A hotline from across the Atlantic shook the capital of the United States of America.



United States, Washington, District of Columbia, White House Situation Room...

"Are you sure that the Earl of Pembroke is willing to take over the task of hunting down GIII?"

Looking at the flat-panel monitor, John Scarlett, head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, and Rahm Emanuel, the new chief of staff of the White House, tried to calm down, but subconsciously raised his cheeks and formed crow's feet at the corners of his eyes, revealing his true self at the moment Feeling.

The GIII group has a next-generation vertical take-off and landing stealth aircraft test aircraft like "Galio", which is enough to easily avoid radar detection by most countries. The optical camouflage covering the fuselage shell makes naked eye detection useless.

Even though the U.S. military has dispatched elite units to search around the world, there are very few people who can actually track down the opponent. Even if GIII is discovered, there are few people who can match this man-made genius with R-rank military reconnaissance combat power.

Every day that a traitor is at large increases the possibility of the loss of secrets. Once the other party requests asylum from another country based on this, it will definitely have a disastrous result for the national security of the United States.

Under such circumstances, the United States first contacted the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. These European countries are relatively reliable, especially rely on the military technology of the United States in military cooperation. If the military secrets of the United States are leaked, they are also Western countries. will be hit hard.

Unexpectedly, the request to cooperate in the search and suppression of the GIII group has only been sent to NATO countries for a few days. When the countries are still worrying about who to send to carry out this extremely difficult task, their most important partner, the United Kingdom, has good news.

The descendant of the first British knight, a long-standing family that has lasted for about 900 years. The influence of the Earl of Pembroke in Western countries is not only limited to the reputation passed down from his ancestors, but also includes his family's wealth and unchanging love for the royal family. Loyalty, and the superb combat talent possessed by the successors of the past generations.

The contemporary Earl of Pembroke is considered to have perfectly inherited the talents of his ancestors. He solved the hostage-taking incident that shocked the world at a young age, and was even able to fight and defeat the incomplete Crimson clone.

In addition, there are rumors that the Vatican secretly dispatched the Knights seven years ago to encircle and suppress the ancient vampire Vlad Tepes in Etretta, France. It seems that the Earl of Pembroke was also present...

Since this news came from word of mouth of the local people, there was no strong evidence, and considering that Chios was only about 12 years old at the time, American intelligence personnel did not believe it.

In the U.S. confidential personnel file, the evaluation of Chios's combat power has already surpassed the R-rank martial arts level, and has been included in the unofficial superhuman combat power ranking list.

It was definitely a surprise to the senior White House officials present to have such an elite among the elites assist in hunting down traitors.

"Yes, code-named 000, the Earl of Pembroke has always been an important member of us, and he continues to pay attention to the needs of his country and our allies..."

The London man's voice, which is usually indifferent, suddenly becomes very pleasant to the ears of senior American officials.

"When it is determined that a disaster is enough to threaten human civilization and damage the well-being of the people, Code 000 will not hesitate to contribute."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman sitting not far to the left of the new president frowned slightly.

She has a lot of political experience, and now she is the Secretary of State, she understands the subtext of the man on the screen...

To put it simply, if it weren't for the fact that others were difficult to handle and could raise the price at will, a wealthy nobleman like the Earl of Pembroke would not bother to take a look at it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Mr. President, and found that the other party was contemplating, obviously aware of this.

As the head of state, it is naturally inappropriate to engage in bargaining behaviors. Therefore, after receiving unanimous approval from other officials in the conference room, the woman resolutely stepped forward to take charge of the conversation.

"Mr. Scarlett, the United States and Britain are the closest allies, but this matter involves a lot of confidential research in our country and needs to be handled properly..."

Careful wording mentioned that the most important interests of the United States lie in next-generation technology, and she then asked tactfully:

"Based on the long-standing friendly relationship between the two countries, we sincerely hope to obtain the help of the Earl of Pembroke reasonably in return for his hard work. I don't know about this..."

Although she did not finish the last words, it did not prevent John Scarlet from understanding the meaning in the slightest.

"This is a contract between code-named 000 and the White House. My duty is only to convey it. Please forgive me..."

The head of the British Secret Intelligence Service showed a wry smile, but his words were very shrewd, and he completely abandoned the responsibility for bargaining in a few words.

"15 billion US dollars, the code name 000 promises to eradicate GIII's henchmen for you, and decides to call the US military to recover or destroy all confidential equipment on the spot according to the situation. During this period, any forces that try to take the opportunity to seize American technology will be eliminated without discrimination."

