"Got it, Mom."

The pink-haired girl nodded.

However, she was originally born as a young lady, and her talents were all used to attack the Butei major, so she was undoubtedly much inferior in cooking.

The spatula is not as easy in her hands as guns and knives. It is very difficult to just turn over every piece of chicken in front of her eyes. She must also receive the cooking steps dictated by her mother at any time. Already panicked.

Kanae Kanzaki put down the kitchen knife, held the handle of the pot and swung it back and forth, the ingredients jumped up from the front as if dancing, and fell back into the pot with precision.

Aria, who did the same thing, grabbed the handle of the frying pan and shook it. As a result...


One-third of the chicken and onions, sprinkled around the stovetop.

One of the pieces of chicken was the pot that fell into the hands of Kanae Kanzaki by coincidence.

"Puchi, hehehe..."

Kanae couldn't help but laugh out loud at the clumsy look of her daughter in a daze.

"Brides still have a long way to go, Aria."

As soon as she regained consciousness, the girl who heard her mother's teasing words felt shame instantly boiling her blood, spreading from her neck to her ears.

"Anyway... Anyway, I didn't intend to be in love, love or something! That kind of useless, boring thing..."


Before she finished speaking, she was tapped lightly on the head.

"No, it's too late to practice until a good man shows up, don't you learn to use a gun until you want to arrest a criminal..."

Kanae Kanzaki, who took the rag to clean up the mess for Aria, had a gentle tone as always, but it also contained the meaning that the other party could not refute.

"You are so shy, it is difficult to express your feelings with words... However, if you express your emotions through cooking, the other party will definitely feel it."

"So, you must not be lazy in your bride's practice, Aria."


Aria, who had no temper at all in front of her mother, could only respond obediently.

Such a peaceful and warm day has passed more than half a year. If there were no police outside the house to monitor and guard the surrounding situation, the mother and daughter would have almost forgotten that this place that feels like home is actually the Japanese government’s house arrest of suspects. place.

Maybe this kind of life will continue forever...

ding dong~

The doorbell rang.

The unexpected visit made the woman pause for a while in tidying the kitchen, but she soon felt relieved.

"Maybe it's the courier, Aria, take a look at the door for mom, I'll take care of the kitchen and go."

The girl nodded, and stepped on cartoon-patterned slippers to the entrance. Without checking through the peephole, she directly pressed the doorknob and opened the door of the house.

What came into view was not a courier worker in uniform, but a burly man.

Wearing a desert orange military uniform coat, his eyes under the shadow of messy bangs are as sharp as knives, with a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth, his whole body exudes the aura of battle-hardened iron and blood.

"I'm Shido from the Special Search Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, please ask Kanae Kanzaki to come out."

Hearing this, the pink-haired girl's pupils shrank suddenly, and she put her hands on her thigh holster.

"What do you want with your mother?"

Looking warily at the visitor, Aria asked sharply.

In this regard, Shitanghuyan didn't take it seriously at all.

"Huh... put away your hostility, I'm not interested in fighting with children..."

Slowly exhaling the smoke, the man glanced at the girl indifferently, reached out to remove the cigarette from his mouth, and flicked the end of the cigarette with his index finger.


The front end of the paper roll, which was still burning with tobacco, suddenly annihilated, leaving a flat incision as if cut by a sharp knife. Even with Yaria's dynamic eyesight trained in the hail of bullets for many years, he could not clearly see how the cigarette disappeared. of.

Only the tobacco shavings that were as broken as dust remained at the opponent's feet, proving that the object once existed.

The difference in strength between the two sides is vividly reflected through a simple movement.

The girl who understood this, her hands were trembling uncontrollably, but she clenched her teeth hard to suppress the uneasiness in her heart, and stubbornly stood in front of the opponent.

At this moment, Kanae Kanzaki turned off the fire and hurried to the door after hearing her daughter's loud questioning from inside the house.

"Aria, why are you being so rude to others..."

