It was hard to hide the matter of Kana in the most inconspicuous corner of my heart, but after being ignited overnight, the flame of hope was suddenly extinguished.

Unable to suppress the negative emotions in his mind, Jinci knew that he seemed to be making trouble for no reason, so he still couldn't restrain himself from roaring:

"Even you, the teacher, the Japanese government, and even the intelligence agencies of various countries, do you have such insufficient information!?"

Fortunately, during this time period, the students were either training, carrying out commissions, or simply not coming to school...

Otherwise, this young man who yelled at Chios rashly would probably be shot into a hive by a large number of angry girls.

"Listen carefully to me, Toyama-san..."

With a helpless wry smile on his face, the young teacher spoke softly and did not pursue the other party's faux pas.

"Everything I've said now is an inference based on the information available. Maybe you don't understand how dangerous the organization she is facing..."

"Remember the tragedy of the two frigates "King Kong" and "Akebono" in April last year? "

Suddenly talking about the incident nearly a year ago, Toyama Kinji couldn't help being stunned for a while.

After recalling the details in his mind, he immediately nodded and replied:

"Yes, I remember it was an act of revenge planned and carried out by the Butei Killer."

"Butei's okay to call them that..."

Unintentionally correcting the obvious misunderstanding of Toyama Kinji's title, Chios lit a cigarillo, exhaled a puff of gray smoke along the campus breeze, and then continued:

"A terrorist attack caused more than 2000 billion yen in losses, plus the lives of more than 400 soldiers. Do you think the Japanese government is likely to accept it willingly?"

Toyama Kinji shook his head.

"The officers and soldiers of the most cutting-edge warships of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, one of the top combat forces in the world today, couldn't make any decent resistance in front of these supermen, and they were destroyed before they even had time to ask for help..."

Having said that, Chios' expression suddenly turned serious.

"If in the UK, criminal groups of the nature of Butei Killer are undoubtedly Royal Class A secrets, but in Japan, they are probably Top [-] secrets. This kind of information is not something that children can reach out for. It is exchanged through bloodshed, even life."

The long and narrow eyes looked at the young man, and a cold light that was so sharp that it hurt people shot straight away.

"And Kana Toyama was ordered by the Japanese government to investigate such a terrorist organization's Special Armed Forces."

Under the coercion of the young teacher's eyes, Toyama Kinji felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and involuntarily took half a step back.

It seemed to see through his timidity for a moment.

"So, curiosity satisfied..."

Patting the boy on the shoulder, the solemn demeanor of Chios disappeared in the blink of an eye.

With a gentle smile on his face, he walked past the stiff Kinji, and whispered earnestly:

"After listening to this, do you still have the courage to dig out the secrets of the abyss, Toyama Kinji... It's better to follow your original plan, transfer to another school and be an ordinary person, and spend more time with your family, isn't it?"


Kinji's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hands hanging by the trouser legs were clenched into fists, so hard that his knuckles turned white.

That's right, apart from his grandparents, he is the only one left in the Yuanshan family.

The justice of the ancestors and the profession of Butei, both are stupid as hell.

Ordinary safety should be the lifelong pursuit of Kinji Toyama, a man with no ambitions...

"Obviously it should be like this..." The young man clenched his teeth, and for the first time he hated himself so much for his indecision and worrying about gains and losses.

Da da...

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground gradually faded away.

(If you miss this opportunity, you may never be able to understand the mystery that Kana is carrying...)

The lingering thought in Pan Ju's heart made Jinci make up his mind.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Chios!"

The boy's heartfelt cry made Chios stop in his tracks.


"Tell me, please, what should I do, please!"

Respectfully bowing ninety degrees to the young man's back, Toyama Kinji stared at the ground under his feet and sincerely asked.

"I see..."

Taking off the glasses on the bridge of his nose with one hand, Chios turned his face away, the corner of his eyes reflected the appearance of the bowed boy at this time, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Then, in the form of entrustment, I will hire Yuan Shan to investigate all the doubts I found. I will set your credits and remuneration with the highest standard, so don't worry."

