Beep, beep...

The small group of U.S. troops who were stationed at the base along the way, within half a minute, the amphibious tactical helmets with V-shaped electronic eyes scanning the scenery in sight, soon displayed a red box for reminders on an inconspicuous sand dune in the north.

Tap the button on the side of the helmet with the index finger, and after marking the object in front of him, Tifa leaned over to control the locomotive to turn, and continued to search for other hidden hangars.

All members of the ground operation team searched at the same time, and the efficiency was good. In just a few minutes, 51 potential targets in Area 21 were successfully found.

After this period of time, the high-level U.S. Strategic Command must have been more or less aware of the plot here through the feedback sent back from the front line.

It can be guessed without thinking that the U.S. military is urgently mobilizing the army, sea and air forces from nearby bases to quickly gather in Nevada.

Once the timing is slightly off, the entire alliance will be besieged on all sides, so the current situation can be said to be race against time.

After roughly confirming that there were no omissions, the girl immediately contacted Dongfang.

"The mark is complete, you can drop the bomb!"

"No problem..." Without making Tifa wait even a second, Iberita's reply with a smile came over:

"Ground team please stay away from the target, the bomb will hit five seconds after the communication ends."

As soon as the voice fell...

In the dark blue and cloudless sky, 21 Meteor-XS drones received new instructions, and their noses turned at the same time, like a bird of prey, locked on to the hidden hangar marked by the ground operation team, and swooped down.

The bomb bay built into the belly of the aircraft was opened, revealing the two LJDAM laser-guided bombs inside.

Each JDAM is filled with 1000 pounds of high explosives, which is powerful enough to blow up a football field into ruins. Even an explosion-proof building will be destroyed if it is hit directly.


The rain of bullets that symbolizes destruction is like falling meteors.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Accompanied by a violent explosion, a fireball with a radius of more than ten meters suddenly exploded in Area 51.


Under the sea in the Gulf of California, Orient...

Sitting on the armrest of the commander's seat with her small buttocks, the girl who just peeled a banana and stuck out her tongue to lick it like eating a lollipop suddenly trembled slightly.


Biting down half of a banana, a pair of deep red garnet-like eyes blazed with militant flames. Sun turned his face and looked at the handsome young man on the seat who was breathing calmly and sleeping with his eyes closed.


Color gold can sense each other's location, including low-purity color gold that contains a small amount of color gold, but this inherent connection is not without methods of blocking.

For example, the "Shell Gold" developed by Sherlock after studying Scarlet Ammo, and the "Scarlet Sword Barrier" conceived by the scarlet maidens of Jixingjia Shrine are all standard examples.

The United States, on the other hand, also used its technological strength leading the world to create a closed facility that can isolate color and gold sensing.

Regrettably, the 89A management area, which was supposed to perfectly hide the golden color, was smashed into a big hole by the thunderbolt of the Alliance Folding Eagle Plan.

"That's right, I won't tolerate the bad behavior of the US that breaks up families."

The young man opened his eyes, deep purple eyes with a sharp divine light.

"Let's go..." With a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, Chios stretched out his hand to Scarlet God, and invited:

"It's time for us to bring God Ruru home and reunite you sisters."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Equipped with jet-black magnetic propulsion fiber armor, two arc ring blades with electromagnetic buckles hanging on the left and right sides of the waist, Chios put on the amphibious tactical helmet, and the armor on the back of the head automatically extended a scaly metal sheet to cover the entire neck.

Finally, he tapped the opening and closing button of the visor with his finger to hide his entire face under the cold metal tone and the V-shaped electronic eyes emitting red light.

The young man looked sideways at Sun, and saw that the other party had also put on the same armor, with a monomolecular vibrating long knife more than two meters long on his back.

"lets go..."

The girl nodded, and with a thought, crimson particles appeared in the armory, wrapping the two of them and several metal boxes at their feet.


The red light flickered, and the surrounding scenery changed.

In the blink of an eye, they were transferred from the bathyscaphe to the desert in south-central Nevada.

Relying on Crimson Crimson's sensory positioning of Ruru-colored gold, it appeared just before the destination.

The messy Area 51 comes into view...

The wreckage of buildings that could not withstand the explosion and disintegrated scattered all over the place. The flames that were still burning and chewing on fragments of combustibles were like candles flickering on the ground. The smoke and dust were blown by the wind and sand, and drifted into the sky.

The protective color of the natural rock layer faded away, and the carefully camouflaged metal gate was torn and deformed by the shock wave, and fell to the ground desolately, revealing the wide tunnel leading to the underground behind.

The gate of the 89A management area is finally opened for Chios...

However, the youth is very clear that this road has not yet been fully opened.

This secret place where Ruru gold is hidden, just like Iwato, the imperial body of Xingjia Mountain, has long been designed by the US military as an underground labyrinth and fortress, with layers of doors that require high-level management authorization key cards to open.

Not intending to waste time Yiyi cracked those technological locks, Chios snapped his fingers casually.

The ten Meteor-XS that had just completed the bombing mission suddenly turned their heads and sped towards the hidden hangar in front of the young man in batches.

Swish! ! !

Breaking through the sound barrier produced a gas ring that instantly blew out the raging flames nearby. Even so, they still recklessly increased the output of the jet engines, rushed into the tunnel in one fell swoop, and hit all obstacles in front of them head-on.

boom boom boom...

