Before finishing speaking, Gao Tianyuan Yucai paused.

Because, she found that the air pressure around Chios suddenly dropped...

(fast food?)

Pizza, a vocabulary created by the Italians thousands of years ago, was used as a taboo 120 years ago to show respect for the royal family. Since then, it has left a famous dish, and now it has been crowned with the term to describe McDonald's...

"Teacher Gao Tianyuan, if you intend to go to Italy in the future, please don't say what you said just now..." Rubbing the center of his brows, Chios persuaded earnestly:

"Especially in a southern region like Sicily, it would be a faux pas."

"I, I see."

Gao Tianyuan Yucai swallowed hard, and solemnly nodded in response.

Obviously the man in front of him should be an Englishman, but he exudes a terrifying low pressure inexplicably.

It turns out that pizza is such a sacred food in the hearts of Europeans...

Secretly made up her mind, the female teacher who no longer calls pizza a fast food, cautiously came to sit in her own office next to the young man.

In the morning, she served as a class A tutor for one year, and in the afternoon she was also in charge of teaching detective subjects. She didn't have enough rest time like Chios. After opening her lunch box and saying "I'm starting", she quickly moved without saying a word. Start your meal.

Of course, there is also an element of being frightened by the young man's sharp gaze just now.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Yusa Takamahara, who was eating like a squirrel, and Chios couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"If you have something on your mind, it's better not to hide it in your heart, Mr. Gao Tianyuan."

As he was observant, it was impossible for him not to notice the worried look on the female teacher's face when she walked into the office.

"Maybe you can't feel it yourself, but the quality of teaching is actually easily affected by emotions, which is unfair to the teaching of detective science students."

"Ha, that's what you said..." Gao Tianyuan Yucai, who had intended to share her thoughts with others, sighed while holding the chopsticks of Tamagoyaki slowly down:

"For students in other classes, the freighter explosion a few days ago might just be a topic for discussion, but in our class, it was a complete disaster."

Hearing this, the young man who was reading paper materials in his left hand narrowed his eyes slightly, lost in thought.

"Are you referring to Toyama Kinji-san?"

The words paused for a while, and he continued after the female teacher gave a soft "hmm":

"Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which lost hundreds of billions of orders overnight, chose to use the power of the media to retaliate against Yuan Shan's family. Maybe there is also the military helping the flames..."

As the mastermind behind everything, if he really wants to make a comprehensive analysis, there is no need to waste time and brainstorm, and he can talk directly.

But since he is playing another role now, this detail cannot be ignored.

"This kind of pressure is really unbearable for an underage student. It is understandable for Toyama Kinji to skip class."

However, Yucai Takamahara shook her head, saying skipping classes was not a problem.

"If it's just skipping classes, it's pretty simple. It's normal for Butei High students to be unable to come to school for various reasons. And this morning, Toyama-san already called from home and asked for a week's leave..."

"The problem is that most of the other students in get out of class A don't understand his situation at all, and some even say some nasty things during the break after class. Fortunately, Yuan Shan is not here these days, otherwise there may be a big fight."

Fiddled with the cauliflower in the small bento box with chopsticks in her hand, when talking about the change of the atmosphere in the class, her usual warm and friendly smile became a bit bitter.

Chios, who was listening silently, did not offer any words of comfort.

The two have been colleagues for a long time, and he knows very well that the other party's heart is far stronger than his weak appearance, otherwise he would not be able to become an internationally famous mercenary.

As a double-faced man, he just needs to listen patiently, and that's enough.

Sure enough, after a short moment of loss, the brunette female teacher Su pushed the rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose with her hands, and her eyes became firm again.

"Sorry, before I knew it, I was acting like a baby to Mr. Chios again..."

Chios smiled lightly, following the self-mockery of the other party:

"Yeah, I'm really disqualified as a senior."

"But what Chios said..." Yucai Takamahara, who omitted his title and called the young man by his name, turned his face to Chios and winked playfully.

