Then, the tactical screen jumped out of the video screen of the ground combat team...

"Chios, what do you mean!?"

As if betrayed by someone she trusted, Toyama Kana's beautiful emerald eyes were burning with anger, but her complexion was extremely pale.

"Hahahaha! So funny, so good!"


Except for Sun Wei who was on the armrest laughing loudly as if fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and Zhuge Jinghuan who silently pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and snickered, almost everyone who participated in the battle had an incomprehensible reaction.

"Don't forget, Moriarty, the behind-the-scenes leader of our greatest enemy, Nautilus, has a predictive ability equivalent to that of our leader Sherlock, so it is impossible to be ignorant of what's going on here..." Facing subordinates and allies Many parties questioned, but Chios' words still did not back down half a step.

"Once the U.S. military gets N's assistance, this operation is almost doomed to failure. The only way to prevent them from appearing to disrupt the situation is to show an uncompromising attitude, there is no other way!"

The young man calmly glanced at everyone below, and finally returned to the screen to meet Toyama Kana.

"As long as they dare to intervene, I dare to blow up this world into a hell on earth."

Intuitively, this is simply a game of blindly betting everything.

But there is one decisive difference between Chios and Moriarty...

Moriarty, who has the ability to predict the future, is actually not difficult at all to know the trend of the Vostok, even whether Chios will really be determined to press the nuclear bomb launch button, and the retaliatory actions of all nuclear powers after the attack on the mainland. The terrifying scene of a nuclear strike covering the whole world will immediately come to his mind, and it is rare to make a mistake.

However, as for Chios himself, he does not have such extraordinary reasoning ability. Even if Moriarty is not to be outdone and returns with destructive force, he neither knows nor cares.

What Chios knew was that he was ready to press the destructive button, and the interference power of this world had already been weakened to the point where he could not stop him.

In this way, the coercive pressure of a nuclear strike falls entirely on the opponent.

Although, Professor Moriarty was the culprit who triggered the First World War, with the purpose of regressing human civilization.But wanting to bring civilization back to the Middle Ages does not mean that the other party is happy to see the whole world polluted by nuclear radiation and become a world where even breathing can be fatal.

The competition in this game is not courage, but a zero-sum decision made by those who have an overview of the overall situation to face a stubborn lunatic with absolute rationality.

Thinking of this, Chios could not help but sneer.

The ignorant are fearless, sometimes, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing...

If you want to prevent him from winning the gold, you have to be mentally prepared to turn the world into a purgatory and scorched earth, including the death of all N members in a tactical nuclear bomb explosion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The lower reaches of the Colorado River...

Twelve figures slowly floated up from the water surface. Among them, the head wearing a full-coverage black helmet was half out of the water, and the V-shaped glass electronic eyes with wide opening angle scanned the surroundings to confirm that no one appeared behind the beach. The lower hand made a "no problem" gesture.


At the center of the spread of water ripples, eleven people wearing black armor with a sci-fi feel got up one after another, followed the leader, and swam to land with one arm.

The tall man who walked onto the beach first stretched out his hand and pressed the button on the side of the helmet on the side of the ear.

At the next moment, with the lower edge and apex of the V-shaped electronic eyes as the dividing line, the tight-fitting mask is folded up, left, and right respectively, revealing a delicate face that combines the beauty of Eastern and Western women.

The armor on the back of the head was lifted, causing the girl's beautiful and silky long black hair to fall like a waterfall.


Taking a breath of the slightly damp air by the sea, Tifa flipped his left palm and took out the tablet from the emblem space.

Unlocking the standby mode, a map of the mouth of the Colorado River was displayed on the screen, and her current location was marked with a red dot. San Luis Rio Colorado Highway [-] is less than one kilometer to the east, and there is another road at the junction of Highway [-] and [-]. An illustration of the vehicle.

That was the place where the alliance appointed a broker in advance to deliver the vehicle.

The girl who confirmed that the vehicle was delivered on time put away the tablet, and was about to turn around and tell the other companions, but a burst of quarrels full of gunpowder came to her ears first...

"Kana Toyama, don't put on such a shameful face for my concubine!"