The ground under his feet trembled slightly, as if the loud noise of a heavy artillery falling to the ground, came continuously from the depths of the ground.

Seeing the scene of pure head-to-head violence and destruction, Fei Feishen's heart was surging.

"Hahahaha! What a delightful way to open the door! The Americans probably never imagined that their well-built protection would be destroyed by such a brutal and brutal method..."

Endless enthusiasm flowed through his veins, unable to suppress the boiling emotion, Sun Jiao jumped up and climbed onto Chios' back flexibly in an instant.

"Sure enough, following you will never be boring, I am very happy and excited!"

Speaking of this, she tightly wrapped her legs around the young man's waist, and hugged the young man's neck with her small hands, wanting to offer her hot and thirsty lips.


Two metal masks were knocked together.

"Ugh... this helmet is annoying!"

Fei Feishen's complaint of impatient grinding of teeth came to his ears through the communicator in the helmet, and Chios couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry, we still have infinite time..."

With one hand, the young man caressed the long black hair that fell from the gap in Sun's neck armor, and with the other hand, after preventing the girl from removing the visor, he inserted it between the other's fingers and clasped his fingers tightly.

Although separated by a layer of armor, it cannot completely block the transmission of touch and body temperature.

"You forced me, who made you so busy, you have less time to spend with me recently."

Words full of reproach were spoken on her lips, but the girl's body softened by the intimate contact imperceptibly showed that her inner anxiety was gradually easing.

Keenly aware of his own changes, Sun curled his lips a little unwillingly.

"Besides, you don't seem to care too much."

Hearing this, Chios smiled faintly while hiding behind the visor.

"Don't look at my calm expression, it's actually because I'm used to this expression, and I can't change it for a while..."

He just started talking, and when he was about to continue, there was a deliberate coughing sound from the communication channel.


Interrupting the flirtatious conversation between the two, Tifa straddled the RSV4 heavy machine and drove to the 89A management area. Looking at Chios and Sun on him, he couldn't help sighing.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but the US military is rapidly gathering here, can we wait until the important matters are settled before proceeding, Earl?"

The rest of the ground team who arrived later chose to side with Tifa without hesitation.

"Mmm~ You're right."

"Forget about that monkey-like god, but even you are in heat on a dangerous battlefield. I am really disappointed."

"That's inexplicable, I don't remember giving you aphrodisiacs..."

The V-shaped electronic eyes of the tactical helmet obviously couldn't see any emotions, but at this moment, Fei Feishen inexplicably felt that he was pierced by countless sights that were comparable to laser beams.

Public anger is hard to offend, even though he was a little reluctant in his heart, Sun still let go of his lover.

As a victim who was also suffering from overwhelming resentment, Chios was much more at ease. Since he didn't need to adjust his expression while wearing the helmet, he simply pretended to be stupid to the end.

"Tifa is right, the squabbling is over here..." Following the advice of his fiancee, the young man tilted his head and pointed to the pile of metal suitcases at his feet.

"Petra, please summon a few jackal soldiers and bring these individual tactical nuclear bombs."


Even though she was very dissatisfied with the flirting behavior of Chios and other women, Petra still gritted her teeth and waved her hand. She easily created seven jackal warriors in this desert and asked them to carry the heavy metal box.

Seeing this, Chios didn't stay any longer, and walked towards the underground of the 89A management area.


call out!

Almost far away from the horizon, a blue light bomb hit Chios' back.

""Be careful!""

Fortunately, there was no need to be reminded, the young man seemed to have eyes behind him, he pulled out the handle of the arc ring blade at his waist with his right hand, and pressed the start button with his thumb.


The plasma gathered to form a one-meter-long light blade, and Chios turned around and slashed at the center of the light sphere, cutting it into two pieces.


His eyes swept across the attacker in the sky indifferently, and Chios quickly confirmed the entity of the opponent.

A female bionic man equipped with futuristic sci-fi style exoskeleton flying armor is undoubtedly a cutting-edge technology product of the US military.

"Sorry, Tifa."

Flying units, of course, should be handed over to people who are better at air combat.

After finishing speaking, Chios put away his lightsaber, and led the other companions into the tunnel, passing through the damaged door walls, and reaching the seventh floor underground.

In the underground space like a garage...

Twenty Model T Ford cars are quietly parked here like a display.

As soon as a group of people stepped into this place, all the dark blue vehicles suddenly burst into soft blue light.

The diverging light quickly converged under the guidance of some mysterious force, forming the appearance of a young girl.

She closed her eyes, bent her arms like a fetus, clasped her hands in front of her chest as if praying.

"Crimson, Lili..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

bang bang bang...

As soon as they entered the door, the first task of the alliance ground operation team was to shoot and destroy all the monitoring devices.

Sun pulled out the monomolecular vibrating long knife on his back, and threw it towards the remote terminal.

The blade "Zla" pierced into the military computer made of bulletproof material without any hindrance, and it was completely scrapped in an instant. A weak blue current rushed to the long handle, like blood spattered by the machine.

"Yo! Long time no see, Ruru..."

Too lazy to pull back her weapon, she buttoned up her visor, walked up to Ruru God in the center of the Model T Ford, and raised her hand to say hello.

"When was the last time we met... about 2000 years ago."


The girl with the Dragunov sniper rifle on her shoulder was silent. She walked out of the ground operation team and took off her helmet, exposing her short light green hair and delicate, emotionless face like a puppet to the air.

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