Chapter 350? You are the perverts

At the gate of Tokyo Butei High School, in the nearby bushes...

The petite pink-haired girl hid behind the plants with a short body, using the shadows of the plants to hide herself, poked out half of her head quietly, and stared at Chios and Toyama Kinji on the aisle dozens of steps ahead.

Since the first family visit was over, and the young man agreed to make her partner with Tifa, Chios and Aria's interaction has decreased a lot.

The new partner Tifa often accepts various difficult commissions, and from time to time, it will bring news of suspected members of Yiyou. Aria is very busy with work and investigation, and the time she stays in school is extremely compressed.

On the other hand, as long as Chios was free from school, he often didn't know where to hide in order to avoid the crazy crowd of female students.

Based on the above reasons, Aria did not see each other several times in a semester, and the occasional meeting was only to say hello.

As far as the girl's personal opinion is concerned, there is nothing wrong with this, especially after learning that the relationship between Chios and Tifa is actually a fiancé couple through the email of her sister Mellie, she also understands why her partner can always get the favor of ordinary people. Hard-to-reach intelligence.

nothing bad really...

Apart from feeling a little uneasy for some reason, the relationship between her and her new partner is quite harmonious.

In fact, she did find some of the Yiyou members she was following in places like shopping malls or high-end restaurants.

It's just that the other party is also very vigilant. When they show up, they not only pick out crowded places, but also quickly move away when they feel someone is spying on them, which makes Aria a headache.

Most of her mind was occupied by Yiyou's relevant information, so she almost forgot that there was a Toyama Kinji in the school, whose family was victimized by Yiyou.

It wasn't until today when I happened to witness the scene of Jinci accepting the commission in the raid on the building that I remembered such a thing.

She was about to ask the other party a few words, but unexpectedly, Chios, whose whereabouts are usually erratic, suddenly appeared, and talked to Toyama Kinji first.

The momentary reflexive panic prompted her to dodge and hide behind the bushes not far away. As a result, she became this sneaky look...

However, he quickly realized that he did not need to hide at all, but it was still too late.

Going out at this time will interrupt other people's conversations, and it is inexplicably embarrassing and shameful.

Why don't you listen to what they have to say...

Even though the dialogue between youths and teenagers seemed a little vague in the open field, it still couldn't trouble Aria.

Combining lip-reading and contextual connections, she basically guessed the content of the conversation.

(I'm talking about the freighter explosion and Kana Toyama...)

"I didn't expect Teacher Chios to pay attention to this matter all the time..." Unexpectedly, the focus of the topic between the two, Aria pondered for a moment, always feeling a little strange in his heart.

"However, if you care about Kana Toyama's information, wouldn't it be better to entrust Tifa and me... Although Kinji Toyama's evaluation is S-rank, and he is a target related person, to be honest, judging from the training results in recent months Look, I can't feel that kind of strength at all."

If he simply wanted to help Toyama Kinji maintain his grades, there was absolutely no need to choose such a difficult task. The reason for his motivation was too far-fetched.

The girl thought about it, but still couldn't understand Chios' thinking mode.

Going to keep listening...

A low-pitched sweet girl's voice came from behind her:

"Riko swoops, hey!"

"Varied! "

The pink-haired girl, who hadn't noticed any movement behind her before, was startled, and hurriedly reached for the holster on her thighs with both hands.

However, it was still half a beat slow.

The soft touch touched the back of the head, and a mysterious object full of elasticity like konjac wrapped itself up. Immediately, Aria felt a weight similar to her own pressing on her body, forcing her to lose her center of gravity and jump forward.


The slender branches of the bushes broke under the load, and acted as a buffer to absorb the weight of the two petite girls, preventing them from hitting the ground directly.

"Hmm..." Aria groaned, her mind still unable to figure out what happened.

