

The author's words are not enough, please rest assured that it will not lead to an increase in the subscription price if the word count of the chapter is used

Two days ago when I was drinking, I thought of Sword Art Online. On the one hand, I really like the setting of this death game. On the other hand, I feel that the cruelty of this world is not enough. It might be better to integrate with Dark Souls.I started to discuss in the group first. I thought of many details when I was driving these days, and I found that I can indeed write, and I also want to challenge myself to write the theme of world integration.

I just don’t know what you guys think, and I hope to ask for your opinions. If you are willing to support my idea, please type "+1" or leave a message of support.If I get considerable support, I will open this large legion dungeon when Chios is about to upgrade Rank?C. (Although I will try my best to be as rigorous as possible according to my own style, but I am a new author after all, and the possibility of writing collapse after the world merges is not impossible. This must be taken into consideration by everyone)

Here's my rough background setup for this theme:

Chapter 420 Two? Where do you want to go?

Pound Sion stepped forward, although it was only delayed for a few seconds, it still won the opportunity for Nemo to attack.

call out!

A blue light beam shot out from her left eye in the direction she was aiming at, and in an instant it crossed the distance between the girl and the opponent.


Seeing that the young man didn't have time to dodge, but only raised his sword to block his chest, the dignified expression under the brim of the blue-haired girl's hat was finally relieved.

According to Professor Moriarty's analysis and deduction, "The Earl"'s golden right eye has a very accurate prediction ability, which enables Chios to always anticipate the enemy's opportunities in battle, and even calmly deal with bullets and sneak attacks.

Maybe he was so focused on dealing with 007 that he didn't notice her movements immediately, or maybe the speed of light was too fast... No matter what the reason was, the other party didn't avoid her after all.

Although Chios immediately defended with his sword, facing a laser of the same level as the Scarlet Crimson God's "Ruyi Stick", capable of penetrating several layers of battleship steel plates, it would be too naive to block it with a sword less than an inch thick.

The dazzling light dissipated, and everyone in the House of Lords looked forward to where the young man was.


The gorgeous dark golden sword still stands in front of the Earl of Pembroke. Not only has it not been penetrated, but even the complicated lines on the cross section are intact.

The most disturbing thing for Nemo and other superpowers is that from the sword, there is no feeling of releasing the residual energy of superpowers at all.

It seemed to mean that the laser was not blocked by the solid sword itself, but was wiped out the moment it touched it.

how is this possible...

As soon as she came to this absurd conclusion in her heart, Nemo immediately wanted to deny it, but in the next second, she found sadly that she didn't have any evidence to support her refutation.

The thing that subverted her previous cognition really exists in the hands of the enemy now.

"Is there any other way, if I can't think of it, I can generously give you the opportunity to call Moriarty for advice..."

Calling the professor by his name as if trying to annoy him, Chios gently moved the weapon away from his eyes, and met Nemo's eyes again.

After noticing the obviously shaken look in the girl's eyes, which was difficult to take into account the anger, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth.

In the world of the source of gold, the effect of "destroying demons" endowed by Li Jin to the light eater is multiplied, and it seems to be the nemesis of all superpowers. It is effortless to deal with those powers that are originally borrowed from gold.

The Light Eater? Cerberus, this weapon is forged from three types of gold that humans regard as gods and worshiped, and it is also the supreme scepter that Chios suppresses all enemies in this world...

Symbol of divine right of kings.

If it was taken out before the decisive battle, maybe Moriarty, who had reached the peak of his reasoning ability, would still be able to deduce part of the information about the Light Eater, thereby avoiding the battle with Yiyuyi.

In order to prevent this possibility from happening, Chios never let the sword leave the heraldic space from the time he received the forging commission until Nautilus appeared.

The purpose is to draw out all these troublesome characters lurking in the shadows, including Moriarty's ambition, and completely crush them to pieces.

"If not, then it's all my turn."

As he said that, the young man casually threw the arc ring blade with little remaining battery power to the second floor.


The blue-white sword light cut through the guardrail like a hot knife cutting butter, and it spun like a windmill, cutting off the three DEVGRU special sergeants behind who were about to shoot.