Just as she reprimanded the girl, she also recognized the visitor outside the door, who was the one who escorted her here a year ago.

Her expression was restrained. Although she was a little worried in her heart and didn't know what changes her fate would face, she still managed to maintain her composure and put on a polite and distant smile.

"Mr. Lion Hall, what can I do for you?"

"It's good when people come..."

As if watching a farce come to an end, Shitanghuyan shook his head wearily, took out a document from his coat pocket, and handed it to the other party.

"After investigation and evidence collection by the Special Search Department, Kanae Kanzaki's criminal suspicion was ruled out, and all charges against the defendant were withdrawn. From 11:00 am today, the detention and entry and exit restrictions will be lifted."

"Relevant departments will propose compensation measures within ten days for the mental and material losses caused to the defendant during this period...Congratulations, you are free."


Standing on the spot, Yaria opened her mouth slightly, staring blankly at the revocation document that her mother took over.Even Kanae Kanzaki was in a daze and couldn't believe it for a while.

Even if the Japanese government gave up obtaining the content of the scarlet research from her mouth, because the Maritime Self-Defense Force was attacked by Yiyou and suffered heavy losses, even if it was for the sake of face and to give the people an emotional outlet, it is impossible to let go of those who have relations with the organization in a short time. The one who is related is right.

The concession of house arrest alone already surprised her, but she didn't expect...

"The above, I have other work to deal with, if you want to know more details..."

Having said that, Shitanghuyan seemed to sense something, stopped suddenly, stopped talking, turned around and walked towards the outer gate of the courtyard.

"It's a pity I couldn't arrest you with my own hands."

"Why rush to die."

When they passed shoulder to shoulder with the smiling black-haired youth, they briefly exchanged a word with each other.

The man snorted coldly, left without saying anything.

Staring blankly at this scene...

The long-standing doubts in Kanae Kanzaki's heart were finally answered at this moment.

It turns out that the truth has never gone far, but is right in front of us...

Chapter 410 Four? Poor Posture

"Ms. Chios?"

Seeing the situation in front of him, Aria didn't know what to do.

The mother's suspicion was dismissed without warning, and the young teacher unexpectedly appeared at a critical moment, and he didn't seem to have a friendly relationship with that strong man who was obviously not easy to mess with.

Chios didn't answer the other party's question right away, but reached out to put his hand on the top of the girl's head, and stroked the pink hair. His skillful technique that made people blush and heartbeat quickly made the other party confused.

Withdrawing his hand, the young man pretended not to see Aria's protest-like bared teeth reaction, and turned his face to look at the woman beside her, whose eyes were inexplicably out of focus.

"Can we talk in the house?"


It wasn't until the words came to her ears that Kanae Kanzaki quickly came back to her senses, and found that her eyes had been unconsciously lingering on the other party for a few seconds, and she immediately moved her eyes away in embarrassment.

"Okay, please come in."

After speaking, the woman took Aria's little hand and returned to the house with her daughter.

Her footsteps were faster and more anxious than usual, so that she forgot to prepare indoor slippers for the guests and didn't notice.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but compared to the previous family visit, this handsome man seems...better?

Obviously the facial features are still the same, but now looking directly at them for a long time actually gives people a sense of spiritual dizziness, just like the slight drunkenness brought about by drinking; even though the distance is not close enough to smell the breath, there is a refreshing feeling The taste penetrates directly into the brain, and the pulse stirs people's thoughts.

Hope it's not her personal psychology...

Seeing Kanzaki's mother and daughter leaving him as a guest in a hurry, Chios had no choice but to close the door, took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and changed them on, and followed them to the living room.

"Answer Aria's previous question..."

Yu, a young man who once sat on a sofa chair and did not have ample time schedule in the near future, quickly started the conversation:

"Actually, I have not only paid attention to Ms. Kanzaki's injustice a year ago, but also intervened in the follow-up development."

