, but what is the secret?" "Hehe, if I knew, then I would be a member of the relevant department, not a keyboard warrior here .”

Many netizens were talking about it, and they were discussing with great interest about the mutation in the Kunlun Mountains, because it had a great impact on them.

Unlike the revival of the aura of the closed city, because the Kunlun Mountains cover a large area, and at the same time, it is sparsely populated and has various mysterious legends, so it attracts the attention of the world even more.

"Wait, when the closure of the city mutated, not only the plants mutated, but the animals also mutated, and the Kunlun Mountains didn't know how many kinds of wild animals there were. If there was a collective mutated, then Wouldn't it be extremely terrifying?" Some netizens~ suddenly thought of this.

He felt that compared with plant mutations, animal mutations are more terrifying. After all, animals can move, and they also have terrible lethality.

More importantly, with the strengthening of the protection of wild animals in China in recent years, the number of wild animals has grown dramatically-up, everywhere.

If these mutated animals start to proliferate, it will definitely pose a huge threat to the living environment of human beings.

"Hehe, I don't need you to say that someone has already taken videos of those mutated animals in the Kunlun Mountains. It is indeed as you said, those animals have indeed undergone extremely terrifying mutations." is serious.

Immediately, many netizens immediately discovered that there were many more videos of mutated animals taken near the Kunlun Mountains on the Internet.

"It's over, it's over, the Tibetan antelopes I raised at home have mutated, and each one has doubled in size. They are so ferocious that they can't be trapped in the sheep pen." A herdsman immediately posted a video of his sheep pen.

Immediately, the video showed that each Tibetan antelope was huge in size, with muscle bumps all over their bodies. They were running crazily on the grassland, and their speed was like a small car.

Tens of thousands of Tibetan antelopes are running on the grasslands, as if they are thousands of horses and horses. Even a tank will be overturned, and it may even be trampled into a pile of scrap iron.

Even if you just watch the video, you will be frightened by the momentum of these Tibetan antelopes.

"What is the mutation of the Tibetan antelope? The most terrifying mutation is the rabbits on the grassland. Every rabbit seems to have mutated into a super creature. They jumped out of the pothole and kicked my car out of the way It hit a huge pothole and almost kicked it to waste."

A self-guided traveler also uploaded a video he recorded.

Originally, he was driving on the prairie, enjoying the scenery on the prairie comfortably, but because the sound of his car engine was too loud, he actually offended the rabbit resting in the pothole.

I saw rabbits jumping out of the potholes one after another, and then from a distance, with a jump and a flying kick, they kicked hard on his car door.

With a bang, the car door was immediately kicked out of a huge pothole, and it was kicked to pieces. There was a loud noise, and even the whole car moved laterally for tens of meters.

This scene scared the driver out of his wits, stepped on the gas pedal, and quickly fled the scene.

If he was one step later, he might be beaten to death by these rabbits. "Nimma, is this still a rabbit? It must be boxing champion Tyson possessed."

"When did the rabbit become so scary, it is not afraid of people, and dare to attack humans."

"It's over, it's over, this world is really coming to an end, and even the rabbits have mutated. In this way, the grassland may become a restricted area for us humans."

"Isn't it? These mutated rabbits are really terrifying, and the rabbit's fecundity is amazing. After a year, an unknown number of rabbits may be born. By then, the rabbits will be completely flooded, and they may be completely captured by rabbits." Xuanhuangxing, and we humans have become captives of rabbits."

0.. . .Ask for flowers. . . . 0 "Stupid, the fecundity of rabbits is indeed good. Seventy to eighty small rabbits may be born in a year, but the fecundity of mice is not much worse than that of rabbits, and even stronger. I would say that those mutated mice are even more terrifying enemy."

"Hehe, when it comes to fecundity, these animals are nothing at all, such as insects, such as ants, the fecundity of these animals is the top boss."

"If these insects mutate, then the threat to us humans is the greatest. The so-called biochemical crisis is nothing at all. The species war is the real thing. Maybe we humans will be completely wiped out by these mutated insects. There will be no place for us humans in the entire Xuanhuang Star."

"Nimma, before we were still worried about the invasion of creatures from other worlds, but now it's all right, the local mutation of our Xuanhuang star has appeared again, maybe we don't need the invasion of creatures from other worlds at all, the mutation of local creatures alone is enough to kill We humans are completely wiped out, and it doesn't take much effort."

