Today, in the eyes of these angry students, the police in uniform are all enemies.


The short and piercing sound of the siren from far to near not only failed to scare them, but made the students feel even more sad and indignant.

"These men are all accomplices in the count's murder!"

"Block the way, don't let these bastards pass!"

They all heard it with their own ears, and the intensive gunshots came from the Capitol again and again.

It hasn't stopped until now...

What is wrong with them who just asked to open the door of the hall of Congress?

Why, the police came desperately, but they wanted to stop them from saving people?

Made of flesh and blood into a wall, these young and fresh lives insisted shoulder to shoulder, blocking the way of all vehicles.

Seeing this, the police had no choice but to put the water cannon truck in place and prepare to forcibly break up the dense crowd of people with water jets.

"Dear land of hope, you wear hope. God makes you strong and strong..."

A familiar tune came faintly in his ears, and the on-site police commander, who was about to give an order, couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

I don't know who started it, but faint singing gradually began to spread among the students:

""The crown of authority, loved by all, and well-known far and wide, will keep your crown stable and dignified...""

The song should have been sung out loud with a strong sense of pride, but when it was interpreted by the sad and angry student at the moment, it inexplicably gave people a sense of heavy depression.

Several leaders of the parade who were injured in the initial conflict also endured the pain at this time, and rejoined the crowd with limping steps.

""Your fair law is escorted by freedom, so that your country will last forever; freedom is the foundation, and the truth is the stake; your empire is impenetrable...""

Chapter 420 Four? Kneel down


The scale of the conflict outside the Palace of Westminster is getting bigger and bigger, and the battle in the chamber of the House of Lords has entered the final stage...

Wielding the monomolecular vibrating long knife at will, the molecular-level wire-saw-like chain of carbon atoms on the blade rotates like a chainsaw, easily splitting the US military's ceramic plate body armor, and cutting off the tendons and bones together.

Looking at the blood spray and the ribs and spine of the corpse that had been cut into pieces, Sun couldn't help sticking out his little red tongue and licking his hot lips.

da da da da...

A gunshot was fired to cover his companion, but was bounced away by the girl swinging a knife.

"Can you shoot more accurately? If it's really not possible, you can use grenades, hahaha!"

At the beginning, considering secret operations, small space and other factors, and the British government's firm disapproval of the use of mass-destructive weapons in the Palace of Westminster, these soldiers were only equipped with light rifles and shock bombs.

There is nothing wrong with thinking this way, after all, Nautilus is the main force to deal with the "Earl" and his subordinates, and the rest of the people are just helping to contain them.

However, N, who accounted for more than half of the superpowers, was suppressed by the strange long sword of the Earl of Pembroke, and his combat power was greatly reduced for a while, unable to be evenly matched with the alliance.

As a result, the alliance can calmly allocate manpower to hunt and kill enemies other than N.


Although the aisle in the seating area on the second floor is narrow, Sun, who is wearing a light black magnetic propulsion fiber armor, can gallop over the brass guardrail less than two fingers wide with excellent dexterity and balance, and even sprint against the wall. Shuttle freely in the dense fire net.

Quickly getting close to the attacking distance, her waist and tail cooperated with her little feet, and suddenly jumped into the sky.

The sergeants of the Delta Special Forces hurriedly raised their guns, trying to attack the girl who had nowhere to rely on in mid-air, but they didn't notice that eight slender and strong piano wires were silently looping towards their necks...

When these people found out that their throats were being tightened rapidly, it was already too late.

At some point, the glamorous black-haired woman who quietly came ten steps behind them grabbed the finger connected to the source of the cable tightly before the other party could react, turned over and jumped off the railing.


The artery at the broken neck sprayed blood, and the eight unsupported human heads rolled to the ground with a "gudong".

Facing this scene with his back, Oleander landed lightly on his knees slightly, ignoring the protesting eyes of Fei Feishen, whose prey was robbed upstairs, and silently retracted the blood-stained steel wire.

Her deep purple eyes flicked around...

The opening ceremony is held every year, and the solemn place where the royal family, nobles, bishops and officials gather to listen to the monarch's speech is now a mess.

Nearly a hundred dead bodies fell miserably everywhere, leaving dark red stains like splashed ink on the pale mahogany wallboards, and the blood continuously gushing from the wounds seeped into the carpet, staining it brown and dark green.

72 US Special Forces sergeants and CIA agents who were secretly sent to the British mainland to assist in the capture of the Earl of Pembroke were wiped out.No one was left alive, and all Americans who were alive were quickly shot in the forehead, completely ending their lives.

The British airborne special service team who had acted with reservations from the beginning, even if it was to cover the asylum of the congressman, never actually aimed at Chios and shot, was able to retreat unscathed and stayed in the back hall to wait for the result.

As for those 00 series spies who attacked Chios, it was not so easy...

All members are disabled, and will soon be forced to retire and spend their lives in wheelchairs or hospital beds.

In the face of Fei Luli's three-color golden will descending body and the fighters of the alliance, they can still last for a few minutes. These people are indeed the elite of the elite.

"It's all settled here, and in the end only..."

Withdrawing his gaze, Oleander then turned his gaze to the golden throne on the opposite side.


The ghostly black long sword severed the silver spear.

His black hair faded to pale, and Chios, whose left eye was glowing red, quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed the blond woman by the neck, leaned down and threw her to the ground with force.


"Cough cough..."

The throat was suddenly hit hard, and Valkyrie coughed out bloody saliva in pain, but she quickly restrained her momentary weakness, opened her sky blue eyes, and stared stubbornly at the young man.