The light blade, which had just run out of energy, dissipated silently, leaving only a cylindrical handle that looked almost the same as a flashlight. It hit the wall of the House of Nobles, and then bounced down to the red leather seats of the councilors. move.


White smoke with a meaty smell rose from the scorched flesh that had been scorched at high temperature. It took a few seconds for the upper body, which was half a beat behind, to react, and slowly fell from the waist that was once closely connected.

The heads on their necks were wide-eyed, and the hands holding the SCAR-L rifles were released, allowing it to "click" to the ground, and they failed to pose any threat to the Earl of Pembroke until their death.

Witnessing the tragic death of his companions, plus the monsters that can't be harmed by conventional weapons such as bullets, and lightly defuse superpower attacks, even the elites from the top troops can't help but feel shivers down their spines at this moment, a gloomy despair Haunted.

In front of the golden throne, Nemo stared at the black-haired young man who was only a few steps away from her, and gritted his teeth.

Beforehand, the professor joined the possibility of Chios mastering the superpower of color gold, and took into account the combat power of the alliance members who are still hiding in the Palace of Westminster, and concluded that "Although Nautilus will suffer a lot of losses, it will eventually Victory" summary.

This prophecy can now be said to have been shattered by a single sword...

No matter how unwilling to accept it emotionally, facing the current situation, Nemo had to admit that Nautilus was the prey that fell into the net.

Through a series of pushes to fuel the flames, and with the assistance of British and American secret agents and armies, N, who organized his men as strong as the alliance, seemed to have the upper hand, but there was nothing he could do about the "Earl" who succeeded Yiyou as the leader.

Chaotic thoughts flashed through the mind of the blue-haired girl.

In the end, she had no choice but to make a shameful decision.



Particles of faint blue light flickered around the blue-haired girl, multiplying rapidly, and it was about to envelop all the companions around her.

The strange-colored eyes calmly took this scene into his eyes, Chios raised his hand slightly, and flicked his left index finger on the blade of the Light Eater.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of metal vibrations, the golden ripples centered on the young man and spread in all directions...

The halo swept across the countless ruru-colored golden particles that were about to jump into the yang phase, erasing all traces of their existence in an instant, and opening an invisible barrier covering the Palace of Westminster.

Except for the sudden disappearance of the blue light that flourished for a while, ordinary people can't feel any strangeness at all.

With the exception of those with superpowers...

At this moment, they were stunned to find that the connection between their internal and external energy had been cut off strangely.

After ten or 20 years of hard work, I finally achieved the same naturalness as breathing, mobilizing energy to shape the instinct of superpowers, suddenly became very strange, and returned to the mother's womb, the starting point of all experience and learning.

The countless years they devoted to their supernatural talents were cruelly denied by the young people's nonchalant flicking of swords...

"Where do you want to go..."

Chios asked puzzledly, continued the previously interrupted steps, raised his sword and walked towards the pale girl in military uniform.

"Our date is just getting started, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, he snapped his fingers with his left hand.


In the corners of the two floors of the conference hall, the light and shadow integrated with the decoration and scenery faded away, and the long-awaited alliance members appeared in Yan.

Chapter 420 Three? The End of the Enemy

While unrest rages in the British capital involving the two permanent members, Schattenhalb, a small town near the Schwarzberg in Switzerland, enjoys its usual tranquility.

In the southwest of the village, on the forest trail where few people step on non-holidays, a burst of crimson light suddenly lit up.

"So nostalgic..."

The former leader of Yiyou with a double-breasted suit and a black coat, Sherlock Holmes stepped out of the red light, took a puff from the pipe that had accompanied him for a long time, and looked up at the towering waterfall in front of him.

Reichenbach Falls...

The river poured into a huge fissure at the mouth of the valley, and black coal-like rocks stood on both sides. The torrent poured into the abyss, and the water splashed high, like thick smoke from a house on fire.

Seeing this scene that was no different from the memory from a hundred years ago, Sherlock couldn't help expressing emotion:

"Being liberated from fate, the venue for the last battle before officially retiring should still be here."