"Scientists have speculated before that this revival of spiritual energy is actually equivalent to the original ecosystem of Xuanhuang Star. It was the period of the explosion of species. At that time, countless species killed each other, and it is unknown how many types of creatures were wiped out. Only surviving creatures are eligible to live on this planet.

It is also the same now, due to the emergence of spiritual energy recovery, every species has obtained unimaginable evolution, the fairness of nature, not only we humans have obtained evolution, but other creatures have also obtained evolution.In other words, if we humans cannot win the final victory in this species competition, then we humans will completely disappear on this planet. "

"I think human beings may not become extinct, and may become a rare species like giant pandas, kept in zoos by other overlord races, and visited by descendants of those overlord races." "Damn, the result is even more tragic I don't want my descendants to become animals in the zoo." Many netizens discussed.and.

Chapter 267 Huaguo high-level meeting, strategies to deal with mutant animals

At this time, at the high-level meeting of the Hua Kingdom, many high-level leaders were present, and they had only one topic, which was to discuss the recent changes in the Kunlun Mountains.

After all, this is a change in the world with a radius of thousands of miles, even if they want to ignore it, it is impossible.

"I believe you also know the news. There was a heavy rain in the Kunlun Mountains last night, which resulted in the mutation and evolution of countless plants and animals in the Kunlun Mountains. The evolution speed of these creatures far exceeded our imagination." The old man in the Chinese tunic said.

Although it was only one night, they had collected enough information from various aspects to know the seriousness of this matter. "What happened to that heavy rain? How did it happen?" someone asked.

"I don't know, there is no trace of "Eight Nine Seven" to be found. It is estimated that it happened naturally in the natural world. The source cannot be found at all. It can only be said that this may be an abnormality caused by the recovery of Xuanhuangxing's spiritual energy." Someone shook his head.

Of course, they also want to know what the source of this mutation is, but in fact, it is almost impossible to find the source, which is beyond their ability.

In fact, they were at a loss as to how the void passages connecting the major worlds appeared, and there were many other incomprehensible things that appeared together.

In short, there are too many unexplainable things in this world, and they have no way to solve them one by one.

"Now is not the time for us to explore the source of this mutation. What we need to pay attention to now is that the emergence of these mutant animals and plants has greatly affected our human living environment. Although this time it is in the Kunlun Mountains, a place A sparsely populated place, but sooner or later, these mutated animals and plants may endanger our human living environment and erode our human living space."

A bald man expresses his concern.

After all, the area of ​​the entire Xuanhuang Star is actually that big. If those mutated animals and plants occupy more territory, then they will occupy less territory.

This creates irreconcilable contradictions.

"It's better to send out the army to wipe out all these animals, so that we can cut the weeds and eradicate the roots and avoid the threat in advance."

Some people put forward their own suggestions, it is best to plan ahead and exterminate these species in advance when these mutated animals do not have too much power. "madness."

Hearing this, someone next to him cursed: "The natural world is balanced, and the ecosystem is also balanced. If these animals are extinct, then these plants will also be extinct. At that time, this area will become a desert. Wouldn't be suitable for human habitation, is that what you need?

Of course, more importantly, with our current capabilities, unless nuclear bombs are used, it is impossible to exterminate these mutated animals. This is an unrealistic fantasy.

And now that the Kunlun Mountains have mutated, then next, it may be Sichuan's turn, Yunnan's turn, Northeast China's turn, and every other province with virgin forests.These provinces all have a huge number of wild animals. If these wild animals mutate, do we need to exterminate them? ""This! "

As soon as the words came out, the man fell silent immediately.

This is indeed the case. It is almost impossible to exterminate these mutated animals, and it is not worth the loss to do so. It may not be beneficial to human beings, and it may also cause ecological imbalance.

"Then how should we deal with the threat of these mutated creatures?"

someone asked.

"It's actually very simple, that is, we humans have evolved together."

The old man in the tunic suit said in a deep voice: "Why we humans can become the overlords of nature and dominate countless species is not only because we have the strongest intelligence, but in fact our size and combat power are absolutely superior even among large beasts." Among the top species, there are very few species that can deal with us humans."

This is actually true.

Some people think that human beings can become the overlord of the natural world, relying on human wisdom. The problem is that when human intelligence has not evolved to the peak, even if it relies on physical fitness, human combat effectiveness can still be among the best.

There are not many animals that can rival humans.

For example, jackals, tigers, leopards, lions and other large ferocious beasts, and relatively powerful human beings, can actually be singled out against them...

It is because of this that human beings can naturally become the overlord of nature.