Such a special way of calling oneself, even if you don't listen to the tone, you can know who started it.

Tifa sighed inwardly, turned around and looked, as expected...

"Chios didn't let you be the team leader to bother you..."

On the beach, Petra took off her helmet and threw it at her feet. She approached a brown-haired woman with an uncomfortably complexion in two steps. She put her left hand on her hip and pointed her right hand between her brows. She said in an arrogant tone:

"Shut down your disgusting compassion and follow the plan, or pass the responsibility to someone better suited."

"Ha, you're right, as expected, combat power and mentality are two different things..." Staring at Toyama Kana with hostile eyes, Kajie, the captain of the witch company who had fought against him, joined Petra without hesitation this side.

With a sneer, she pulled out the decorative dagger and gold-plated pistol at her waist, and asked provocatively:

"It wasn't enough to hold back our head of state during World War II. What kind of trouble do the Japanese want to cause now? Ah!?"


A few steps away, Oleander held a slender pipe in his hand, exhaled light gray smoke between his cherry lips, and silently ignored Kajie's words of attacking race indiscriminately.

Purple eyes glanced at Kana indifferently, and she silently moved half a step, just in time to block the other party's escape route to the inland.

Immediately, the Zhaozhao sisters of the Blue Gang also gathered around as if they thought the incident was not big enough.

As for the rest...

Riko smiled and watched the development of the situation; Al Watson, a freelance mason dispatcher, rolled his eyes and began to check the weapons at hand; Reki and Sara stood far outside, eating nutritious biscuits and fried rice vegetable.

It seems neutral, but obviously, as long as Kana makes a wrong reply, these people will immediately clean up the door.

Chios actually threw such a group of problem children to himself...

At this moment, Tifa suddenly understood.

The man had expected this kind of situation long ago, knowing that it would be no good for him to be caught in the woman's conflict at this time, so he didn't lead the team himself, but chose to stay on the ship for the time being.

(It sucks...)

Helplessness is helplessness, she can't let go of the threatening situation in front of her.

"Miss Toyama..."

As Tifa intervened in the confrontation between the two sides, the tense atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze.

Everyone's attention was focused on the black-haired girl. Even Petra, who was arrogant by nature, just smacked her lips in displeasure and then backed away, turning her face away and saying nothing more.

"I understand that you find it difficult to accept Chios's way of taking a large number of innocent lives as bargaining chips. In fact, even I have not been able to fully adapt to Chios' behavior until now."

Hearing what Tifa said, Kana Toyama said anxiously:

"In that case, why didn't you just..."

stop him...

Before Kana could say the last sentence, she was the first to witness the complex light flashing in the other party's eyes, and suddenly stood on the spot.

Emotional entanglement, and rational understanding and identification, the two continue to fight and conflict, as if caught in an endless battle.

The absurd sense of deja vu filled Kana's mind in an instant.

Like looking into a mirror...

Looking back at my various perceptions of Chios, isn't that the case?


A sea breeze blew past, blowing the girl's waist-length hair.

"You know, Chios has never made any big mistakes in his decisions so far, and even if he makes mistakes occasionally, he can always quickly regain the disadvantage..."

Stretching out her hands, she pushed the black strands on her cheeks behind her ears, and pressed them lightly so that they would not be blown away by the wind. Tifa closed her eyes, as if recalling the past, and a soft smile appeared on the corner of her mouth .

"Otherwise, we will never be able to get to where we are today, and even have more and more allies."

"What if he's wrong this time? That's tens of millions... no, billions of lives."

Toyama Kana couldn't help asking back.

"When the time comes, we will teach him a lesson, wake him up, and then accompany him to bear this crime..."

Tifa opened his eyes, and the complex look in his eyes gradually disappeared. He turned his head to the south and looked in the direction of the Vostok.

"Maybe one day, he will encounter failure, and the pain and self-blame that will follow... Chios is not a devil, although he is indeed very confident, even if he is proud, it is not an exaggeration. But Please don't forget that the things that make up him are no different from ours, and he also has emotions of joy, sorrow, sorrow and joy, not to mention a sense of responsibility."

