"Seems like fun, I'll join!"

"There's nothing to lose by trying to fight a fight, count me in."

"Whether my hacking technology can invade the current military system, I really look forward to it!"

Calm, excited, ruthless, serious... and so on. With their own reasons, Yiyou's students in front of the fountain moved forward one after another and joined Chios' queue.

The number of people around him dwindled rapidly, and even some of the fellows of the Research Sect resolutely left him. Joan of Arc, who was wearing silver armor, looked extremely lonely.

The silver-haired girl's clear and dignified face was stained with a layer of sadness.

In fact, even she herself could not accurately weigh the pros and cons of war.

"Sorry, I need to think about this carefully."

Following these words, Jeanne Darke and the other two members of the Yiyou Research Sect turned around and left the hall feeling a little lonely.

After the few people left, there was only a standing figure standing opposite Chios.

Wearing a cobra-gold crown and a sleeveless gold silk satin robe, Petra the "Witch of Sand".

The blue-haired woman with her arms around her chest and her eyes closed was standing still on the sofa chair, and she never made a statement.

On the surface, she seems to have no interest in war at all...

However, Chios, who was good at observing, could see that Petra was already moved.It's just the waywardness caused by arrogance and self-esteem, which doesn't allow her to take the initiative to bow to the person who said she wanted to curse and defeat yesterday.

The simplest proof is that she did not leave directly like Joan of Arc.

At this time, you need to express your kindness from your own side.


The gentle and elegant call made the blue-haired woman quietly open her eyes, and turned to look at the black-haired young man in front of the elevator.

"As the strongest witch, you are very important... no, it should be said that you are indispensable, I need you."

"You, what are you talking about!?"

The whisper-like soft words, like the hot sun, easily melted away Petra's mask of indifference.

She stretched out her hand and pointed at Chios, and said in a flustered tone:

"The concubine is a witch who wants to curse you, defeat you, and maybe even kill you. You want such a dangerous person to be your companion, are you crazy?"

Chapter 230 Two? Sure enough, he should be cursed

From the UK to East Asia by boat, it usually goes south along the North Atlantic Ocean, enters the Mediterranean Sea from the Strait of Gibraltar, takes the Suez Canal to the Red Sea, leaves the Gulf of Aden and then goes east, and then passes through the Strait of Malacca.

There may be several port calls throughout the process, which can take up to three weeks.

Of course, that's just the sailing situation of ordinary ships...

Yiyou's route is completely different from the usual road, instead of going south, it goes north.

Passing through the arctic sea full of ice floes and icebergs, there is no danger to the Vostok, which can lurk 400 meters below the sea surface. It can pass through the Bering Strait in only five days at a speed of 30 knots. It can enter Japanese territorial waters after submerging for two days.

Although it is still much slower than the plane, as far as sea transportation is concerned, this is already an astonishing speed.


On the sixth day after departure from the UK, the Vostok...

At the bottom of the hall corridor that extends straight from the elevator at the cabin door to the fountain, a Y-shaped staircase leads to the dormitory area on the second floor of the ship.

Due to the small number of people on board, the double rooms originally designed to comfortably accommodate more than 1000 soldiers were changed into 50 high-end suites. The living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and other facilities are all available to meet the needs of any family.

The door of Room 209 was pushed open, and a black-haired young man wearing a dark blue slim-fit shirt, white trousers, and white casual shoes walked out.

The number of spare rooms is sufficient, and the layout is basically the same size. When choosing a room, Chios and Tifa don't need to think about anything. They can find a favorite house number and move in.

When the two chose 208 and 209 respectively, Lizi, who had lived in room 217, quickly took her personal belongings, occupied room 210, and became their neighbor.

The surface is so...

In fact, after dinner every day, the descendant of the strange thief never went back to his room to rest, and always came to Chios' room to bother him.

Fortunately, the sound insulation design of the cabin is perfect, otherwise, the coquettish panting that echoes in Room 209 every night may make the occupants next door sleepless.

