In the minister's office, Minister Koga, who has always given people a friendly impression, folded his hands on the table and looked at the heads of various departments on the screen in front of him with a serious face...

"Extraordinary Minister Koga, please explain clearly why your direct subordinate Butei attacked our Maritime Self-Defense Force without warning?"

"Crimson Star Marine Chief of Staff, this matter still needs to be carefully confirmed..."

Facing the questioning of the current chief of staff of the Maritime Staff Supervision Department... Keiji Akahoshi, who couldn't hide his anger, although the top officer of the Buteido Agency remained calm on the surface, it can be imagined from the fact that he clasped his knuckles so hard that they turned white. He was also restless.

Because, for this incident, he couldn't give a decent explanation at all...

Toyama Kana hadn't informed his superior at all beforehand, so that Koga could only passively accept the accusations from other government officials, without any room for defense.

Even so, knowing Toyama Kana's jealous character, he still tried his best to speak for his subordinates:

"After all, he is a member of the Toyama family. Even if you don't mention the long-standing ancestors, I believe everyone knows the contribution of the former Zero driver Toyama Tetsu and the armed prosecutor Toyama Kincha to our country..."


The old general slammed his fist on the desk.

"It is because I still have a little respect for the naval hero of the past, Toyama Tetsu, that I ask you for advice..."

His eyes were bloodshot with anger, and his hoarse voice sounded like a growl:

"The parts to rebuild the King Kong ship were destroyed, and 149 officers and soldiers paid their lives for it. Don't you think this is not worth a reasonable explanation!?"

"Minister Akahoshi is right..." Seeing that the chief of staff at sea lost control of his emotions, the Japanese Prime Minister, who had not said anything before, said at this time:

"Leaving aside whether Kana Toyama's actions are considered treason, she really needs to explain her actions."

What the Prime Minister said did not obviously favor either side, but Kohe lowered his head sadly when he heard it.

"Sorry, I can't get in touch with her..."

"Since we learned about this, we have tried all means of contact, but nothing came of it."

Chapter 310? Nightmare

It looks straight, but there is a slant in it, and the corridor extends slowly downwards. On the cold stone walls on both sides, a dimly lit furnace lamp is hung on a single wall every ten steps, and the corners around are covered with dust.. .

When he noticed all this, Toyama Kinji was already standing alone on the corridor.

He was not wearing a bulletproof uniform, and the pistols and butterfly knives he had long been accustomed to carrying were gone. He only had a thin round-neck top and sports shorts.

There was a gust of wind whistling in my ears, and the cold breath penetrated through the clothes that were not effective in keeping warm and penetrated into the body surface.

Thoughts were still a little chaotic, Kinci didn't understand why he came here, stimulated by the cold, began to move forward instinctively, looking for a warm place.

He does not have clocks and watches and other timing tools. Even if he raises his head, there are only thick bricks and stones in front of him, which not only cuts off the light of the sun, moon and stars, but also deprives him of his sense of time.

He could only faintly feel that he was constantly going down...

I don't know how long I have been walking, my body and muscles have never been tired at all, but my mental exhaustion is getting heavier.

Just as the thought of turning back flashed in Kinji's mind, the scenery around him suddenly changed...

Apart from the stove lamp, there were no decorations on the wall before, and portraits emerged without warning.

His eyes were quickly attracted by one of the works...

With the Tsukiyo head of a Japanese samurai, he could vaguely see a silhouette similar to himself. The kimono made of plain fabrics was pulled open to reveal his chest, and there was a man with a sword at his waist.

Although no words were attached, Kinji recognized the person's identity the moment he saw the portrait.

Toyama Jingyuan, commonly known as Toyama Kinsiro, appeared in the most frequent period dramas as the ancestors of the Toyama family.

(Could it be that these portraits are all the ancestors of the Yuanshan family...)

Jin Ci's heart suddenly came to a sudden, and the originally tense emotions were slightly relieved under the self-awareness blessed by the ancestors.

Walking forward slowly, the eyes occasionally pause on the portraits on both sides.

Until he suddenly discovered that on the long corridor not far in front of him, there was a walking figure at some point.

Beautiful braided long brown hair, tall and slender figure, awe-inspiring yet gentle temperament...

That was the family he could never have mistaken for.


Jinci subconsciously called out the opponent's name.

The distance between the two is not far, and the atmosphere in the whole corridor is quiet, logically speaking, the other party should be able to hear his voice.

However, the person in front of him seemed to have never heard of it, and his movements did not even stop slightly, and he continued to move towards the depths of the corridor.

Seeing this, even though there was a strange sense of incongruity in his heart, Kinji still chased him out.

"Wait a minute, Kana!"

Stretching out his hand to try to reach the opponent as soon as possible, he raised his voice and accelerated to catch up.

But no matter how much he mobilized his muscles, or even sprinted in a [-]-meter sprint, the distance between Kinci and Kana never shortened.

When he passed the last portrait, something happened suddenly.

rumble rumble...

The walls built of bricks and stones were gradually dyed red, and began to twist and wriggle as if they had life.

Tick ​​tock...tick tock...

Like the sound of water dripping from stalactites in a limestone cave, it echoed in his ears, and then there was a "slap", and he felt something wet on his face.

The slight tingling and burning sensation made the corners of his mouth twitch. He stretched out his hand to wipe it, and looked carefully. He finally confirmed what the liquid on his fingertips was...

