Every three 10-minute contacts end.

Under the bridge of the "King Kong" frigate, the combat command center is protected by thick steel plates.

The communication officer sitting in front of the communication equipment stretched slightly.

Performing duties in the middle of the night, although he is basically used to this shift mechanism after serving for many years, the working method that violates the human biological clock still makes him feel a little sleepy.

(Let's go grab a cup of coffee...)

He just reached out to pick up the military cap next to the table and put it on. He got up from his seat and looked at his colleague who was in charge of underwater sonar observation.

Unlike him, who handles communications, radar and sonar are the eyes and ears of a battleship, and a slight slack may lead to danger, and officers and soldiers on duty cannot easily leave their posts.

"Naoki, I'm going to get coffee, I need to help you..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhihui raised his left hand to stop him from continuing to speak, while staring at the control panel in front of him with a serious expression, and pressed the earphone next to his ear with his right hand.

"Unidentified objects are approaching rapidly under the sea surface!"

This discovery caused Zhihui's pupils to shrink suddenly, and he quickly turned around and shouted at everyone in the command center:

"Arrived directly below the ship in 15 seconds, probably a torpedo."

"what!? "

"King Kong" captain, First Class Haisa Mineo Hirata's face changed suddenly when he heard the words.

If the torpedo hits the belly of the ship directly, the frigate will be severely damaged immediately and lose its ability to move.

Although I don't know who is sneaking up on me, and it's too late to avoid it now, but at least I can't let the vitals be hit.

Thinking only in the blink of an eye, he quickly picked up the in-ship communicator and issued orders to the bridge and the entire ship:

"Full speed ahead!"

"A torpedo is coming! Everyone, prepare for the onslaught!"


Earlier, under the sea...

The vertical missile launch compartment of the giant submarine Vostok quietly opened, and inside it was not an intercontinental ballistic missile that distorted people's faces, but a strange weapon that looked like a submarine and a missile.

On the periphery of the slender and streamlined main body, eighteen devices that look like single-person rescue capsules are arranged in layers in an equilateral triangle.

rumble rumble...

The propeller at the bottom of the weapon rotates rapidly, displacing the sea water, and the reaction force pushes its body towards the sea surface.

The speed is close to 45 knots, which is not much different from conventional torpedoes.

Originally, it was just Yiyou's internal technicians who were bored, and had a whim to design a weapon that could launch personnel and approach enemy ships for modern gang-jumping operations.

But I can only think about it, without the opportunity to participate in the war, coupled with Yiyou's loose internal organizational structure, even the technicians themselves have no expectations.

Unexpectedly, this weapon, which had never had high hopes, became the core of this battle under the "Earl"'s declaration of war on Japan.

At the same time, it was also given an exclusive name by Chios: "Deep Sea Demon"

Combining the torpedo propeller with a large missile shell, and plugging in a small submarine for everyone, there is a linear steel cable at the end of both propellers, which can recover the deep sea devil and small submarine with the propeller turned off, and return them to the Vostok.

Right now, the students headed by Yiyou No. 2 "Earl" are in the submarine, following the deep sea demon to accelerate and approach the "King Kong" frigate directly above.

"Sara, you are the first to leave..." In the small cabin that can only accommodate one person, Chios issued an order through the intercom:

"After disabling the communication system on the ship, snipe the sentries and searchlights from a distance."


Accompanied by the girl's slightly indifferent voice, the metal bracket on the main body of the deep sea demon that hooked the small submarine retracted, and a large piece of foam rose from the connection between the two.

Boo Boo...

The personal boat that was no longer bound, the rear propeller began to speed up, pushing it and the driver to the east of the King Kong battleship.

Through the pressure-resistant glass window, Chios watched Sarah quickly move away from the main body, and was about to give instructions...

At this time, student Yiyou of the electronic warfare team took the lead in opening the communication, and informed him of the latest discovery:

"Count, the enemy sonar has spotted the Deep Sea Demon. "

In this regard, the young man smiled lightly.

"It's not too dull, but it's useless..."

Reach out and press the pre-set timing device, which will be displayed on other submarines simultaneously. Chios' voice is clearly conveyed to the ears of all members:

"Ten seconds later, the combatants separated in groups and surrounded the battleship on all sides."

"The electronic warfare team continues to stand by, waiting for the deck sweep to be completed."

""yes! ""


"A torpedo is coming! Everyone, prepare for the onslaught!"

The captain's almost roaring voice resounded in the "King Kong" ship, and the officers and soldiers who slept most of the night suddenly woke up. Without thinking about it, they grasped the safety handrails connected to the hull according to the usual training.

The most nervous thing is the personnel on duty on the deck. The impact of the torpedo explosion is likely to cause the hull to shake violently and throw them into the icy sea.


Clinging tightly to the nearest railing with both hands, he waited for more than ten seconds, but the expected impact did not come for a long time.

what happened?

They, who still hadn't let go of the guardrail, were full of puzzlement, and looked at each other with their colleagues around them.

In fact, inside the combat command center at this moment, first-class Haizu Mineo Hirata was also at a loss.

"Lieutenant Sato, report the situation!"