Right now, Chios is going to go to the restaurant on the ship to get some protein, and then go to the archives to read about Yiyou's information.

Before closing the door, he looked through the crack of the door and looked into the bedroom...

On the seven-foot double bed, a slightly messy white quilt covered a shrunken human figure, and the honey-colored smooth hair was faintly visible hanging down from the edge of the bed like a waterfall.

"Hmm..." Facing this scene, the young man pondered for a while, then whispered to himself:

"Have to bring back two sandwiches and bottles of mineral water."

These days, Lizi's consumption of nutrients and water is a bit too much...

After silently making two notes on the to-do list in his heart, Chios closed the door and locked it, and left the dormitory area.

The interior space is comparable to that of the luxury cruise ship Orient. Although it has a high-end restaurant configuration, it is a highly secretive criminal group after all. It is relatively difficult to hire a team of chefs to board the ship for a long time.

The freezer is full of high-quality ingredients, how to prepare them is a personal problem for Yiyou students.

This is not a problem for Chios...

With the availability of modern kitchen utensils, it is very easy to prepare a pasta for yourself, even if the cooking skills are still far behind that of a professional chef.

Enter the kitchen, take out pitted pickled olives, garlic, capers, canned fish, peppers, tomatoes, and noodles. Smash the garlic with a kitchen knife, and the skin that loses its coating can be easily separated.

Chop the garlic, cut in half or chop the rest of the ingredients except the capers, and put them in a bowl.

Boiling water in a pot beside him, sprinkled a pinch of salt into the water, and Chios, who was about to put in the angel noodles, glanced at the kitchen door out of the corner of his eye, and found a figure inadvertently.

Sleeveless gold silk satin gown, with gold decorations on the wrists, ankles, and neck, and a golden snake crown on her neat shoulder-length blue hair.

With a calm expression, Petra seemed to be thinking of cooking in the kitchen to settle a meal. When she saw the black-haired young man busy in front of the induction cooker, her pace suddenly slowed down a lot.

Always with arrogant eyes, a flash of embarrassment flashed at this moment.

The bright red eyes turned around, the woman stopped her forward movement, and walked back cautiously.


ring bell...

The luxurious gold ornaments on her body collided, and Petra was betrayed at this time.

Taking advantage of the few seconds when two servings of angel fine noodles were scattered into the noodle pot, Chios successfully restrained the corners of his mouth from rising, and then turned his head.

"Petra..." With a gentle and elegant smile, it is not at all like the high profile that a criminal organization No. 2 should have today. The young man looked at the blue-haired woman who was frozen in place in front of the kitchen door.

"Are you here to prepare lunch too?"

"Hmm... um! It just occurred to me just now that there is still an experiment in the room that I haven't finished..."

Petra's tone was a little flustered, and the heat on her cheeks rose rapidly in milliseconds. She casually said a flawed excuse and was about to leave.

"Just right, I seem to have prepared a little more ingredients..."

Chios, who only grabbed a handful of fine noodles the moment he saw Petra, chose to lie without any scruples.

"Why don't we have a meal together, so that you don't have to worry about cooking, and it also solves one of my problems."

"The concubine and the concubine have already said, there is no experiment yet..."

Before Petra finished speaking, the young man who was processing the ingredients a second ago had already stepped forward, and with a "boom", he pressed his hand on the porch beside the blue-haired woman, forcing her to have nowhere to retreat.

"Please, Petra."

Clearly speaking with pleas and gentle words, but his actions are so strong that it is hard to resist.

There was a huge contrast between the two at the same time. Petra, who had never faced such a situation, was immediately messed up.

"Since... since you are so sincerely asking for concubine status..."

The body has already succumbed instinctively, and the stubborn self-esteem has been lowered under the gentle words of the other party.

"It's rare for a concubine to wrong herself once, let's try your skills."

Hearing this, the smile on Chios' handsome face became even more dazzling.

"That would be wonderful."

