However, this was directly destroyed by Ishtar.

Every day I was scolded by my daughter like a grandson.

Even Buddhas have fire.

And, if only so.

He can bear it!

Totally unbearable.

Recently he found out.

His own daughter, the lovely daughter who has always been obedient and obedient - Tohsaka Rin.

It seems to have been infected by Ishtar recently.

Occasionally, when speaking, he would naturally blurt out a sentence to Tohsaka Tokiomi - "stupid criticism".

That's all.

He can still endure it!

What was really intolerable was his own reaction.

After being called a "stupid critic" by my own daughter.

Tohsaka Tokiomi knelt down like a conditioned reflex.

And ask Goddess Ishtar's forgiveness.

He still remembered when he raised his head.

His daughter Tohsaka Rin, the expression on that little face.

From the panic of saying the wrong thing, to the bewilderment of kneeling down to my father, to the doubts about the current situation, to a trace of unspeakable joy...

Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't know what his daughter was thinking.

But to this day, he still remembers the last expression on his face.

——"Ah! I have gradually understood everything" expression.

since that day.

Tohsaka Tokiomi had always felt that.

Sometimes, it is not Ishtar who reprimands himself, but his daughter Rin.

However, even if the clues are detected.

He didn't dare to say or ask.

He knew that if he questioned him back.

It must be that Ishtar guy again taking over the body.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged old father had tears in his eyes.

I was scolded by my daughter every day, and I didn't dare to talk back.

Is there anyone worse than him?


Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed deeply.

The recent experience has been too tragic.

Even if it was just a memory, he couldn't hold back.

Fortunately, the Holy Grail War has begun.

When the Holy Grail War is over, the goddess is gone, and she can return to her original happy life.

Think so.

He began to use the familiar, watching the scene in the port.

At first it was a battle between Lancer and Saber.

Although the intensity seems to be beyond the normal level of Holy Grail War.

But there was a suspected goddess on his side, so Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't panic at all.

Then, Rider appeared, although it was a bit unexpected.

But Tohsaka Tokiomi was still not panicking.

This guy who reported his real name from the beginning was not Ishtar's opponent.

It's better to wait for them to kill each other first.

Take advantage of the fisherman by yourself.

With this idea.

He heard it right away, Rider actually used aggressive tactics to ridicule everyone.

At this time, Tohsaka Tokiomi was completely panicked.

That arrogant goddess must not be stimulated.

Will definitely show up!

This is completely inconsistent with Gou's strategy formulated by Tokiomi Tohsaka!

It's nothing, it's okay to expose some of your strength.

The key question is-

You are using my daughter's body!

If something happens to you, Rin will have to be buried with you!

Tohsaka Tokiomi would not think so naively.

If Ishtar is defeated, the other servants will spare the daughter she relies on.


Although Ishtar has a bad personality, his strength is really unbeatable.

A gem magic smashed down.

The followers retreated.

Rider almost couldn't take it.

Seeing this scene, Tosaka Tokiomi, who is proud of his own gem magic, suddenly freezes his smile.

and many more!

Where do the gems of Ishtar come from? !

He doesn't remember giving her gems!

Also, why do those gems look so familiar?

"--No way?!"

Tosaka Tokiomi had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He ran all the way to the basement and opened the box that was blocked by his multiple enchantments.

Then, as expected, it was discovered that the treasure chest that should have stored his accumulation over the years was empty.

Only the small gems that Ishtar disliked remained here.

All the big ones were taken away.

"You fucking—"

Saw empty boxes.

Tosaka Tokiomi, who has always tried his best to remain elegant.

Finally, for the first time, I couldn't help it, and broke out the foul language.

Is this what people do? !

The accumulation of the Tohsaka family for several generations has been hollowed out by her alone.

Tosaka Tokiomi is about to have a brain hemorrhage! .

Chapter 183

Life savings are gone.

It turned into a firework blooming in the hand of Goddess Ishtar.

Tosaka Tokiomi, who had confirmed this, returned from the basement.

Then I saw the picture of Ishtar killing the Quartet.

There was no pride in his eyes, only distress and anger.

Prodigal girl!

Those are the savings of the Tohsaka family!

Unfortunately, no one could stop her.

Tohsaka Tokiomi himself was cowardly.

However, cowardice.

Tohsaka Tokiomi is human after all.

There is still some anger.

Annoyed by this wayward goddess, he couldn't help but start praying.

Can you give this guy a punishment to make her understand the cruelty of the world? !

Tohsaka Tokiomi thought so.

I saw a conflict between the masters of Ishtar and Saber.

I saw both sides using the divine beasts at the same time.

Then I saw Su Mo's slap.


Very crisp and loud!

Does it sound good?

A good sound is a good slap!

"Good fight!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi could not help but blurt out!

hit hit hit!

He had long wanted to see someone teach this arrogant goddess a lesson.


Tosaka Tokiomi was excited.

Originally, he was not such an irrational person.

However, all the gems in his family are gone, which has dealt a great blow to his spirit.

Say it's a family tradition.

In fact, before him, the Tohsaka family was actually in a state of falling out of the family.

It was only thanks to Tosaka Tokiomi's hard work that he was able to hold up and return to the current scale.

These heirloom gems.

Most of them are his own accumulation.

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