"If because of Chios' excellence, we only rely on him when he is right, and blame him when he one understands his struggles and depression before making a decision, and the relief after he succeeds, then Chios will never will be lonely."

As soon as the words fell, a sun rose slowly under the eastern horizon.

The warm radiance from the dazzling rising sun in the sky coated the girl's body and even the entire surface of the sea with a layer of dazzling golden light.


In the eyes of everyone, it seems that there is an endless golden rainbow bridge connecting her with a certain figure miles away.

Staring at this scene in a daze, for some reason, the women present felt a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts at the same time...

Although there is no trace of gunpowder, there is a feeling of fiasco.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Boom! !

The roar of lion-like engines broke the tranquility of the morning. Ten RSV4 heavy-duty locomotives, which were put into production by Italian motorcycle company Aprilia earlier this year, roared across the West Coast of the United States at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour.

In order to avoid leaving entry and exit information, it is impossible for all the personnel of the Zheying Project to take a plane, especially the ground team, must use smuggling methods to land in the United States, and then go overland to go deep into the south-central desert of Nevada where Area 51 is located.

With the alliance's strong financial connections, it was easy to hire a broker to prepare transportation at a specific location. Tifa and the others quickly found two large trucks parked by the roadside according to the electronic map, and obtained the heavy locomotive in the cargo box.

They were already dressed in pitch-black armor, but after putting on a leather jacket, they looked almost the same as a private motorbike team. Although speeding was somewhat ostentatious, these people must be able to afford the ticket, so as long as no major accidents are caused, ordinary The police don't bother to give chase.

After all, not all police cars in Dubai use supercars like Dubai...

In this way, Tifa and his party stopped at the gas station several times to fill up the fuel, and spent all the rest of their time on the Mercedes-Benz road. In just two hours, Las Vegas, the casino city, was left behind by them. .

Continue heading northwest, and it is expected to arrive at the destination within 10 minutes.

However, as an advanced aircraft test flight area, and a military center that secretly hides rouge gold, it is conceivable that the security network of Area 51 will be extremely meticulous.

According to prior intelligence investigations, the U.S. military has dispatched at least six and as many as twelve MQ-1 predator drones to patrol around the base at all times.

In order to get as close to the base as possible and reduce the distance to get off and walk, they need the help of Dongfang to cover.

Seeing that the navigation guidance arrow on the head-up display turned from light blue to orange, the driver at the front of the convoy raised his hand and pressed the communication button on the mask.

"The Ground Combat Team has successfully passed the marker point, requesting air support."

The response from the other side came back quickly:

"Got it, the drone will arrive in 5 minutes."


Under the Gulf of California...

"All UAV remote pilots immediately return to the control room to position themselves, launch rockets and prepare for launch..."

In the Situation Room of the Vostok, Chios on the command seat switched the current channel of the communicator in his hand, and issued an order to all alliance personnel in the submarine:

"After the rocket left, the ship dived immediately, turned on the optical camouflage, and moved to the open sea to stand by."

"Received!" The girl sitting on the central command desk of the fire control system quickly opened the safety lock of the first-stage missile, retracted the mechanical arm clamping the rocket in the vertical launch unit, and checked the status of the ejection device for the last time.

After confirming everything was correct, she excitedly opened the launch key cover.

Just as she was about to turn her head to report, she realized that the young man had come behind her at some point, and the girl's face was immediately flushed with nervousness and embarrassment.

Relying on years of military training from the Witch Company, she managed to straighten her back, put her five fingers together and put her forehead together to give a military salute to the other party.

"Ready, Count!"

Seeing this, Chios responded with a gentle smile, but his hand movements were not slow at all, and inserted the fire control key into the keyhole with a "click".

The flattered girl swallowed, and nervously began to count:

"The countdown to rocket launch begins... 30, 29, 28.."

"3, 2, 1... launch!"

As her words fell, Chios immediately turned the key ninety degrees.

In the vertical launching unit of the ship's bow, the ready-to-go launch rocket ejected and broke through the water after a few seconds.

The bottom booster ignites and emits flames, propelling it to accelerate into the sky.


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