After leaving such a sentence, the young man turned around and returned to the induction cooker, continuing to cook pasta for two.

Staring blankly at Chios leaving in front of her, the blue-haired woman whose disordered thoughts gradually returned to normal, pressed her chest tightly with one hand, taking deep breaths to calm down her violent heartbeat.

(Again, same as that day...)

Recalling that night six days ago, that man also took the initiative to show kindness to himself...

He didn't care that he was the first to attack him, threatened to curse him or even kill him. When he was hostile to him, he extended a friendly hand.

For other people, Petra may have used the "gold dust" superpower to mummify the opponent.

She hates men, and she hates those who think that a little tenderness can control her will.

But Chios is different...

Just like meeting for the first time, Chios relied on other super powers to block her sneak attack. Now, the result probably cannot be changed.

If the attack is easily received by the other party, isn't it similar to flirting?

However, once the option to fight is removed...

But Petra found that she couldn't refuse Chios' kindness at all.

(As the ancestors said, men only make concubines weird...)

(Sure enough, he should be cursed, let him retreat in spite of difficulties, and it would be better to stay away from my concubine.)

Chapter 230 Three? I am fighting for the world

Fireworks Noodles uses ingredients that are in the kitchen cabinets of almost every Italian family. It is a classic pasta that everyone from the rich to the common people will eat.

The choking aroma of garlic, the sourness of capers, the saltiness of olives, the freshness of fish, the spiciness of peppers, and the sweetness of small tomatoes combine together to create a bold and unrestrained delicacy, just like having fun with a fireworks girl in Hualiu Lane Generally enjoyable and direct, hence the name.

In addition to the firework vermicelli, Chios also cut up some cantaloupe and topped it with thinly sliced ​​Parma ham as a side dish.

Perhaps most of Yiyou's students specialize in skills other than cooking, and Sherlock Holmes, who is an Englishman, doesn't pay much attention to this aspect, which makes Yiyou's food level a bit dismal.

The reason Chios thinks this way is because...

After seeing the home-cooked food he brought out after arranging the plates, Petra's bright red eyes shrank suddenly, and the sitting posture that was ready to get up at any time was completely glued to the seat.

In fact, Tifa's cooking is much more delicious than her own...

If it wasn't for Riko staying in her room all night recently, even as a "fianced couple" in name, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about it. Chios should have asked Tifa to cook this lunch for him.

Sighing inwardly, Chios and Petra settled the lunch without saying a word.

When the blue-haired woman left behind a dinner plate that was basically as clean as licking it, and said "I, my concubine is reluctant to admit your craftsmanship", and left with a blushing face.

Only then did the young man realize that his cooking wasn't too bad.

Shrugging, Chios cleaned up the dishes and left the dining room to go to the archives on the third floor.

Unsurprisingly, he saw a young girl here.

Not wearing the eye-catching silver knight armor, the long hair that looks like silver ice hangs down from the sides of the cheeks like fringe, the part behind the ear is tied behind the head into a ponytail that does not affect the movement, and the awe-inspiring face is wearing a pair of fearless glasses.

She was sitting at the desk in the archives room, holding an old book with an old cover in her hands and reading carefully, and leaning against the edge of the table with a long sword inserted into the sheath, within reach at any time.

Joan of Arc, a representative figure of the Yiyou Research School.

At the same time, there are also a small number of Yiyou students who have not expressed their willingness to participate in the war.

Maybe she really hoped to make a decision after careful consideration.

However, it is impossible for Chios to let her own wild thoughts go...

Using the incident of Kanae Kanzaki's detention by the Japanese government as an introduction, he launched a retaliatory war. Naturally, his purpose cannot be for superficial reasons such as venting anger.

Whether it's a government department, a corporation, or a gang, the challenges facing an airborne boss are the same.

How to gather the trust of subordinates and establish their own prestige?

In fact, there are only two options...

The safe way is to take a long time to show your pragmatism and reliability step by step in your work, and let your subordinates gradually increase their sense of identity through interpersonal communication.

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