Although it was a bit rude, he really thought so.

Hearing Su Mo's words, Chief Okita shook his head.

"Master, you are worrying too much. Although [sickness] is troublesome, it actually doesn't happen often."

"In addition, I have the enhancement of the Master, and the recovery speed is much faster, so there must be no problem."

"If you don't believe me, Okita will be the first to fight in the first battle today!"

"I will definitely bring you victory, Master!"

Having said that, Chief Okita erected Flag with great energy.

See her confident look.

Su Mo couldn't help but said.

"Then let's make a bet."

"If you can defeat the first enemy Servant, I will grant you a request."

"If you fail to defeat the first enemy Servant you meet, then you owe me a request."

After hearing his words.

Sakura and Okita Soji both lit up at the same time.

"Master, are you serious?"

Chief Okita was very excited.

Originally, she wanted to prove herself in front of the Master.

Now there is such an attractive condition.

Makes it hard for her not to get motivated.

"of course it's true."

Su Mo nodded.

"The request should be within a reasonable range."

"Good! Deal!"

The excited Chief Okita immediately made a high-five agreement with Su Mo.

In the eyes of Mr. Okita, this is simply a bargain.

If she wins, she can even ask the Master to do various things with her.

As for losing - how could she possibly lose?

All A-level attributes, plus the slaying magic sword.

Even if there is no particularly high-level Noble Phantasm, she does not panic at all.

How did Feilong ride the face lose? !

With my own sword skills, plus the advantage of [Shrinking Ground] speed.

No matter what enemy you encounter, you can easily suppress it.

Even let it have no chance to liberate the Noble Phantasm at all.

Unless it is the kind of guy who has the Noble Phantasm of Injury Reduction, it might be a little trickier.

However, there are not many defense-type Noble Phantasms, and there are even fewer high-level ones.

No matter how lucky you are, you won't be able to meet such a Servant in the first place, right?

How unlucky that is!

Ms. Okita, who was very confident in her luck, didn't panic at all, but rather wanted to laugh.

- You are stable!

Looking at Okita, who was covered in flags, Su Mo blinked and didn't speak.

He always felt that if this trend continued, Okita would be slapped in the face.

It would not be an illusion.

And the other side.

"Brother Su Mo... Xiao Ying also wants to participate."

Sakura on the side said eagerly.

She has no interest in fighting.

But she is very interested in Su Mo.

This is a rare opportunity for Su Mo to agree to a request.

Sakura naturally didn't want to miss it.


"It's too early for Sakura."

Su Mo shook his head and rejected her.

Such a thing in his mouth.

Of course it's not a weird thing.

It means fighting.

"With your current magic circuit, you can't stand the consumption of the Servant's battle."

"Not to mention, you are not prepared to directly participate in the Holy Grail War."

"In this case, you are not fit to step into the battlefield at all."

Unlike before, when it comes to combat, Su Mo is quite serious.

The tone is more decisive, not as soft as before.

Hear him say that.

Sakura clenched her tiny fist.

"For brother Su Mo's words, I can fight too!"

The little girl said with firm eyes.

Hearing this, Su Mo smiled.

The tone became serious.

"The battle itself is not sacred, but it entrusts life and death, and contains the weight of life."

"Don't look at your usual stupidity, Sister Okita, but her awareness in battle is no child's play. Whether it is killing or being killed, she has already realized it."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Hear Su Mo's words.

"Kill and be killed..."

The young Sakura thought for a moment, then nodded again.

"If it's for Brother Su Mo, even if it's life-threatening—"

The young girl speaks her mind.

But it was interrupted by Su Mo.

"I understand how you feel, not to mention being killed, your child's character is too soft, even if you encounter more tragic things, you won't blame others."

"But——do you have the mentality to kill?"

Su Mo stared at Xiao Ying, as if asking her heart.


Opening her mouth, Sakura couldn't speak.

It's still too early for her to take other people's lives.

After hesitating for a while, she was just about to make up her mind, the moment before she wanted to speak.

Su Mo threw another question.

"What if you want to kill your father?"

"The Tohsaka family is also one of the three imperial families, and Tokiomi Tohsaka is also a participant in the Holy Grail War."

"There is a high probability that we will meet him this time."


Sakura was silent.

For this abandoned his father.

Can you kill yourself.

This kind of thing, she can't think of the result when she is young.

"Well...Brother Su Mo, I'm not ready yet."

Sakura finally understood what Su Mo meant.

She, who didn't even think about how to deal with this possibility, was indeed not suitable to set foot on the battlefield.

This is to protect her, and it can also reassure Su Mo.

After understanding this, the well-behaved she naturally knew what to do.

Stay at home obediently and wait for the return of Brother Su Mo and Sister Okita.

This is the greatest help to Brother Su Mo.

Seeing Sakura's convincing look.

Su Mo touched her little head again.

"Don't worry, you will naturally learn a lot when you grow up. I will teach you then."

"We still have a lot of time, so don't rush."

Hear his consolation.

Sakura nodded understandingly and rubbed beside Su Mo.

Su Mo turned his attention to Qing Ji who was beside him.

"Qingji, when we go out to fight, it's up to you to take care of this child."

"I have set up a defensive technique here. If you encounter an enemy, you can just deploy it without any scruples!"

"If there is an emergency, just call my name directly."

Hearing her words, Qing Ji nodded.

"Understood, Mr. Su Mo."

"I will definitely take good care of Master!"

Even though it was Berserker, she was unexpectedly reliable at this time.

It is very reassuring. .

Chapter 176

After planning.

Su Mo didn't take action immediately either, it was still daytime after all.

He continued to practice swordsmanship for a day.

At night, after dinner.

It didn't take long for Su Mo to notice an astonishing wave of magic power.

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