Another person couldn't help but nodded: "Don't look at the fast evolution of those animals. In fact, we humans evolve faster because we know how to practice systematically and can cultivate warriors with extraordinary power on a large scale. .

If we humans can also achieve the same degree of evolution, or even further evolution, in fact, these mutant animals will not pose any threat to us. "

In fact, power is relative.

If animals evolve and humans evolve, then the gap between the two will not change much, and humans will still have an absolute advantage.

"Of course, this is just a long-term strategy for us humans. As long as we humans evolve faster than those animals, then these mutated animals will not pose a threat to us."

The old man in the tunic suit said: "But the short-term strategy is that those mutated animals are actually a great threat to ordinary humans, and they can't be dealt with with bare hands.

Therefore, we must set up a strict line of defense to completely prevent these mutated animals from entering our human cities and prevent them from posing a huge threat to us. "

He felt that it was necessary to start nationwide surveillance to prevent these mutated creatures from attacking human cities, county towns, villages and other 5.0 places, causing huge casualties.

"This is actually a method, and I also discovered that in the Kunlun Mountains, various rare species, natural treasures, and elixir are bred. If these elixir can be obtained, It seems that it can quickly increase the cultivation of our warriors and save our training time to the greatest extent. I think we should vigorously tap the potential of these virgin forests, and there are still many treasures in them.

Even the flesh and blood of these mutated animals seems to have a huge boost to the cultivation of warriors, and can greatly satisfy the growing appetite of warriors. "

Someone said, saying that these mutating plants and animals are actually of great benefit to human beings, they can bring extremely sufficient food to human beings, and bring many natural materials and earthly treasures that promote the cultivation of human warriors. .

Chapter 268 The Second Operation of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, the Hidden Crisis in Global Countries

"To be honest, mutated creatures are just a trivial matter. The speed of these creatures' mutation is indeed very fast, but they can't compare to the threat of those powerful extraordinary creatures from other worlds."

An old man in white said in a deep voice, and changed the topic to alien creatures.

Even though the creatures in the primitive forests of Hua country are mutating very fast, compared with those creatures in other worlds that have completely evolved, they are actually not worth mentioning.

After all, the evolution of these animals has only just begun, but those alien creatures have evolved many times and reached a new height.

In contrast, those terrifying alien creatures are the biggest threat to Xuanhuangxing.

"Although that is the case, the strength of these alien worlds is too terrifying. Even if we want to deal with them, or even invade the world where they are, there is no way."

Someone said in a low voice.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the existence of god-level powerhouses in Xuanhuangxing, those alien creatures would have invaded in large numbers long ago, and they wouldn't have waited until now, as Xuanhuangxing was still safe and sound.

If they get the help of those god-level powerhouses, then these alien creatures are naturally not worth mentioning.

It's a pity that no matter how they contacted, those 05 mysterious god-level powerhouses still ignored them, let alone getting help from the other party.

Basically, if there is no particularly serious disaster on Xuanhuangxing, those god-level powerhouses seem to have no intention of making a move, and everything needs to rely on their own efforts.

"Don't worry, in fact, although there are not many different worlds connected to our country, there are quite a few, and some of them are relatively low-level worlds. We happen to have a large number of warriors now. Maybe we can send these warriors to sneak into other worlds. Gather various information about the different world."

The old man in white spoke his plan.

"That's right, our understanding of transcendental knowledge is still too scarce. The strength of ordinary warriors is not worth mentioning in front of the real transcendent."

"That's true. If you don't become extraordinary, you are just ants after all. Our country's understanding of extraordinary knowledge is too little. Due to the lack of information, we cannot know what the power of extraordinary is. If this continues, we will sooner or later They will all be destroyed by the other world."

"That's right, the only plan for now is to sneak into the other world and steal the knowledge about the extraordinary in the other world. Only in this way can we make up for our shortcomings in the extraordinary level."

Many high-level bigwigs talked about it.

Don't look at the fact that there seems to be a lot of acquired warriors and congenital warriors in the Hua Kingdom, and even some grand masters and grand masters have begun to be born, but these warriors are still not worth mentioning compared to the extraordinary.

So they must try their best to make more extraordinary warriors born in their country.

In this way, they have a greater chance of survival in the face of the invasion of creatures from other worlds.

It is because of this that they need to sneak into the other world, steal knowledge about the extraordinary, and obtain the method of how to become an extraordinary warrior.

"Yes, it is said that although the eight-nation coalition's plan to explore a different world failed last time, they still do not give up and plan to plan for the next exploration of a different world."