The body followed the fighting instinct to move the limbs, but was shocked to find that his legs were pressed by the knees, and his hands were behind his waist, presenting an extremely uncomfortable subdued state, unable to move.

The whole body is up and down, only the neck and above are free.

Turning her head, the pink-haired girl glared fiercely at the person behind her out of the corner of her eye...

Wearing the same red and white sailor uniform from Tokyo Butei High School as myself, with honey-blond long hair tied with lovely pink ribbons on both sides of the top, her face is exquisite and lovely with a hint of charm that ordinary girls don't have, she is simply a head A born succubus.

"Feng Lizi, what are you doing? Do you want to fight?" Ariya twisted her body in displeasure, and scolded in a low voice.

"Tsk tsk, the suspect who peeped at Mr. Chios, and wants to question the righteous head of the "Ms. Chios' Guards"..."

As if looking down at the criminal's sophistry, his gaze fell on the pink-haired girl's ferocious side face covered with a little dust, and Riko's brown-red pupils flashed a sadistic light of excitement inexplicably.

She leaned down, leaned close to Aria's ear, and blew lightly.

"ah! "

The pink-haired girl screamed in panic, her angry face dissipated like a burst of bubbles in the blink of an eye, and a layer of blush quickly appeared on her sensitive skin.

Seeing this, Riko still hasn't restrained himself.

"To be honest, what is Aria trying to do sneakily... Steal a piece of Chios teacher's hair? Buttons? Pants zipper? Or the fabric of underwear... These things can be found on the official website of the Guards Riko will not forgive you if you try to smuggle it by buying a genuine one."

Hearing this, Aria opened her eyes wide and looked at the blond girl in disbelief.

"You, what are you talking about shameless..."

She retorted tremblingly, her cheeks were like red-hot ceramics, and her overheated brain seemed ready to spew steam at any time.

The girl's cognition is hard to understand, what kind of lunatic would buy and sell such items! ?

"I don't have that perverted need... No, it should be said that no one will buy it. It's ten years too early for you to lie to me!"

"Hey? That's not the case, these are the top ten products on the best-selling list..." The blond girl tilted her head and replied as a matter of course:

"All the girls in the school are proud of grabbing the few stocks. Conversely, women who are not interested in this are perverts, right?"

"No, you are the perverts, the filthy monsters that have been tainted by Mr. Chios from bone marrow to blood, stay away from me!"

The pink-haired girl struggled.


Under Riko's disturbance, Aria completely missed the opportunity to eavesdrop on the follow-up conversation between Chios and Toyama Kinji.

Chapter 350 Two? Yiyou's Expedition

At the end of the conversation, Toyama Kinji was still entrusted to deal with in his hand. He looked at the time on his phone and found that he was about to miss the bus to the city. After solemnly thanking Chios with a grateful heart, Then hurriedly ran towards the stop sign outside the school gate.

Watching the other party quickly disappear from sight, the young man withdrew his smile and made a casual move.

The Toyota Crown Century sedan, which had been waiting nearby, appeared from the side corner of the Academic Affairs Building and slowly drove up to him.

Get into the car under the service of the driver, the door closes...

It was silent, as if the mute button was pressed in the car, and the outside world could no longer hear the slightest sound, which cut off the space on both sides of the inside and outside.

Then press the special switch next to the door and window button, and then raise the baffle between the front and rear seats.

At the same time as all this was done, the car began to move forward smoothly under the driver's control, leaving Tokyo Butei High School.

Chios opened the folder of the tablet computer, and after the iris recognition scan, he unlocked the technological crystallization made by Yiyou technicians, found Iberita's contact line from the phone book, and initiated a call.

An electrocardiogram-like dial showed that two peaks flashed, and the communication was successfully connected.

"Huh~" He yawned lazily, and the voice of a soft and charming woman, which was different from the usual, came out through the tablet with excellent sound quality:

"Master Chios, what instructions do you have?"

"Sorry, did I interrupt your nap?"

Hearing Chios' slightly apologetic question, Iberita chuckled and replied in an ambiguous tone:

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