The slightly risky way is to draw out a huge target or enemy, and personally lead them to charge and achieve brilliant results.In the process of sharing weal and woe, trust can often usher in explosive growth.

Once the latter is successful, it is often more effective than the former ten years of hard work.

This is why the king often puts the heir in command and leads the army to fight a battle that must be won with the help of experienced generals; the young business owner needs to integrate into the grassroots, and then secretly achieve goals far beyond performance through family connections; Fight fiercely, smash cars and fight...

Even an elite criminal group like Yiyou is no exception.

Sherlock, who holds the two trump cards of Dongfang and Scarlet Bullet, combines his own fame, strength, and power of reasoning, so that he has a very high authority within Yiyou, and there is no need to use war to shape the centripetal force.

However, Chios, who only appeared in front of Yiyou's members for the first time seven days ago, does not have these advantages.

Without intending to waste a long time, a justifiable war became the best way for him to gather people's hearts.

The war faction is easy to incite, but the troublesome faction is the research faction represented by Joan...

Regarding the habits of Joan's daily activities, Chios naturally got enough information from other members of Yiyou, and today's accident came about.


Seeing that the silver-haired girl was engrossed in the book in front of her at the moment, the young man was not in a hurry to speak out, but moved lightly, and silently closed the door of the archive room.

The leather shoes stepped on the carpet, which absorbed the sound very well.

On the bookshelf, various books are placed according to categories. The academic research related to combat skills, superpowers, and science accounts for the vast majority, and there are also a small amount of leisure reading materials such as novels.

Most of the experimental research experience of Yiyou students is stored in the terminal of the archive room in the form of electronic files. Those who want to read can photocopy and bind it by themselves, but it is strictly forbidden to leak it.

The information needed by MI[-] is not very urgent. After taking the two books "Records of Yiyou's Previous Students" and "Overview of the World's Sex and Gold Related Organizations", Chios walked towards the seat opposite Joan of Arc at a leisurely pace. Come.


Even though the fighting strength among the fighters in Yiyou is not outstanding, no matter how slack they are, it is impossible for people to approach them ten yards without noticing them. When they found someone approaching, Jeanne quickly closed the book in her hand, raised her face and looked forward .

"It turned out to be Earl, good afternoon..."

Nodding politely to Chios, the silver-haired girl looked at the young man with curiosity.

Joan's impression of Chios is not bad. Although the behavior of declaring war on a country is not in line with her philosophy, it is difficult for the other party to be attracted by his appearance, strength, and calm temperament under his gentle temperament. disgust.

In the early morning of tomorrow, the Vostok will arrive in Japan, and the war will start at that time.

Before that, the girl also hopes to further understand what Yiyou NO? 2 in front of her wants to get through the war...

"All the books here can be borrowed and taken out. Are you looking for any information in the archives room? Maybe I can help you?"

"I've already got the book I need..." He shook his head with a faint smile, and Chios opened the seat and naturally sat opposite Joan of Arc.

"The professor is willing to authorize me to formulate part of Yiyou's future direction. I can't make rash decisions and live up to his old man's expectations, can I?"

That being the case, why did you attack Japan and attract hostility from all over the world...

I really want to say that, but I have to think about making the atmosphere rigid because of it. After thinking for a while, Joan asked instead:

"In your opinion, how should we develop in the future is reasonable?"

"First of all, of course it is to find allies..." Saying this, as if realizing that the expression is too simple, Chios put down the book he just picked up, and explained seriously:

"No, it should be said that we try to absorb those restless organizations into Yiyou as much as possible, such as the "Witch Company" that fought for the German army during World War II, and the freemason "Free Masons" that secretly controlled the European and American economies. "

"Why?" The silver-haired girl asked calmly.

Absorbing the most uneasy gang in the world is tantamount to turning the entire Yiyou Society into a huge gunpowder magazine.

An inadvertent move might lead to a world war.

