However, it is difficult to prevent thieves by day and night.

After losing all his savings, he was temporarily given the [Rational Evaporation] BUFF.

Saw Ishtar beaten.

He doesn't care about anything else.

Just happy!

However, Tokiomi Tosaka forgot one thing when he encouraged Su Mo like this.

He was watching the footage at home.

The information of the familiar was directly projected on the screen in front of him, and the human eye could see it directly.

And his wife did not leave.

and so--


A faint call came from behind.

His wife Tohsaka Aoi looked at him with very incomprehensible eyes.

She pursed her lips and hesitated before speaking.

"Even if Ishtar's attitude is really bad, that body is Rin's body after all."

"As a father, seeing Rin being it really good for you to behave like this?"

Tohsaka Aoi understands her husband's resentment towards Ishtar.

But, after all, it was still her daughter's body.

As a mother, it is natural to worry.

Moreover, although Ishtar treated Tohsaka Tokiomi badly.

The attitude towards her is quite kind.

Therefore, Tohsaka Aoi actually quite likes Ishtar.

"Cough cough!"

Unexpectedly, his wife found out.

Tosaka Tokiomi could not help clearing his throat, and immediately returned to his usual state of majesty.

"I understand!"

He said in a low voice.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield has indeed reached the point where it is impossible not to intervene.

The Master named Su Mo, who is suspected of being a god in this world, has hit Ishtar three times.

Ishtar did not respond once.

In other words, if the other party has the intention to kill.

Ishtar may have died on the spot.

Realizing this, Tohsaka Tokiomi's expression became serious.

No matter how much I have opinions on Ishtar in my heart, it is my daughter's body after all.

Everything is about safety!

If the two sides continue to stand still.

Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't even think about recalling Ishtar.

After all, he hasn't figured out the identity of the other party, and there is no danger for the time being anyway.

——The idea of ​​letting this goddess get beaten a few more times, he definitely doesn't!

——Tokiomi Tohsaka can swear to God!

However, seeing what killer move Ishtar wants to use.

Tohsaka Tokiomi couldn't sit still.

The current situation, as a bystander, was obvious to him.

Ishtar summons the bull of the sky.

The enemy can summon the mythical beast wild boar.

The two beasts are evenly matched.

In the following battle, although I don't know why, the opponent did not have obvious killing intent.

But if Ishtar continues to use his ultimate move.

If the opponent also uses a killer move.

He could not guarantee that this time it was evenly matched.

With the margin shown by the opponent, he would definitely not lose to Ishtar.

If it continues, if the opponent's ultimate move is stronger.

It is very likely that it will be too late to recall Ishtar.

For the sake of his daughter's life.

Tohsaka Tokiomi made an immediate decision and issued an order with a Command Spell.

Then, I heard the reply from the goddess.

- "Stupid Tokiomi! Don't stop me!"

When Tohsaka Tokiomi heard this, veins appeared on his forehead.

The second Command Spell was used immediately.

Even though Ishtar has an A-rank anti-magic power, he can't hold the same command from two Command Spells.

Unwilling, she was directly transferred back by Tohsaka Tokiomi Space.


The goddess of beauty, harvest, and battle, poured her anger on the Master.

"Silly batch, I fought with you!"

In the end, Tohsaka Tokiomi was beaten violently.

The Tohsaka family returned to their former calm.

What a joy.



In the port under the Weiyuan River Bridge.

At this point, Ishtar had just left.

The King of Conquerors questioned Lancer in front of him.

"—what are you kneeling on the ground for?"

Lancer ignored him.

Instead, he looked at Su Mo with respect.

"Great God, Lord Indra!"

"Please allow me to give you the highest respect!"

"Because of the Master's order, I can't say my identity, but my respect is definitely not false."

Lancer fell to his knees, his attitude very sincere.

If the Servant kneels down.

Just to surprise them.

The words in Lancer's mouth shocked everyone present.

"What? Indra?"

Webb's eyes widened.

Even though he is a Westerner, he has heard of this powerful god in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Indra's status in these two religions is no less than that of Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology.

Conquer Wang Si thought for a moment, and was also surprised.

"According to the common sense of the Holy Grail, Indra is the deity known as Dishakuten, right?"

"That's the main god, the god of war and the god of war in mythology!"

Although the identity of the man in front of him has been confirmed before, it is suspected that he is a god living in this world.

But the gods also have three, six, nine and so on.

The so-called 800 million gods in the land under their feet are a bunch of mountain spirits and wild monsters.

Most of them are just hair gods.

No one would have imagined that the god in front of them would actually be the great god that pierced through their ears!

"No wonder, I can easily defeat the goddess Ishtar, and Ishtar is also one of the main gods."

The King of Conqueror nodded suddenly.

"If it is the God of War and the God of Victory, it can indeed be done."

Got it, got it all.

No wonder Su Mo's martial arts are so strong, and his strength can also hang Ishtar, the mistress of the sky.

It turned out that he was Shi Tian, ​​Emperor Wushen.

In this case, everything can be explained.

He gradually understood everything.

Hear the analysis of the Conqueror King.

Lancer's Master, Kenneth was also persuaded.

For some reason, he asked loudly with amplification magic.

"Lancer, is this god really Di Shitian?"

About this question.

Lancer gave a firm answer.

"That's right, Master!"

"The prestige of the gods, as long as you see it once, you will never admit your mistake."

"That's definitely the godhead of the Heavenly Emperor Indra. When I didn't show the godhead before, I didn't recognize it. I'm really ashamed."

Hear Lancer's firm tone.

The people who expressed their admiration for this Servant's attitude of kneeling and kneeling have no doubts in their hearts.

They all believed his words.

Even Chief Okita raised his head curiously.

"Master's true identity, it turns out to be Emperor Shitian?"

Hear this question.

Su Mo glanced at Lancer speechlessly.

You say you will never admit wrong?

You are probably blind!

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