The moment the ten rockets appeared, the U.S. military pinpointed their positions.

It is unbelievable that a ballistic missile appeared on the mainland without warning, but the U.S. Strategic Command, which received the news, had no time to be shocked by it. It immediately mobilized the anti-aircraft missiles guarding the mainland, locked on the alliance launch rocket, and tried to intercept it.

At the same time, anti-reconnaissance is carried out through the launch point, but unfortunately, the advanced reconnaissance equipment such as radar, satellite, sonar, etc. that they are proud of failed to find the location of the enemy submarine.

In this case, we can only use calculation methods to estimate the approximate area where the unknown submarine is located, contact the nearest San Diego Naval Base and Nellis Air Force Base, and dispatch warships and planes to conduct a carpet search.

Air Combat Command Air Operations Center, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada...

"Level 57 alert, the [-]th Flying Wing is dispatched urgently. During the training, the pilots return to refuel and re-form immediately!" The commander of the Air Force Operations Center, Major General Stephen Hogg, immediately ordered after hanging up the phone:

"All the fighters are loaded with live missiles and given the authorization to fire. The enemy submarine must still be in the Gulf of California. We can't give these bastards another chance to launch another attack."

In the duty room of the base, the pilots who were on standby threw down the poker cards they were playing, put on anti-G force suits, and then sprinted out at a speed of [-] meters, and jumped onto the fighter plane to advance to the runway.Soldiers who have just finished their shifts or are performing other duties will follow the first batch of lift-off personnel, advance to the airport, prepare the airframe, and schedule the take-off sequence.

Swish! ! !

Flying formations dominated by F15E and F16 fighter jets flew into the sky within two minutes. With the full boost of the engines, they all accelerated to cruising speed and headed towards the southwestern Gulf of California.

The pilots of the 57th Flying Wing are not rookies, including the well-known 57th Imaginary Enemy Tactical Brigade, the Thunderbirds Flight Demonstration Squadron, and the U.S. Air Force Weapons School, which specializes in training Air Force flight instructors, all belong to the 57th Wing.

They were the fastest pilots to get to the Gulf of California because they were the closest to the incident.

"This is Strider1, it has arrived at the coordinates of the ballistic missile 32.068, -114.860 airspace."

At this time, the ten rockets had already climbed 10000 meters above sea level, and they were about to exceed the altitude that fighter planes could catch up to.Fortunately, the ground-launched anti-aircraft missiles had already arrived, and more than a hundred missiles with white gas tails rushed towards the rocket from all directions.

"Anti-aircraft missiles...wait..."

When the commander of the 57th Wing, who personally led the team, was preparing to report the situation on the scene, an accident happened suddenly.

clack clack clack clack...

The six pieces of strange diamond-shaped metal inlaid on each rocket shell suddenly bounced off the base and fell from the sky in a free fall.

next second...

Boom boom boom! ! !

The lift-off rocket that had completed its task exploded violently, and the high-temperature fireball it released exerted an effect equivalent to that of a flame bomb, attracting almost all anti-aircraft missiles.

Until this moment, the bottom of the sixty pieces of rhomboid-shaped metal that was falling at an accelerated rate, like a switchblade, popped out two triangular forward-swept wings, and flames spewed out from the opening at the tail.

"Damn, those missiles are carrying drones!"

Chapter 51 - Area [-]

Meteor-XS is a cutting-edge drone developed by Yiyou technicians. It uses an angular dynamic particle engine, and the fuselage design without a cockpit is relatively flat, like a blade.There are two built-in missile hardpoints under the belly, and its structure and invisible paint greatly increase the difficulty of radar locking.

The most important thing is that these drones use the flight parameters of Chios, and are equipped with the ability to maneuver on their own at high, medium and low speeds, reducing the difficulty of remote control pilots, so that the pilots of the Witch Company on the Vostok can basically The pilot is only responsible for setting the direction and aiming to fire.

After the sixty drones popped out of the flying wings, the jet engines increased their output, rushing out of the current airspace before the rocket fragments exploded on the zenith fell.


Like streaks of silvery-white lightning that are difficult to catch with the naked eye, across the arc-shaped flight trajectory, Meteor-XS has no intention of engaging the US Air Force in front of it, and flies past the opponent to Nevada in the northwest.

"Catch up, we must not let them attack the continental United States!"

Brigadier General Robert Nowotny, the commander of the 57th Wing, gave an order, and a total of 20 fighters from the three teams quickly turned around, the throttle valve was released, and they bit tightly behind the drone team.