A bald old man said in a deep voice.

"What? Those idiots actually dare to come a second time. Aren't they afraid to attract enemies like the troll army again? If there is no god to take action next time, I'm afraid they will really be wiped out."

Some people were very surprised. They didn't expect the Eight-Nation Allied Forces to be so courageous. They didn't learn any lessons at all, and they simply couldn't see the coffin without crying.

"No, no, no, they are not idiots. They are not as reckless as they were before, and they don't dare to underestimate any seemingly primitive world."

The bald old man explained: "So now they plan to send a small group of troops in. First, they will explore the environment of the different world and learn all kinds of information about it. After they understand it clearly, they will make a decision on whether to invade or not." So, exploring another world is still not a simple matter.”

"That's right, if it fails, it's not a big deal to lose these elites. More importantly, it may offend the creatures in other worlds, which will lead to war."

"Having said that, it is imperative for us to explore other worlds. After all, if we don't understand them, they will come to understand us. We can't be ostriches all our lives and can't see things outside." "That's right. Yes, this is a step that must be taken, even if it requires paying a heavy price, it must be done." Everyone discussed.

In fact, even the Hua country has been brewing a plan to explore other worlds. After all, they can't always be beaten. They also want to fight back, at least to find out the weaknesses of these alien creatures. "But I'm more worried about Sakura Country."

The bald old man said in a deep voice: "According to the information I got, the alien worlds that appear in the Sakura Country are very dangerous, they seem to belong to the world of demons, and there is a huge crisis hidden in it.

But this time, in order to obtain information about this other world, the Sakura Kingdom intends to take the risk of sending a large number of elites into it. If they fail, they may offend these alien creatures and cause huge disasters. "But if they succeed, they can also gain huge benefits. Although it is safe to explore the lower world, the benefits are not great. Although it is dangerous to explore the higher world, once it succeeds, the rewards will be huge." "897" Indeed, it is estimated that Sakura Country also thinks so, and then plans to explore the world of demons. "

"Sakura Kingdom has such a personality. They like to take risks and bet on the fate of the country at every turn. Once they succeed, they will be ascension to heaven, but if they fail, they will be doomed." "No way, this is actually the character of the people of the island country. You are a fisherman, you depend on the sky for your food, if you don’t take risks, you will starve to death, this is already a habit.”

"We still have to pay attention to the country of cherry blossoms. After all, the country of cherry blossoms is too close to us. Once there is any danger, it may affect our country and cause unpredictable dangers." "It's not just the country of cherry blossoms. Alien passages have also appeared in countries such as the Coconut Country, the Thousand Island Country, etc., and these countries all contain potential dangers.” Once a crisis breaks out, it will be a chain reaction, and it will affect the whole body." "This actually has nothing to do with us, the distance is too far, and it is not up to us to manage it. Now we actually manage ourselves well." That's enough, and I can't control the situation in other countries." Many high-level leaders talked a lot, saying that the situation in the world today is extremely complicated, and no one knows what the world will look like in the future. .

Chapter 269 Searching for treasures in the Phoenix Secret Realm, passing the plucked Xia Chuan

A few days later, in the Phoenix Secret Realm.Boom~~ At this moment, Xia Chuan finally woke up from the state of cultivation. After several days of cultivation, he also completely consolidated his cultivation of the seventh level of extraordinary, and he was completely familiar with the power of being a high-level extraordinary warrior.

To be honest, there is indeed a big gap between mid-level extraordinary warriors and high-level extraordinary warriors. The two are not at the same level at all. Although the difference between the two is only one level, the difference in strength is at least double.

If the talent is amazing, the difference may be three times, or even ten times. "Book of Wisdom, what's the result of investigating the Phoenix Secret Realm these days?" Xia Chuan asked.

Although he is in the state of cultivation, the Book of Wisdom is not idle. According to Xia Chuan's order, it has been exploring the hidden secrets of the Phoenix Secret Realm and searching for treasures in the Phoenix Secret Realm. "Owner."

At this time, the Book of Wisdom said: "Indeed, as the master expected, the existence of the Phoenix Secret Realm itself is actually a huge space coordinate. Even if we kill these two little phoenixes, if the Phoenix Secret Realm does not disappear, The powerhouses of the Phoenix Clan can still find the exact location of Xuanhuangxing."

It means that once the Phoenix Clan arrives at Xuanhuang Star, the first place they arrive must be the Phoenix Secret Realm, because they left space coordinates in this place.

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