Chapter 340 Nine? Is this really okay, classmate Jinji?


Tokyo Butei High School, specialist training time...

Japan's high school education system is different from other countries. It adopts a three-semester system. The winter vacation starts in late December and ends in January, which is earlier than schools in other countries.

Before the official opening of the new school year in April, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, there is another one and a half month school day, which is mainly used for the entrance examination and the general test of the current school year, followed by the spring break in March until the school starts in early April.

Of course, Butei High School has a slightly different style...

Because the nature, difficulty, and frequency of entrustment received by individuals are different, resulting in the difference in the credits of each student.

For those diligent students who have accumulated credits exceeding the entrance threshold, during this period, the school will not hold them accountable even if they have not attended the school to take classes.

But for other students who are usually sloppy, the one and a half months at the end of the school year is a hell of a crazy way to make up credits.


Pushing open the door of the Assault Section building, a black-haired boy with a listless face walked out slowly.

"Is the content of the commission to find the missing pet lizard..." Looking down at the commission information printed on the paper in his hand, his eyes stayed on the reward column and the credit reward for a moment, Toyama Kinji sighed heavily:

"10000 yen plus 0.3 credits, well, it's better than nothing, and you should be able to live for two weeks by saving money, long live the safety."

He clenched his fists and cheered as if convincing himself, but his words seemed weak.

He raised his head and looked around. The vast campus built on the artificial floating island was almost full of students in the same situation as him. He wanted to take advantage of the last time before the end of the semester to complete the commission as much as possible and make up for his lack of credits for further studies .

He who received an S-level evaluation in the entrance test should not have ended up in this field.

His close relatives are either armed prosecutors or special detectives, and even his grandfather is a former pilot of the Imperial Japanese Navy's Type Zero fighter. Under such a background, Toyama Kinji naturally aspired to be useful to the country and society and fight for justice.

Until the beginning of September last year, the news of Kana Toyama's attack on the Maritime Self-Defense Force ship spread overnight, and countless media attacked him, and then surrounded the dormitory where he lived.

At the moment, Toyama Kinji is at a loss, so he can only escape...

Hiding back to his hometown Sugamo, turning on the TV, all the reports overwhelmingly blamed Kana Toyama.

But he always believed in his heart that it was absolutely impossible for Kanai to do such behavior without reason.

Later, when he came to his hometown, the Extraordinary Minister of the Buteido Koga also confirmed this point. Kana did follow up the abnormal actions after receiving the task of investigating the intelligence of the mysterious organization.

However, what was the result of shedding blood and sweat for the country and justice...

The media's wanton accusations have never been denied by the government.

For the sake of their careers, many officials regarded his close relatives as outcasts, acquiescing to all criticism and insults against the Yuanshan family from the outside world.

His father's death in the line of duty, if it can be regarded as a well-deserved death...

Kana's life and death are uncertain, but his reputation has been ruined, so he completely lost his longing for the career of butei.

He is the only heir to the Yuanshan family's bloodline...

In order to prevent his grandparents from being white-haired and black-haired again, Toyama Kinji is determined to become an ordinary person.

An ordinary person who has completely disconnected from Butei, a stupid profession that is so rotten that even after death, he will be thrown a stone, and completely integrated into normal society.

Justice or something, let others worry about it...

Safety first, long live safety!

With this thought in mind, Toyama Kinji never accepted any commission involving life safety.

Its remuneration and credit gain can be imagined...

As a result, he had to be at school on time for the period leading up to spring break.In the morning, you can make up credits by taking class hours, and in the afternoon, you can earn a meager income through low-difficulty commissions.

"At least maintain the grades..."

Saying so, the boy walked towards the school gate.

"As long as it doesn't affect my real goal: "transfer to a regular high school", everything else can be ignored. "

On the way, a gentle and elegant voice suddenly came to my ears:

"Oh? Isn't this Toyama Kinji-san..."

Toyama Kinji hastily asked and looked.

What came into view was a young man wearing a well-fitting tailored suit, holding an orange leather tablet computer folder in one hand, and walking out of the main entrance of the Academic Affairs Building.

"Hey, with a sad face, I clearly meet your class needs, and I go to work on time every day, so I don't have a single complaint."

"Hi, Teacher Chios..."

The boy greeted politely.

Of course he knew who the person in front of him was.

The heart-wrenching teacher of Butei High School in Tokyo, the NO.1 man who girls want to date and marry most, a legendary figure who can sell hundreds of thousands of yen for a close-up photo...