Dark red...blood.

At this time, there was continuous pain below the ankle, and Kinci was startled inwardly, and quickly shifted his gaze downward.

Corrosive blood, unknowingly, has accumulated and spread to the height of his ankles.

Looking at Kana again...

As he continued to move forward on the slowly descending slope of the promenade, the figure who was always ahead of him had his legs submerged in the pool of blood from below the knees.

The wriggling blood-red walls on both sides of the corridor now look almost like pieces of meat.They are more like being in the digestive organs of some kind of creature than buildings.

Never go further into this place...

"Kana, don't go anymore, come back!"

Kinji shouted at the top of his voice.

Just like calling several times not long ago, his words still could not be conveyed to the other party.

He wanted to rush forward to pull his family back, but the pain of bone erosion in his ankle stopped him. The instinctive avoidance of blood and the innate fear of death rejected his impulse.

(I don't have the burst mode, am I so useless...)

(Move, this damn body!)

It's a pity that no matter how much Jin Ci roared and shouted in his heart, his body was still frozen in place, as if frozen.

He could only watch Kana's back step by step away from him, and his body disappeared under the pool of blood inch by inch.

Until the other party stepped into the abyss at the end of the line of sight, Kinji couldn't move an inch.


Blood flowed past his feet, and he vaguely saw some kind of reflective object in front of him, approaching him.

Looking at it calmly, what he saw in front of him made his pupils shrink sharply.

Those were a few fragments of eroded and dilapidated blue metal pieces...

The blade floating on the water was entangled with a few strands of brown hair that hadn't touched the blood, shaking lightly with the fluctuation of the blood pool.

"is that a lie..."



The first male dormitory of Tokyo Butei High School, the seventh floor, room 705...

The morning light weakened after passing through the purple curtains, and fell softly and non-glare in the student dormitory.

"Kana! Woo..."

The boy who was sleeping on the lower bunk in the dormitory got up abruptly, but hit his head on the upper bunk, and fell back onto the pillow covering his head.

Fortunately, he had practiced the iron head kung fu handed down in his family, which made his scalp and skull tougher than ordinary people, so he was not injured.

On the contrary, there was a crack in the wooden structure of the bed frame provided by the school. It seemed that after this collision, the service life was shortened a lot.

However, Toyama Kinji is not in the mood to think about this issue for the time being...

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he quickly recovered his keen sense of smell after waking up, and smelled a faint sour smell.

Only then did he notice that the clothes on his body were already soaked in sweat in his sleep.

"It's really just a nightmare..."

After saying this, his tense body relaxed. Kinji scratched his sleepy hair and complained to himself:

"Really, why do you have such a dream?"

As he spoke, he reached out to pick up the charging mobile phone on the bedside table, pushed open the cover with his thumb, and checked the current time.

"No way, it's already this late!?"

Staring at the phone screen in astonishment for a moment, the young man looked around and found that all the beds were empty.

Since the Assault Department has the largest number of students in Tokyo Butei High, almost all the residents in this building are students from the Assault Department who applied for accommodation, even Kinji Toyama is no exception.

Apparently, the three roommates with the same major as him had no intention of reminding themselves of his oversleeping peer, and left him to go out one after another.

"You heartless fellows!"

The corners of his brows twitched and he blamed the roommate who was not there. Knowing that the time was urgent, the teenager immediately jumped off the bed, grabbed his uniform and rushed into the bathroom.

After taking a simple and quick shower, Toyama Kinji, who didn't even have time to eat breakfast, picked up his schoolbag and rushed out the door in a hurry, trying to catch the 7:58 pick-up bus from the campus.

However, when he ran all the way down the six stairs and stepped out of the gate on the first floor of the dormitory...


The dense sound of camera shutters and the dazzling flash of light forced him to raise his hands to cover his eyes.

Large and small newspapers, weekly magazines, and the interview vehicles of many TV stations in Japan occupy all the places that can be suspended on the nearby roads.

Dozens of reporters with camera equipment or microphones on their shoulders guarded the entrance and exit of the men's dormitory. When they saw Jinci appearing, they immediately surrounded him.

"Mr. Toyama Kinji, what do you want to say about the fact that your family killed officers and soldiers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force for no reason?"

"Kana Toyama is your older sister. Didn't she reveal any information to you before doing it?"

"Because of your sister, so many people's families have been broken, don't you think I should apologize to the public for her?"

"You who are studying at Butei High School, you probably don't want to become like Kana Toyama in the future, do you?"

Chapter 310? Transfer student


Tokyo Butei High School, lunch break...

In the Office of Academic Affairs, Chios sat at his desk with a three-layer black lacquered wood lunch box on the table. While enjoying his lunch, he looked at the lecture items for this afternoon.


The brunette female teacher with a worried face pushed open the sliding door of the office and walked in with a folder in her arms.

Seeing the black-haired young man, she quickly suppressed the negative emotions on her face and put on a gentle smile.

However, when she noticed that the expensive lacquered wooden box on the other party's table turned out to be pizza, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Chios, who had already noticed the approach of the female teacher, turned his eyes away from the documents.

"Oh? It's Teacher Gao Tianyuan..." Putting down the food in his hands, he smiled and asked:

"Seeing you smiling so happily, did something good happen?"

"Sorry, I didn't expect Mr. Chios to put instant food in such a high-end bento box, accidentally..."

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