Is there anything more pleasurable than this?

Absolutely not.

If I have to say something, I will add a knife to Tohsaka Tokiomi at that time.

It must be more enjoyable.

After a dull laugh.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.

I immediately realized what I had just done.

"How is this going?"

He couldn't help questioning his daughter.

The tone was a little confused, a little panicked.

"Why, am I happy about this kind of thing?" (Qian Lizhao)

as a priest.

Such a thing would have been unacceptable.

But why—? !

Why is it that when I think of that picture, there is endless happiness in my heart.

Is this really the right pleasure?

Regarding Kotomine Kirei, Karen just said it without any surprise.

"Because that's your nature!"

"Kotomine Kirei!"

"Take pleasure in the pain of others!"

"You are such a person!"

She made an assertion with absolute certainty.

"Get pleasure from the destruction of others...?"

Kotomine Kirei looked at his hands in a daze.

It was as if I knew myself for the first time.

Showing a very confused expression.

See his performance.

Karen chuckled, but didn't disturb his transformation or.

Instead, he jumped into the cell where Little Jack was locked, and released the Servant from the bondage with the key.

Little Jack, who was freed from the bondage, did not attack others again.

Obviously she looks eight or nine years old.

But in Little Jack's cognition, he may not have been born yet.

So, she considers her horseless companion Karen as her sister.

Facing her sister, she was quite obedient.

Holy Church, Assassin group, ready. .

Chapter 175

When Karen, Ilya and others just got off the plane.

Matou Mansion.

The summoning circle in front of Sakura lit up.

What kind of Servant can be summoned by relying on this child's nature?

Su Mo was very curious about this.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

"The Servant Berserker follows the contract, who is my lovely Master?"

A girl in a blue kimono with dragon horns on her head appeared in the center of the summoning circle.

The girl wearing white stockings has a very beautiful face and a beautiful figure.

The dark golden pupils twitched.

Soon, she recognized her Master according to the contract of the Command Spell.

It was the youngest Sakura.

"Even though I sensed the aura of a companion born for love..."

"But even I didn't expect the Master to be so young."

"Hehe~ It's really a bad relationship."

The girl who called herself Berserker opened the fan in her sleeve to hide her smile.

Her eyes drifted from Xiao Ying to Su Mo involuntarily.

I don't even know what to think.

"Beautiful sister, are you my servant?"

Sakura dared to look at this unusually cute big sister.

"Master will really please people."

The girl with long blue hair smiled, crouched down and stroked Sakura's hair.

"Yes, I am your servant!"

Although I saw the appearance of this Servant.

Su Mo has already confirmed her identity.

But for the sake of insurance, I still asked a question.

"Berserker, can you tell me your real name?"

"As you can see, my Master and I belong to an alliance, and this level of intelligence sharing is no problem."

Hear Su Mo say that.

Sakura nodded too.

"Well, sister, you don't have to hide anything from your brother!"

"Brother Su Mo is the most reliable!"

Even the Master said so, as a Servant, you can only obey orders.

"A concubine is a servant born for love."

The blue-haired girl introduced herself with her head held high.

Sakura showed an expression of "who knows what you say?"

Let the girl suffer quite a bit.

"My concubine's name is Qingji, so she should be quite famous in this country."

She gave her real name.


Su Mo had a guess when he saw the girl.

His guesses were confirmed after self-destruction.

Sure enough, the girl who burned everything for love—— Kiyohime.


In addition to being a beautiful girl with white silk.

The biggest characteristic of Qingji is that she is sick and tender, and then she has a certain degree of dragon attribute.

If it is called according to the nature.

How can Sakura summon this guy?

Is there anything in common between the two of them?

Su Mo looked at Xiao Ying suspiciously.

Xiao Ying also blinked to look at Su Mo, as if waiting for a compliment.

"It's amazing! With Kiyohime's help, we will definitely win the Holy Grail War!"

Su Mo touched Xiao Ying's head, temporarily put the question of compatibility aside, and complimented her.

Unexpectedly, after he disrupted the order of Heroic Spirits.

In the end, it was Berserker who was summoned by the Matou family.

However, it is different from Lancelot in the original book.

Kiyohime is the type who is too mad, but can maintain his sense of reason.

However, his ill-like paranoia has not disappeared.

Fortunately, it was Sakura who summoned her this time.

So Kiyohime doesn't seem to regard Sakura as a lover.

Instead, she was regarded as a companion.

This relationship is very convenient.

After getting to know each other for a while.

Qing Ji also understood the current situation.

This is the end.

All seven Masters required for the Holy Grail War appeared.

All seven required servants were also summoned.

When this evening comes, the Holy Grail War will officially begin.

"Miss Okita must show her talents and live up to the Master's trust!"

Souji Okita was in high spirits (ceai).

Obviously ready to kill the Quartet.

She had never felt so much better in her body.

All A-level physical fitness is simply invincible.

Today, she is going to let those ancient heroic spirits know what a peerless sword girl is!

"Yes Yes!"

Su Mo nodded in response.

He didn't remember when he asked Okita.

"Hmm... I always feel like the Master is underestimating me!"

To Su Mo's slightly perfunctory answer.

Chief Okita puffed out his cheeks, feeling unsatisfied.

"If you can get over [the sickness], I can count on you."

Su Mo spread out his hands.

Unable to overcome this negative BUFF, Ms. Okita is better off as a comedian.

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