"I believe you will forgive senior, right?"

With her question, the atmosphere in the office seems to start to change in a subtle direction...

Chios, who has already been very accustomed to such a situation, did not feel embarrassed at all, but just shrugged easily, neither admitting nor denying, leaving room for the other party's imagination.

This move was regarded as tacit consent by Gao Tianyuan Yucai, and the corners of her eyes were slightly curved, revealing an innocent smile.

"By the way, Mr. Chios..."

The female teacher seemed to suddenly remember something, and put the bento box she had just picked up back on her lap.

"The British transfer student who officially transferred to our school last Friday, Kanzaki? H? Aria, are you familiar with her?"

"Miss Holmes?" Unexpectedly, the female teacher would suddenly mention Aria. The young man frowned, then shook his head.

"Although I have heard about some of her deeds, I haven't met her formally so far. What's wrong?"

"For the freighter bombing incident, she has had different opinions from other people since she entered school. She had an argument with her classmates last Friday and shot two bullet holes in the ceiling..."

Speaking of this, Gao Tianyuan Yucai couldn't help but sighed.

"If you know Kanzaki-san, can you talk to her a little bit, at least don't shoot in front of ordinary subject teachers... I wanted to ask you so, but..."

"No problem..." Before the other party finished speaking, Chios had already taken over:

"It's really not good for a dignified nobleman to blatantly interfere with the order of the classroom. I think a family visit might help."

Chapter 310: Detective and Phantom Thief


Assault on Branch Building...

During the training time of professional subjects, most of the students will come to their respective specialist buildings to practice their skills, except for the butei who are entrusted and not in the school.

bang bang bang...

With assault arrests as the core of training, the Assault Division is the most dangerous of all subjects in the school. Every lunch break, the continuous gunfire becomes the main theme in the building.

The bulletproof glass door was pushed open, and the girl who officially transferred to Tokyo Butei High School three days ago, Kanzaki H. Aria, walked out of the Assault Division building.

With an S-level Buteijutsu rating, she has been commissioned by the Buteijutsu Bureau in London since she was 14 years old. So far, she has not missed a single arrest operation and successfully subdued prisoners in a single raid. Naturally, she did not come here to strengthen her basic abilities.

Her purpose is very simple, just to inquire about the news...

Aria arrived in Japan for about two weeks, part of the time was spent with her mother, Kanae Kanzaki, and the other part was busy investigating Yiyu's information, so she really didn't have much time to spend on the campus.

Until last Friday, she witnessed the cargo ship explosion on TV and the news that more than [-] Maritime Self-Defense Forces died...

The Maritime Self-Defense Force was also victimized, and it was also related to the "King Kong" frigate...

Compared with the first attack a few months ago, the Japanese people were shocked; now similar cases happen again, which arouses anger.

The video, widely circulated on the Internet and considered to be highly credible, clearly pointed out the identity of the prisoner who attacked the cargo ship, and was exaggerated and denounced by the media, making the Yuanshan family become "shameful traitors" in people's mouth overnight.

Everything is so logical, yet inexplicably weird...

Accurate to the interlocking development, it seems that there is an invisible hand manipulating the course of events behind the scenes.

Even if she couldn't make a rigorous reasoning, her indescribable intuition made her smell the unusualness in this incident.

After in-depth understanding, the girl suddenly discovered...

Kana Toyama, the central figure in the incident, her younger brother actually attended Tokyo Butei High School like herself, and was even rated as S-class Butei in the entrance examination.

Coincidentally, Toyama Kinji hadn't been to school since the day Aria transferred.

Since she couldn't find herself, the girl had to ask other classmates.

"Toyama Kinji? That guy seems to have asked for leave, or skipped class...Anyway, that kind of person is fine, who cares."

"It's better to ask the teacher for the contact information. Now everyone try to avoid getting involved with him."

"My relatives did such unforgivable things, and I wouldn't have the face to come to school, alas, I obviously think that others are not bad..."