"This is Strider 1. There are too many enemy drones. How long will it take for support to arrive?"

Although he was anxious, Robert knew in his heart that the design concept of the sixty drones was obviously different from that of contemporary fighter jets, and their speed was not at all slower than that of fighter jets from various countries in service, and the ratio of the number of the enemy to us was as high as 3:1. , It is almost impossible to stop the opponent, and there is even a risk of annihilation of the entire army.

After receiving his message, Nellis Air Force Base quickly responded:

"Fighters continue to make emergency takeoffs. All units will join you as soon as they complete their formation. The Mage and Delta teams of the No. 60 No. [-] Aggressor Squadron are rushing to your position. Please buy time."

"Understood, Strider1 communication is complete."

Knowing that his companion was on his way to support him, Robert made up his mind.

During this time, under their accelerated pursuit regardless of fuel consumption, the distance between them and the enemy plane was shortened bit by bit.


The fire control radar, which had been unable to lock on to the target due to interference such as stealth paint, finally caught the enemy plane at the rear of the formation.

The double red frame that appeared on the head-up display completely overlapped the target, and the Cyclops squad formed in the airspace to the right of the attacker team led by Robert, launched the attack first.

"Cyclops 1 locks onto enemy aircraft, AIM-120 fires."

Thinking that the lead leader took the flight as a start, the missile under the right wing left, dragging a long flame tail and shooting out.

Swish! ! !

The entire team fired six AIM-120 air-to-air missiles almost simultaneously, accelerated to Mach [-] within seconds, and approached the Meteor-XS drone at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sensing the attack from the rear, the swarms of migrating drones like flying geese were not disturbed in the slightest. Fifty Meteor-XS continued to move forward at the current speed, and only the last ten aircraft responded to this.

According to Chios's evasion parameters when he was being chased by the tail, these blade-shaped bodies suddenly raised their noses, and rushed into the sky like a cobra with its head raised.

The air-to-air missiles chasing them changed direction.

However, the Meteor-XS, which moves one step ahead and does not need to worry about the G-force factor of the pilot, does not slow down like ordinary fighters at all.

When the airframe formed a right angle with the ground, it pulled back at an extremely high speed and crossed a C-shaped trajectory, causing the airframe to fly upside down by 180 degrees, and then rushed towards the U.S. Air Force.

To be precise, it was to kill the Cyclops team...

As for the threat behind them...

The tracking range only covers the AIM-60 about 120 degrees outside the warhead, and the target is lost in an instant. Right now, it can only continue to move forward in the sky until the fuel is exhausted.

Even though they knew that the opponent was a drone, the U.S. military pilots couldn't help but feel astonished when they saw this high-speed maneuver that completely violated conventional operations.

"Squad Cyclops, disperse!"

Brigadier General Robert, who is experienced in flying, quickly reminded his companions.

Unfortunately, it's too late...

A drone less than ten meters long came head-on, and the Vulcan gun barrel hidden inside the nose was uncovered and poked out.

咑 咑 咑 咑...

The flames spewed out densely, piercing through the fuselage of the F16 pilots of the Cyclops team.


Nevada, outside Area 51 military base...

Boom! !

Ten Aprilia RSV4 heavy locomotives brazenly broke into the most mysterious military area in the United States.

The billowing wind and sand in the desert hit the pavement, leaving mottled marks on the dark car body and the driver's coat, but it could not affect their action of driving and pressing the accelerator.

On the head-up display, the red dot marking the location of the base is getting closer.

Suddenly, at the bottom of the screen, countless triangular blue icons appeared, catching up to them at a fast speed.

Everyone looked up and saw the Meteor-XS UAV passing by at high speed in the dark blue and cloudless sky, and it was in front of the ground team in the blink of an eye...

"It's disgusting..."

Riko's grumbling voice came from the communicator:

"Riko has worked so hard, but she was overtaken all at once."

"Don't be naughty, you know very well, they are all here to cover for us."

Tifa replied, and Riko on the other end of the call quickly uttered an "ah hey" sound trying to pass the test.

There was really nothing to do with this girl who was like her sister, so Tifa could only shake her head helplessly, and then cast her gaze forward.

As she expected, the twelve MQ-51 Predator drones patrolling the surrounding area of ​​​​Area 1 rushed back from the vicinity immediately.

As if waiting for this moment for a long time, more than a dozen vanguard aircraft in the Meteor-XS queue quickly aimed at the U.S. drone, and the lower belly of the aircraft opened to the left and right sides, firing air-to-air missiles.

boom boom boom...