Once, Kinci also admired this teacher who was able to rescue nearly a thousand hostages without any damage.However, since he made up his mind to sever ties with the profession of Butei, all of this has been isolated from him.

Even if you think so in your heart, the basic etiquette should not be forgotten.

Unfortunately, the head of Mr. Chios' pro-guard team is a classmate of his. He is spreading the good news of Mr. Chios all day long, and he always unreasonably suppresses any dissenting (male) elements.

Anyway, if you don't want to be beaten to death by all the girls in the school, you'd better not pretend that you don't know Mr. Chios.

Perhaps the smile that the young man forcibly showed was too stiff, the teacher in front of him waved his hand casually, signaling that the other party should not be restrained.

"It doesn't matter if you don't force a smile on your face, Toyama-san..." With a gentle smile on his face, Keith continued:

"I've heard more or less about your situation from Mr. Gao Tianyuan. It's understandable to feel disapproval of Butei's profession, this school, and even other teachers and students."

Watching the other party walking step by step, the hairs on Toyama Kinji's body suddenly stood up...

what happened?

The attitude of the young teacher is as gentle and refined as the rumors, and there is nothing wrong with it in Jin Ci's eyes, but it makes people feel inexplicably like being targeted by an extremely dangerous person.

Whether or not this weird intuition in his heart is wrong, it doesn't matter to Toyama Kinji who just wants to keep his relationship with Butei as far as possible and get in smoothly and safely until the day when the transfer application permission is issued.

"Sorry, I have already decided to transfer schools, and now I am just working harder for the minimum credit threshold."

After hastily speaking, the boy lowered his head and walked towards the school gate at a faster speed.

"Is this really okay..."

The moment Kinji and Chios passed by, the young man said something that made his legs freeze in place:

"Despite what happened, I always believe that Kana Toyama was framed and probably not dead."

Chapter 350 ? Chios' Commission

"You... what did you say!?"

Stopping his pace, Toyama Kinji suddenly turned his head, and almost forgot to use honorifics for a while.

With hopeful and uneasy eyes, he stared at the figure facing away from him in front of him.

"During the hijacking of the Mori Building, I had a relationship with Ms. Toyama, and I admire her noble disposition of pursuing justice..."

First of all, to express his agreement with Toyama Kana's philosophy, Chios exhaled a barely audible sigh, which neither showed the artificiality of the shallow words, but also just reflected the delicate emotion of the development of this matter.

Unhurriedly turning around to face Toyama Kinji, the young man took out a pair of flat glasses from his pocket and put them on, silently strengthening his implication as a teacher and an elder.

"I believe you also know that because of my special status, I can obtain more information that ordinary people cannot access, including part of the inside story of Kana Toyama's attack on the freighter."

"To be honest, with her outstanding skills, a mere one or two hundred armed soldiers is not enough to kill her. If it weren't for the violent explosion of the freighter, which made the reasoning more difficult, I think Kana Toyama's survival rate is [-]%. "

Under Chios's series of words and deeds, the black-haired boy who seemed to be afraid of him at first relaxed a lot of his tense spirit.

Even if there is still the last bit of uneasiness in the deepest part of my heart, I will instinctively choose to ignore it after hearing the news from my family.

"You mean..." Kinji couldn't help clenching his hands, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Kana she...really alive?"

"I really think so, and hope so..." Chios nodded, giving the answer the other party most wanted to hear at the moment.

Of course, if the topic only stops here, it is just a few warm words from the teacher to comfort the students.

Knowing that Toyama Kinji was expecting more information from him, the young man pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and continued:

"Unfortunately, even though I intend to find out the truth, due to my busy schedule and my position as a foreigner, it is not convenient for me to investigate in person."

Hearing this, the already gloomy boy had a look of disappointment on his face.

It's not that he thinks this is an excuse for the other party to be troublesome and procrastinate. In the past, Chios said in an interview with reporters that if it were not for the trust and entrustment of Principal Lupine, he, as a foreigner, would not be able to intervene in Japanese affairs.

The reason why Toyama Kinji was really depressed was that even the British aristocrats, whose intelligence channels were far superior to most people, knew so little of the inside story.

Let alone an ordinary student like him...

Maybe, even if he spent his whole life, he still couldn't piece together the truth of the whole thing.

"Could it be..." The deep sense of powerlessness seemed substantial, making the young man feel extremely heavy and out of breath.

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