"Because Yiyou, which possesses extremely strong force, is itself an institution to check and balance such organizations, and the nature of the academy is only secondary. The color gold holding organization is closely related to the country, and their struggle is actually a manifestation of the secret wrestling of various countries. , no matter how restrained you are, the impact on the world of a war involving color and gold cannot be underestimated..."

Tapping the table with his fingers, the young man slowly closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about how to explain his ideas.

"In the name of an alliance, recruiting them into Yiyou as much as possible is to keep these ticking time bombs under our control."

Having said that, he unscrewed the mineral water at hand and moistened his throat with cold drinking water.

"Therefore, declaring war on Japan is also a necessary step... Yes, all countries know that we have a nuclear bomb, but who will use it if it is not necessary?"

Faced with this question, Joan of Arc couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Indeed, unless it is a lunatic, no one will use nuclear bombs recklessly.

Looking directly at the girl in front of him without any guilt, Chios continued without hesitation:

"Constantly testing our bottom line without driving us to a dead end, if Yiyou never responds, who will regard us as a transcendent and powerful force?"

Chapter 230 Four? Deep Sea Demon


Japan, Sendai regional territorial waters...

The sea lacks sunshine, and no longer has the beautiful blue of the daytime, but the darkness that seems to be poured into the sea.The night sky is full of stars and a waning moon, which can only bring a little bit of light.

The Fifth Guard, which belongs to the First Guard Group of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, is responsible for patrolling the waters between Ibaraki and Sendai in Kanto this month.

The DDG-173 Kongo-class No. 108 ship "King Kong" and the DD-[-] Murasame-class No. [-] ship "Akebono" are two frigates performing missions together.

The two captains obviously took their task very seriously, not only perfunctory circles near the coast, but in the outer area of ​​the territorial waters, using searchlights to carefully look for any suspicious movements on the sea.

Although the area patrolled by the first guard group is much less tense than the threats faced by China, North Korea, and Russia by the second and third guard groups, the Pacific Ocean to the east is generally ocean-going fishing boats except for the US military.

Fishing boats generally do not operate in the no-go zone in the country's territorial waters because the navy is likely to attack it.

In theory, they don't have to worry about the east...

However, almost none of the East Asian countries are easy to provoke, and the international military force rankings are all in the top 30. A little carelessness may suffer huge losses.

It may be difficult for large warships to bypass Japan quietly and come to the other side, but the possibility of disguising as small civilian ships and crossing the coastal defense blockade into other countries is not impossible.

If you add the presence of submarines, there is almost no real safe margin at sea.

Originating from an unknown premonition deep in their hearts, the 465 officers and soldiers on the two ships took today's mission very seriously. Even those who had already gone to bed slept very lightly.

"Notify "King Kong", there is no abnormality in Ibaraki. "

""King Kong" received, "Akira", there is no abnormality in Sendai. "

"Akira" understands, and will communicate again to confirm the situation after 10 minutes. "

"Understood, the "King Kong" communication is closed. "

The frigates, which exchange information every half an hour, briefly exchanged with each other, then returned to silence again, and continued to patrol their respective areas of responsibility.


The "King Kong" frigate is 400 meters below the sea surface...

In the dark deep sea where light cannot reach, a huge steel behemoth is quietly lurking, silently following the battleship above.

Dongfang, conference room...

"The two ships contact each other every half an hour. We have to board the ship during this time, and quickly break through to the command room, so that the electronic warfare team can invade the ship's communication system..."

Sitting at the head seat at the top of the horseshoe-shaped conference table, Chios folded his hands under his chin, glanced at all Yiyou members present, and said with a smile:

"With such ample time, if anyone finds it difficult, you are welcome to apply for withdrawal now."

His words elicited a burst of relaxed laughter from the main combat faction students.

"Hmph, there are only 5 soldiers. If there are pyramids nearby, I can handle 100 soldiers within 50 minutes. Even without the pyramids, [-] soldiers are more than enough..."

The second seat next to the main seat, Petra, who ranks No. 3 in combat power, curled her lips in response.