Accompanied by a series of explosions, the MQ-1, which was far less maneuverable than the opponent, was hit and exploded into debris.

Even though the alliance's drones have achieved brilliant results, there are still two enemy planes that were lucky enough to escape the direct hit of the missiles.

"Reki, Sara, shoot them down."

Hearing Tifa's order, in the convoy behind, two girls half-sitting on the back seat of the locomotive stood up quickly, holding up sniper rifles and drawing arrows and bows respectively.


The gun barrel of the explosive bomb burst into flames, and the loose bowstring shot out the arrow wrapped in the wind.

The two drones that seemed to be far away in the sky were about to launch missiles to fight back, but they were unaware of the attack from the ground, and the fuselage was immediately penetrated.

The last two MQ-1s fell, and the road ahead was clear.

The Alliance ground team pushed the gas pedal to the fullest and rushed into the core area of ​​Area 51 in one breath.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Area 51 is built on the east and west sides surrounded by mountains, the inland lake blocks the road to the north, and only the dry riverbed in the south forms a natural corridor in the middle of the Nevada desert.The scope of the base is simply distinguished by the military network wall, and there are only a few hangar buildings inside. It seems that it does not feel the characteristics of it as a military location at all, and it is not even as good as an ordinary military camp.

Of course, that's purely superficial...

Due to the increasingly advanced satellite technology, the U.S. military will naturally not easily expose important facilities to the sun, but instead disguise them as natural rock formations or sand dunes in a very concealed way. information.

It has to be said that this strategy is still very effective. At least the alliance cannot use the satellite map to find out the 89A management area where the gold is hidden. There is no other way but to choose to go head-to-head and directly break through the level.

Boom! !

Ten heavy locomotives pressed the accelerator continuously, and the pointer showing the engine speed on the dashboard swung to the far right for a long time, and quickly approached the gate of the base.

The gust of wind generated when the locomotive was galloping, rolled the air and the wind and sand on the left and right roads. From a distance, it seemed that the dark convoy was engulfed in a small sandstorm.

Seeing this scene, the two American soldiers standing guard in front of the gate immediately realized that something was wrong, and reflexively raised their M4A1 rifles.

"Stop! Get closer and drive away..."


Before he could finish his warning to the suspicious, one of the soldiers' heads exploded like a watermelon, and the other soldier was about to contact his colleagues when he saw a feathered arrow wrapped in a vortex flying towards him.

"We've got a situation here and need to add... woogoo!"


The arrow pierced through the throat, and the wind blade, which was comparable to a high-speed rotating knife wheel, tore apart flesh and blood, and split the man's neck in two.

A head wearing a steel helmet flew into the sky, blood was sprayed from the broken neck, and the last panic before death froze on that stiff face.


It wasn't until the leading heavy machine flew over the low fence in front of the gate that the two corpses without their heads staggered and fell down, completely stopping the struggle of the end of life.

The locomotive that was in the air for a short time was quickly caught by the gravity of the earth, and it landed heavily with a "bump". Tifa stabilized the handle of the faucet with his left hand, and lowered his body's center of gravity to control the vehicle to flick 360 degrees.

bang bang bang...

With his right hand, he took out the AA-12 shotgun from the emblem space, fired several times in a high-speed roundabout, and blasted away several American soldiers who had just ran out of the building.

Taking advantage of this gap, the girl raised her head and glanced at the sky.

Unsurprisingly, the threat of sixty Meteor-XS attracted most of the attention of the top U.S. military, and the nearest air force unit with the fastest response was assigned to intercept it.

As U.S. fighter planes took off one after another, the drone group was divided into several groups correspondingly, turning around and fighting with the U.S. Air Force, trying to hold the opponent for as long as possible.

Right now, there are only 51 Meteor-XS flying over Area 36 following the ground operations team.

It is only a matter of time before these airframes are completely wiped out. Compared with the U.S. Air Force, which has more than [-] active fighters, the alliance drones are naturally hard to come by.

Even though they know this, the alliance still does not hesitate to sacrifice the drone fleet that has cost a huge amount of money to build, of course, there is only one purpose...

"All spread out!"

In the communication channel of the ground team, Tifa gave instructions to the companions who entered the base one after another:

"Find out all the hidden hangars, mark them and report to the staff officer!"

After all, the girl drove straight to the depths of Area 51.

The rest of the people looked at each other, nodded to each other, then turned around the car and accelerated in different directions.

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