Tianzhou Ma Anna obeyed the call and opened a realm gate.

From the realm gate, you can see the image of the cosmic starry sky.

That's a star map near Venus.

The furious goddess did not care, she would use the attack of Lingfeng, which had been revered by the gods.

at this moment.

She felt the resistance from the Master.

"Stupid Tokiomi! Don't stop me!"

Goddess Ishtar roared loudly.

With her anti-magic power as high as A rank, a mere Command Spell is ineffective at all.

However, the roar didn't work.

It seems to have sensed some irresistible force.

Knowing that he couldn't stay any longer, Ishtar glared at Su Mo angrily.

"Your life, this goddess is determined!"

"Don't think that you win!"

Then, the goddess who spoke harshly turned into gold particles and disappeared in place with the fluctuation of space.Eight.

Chapter 182

Looking at the place where Goddess Ishtar disappeared, the golden light particles dispersed.

Disappeared together with the Bull of Heaven.

The astonishing Iskandar couldn't help sighing.

"It's like a scene from a fairy tale!"

Beneath him, Webb was sobbing and hopeless.

"I heard that the Holy Grail War is about fighting Servants."

"But I've never heard of goddesses and gods joining in!"

"This kind of opponent is too foul, it's impossible to win!"

The young magician was desperate.

The opponent was Kenneth, and he could barely muster the courage.

The opponent is a god, let alone him, it is estimated that Mr. Kenneth will also be scared to pee.

"Hahaha! Even if you can't win, there are times when you have to go!"

"This is the heroic spirit!"

The King of Conqueror, smiling proudly, comforted his Master.

This time, he did not deny the fact that he might not be able to win at all.

Whether it's a talented goddess.

Or Su Mo who drove away the goddess.

Those are powers that are beyond the scope of his handling, and can even be said to be beyond the realm of human beings.

As a human being, I can only express admiration for the power of the gods.


"If it is Mr. Su Mo, we may never win."

The King of Conqueror touched his chin and spoke his judgment.

"However, that goddess is not necessarily!"

"If it is true that the body of the gods is coming, there should be no power to resist the Command Spell."

"And just now, although the goddess was able to resist, she was forcibly transferred by her master in the end."

"That is to say, the state of this goddess herself is not in her heyday."

Hearing his analysis, Lancer's Master was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that such a big and three rough Servant could have such a keen eye.

However, for what he said.

Rider's Master did not agree.

"Rider, even if the goddess is not in her prime, she is definitely stronger than most Servants."

"The gem magic that I threw out before is worth the power of the Noble Phantasm."

"Not to mention, the combat power of the divine beast summoned by the opponent is not compromised at all."

"With the power of a Servant, there is absolutely no way to deal with that mythical beast!"

In addition to fear, Weber analyzed the situation in a very methodical manner.

Hearing this, the King of Conqueror showed admiration.

Webb has the qualifications to become a military division.

But that's not the point now.

but the content of his words.

Recalling the gem magic that made him a little difficult to deal with before, the King of Conqueror nodded.

"Indeed, the goddess itself is very tricky."

"Not to mention, that terrifying divine beast."

Having said that, everyone couldn't help but look at the battlefield of the beast not far away.

The huge port has been completely turned into ruins.

The earth was plowed out of bottomless ravines.

The coast in the distance was also completely destroyed.

In less than half a minute of battle, the aftermath of the battle between the two divine beasts almost destroyed an area.

This is still a battle under the intentional control of both sides and try not to affect ordinary people.

Otherwise, the entire city will be burned.

Such destructive power.

To be honest, Iskandar felt that even if he used an EX-level Noble Phantasm—the army of the king.

It is estimated that the power of the combined army will never be able to defeat it.

That's not something that human beings can reach.


"It's natural for the boat to go straight to the bridge! There will always be a way!"

The determined Conqueror patted Webber on the shoulder, looking like an optimist.

It made Weber yell again.

After the analysis is complete.

The King of Conquerors didn't care about the goddess who had left.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Lancer, whom he had always cared about before.

The red-haired man scratched his head.

Looking at this guy with golden armor, who showed extremely terrifying combat power from the very beginning.

He finally asked the question he had wanted to ask for a long time.

"Lancer, even if Mr. Su Mo is too powerful to be desperate."

"But as a Servant, you should have your own self-esteem, right?"

So foreshadowing a few words.

The King of Conqueror asked directly.

"—what are you kneeling on the ground for?"

His question is exactly the same question that Weber and Lancer's Master want to ask.

Before, because it was more concerned with the war between the goddess and the gods of this world.

So everyone subconsciously ignored Lancer.

After recovering from that fabulous battle.

People find out.

The taciturn, incomparably powerful Lancer with the golden brilliance of the sun.

Unexpectedly, he knelt down directly in front of Su Mo.

He looked very respectful.

Is this directly scared to kneel? !

People were very suspicious.



The time went back ten minutes.

Farsaka Residence.

Naturally, Tohsaka Tokiomi immediately noticed the provocative message from Lancer.

As a local snake, he has enough familiars to monitor the battlefield.

Realize that this will be the beginning of a fight.

Tosaka Tokiomi immediately began to monitor the scene.

In fact, as a Master, it is common to establish a magic circuit with a Servant.

Thus, sharing the five senses of a Servant is the most convenient means of reconnaissance.

It's a pity that the willful Servant who calls himself a goddess would not agree to such a thing.

Tohsaka Tokiomi once made this request.

The response was -

"Silly batch, do you want to die?!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi also died down and did not dare to mention it again.

The most difficult part of facing this Servant is here.

That goddess is so stinky!

If it was just that, it would be fine.

With his adult man's demeanor, as long as the Servant is reliable, it is no problem for the Servant to call miscellaneous repairs every day.

What is it to endure this bit of abuse in order to get to the root?

However, it really made him a little unbearable.

It was this goddess who used her daughter's body to scold herself.

as a middle-aged man.

The dignity that I care about most is the face of the magician.

Naturally, it is the dignity in front of his wife and daughter.

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