Unfortunately, Chios didn't care about the other party's emotions at all.

He let go and drew out the thunder rune, then pointed down.


The blue thunder came and hit Valkyrie.

The electric current ran through her whole body, causing muscle spasms, and the burning pain that fed back to her brain made her scream uncontrollably:


Suddenly, the young man forcefully covered her mouth, and the woman who was deprived of the right to cry pain struggled with tears in the corners of her eyes.

But until she couldn't bear the electric shock and fainted, she failed to resist the opponent.

"The penultimate one is packed..."

Smiling and withdrawing his hand, Chios turned his face slightly.

Eyes that emitted a cursed red light locked onto the last enemy still standing in the chamber with his peripheral vision.

Nemo Linkar.

"Now it's your turn."

! ! !

Like a rodent being targeted by a poisonous snake, the blue-haired girl shrank her shoulders and stepped back involuntarily.

But soon, her back reached the guardrail in front of the cold throne, and she could not retreat.

After removing superpowers, the admiral of Nautilus, one of the world's largest criminal organizations, became the weakest person.

Looking down, there are dead or unconscious N members at his feet.As the people who stood up and guarded the girl fell one by one, no one can protect her now.

Only staring at Chios, he and his subordinates slowly walked towards him.

Who would have thought...

Nautilus, who had forced Yiyou into a predicament on Samha Island, was beaten completely helpless in the second fight.


The Light Eater pointed at Nemo's throat, and there was a faint smell of blood on the black gray sword that had taken the lives of several of her subordinates.

"Please don't pollute His Majesty's throne..." His voice was cold, and Chios lightly hooked his left index finger, signaling the other party to come forward.

"Come here, or I'll kill you right away."


Nemo, who had never suffered such humiliation in his life, clenched his fists, raised his face and reflexively wanted to say something, but the moment he saw the young man's sharp eyes shining with two strange lights, he involuntarily fell silent.

The undisguised killing intent, strong enough to convey the cold air through her eyes, made her hands and feet icy cold.

If he dared to refute half a sentence, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

(Does this usually gentle man have such a violent dark side...) Knowing that she has no room for bargaining, the girl slowly took two steps forward.

This time, Chios didn't choose to speak, but just hooked his finger again.

Nemo could only continue to move forward until he was within the distance of a sword.

"Get on your knees and offer me your allegiance."

Chapter 420 Five? Her Majesty the Queen

The door to the back hall of the throne opened.

The SAS airborne special service members quickly raised their guns, and hundreds of councilors in the hall looked nervously at the entrance...

I saw the Earl of Pembroke, wearing a blood-stained dark brown velvet suit, pacing in with a sword in his hand.

Behind him, Tifa and Kana followed up with Nautilus Admiral Nemo on the left and right.

Wearing a metal collar like an ancient prison on his neck, his once piercing blue eyes were dimmed. He was supposed to be the leader who was supposed to fight against Chios, but now he has become an accessory of his opponent.

Even if you want to speak, you have to get the approval of the master...

Looking past the blue-haired girl, the scene of corpses strewn all over the chamber of the House of Lords came into view, accompanied by the pungent bloody smell that made people sick.

Witnessing the scene in front of them, the members of Congress looked miserable, and many of them hurriedly covered their mouths and noses to prevent themselves from spitting out.

The pace stopped in front of British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Chios looked down at the group of people who were sitting on the ground, no longer as smart as before, and said indifferently:

"I won."

Just a few syllables, but more powerful than gorgeous words.

In the face of the cruel reality paved with blood, any refutation is pale.

"Yeah, you won, totally won..."

Cameron sighed.

He knew that all the efforts he had made to maintain the authority of the parliament would be reduced to dust from this moment on.

The future fate of the United Kingdom is completely in the hands of this nobleman in front of him.

"What are you going to do next... Hang us with a bundle of nooses in front of the people? Or abolish Parliament and become Regent?"

"Do you think I will use such brutal means to usurp a meager power? I don't remember being such a superficial person..."

Smiling lightly and shaking his head to deny what the prime minister said, Chios put away his sword and brushed back the bangs with a little sticky blood on his cheeks with one hand.

After simply tidying up his appearance, he turned his gaze to the west, leading to the small door of the Victoria Tower.

"What do you think, Her Majesty?"

As soon as this remark came out, the councilors and soldiers present were stunned for half a second, and then they turned their heads in disbelief, staring at the door that connected the tower with the back hall of the royal family.

Soon, a silver-haired girl in lightweight knight armor with a wide-edged sword pushed open the door.

Stretching her arms and back against the door, she leaned forward and bowed slightly, respectfully inviting the people in the tower...

The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who was supposed to be performing royal duties in South Africa, was carefully supported by Riko, and slowly stepped into the eyes of everyone.

"The earl of Pembroke's benevolent concern for all the people of England is as unquestionable as the loyalty of his ancestors to assist the monarch on the right path under the guidance of justice, conscience, and God..."

Over eighty years old, the queen is still in good spirits. She has always maintained her composure in the face of the distressed parliamentarians, soldiers with live ammunition, and even alliance members who smell of blood.

This is not only due to the British monarch's instinctive royal upbringing or years of experience, but also means that she has made psychological preparations in advance for the conflicts that occurred inside and outside the Palace of Westminster.

"Having the descendants of Joan of Arc and the great-granddaughter of the Phantom Thief come to greet me, Ai Qing's sense of humor is as unique as ever."

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