As one of the strongest witches, not only is her superpower level among the top in the world, but she also has the characteristic of infinitely overdrawing her magic power when she is near a "pyramid"-shaped building.

If she could be prepared for the battlefield, it would not be impossible to overturn a battleship by herself.

Her tyrannical strength further fueled her arrogance.

Right now, Petra turned her head to look towards the back of the horseshoe-shaped table, and her gaze stayed on the girl in silver knight armor.

"Maybe it's a little more difficult for a little girl who is indecisive and only likes to play tricks behind her back?"


Joan of Arc silently endured the blue-haired woman's contemptuous words.

In terms of combat power, there is a huge gap between her and Petra's combat power, and her rebuttal is nothing but self-inflicted humiliation.

Their family is good at gathering intelligence and making rational plans.Even though he is good in combat, he is not outstanding among many great men in the world.

"Tsk..." Petra smacked her lips unhappily when she saw that the other party was silent, as if ignoring her.

Just when she was about to say something more, the black-haired young man stretched out her hand to stop her.

"Joan's superpower can create fog for us, help us interfere with the enemy's line of sight, and achieve the effect of sneaking in. The tactical significance is extremely important..."

The tone solemnly explained the value of Joan of Arc, and Chios then turned his face sideways, staring at the woman wearing the golden crown with his narrow eyes.

"On the contrary, in terms of wide-area damage, you must rely on your "gold dust" and the poison of oleander.Regardless of the usual relationship, we are now a team, an army, and I hope you will not have disputes. "

Hearing this, the blue-haired woman's complexion sank.

How could she fail to understand that Chios's seemingly neutral remarks were trying to appease Joan of Arc.

What's so good about that weak woman! ?

A nameless anger rose from her heart, Petra narrowed her bright red eyes, and asked:

"Chios, are you ordering the concubine?"


The young man's gaze did not flinch, but his voice suddenly softened.

(here we go again...)

"I know, I know..." Knowing that the other party will definitely break through with soft words next, Petra gritted her teeth.

"Whatever you want, anyway, even if you are framed by that sinister girl, it has nothing to do with me!"

As soon as this remark came out, Riko and Tifa who were sitting in the corner couldn't help laughing, and they quickly lowered their heads, hiding it by reading the information on the desktop.

As Chios in the main seat is the focus of attention, it is naturally impossible to escape the observation of everyone. Fortunately, he has good acting skills and has some ways to divert attention.

Suppressing his true emotions, pretending to smile wryly and shaking his head, the young man turned his head to Oleander on the other side and asked:

"Tao Zi, how are you preparing for the poison gas?"

"No problem, the new poisonous gas that I want to test this time has been sealed..." The black-haired woman in dark girls' high school uniform replied lightly, not being affected by the other party's nickname:

"The special masks prepared to prevent our own people from inhaling the gas are also in place, just waiting for your order, Lord "Earl". "

Nodding his head to express his affirmation, Chios looked at the girl beside Oleander, holding a cup of green vegetable juice made from cauliflower, and kept sucking the vegetable juice through a straw.

"Sarah, the Sentinel's sniping will trouble you."

"Ok. "

The expressionless silver-haired girl nodded slightly.

The most important deployment of combat power is guaranteed, and the next step is technology.

The young man looked aside, there were three men with computers and various complicated instruments on the table, and their hands were busy moving and beating.

"Has the communication password been parsed successfully?"

"Successful, the "Dawn King Kong Mountain" composed of pinyin, and the voiceprint of the captain "King Kong" were also successfully captured! "

The man who was leading the computer operation replied excitedly.

"Very good..." There was a smile on his handsome face, and Chios slowly stood up, announcing to everyone present:

"At 03:30 in the morning, after the communication with the enemy ship was completed, the operation "Deep Sea Devil" started immediately. "

Chapter 230 Five? So dazzling


"Announcement to Akebono, everything in the Sendai area is normal. "

"Akira" received that Ibaraki did not witness any personnel or ships. "

""King Kong" understands, and confirmed by communication again at 04:00. "

"Received, the "Dawn" communication is closed. "

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