It's a pity that all the subjects who have been asked are either indifferent to this, or know little about it...

"Really, there is no gain at all." The girl let go of the doorknob with her little hand, and left the Assault Section building where gunshots kept ringing.

The legs wrapped in black stockings under the red and white sailor suit took steps, and the long pink hair tied into double ponytails with horn-shaped hair ornaments swayed slightly as he walked.

When she came to the nearby beverage vending machine, she took out a delicate pink coin clip from the inner pocket of her skirt, put a [-]-yen coin into the machine, and poked the button under the peach soda with her index finger.

Kuang Dang...

Merchandise tumbles under the machine.

The girl bent down to take out the drink can, opened the pull ring, and started drinking with one hand on her hip.

"Although it doesn't taste like peach steamed buns, it's not too bad to drink."

Turning his gaze to the side, there were notice boards plastered with entrustments of different levels.

Among them, it also includes the investigation commission issued by Aria at a high price. I hope that some of the butei high school students can provide information on Toyama Kana or Toyama Kinji.

"Well, the request has only been sent out for a long time, and it is impossible to get a response so quickly..."

"Mmm~ It's hard to say."

A girlish voice with a sweet scent like vanilla sauce came to my ears from behind Aria without any warning.

Like the sensation of being stared at by a ferocious beast, the hairs on the back of the neck suddenly stood up.

"who is it!?"

Unexpectedly, someone could approach her silently. The pink-haired girl let go of the drink can, pulled out the two Colt M1911 pistols hidden in the thigh holster, and turned to point at the source of the sound...

It was a girl student with honey blond hair, a little taller than herself, and an innocent and lovely appearance.

"You are..." Aria was not completely unfamiliar with the appearance and posture of the other party.

"Riko Mine?"

"That's right!" Riko raised her hand full of vitality in response, and the next second her face changed suddenly, and she changed into a hurt look.

"Whoa, actually pointing a gun at Riko, Aria is so scary..."

After speaking in a choked tone, she reached out to wipe away the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes.

"This, this is because..."

The classmate in front of her suddenly cried sadly, but she was still pointing two guns at each other, and Aria, who felt wronged, couldn't help but panic.

"Because you suddenly appeared behind me, although there was no hostility, but the reflex immediately..."

Unable to apologize frankly, the pink-haired girl who insisted on explaining in a circle, was hugged by Riko before she could finish her sentence.

"Hey, Riko knows it!"

Riko leaned closer to the other's ear and blew lightly.

"A girl as cute as Aria, how could she do it on purpose?"

"Woo... Cocoa, cute?"

Sensitive ears turned red quickly after feeling the moist breath. Aria, who was not good at this kind of contact and dialogue, couldn't even speak well for a while.

"That's right, super cute..." The blond girl responded affirmatively:

"Let's be good friends, Aria?"

Riko disrupted the rhythm from the beginning, and couldn't feel that there was anything wrong with the other party's words, so Aria could only nod.

"By the way...Speaking of which, what do you want from me?"

Hearing this, Riko finally let go of Aria and took a step back to normal social distance.

"Actually, Riko accepted Aria's commission and finished sorting out the information as quickly as possible..." At this point, she took out a stack of bound documents from the paper bag she was holding and handed it to Fan girl with hair.

"I happened to hear that Aria was attacking the Ke building, so I came to you directly."

"Really? Let me see..."

Aria, who was still distressed because she didn't get anything, quickly took the materials, completely oblivious to the smile on the lips of the classmate in front of her.

The information is more complete than expected, not only the information of Toyama Kana and Toyama Kinji, but also their father Toyama Kincha, and even their grandfather Toyama Tetsu.

Even though there is no part involving confidentiality, it organizes and summarizes many details that ordinary people are not easy to detect, and it also lists the interpersonal relationship diagram of the survey subjects very thoughtfully...

Aria, who was concentrating on reading the information, quickly turned to the last page.

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