"However, what is the Master planning to ask of me?"

After thinking about it, Okita Souji asked.

She suddenly realized that even if she failed, it didn't seem to be a loss?

After all, he was originally a Servant of the Master.

Originally, the Master had the power to order himself to do various things.

So, even if this request is put in Su Mo's hands, it doesn't seem to make much sense?

Rather, she hopes that the Master can come up with more and further content.

"Say this in private!"

Su Mo shook his head, not intending to continue the deep chat.

"That Servant just now seems to have come over."

They looked away together.

The direction from which the Thunder Bull Cart hit.



PS: During the special period, remember to use some words carefully for book reviews, the system will automatically delete them, and some book reviews are all gone. .

Chapter 178

When Lancer issued a challenge to all followers.

A strong man with red hair led a thin and weak man to the Weiyuanchuan Bridge.

It is the Rider combination in the Holy Grail War.

The King of Conquerors Iskandar, and his master and queen—— Weber Velvet.

at this time.

The battle between Lancer and Saber has begun.

"Hey, Rider, it's too high up here, shall we go down?"

Wei Bo, who was a little afraid of heights, looked at the river under his feet and said to his followers.

"Hahaha! It's the high places that you can see clearly!"

The King of Conqueror laughed and patted Webber on the shoulder.


Weber felt that if he hadn't hugged King Conqueror's thick arm tightly, he might have fallen off.

——He didn't seem to have thought about the possibility that the King of Conqueror wanted him to hug him on purpose.

——You know, in the era of King Conqueror, "philosophy" was very popular.

Watching the wonderful battle in the distance.

Even with Rider's knowledge, he couldn't help but admire him.

"As expected of a hero who has crossed time and space."

"At that time, there were no such powerful warriors under my command."

Seeing this, Weber also looked towards the battlefield.

"Rider, are we observing here to reap the benefits?"

he asked curiously.

If Rider, a man with five big and three rough, has this kind of mind.

He just changed his mind a little bit.

However, to his dismay, the King of Conqueror answered otherwise.

"Small 24, the pattern is small!"

He looked at the immature Weber and shook his head.

"I just want to see which side is eligible to join me."


Nothing to say about Rider's narcissism.

Webb tried not to care about it, but asked.

"Then which one do you think is qualified?"

In his own eyes, these two Servants are strong like monsters, and it is difficult to tell them apart.

Originally wanted to hear what Rider had to say and see which one was stronger.

Unexpectedly, Rider's answer was yes.

"I want it all!"


Weber was speechless again.

Children want everything, adults know they don't have a choice.

But that's not the point.

While the two were chatting, a sudden change occurred on the battlefield.

That valiant girl swordsman, for some reason, vomited blood and fell to the ground.

At this time, the golden spearman was about to kill Saber.

The King of Conquerors finally could not sit still.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

The Noble Phantasm [Shenwei Wheel] came, and the Flying Hoof Thunder Bull came with a chariot.

The King of Conqueror hugged his Master and jumped into the chariot.

Then he ordered the flying hoof thunder bull and rushed to the battlefield in the port.

"Stop! Fighting is forbidden in front of this king's royal driver!"

Iskandar stopped loudly.

If the opponent insists on beheading Saber, he will face his own Thunder Bull.

Even if the opponent has a super powerful defensive Noble Phantasm, it will be difficult to eat his own Noble Phantasm completely.

This is an A+ grade Noble Phantasm!

Iskandar, who forced the opponent to make a choice, did not expect it.

This Lancer can be so fierce.

Want to fight on two fronts.

Both behead Saber and stop himself.

Even if he had the intention to save Saber, the Noble Phantasms sent by Lancer were obviously different.

Only he who protects himself first can completely liberate his Noble Phantasm.

"Distant ravages and tyrants!"

Before the blue thunder and the golden laser collided with each other.

The witty King of Conquerors has already jumped into the sea with his Master.


The collision of the Noble Phantasm made a loud noise.

Cancel each other out.

After a few seconds, the King of Conqueror brought his Master with him.

Crawled out of the waves.


The Conqueror King was shocked to discover that Saber was not dead.

Not only that.

Saber's Master actually easily blocked Lancer's attack.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"I didn't expect that such a hero could be born in modern society!"

"As a human being able to compete with the top Servants... it's too incredible!"

After sighing, he looked towards Su Mo enthusiastically.

"I ask you, are you willing to join the command of the King of Conqueror Iskandar? The treatment is negotiable!"

Hearing this, Su Mo was completely speechless.

"...Forgive me for my refusal."

If the treatment is really good, that's all.

But in the army of the King of Conquerors, there are no sisters if you want girls, and no strength if you want strength.

All are gay.

There was no need to wait at all.

"Is that so..."

The rejected conqueror was not embarrassed either.

He immediately looked at the other two.

Saber and Lancer.

"I only have one Master!"

Director Okita in Su Mo's arms hugged Su Mo directly and shook his head.

"I already have a Master too."

Lancer shook his head in denial.

"What a pity...Is there no room for negotiation?"

The King of Conquest tried to bargain.

"If you are willing to become my subordinates, I am willing to share the joy of conquering the world with you."

However, the response to him was still two refusals.


"turn down."

Iskandar felt a little regretful to be rejected by the two in such a series.

Behind him, Webber, who was wet with sea water, jumped out.

"Idiot! Idiot! Didn't you attract any of them?!"

Webber looked at his Servant resentfully, like a weakling who had only been bullied.

"Hahahaha! Why don't you give it a try!"

The King of Conquerors responded with a hearty laugh.

After being interrupted by this pair of master and servant, the atmosphere of the battlefield became a little happier.

At this time, Okita Souji's curse of [sickness] seems to have passed.

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