Is it really a damage reduction treasure? ! !

After hearing Lancer's story.

She was so depressed that she almost vomited blood.

What kind of sin did she do, why is her luck so bad!

Possesses the [Unnamed Three-stage Thrust] that can break through defenses.

Ordinary armor is useless to her.

Even high-grade armor can't defend against her secret sword.

Only the armor with damage reduction effect is a natural enemy to her.

No matter how powerful a sword skill is, as long as it cannot fire a light cannon, there is a limit to its power.

Once this power is reduced, the damage that can be caused is not high.

Not to mention, the opponent's armor directly reduced the damage by 90.00% outrageously.

This made her secret sword totally a mosquito bite.

Directly abolished her biggest killer move.

How to fight this? !


"Come again!"

Miss Okita did not give up.

She can fight another [-] rounds!

Chief Okita figured out that if his deadly ultimate move was useless, he would rely on delaying time to decide the outcome.

Lancer activated the magic power release skill in order to compete with his own strength and speed.

This skill is very mana-consuming.

Even if the opponent's master is very good, it won't last long.

But here she is different.

Master's magic is almost endless, almost no need to consider consumption.

So, in a protracted battle, she has the advantage!

Although relying on the Master's magic power to win, in the end, it was used in exchange for the requirements of the Master, which sounded a bit rascal.

However, in order to be able to post with Master, she can accept this stigma!

Miss Okita rushes the duck!

With the mentality of consuming magic power.

Chief Okita rushed up again, and the spear and sword fought together again.

However, this time, the close battle lasted for dozens of seconds.

Okita-san, who was about to activate the Noble Phantasm, encountered an accident.

"One step supersonic!"

"Second step!"

"Three steps to death!"

"Nameless - poof!"

As she was about to activate the Noble Phantasm, she suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Miss Okita hit the street!

Her abacus is very good, if she can continue to consume mana, maybe she really has a chance to win.

However, Miss Okita forgot.

With [Sick] DEBUFF, she is also not good at protracted warfare.

And now, with the curse of bad luck, she lost her fighting power.


Seeing this scene, even Lancer, the battle-hardened warrior, was stunned.

What's going on, you kneel down halfway through the fight? !

He was stunned for a moment.

His Master was not stupid.

"Lancer, take the opportunity to get rid of her!"

There was no time to communicate with magic, so Lancer's master shouted loudly with loudspeaker magic.

Everyone heard his order.

Perhaps there are followers who will express contempt for this act of taking advantage of others' danger.

But everyone has to admit that this is indeed a good time.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

If you get rid of this enemy at one time, the possibility of victory is even greater.

Hear the order of his master.

Although I feel that this is not in line with the spirit of martial arts.

But Lancer is the type that respects the Master more than his personal will.

So, he raised the golden gun high.

The tip of the gun flashed coldly.

But it didn't fall.



The sound of Ben Lei sounded, and a dazzling thunder light rushed over from the Nianyuanchuan Bridge.

At the same time, a thunderous shout resounded throughout the port.

"Stop! Fighting is forbidden in front of this king's royal driver!"

Obviously, there are other Servants intervening.

Not willing to let him end Saber's life.

If he continued to kill Saber, he would be run over by a wheel shrouded in thunder.

But for him, it would not be fatal.

At this moment.

Master's next order came.

"Stop the attacker! Kill Saber!"

Ask Lancer to stop the attacker while killing Saber.

This requirement, in any case, is too harsh.

That thunderous rushing wheel is at least the power of liberating Noble Phantasms above rank A.

And the opponent has already taken the lead.

At this time, no matter what kind of Servant, it should only be possible to choose one side.

Either avoid the attacker's Noble Phantasm, or take the opportunity to end Saber's life...

You can't do both at all.


Lancer's expression didn't look embarrassed.

For other Servants, it may be impossible to do, but for him, it is not the case.

"It's not difficult to do two things with one heart, a true hero kills with his eyes!"

Having said that, the spear in his hand slashed in a sharp arc and slashed towards Saber's head, who was on the ground.

And his eyes are looking into the distance.

Tightly locked the attacking thunder car.

"Brahma, cover the earth!"

With the Noble Phantasm liberation language finished.

In Lancer's eyes, a golden laser cannon suddenly shot out!

The golden laser cannon directly and accurately hit the thunderbolt that came.


The two Noble Phantasms collided, making a deafening sound.

Lancer didn't pay attention to the brilliant sparks above his head, but looked at the place in front of him.

The golden spear, which was originally used to end the enemy, was stopped by a pitch-black sword.

Saber, who vomited blood for some reason, was embraced by the master who held the jet-black sword.

——That is the Master who came with Saber.

As the master of mankind.

Steadily blocked the blow of his top martial arts Servant.

This scene is bizarre enough.

Although Lancer himself wasn't too surprised, he had already noticed the extraordinaryness of this man.

But whether it's Lancer's Master or anyone else who observes the battlefield with the help of a familiar.

But they were too shocked to speak.

Lancer's attack, even the Servant may not have the confidence to follow.

The Master in front of him caught it with one hand.

——Is this really something that humans can do?

Su Mo who stopped Lancer's attack.

At this time, he didn't care about Lancer, or what the Master thought behind him.

He just laughed a little, looking at Chief Okita in his arms.

He laughed lightly.

"Miss Saber, should I be willing to admit defeat?"

And Chief Officer Okita, who was powerless collapsed in Su Mo's arms.

It is a bitter face.

Although being held by the Master is very happy.

But when she thought that she had lost a chance to make a request to the Master, she couldn't be happier.

"Woo~ I admit defeat!"

She said reluctantly.

Even if you don't want to accept it.

She also understood that if the Master didn't take action, she would really die.

So, this bet is a complete defeat.

There is no room for regret.

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