In the past, in order to prevent the outbreak of the First World War, he once had a duel with Professor Moriarty at the top of the waterfall, and finally fell into the deep pool due to failure.

At this moment, the old detective, who was supposed to end the story, returned to this turbulent place of fate.

This time, will I usher in a different ending...

Since the "Earl" intervened to disrupt the established future, unpredictable changes in the world have increased rapidly, and the clear and clear trend of fate in the past has become more and more unpredictable.Even if the reasoning ability is at its peak, reaching the level of predictability enough to observe the development of people, things, and things in the world by means of tiny phenomena, Sherlock still cannot shake off the fog and find the exact answer to this question.

The key to deciding the outcome of this match is not him, but the young man who inherits the responsibility of leading Yiyou and affects the changes in the world situation.

Can the trump card that Chios has hidden so far be able to overturn the professor's card table in one fell swoop?

Now we just have to wait and see.

But at least, he's pretty sure...

Just as I did not hesitate to choose the Reichenbach Falls as the decisive battle location, compared to reasoning with each other and sensing the movement of Yang phase jumps, I will definitely not waste my old opponent Professor Moriarty who is blocking the way as soon as possible. Time to make other meaningless choices.

Thinking of this, Sherlock habitually took out the pocket watch in his coat pocket and glanced at it even though he had already determined the time in his mind.

16:07 pm...

"British students are about to attack the Palace of Westminster. Before N shows up, they still have enough time to go up the mountain."

The already blind eyes seemed to penetrate the space distance, and saw the current situation of the Parliament Building in London 793 kilometers away. After judging that there was enough time, the old detective decided to walk to the decisive battle site.

However, just halfway through the journey, he suddenly raised his head.

Faster than Sherlock expected, the space fluctuations of the golden particles jumping in the Yang phase appeared at the top of the Reichenbach Falls that flew down.


Thoughts drove the power of Fei Jin, and the crimson light spots grew rapidly, revolving around the old detective.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery changes...

Above the head, the branches and leaves of the trees that covered most of the sky turned into blue sky and white clouds; the torrent that rolled past the eyes swept over the rocks, and then splashed into pieces of white flowers.

A scene that matched Sherlock's memory.

However, above the Reichenbach Falls, he couldn't find the familiar figure of his old opponent.


The wind blowing from the woods in the south brought a fluttering letter paper to Sherlock's eyes.

He reached for the letter and spread it out.

Soon, a relieved and helpless wry smile appeared on the old detective's face.

"You won the bet, enjoy your retirement life with peace of mind.

Remarks: I should have already said that I don't want to see you again in this life.

J? M」



London, England...


One after another, additional police cars with sirens sounding drove across the street, and the water cannons used to disperse the crowd were also dispatched urgently and rushed to the Capitol.

The media reports of the Parliamentary plot to kill the Earl of Pembroke and the parade appeared one after another. The timing of the two was perfect, and there was no news in advance.Therefore, when the Metropolitan Police learned that a large number of students had gathered on the streets and were heading towards the Palace of Westminster, all police officers were extremely shocked.

Although the unexpected incident caught people off guard, the senior police officers were not overly worried at first.

Judging from the past cases, no matter what the target of the crowd is, they usually express it in a peaceful way first, and continue to stalemate with the police at the scene for a period of time, until the crowd completely loses patience, and then there is a possibility of violence...

Unfortunately, the development of the situation completely exceeded the police's expectations.

The Police Department was still organizing and deploying police forces to the scene to maintain order, and the conflict broke out quickly. Angry students braved stun guns and sticks to launch a storm. The Westminster Palace guards, whose numbers were not enough to control the scene, immediately called for emergency help via radio.

At this point, the top management of the police department finally felt the urgency of the situation and used all the available manpower of their subordinates to race against time to suppress the out-of-control situation.

When the vehicles arrived near the Congress Square, they encountered great difficulties.

More than 5 people gathered, and the crowds who continued to join the follow-up team had already blocked the sidewalks and driveways outside the Palace of Westminster, seriously hindering traffic and making it difficult to penetrate.

And that's not the worst...

Since the two sides were already facing each other violently, many young students who were injured, fractured and even fainted with blood were carried aside.

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