"Reporting sir, fish, torpedo..." Naoki Sato, the third lieutenant in charge of the sonar, looked at the comprehensive information on the screen in front of him in disbelief, combined with the underwater sound from the earphones, faltering response:

"It seems...it seems to have stopped, less than ten meters away from the hull."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to hear the sound of the propeller turning again.

It's just that, compared with the louder and deeper sound before, the volume of this echo is much smaller, both numerous and mixed.

On the screen, the green pointer takes "King Kong" as the center and sweeps around...

The next moment, more than ten small light spots suddenly appeared around the center, surrounding the frigate.

"This, this is!?"

Meanwhile, on deck...

The officers and soldiers who made a false alarm did not dare to take it lightly for the time being. They operated the searchlights on the guardrail and carefully looked at the surrounding sea.

Their caution paid off...

"There is an anomaly in the east!"

A sergeant standing near the 127mm naval gun at the front of the battleship shouted.

Including him, the searchlights on the left side of the entire "King Kong" frigate were focused on the sea 300 meters away, concentrating the blazing light, illuminating the area as if it were daytime.

they saw...

A small submarine about three meters long was floating on the water, the hatch covering the top was retracted, and a slender figure got up from it.

On the constantly swaying boat, a silver-haired girl in a suit jacket and a plaid skirt stood firmly with a longbow taller than her.

Su Shou pulled out three strangely shaped arrows from the back of his waist, put them on the bowstring, and Sarah looked at the battleship indifferently.

"It's so dazzling..."

After speaking, the girl let go of the bowstring.

Swish! ! !

Chapter 230 Six? Diamond Ice Dust

The three arrows ejected from the bowstring are connected by a silver metal tube with a radius of 3cm between the black arrow shaft and the barbed iron gray arrowhead.

This also increases the weight of the feathered arrow and greatly affects the balance. Even if you shoot with a modern compound bow, whether you can fly more than 100 meters is a problem.

However, that's just the usual case...

Sarah, who is a descendant of Robin Hood, can manipulate the wind to wrap around the arrow, making it change direction midway to avoid obstacles, and even shoot the arrow two kilometers away.

The distance from the "King Kong" frigate is only 300 meters, even if the arrow design is extremely unreasonable, it will not prevent her from accurately hitting the target.

dong dong dong...

The alloy arrows accelerated by the force of the wind pierced through the steel plate of the battleship and hit the radar station, bridge, and satellite communication system respectively.

The impact of the fuze in the silver metal tube triggers the firing element, which in turn detonates the detonator.


The blue current visible to the naked eye rushes outside the silver tube, releasing electromagnetic pulses.

A delicate electronic instrument that couples with an abnormal electromagnetic field to generate destructive currents that cause it to be temporarily or permanently damaged.

The radar antenna, which was constantly rotating and searching, began to shake irregularly like a malfunction; the lights in the core area of ​​the ship also fell into darkness as if the power was cut off; the radar, sonar, and communication stations in the combat command center were all shut down.

Since the range of action of the electromagnetic pulse released by the arrows is quite concentrated, most of the searchlights were not affected, and only two were damaged.

The dazzling white light still shines directly on Sarah who is holding a longbow.

Seeing this, the silver-haired girl pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, as if she was questioning whether the weapons provided by the electronic warfare team were useful.

"never mind..."

Saying so, she drew the arrow from behind again.

This time, it was her usual goose feather arrows, six in total.

"It's like cauliflower, but it's the best when you grow it yourself."

Hold the bow horizontally, put the arrow on the string, and aim at the functional searchlight ahead.


The speed of the arrow wrapped in the wind is almost the same as that of a rifle bullet, but its flight trajectory is completely unreasonable. It can adjust the angle in mid-air like a guided missile.

Whether facing the girl or facing her back, it can't affect its hit.

bang bang bang...

The arrow pierced through the outer glass cover of the searchlight, penetrated deep into the interior and destroyed the wick emitting the hot white light.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and the officers and soldiers on the "King Kong" deck couldn't even react, and the sea in front of them returned to its proper darkness again.

"I'm just kidding..." A self-defense soldier tremblingly grabbed the arrow shaft inserted in the searchlight in front of him, and pulled it outward with all his strength, but found that he couldn't pull it out at all.

"Bows and arrows are things that can shoot so far and are so powerful..."


Before he could finish his words, a feathered arrow shot through his heart, and his whole body was nailed to the radar station behind him.

Dark red viscous blood flowed down the birch pole, soaking red and white tail feathers.

"" Get down! ""

At this moment, the rest of the people realized that since the archers could destroy the searchlights, they also had the ability to snipe them.

At this time, the metal door of the combat command center was pushed open by an officer. He was about to ask a question with a serious expression, but when he saw everyone lowered his body and fell on the deck, he followed very vigilantly.

With a serious expression, he asked the soldiers on the deck:

"What's going on out there? Report back!"

The junior non-commissioned officer beside the officer replied in a low voice:

"Report to Lieutenant Matsuoka, a small submarine appeared on the east side of the sea, and a woman shot and sniped at us..."

"Radar, bridge, and satellite communication systems were all shot, and the searchlights were all destroyed."

Speaking of this, the junior non-commissioned officer pointed to the corpse of his colleague not far away.

"Even Fujii is dead."

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