"Why...couldn't you really be interested in my mother..."


In the middle of Aria's words, Kanae Kanzaki, who rarely showed embarrassment, tapped her daughter's forehead three times with her knuckles like knocking on a wooden fish.

Judging from the knocking sound, the faintly red forehead, and the tearful eyes of the girl, this combo must have been hard...

Aria, who was severely taught, did not dare to complain to her mother, but stared at Chios with complaining eyes.

In this regard, the young man spread his hands slightly, expressing that he was helpless.

"The reason is not complicated. Apart from the British aristocrats, my other identity is destined to be unable to stand idly by Ms. Kanzaki's situation..."

Hearing this, although she already had guesses in her heart, when the answer to the mystery was about to be officially revealed, Kanae Kanzaki couldn't help but sit up straight and put her hands on her knees, for fear of missing a word.

Affected by the appearance of her mother sitting upright, Aria also instinctively corrected her posture, waiting for the young man's next speech.

"I also ask you two to forgive my past concealment..."

Chios stood up, put his hand on his heart and bowed slightly to the two.

"Re-introduce myself, I am the second member of the former Yiyou sequence and the operation commander, the current leader of Yiyou and the captain of the Dongfang... "Count". "

The shocking news crashed into the minds of the two of them like thunder.

Especially the last narration, even Kanae Kanzaki, who knows a lot of inside information, couldn't have expected it.


Consciousness recovered from a blank state in the blink of an eye. Due to the hostile consciousness developed by the persistent pursuit of Yiyou members for a year, Aria's body bounced off the sofa reflexively, reaching out to his thigh to take a gun to attack.

However, just as she made a move, Chios, who had been prepared, stopped her in advance.

The left hand pressed Aria's hand that first touched the gun holster, and the other hand went straight through the girl's left armpit, and pressed the back of the sofa chair; it was stuck on the way from the opponent's arm to the lower body, and the left leg was bent to press the cushion, and the upper edge just touched it Between the opponent's legs that were slightly opened due to the jump, the thin layer of fabric under the skirt was immediately dented back into the gap.

This extremely bad posture not only short-circuited Aria's brain on the spot, but also the mother beside her couldn't help but dye her cheeks, holding her breath and looking at the two, not knowing how to deal with it.

Looking at Aria, who seemed to be a delicate doll hanging on the sofa by nails, Chios smiled and lowered his head, and gently parted the girl's hair on the side of her face with the bridge of her nose, leaving nowhere to hide her left ear.

Then, he let out a breath.

"ah! "

The pinna of the ear was suddenly attacked, the girl's body tensed immediately, and her tiny toes dangling in the air curled up like an electric shock.

"Helping you find a reliable partner and winning freedom for Ms. Kanzaki. After I have sacrificed so much for the two of you, does Aria-san still treat me as a bad guy who does all kinds of evil... It really hurts me."

"Let go of me...becoming...perverted teacher..."

She mobilized the last sliver of reason to escape from the young man's control, but every time the girl tried to struggle, the sensitive parts of her body would inevitably touch and scratch against the other party, causing itching like electric current passing through, which seriously hindered her from exerting force.

"Huh? What did you just say, Aria-san?"

Lifting his left knee up half an inch, swimming slowly back and forth in the hollow of the thin cloth, Chios confirmed with a smile on his face.

"I...I know..."

The brain that was almost burned out was unable to resist the youth's changeable stimulation methods. At this moment, Aria's face was as red as a steamed shrimp and crab, and a strong and proud tone also melted and became soft.

"No...will not attack again...please...please, let me go..."

Anyway, the mother's suspicion has been cleared, and besides, I can't beat the other party...

This blushing and heartbeating interaction had unconsciously completely wiped away the girl's previous hostility towards Yiyou.

"Very good answer, Aria is such a good boy."

After finishing speaking, Chios finally pulled back and let the misty-eyed Aria slip down and collapse on the sofa cushion.

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