"The place I miss is no longer there..." The black-haired girl shook her head.

"Even if it is rebuilt after the destruction, it is almost exactly the same, but the things that have accompanied me to grow up, laugh, and sad can't be reproduced."

"If you want to remember, can't you just create new ones?"

Chios flicked off the ash from the front of the cigar, and he didn't see any movement of drawing runes. The fire that emerged from his palm immediately burned the cigarette.

Tifa was taken aback.

She didn't understand what her partner was trying to express.

"Go up along the Ishuar River, and we can build a new home in the mountains that fits your inner scenery..." His eyes pointed to the mountains behind the big library, and the young man stepped forward, half a step away from the girl place.

He's not involved in Tifa's past.

Words such as sympathy and understanding, spoken from his mouth, are nothing but feeble consolation.

Putting his hand on the girl's cheek, Chios gave a plain but sincere response:

"How many years of Nibelheim's past time have you occupied, I will accompany you for more than ten times, diluting your nostalgia with eternity."

Chapter 440: Departure

"How many years of Nibelheim's past time have you occupied, I will accompany you for more than ten times, diluting your nostalgia with eternity."

Sounds like a marriage proposal... . .

Even knowing that there was a possibility that Chios would not be safe by the side of a specific person, the girl's heart skipped a beat the moment she heard those words.

If you don't clearly understand how many confidante men have in front of you, as a girl, you will definitely think that you have successfully stood out from countless competitors and won the victory of love competition, right?

Thinking about this, Tifa couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

After working as a partner for nearly two years, she found that Chios seldom really lied, and the words he said often contained a considerable amount of truth. If the part he wanted to hide was either ignored directly, or he used word games to create plausible answers.

When people feel angry about being cheated, they think back to what the young people said, but they can't find strong evidence that can directly point to the other party's deception.

In the end, everything was just a spontaneous step on a path carefully paved by Chios under the guidance of his seductive and provocative remarks, as well as his outstanding appearance.

It is precisely because the touching and gorgeous rhetoric is not constructed with false lies that Chios' words are particularly convincing, including those who are familiar with his temperament, and it is impossible to accurately determine the authenticity.

(So, can it be assumed that, although the companionship that Chios talks about may need to be discounted, it will be achieved in some form after all?)

I couldn't help but have such longing in my heart.

It can be said that the more you understand Chios, the easier it is to get confused.

As if facing a dish covered by an opaque metal cover, there is a faint fragrance from the gap, and the gorgeous plate with gold rims even hints at the deliciousness, but until the cover is actually lifted, the answer is unknown.

Unless you make up your mind to leave, those who sit at the table can only wait with anticipation.

Presumably this kind of thinking is also in the calculations of young people who are good at manipulating people's hearts.

Every word, every sentence, hides a trap that will make people fall into the above predicament...

"I've already talked about this, at least give me some feedback?"

As soon as the young man finished speaking, the black-haired girl suddenly struck with her fist.


A moderate punch hit Chios' chest, forcing him to take half a step back.

Retracting her hand, Tifa glanced at her partner.

"When you do deliver on your promise, you'll have free meals for a lifetime."

Leaving aside her slightly flushed face, and deliberately not letting the young man see the slight smile on the corner of her mouth, she turned and walked to the door of the library, with her palm resting on the door.

Instead of thinking about Chios's rhetoric, it's better to see what the other party will do in actual actions...

"It's really strict..." Chios smiled, came to the other side corresponding to Tifa's position, and made the same move.

The two people who pressed their hands on the door spoke at the same time:

"Executor Chios Pesheim requested access to the fourth basement of the library."

"Executor Tifa Lockhart has requested access to the fourth basement level of the library."

[The identities of the two executors have been confirmed, and the two have been allowed to enter the fourth underground floor, and the teleportation will start in three seconds... 3, 2, 1]

The teleportation white light flickered, and the figure of the visitor in front of the library suddenly disappeared...


After a brief lapse of consciousness, youths and girls appeared on the basement floor of the palace's large library.

Different from the wide space where floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides slant natural light when Chios visited this place last time, it is only surrounded by stone walls on all sides. The two-story-high bookshelves are arranged side by side across the aisle for two people to walk, and brass chandeliers hang from the dome. The only source of light is the fire that burns continuously on the exquisite candlesticks in the corridor.

The central aisle covered with a deep red velvet carpet lacks the translucent light ball that detects the source, which makes this area less magical and mysterious, leaving only the heavy feeling after the accumulation of countless essences of knowledge.

There was a burst of scorching heat from the coat of arms on the back of their hands, and the two called out the light curtain together, and a flat map immediately appeared in front of their eyes, which simply and clearly marked the location of different book categories.

Following the guidance provided by the coat of arms, the young man quickly found his target...

"The Essence and Related Applications of World Power"

After the deflection of the world's fate in "Scarlet Bullet" reached 100%, the two people who performed the mission together obtained the "world authority".

Among them, the privilege of freely traveling to and from this fantasy world is easy to understand.However, it was the first time for Chios or Tifa to hear the details of mobilizing the power of the world to counteract the interference of other worlds.

Considering that seeking answers from his immediate superiors, he might suffer the treatment of "staying up all night" again on the day of his comeback, Chios eliminated the option of going to Athena's bedroom, and met with his partner in the big library to find answers.

He really didn't want to go through that kind of night that exhausted his energy and never had a good time...

Before walking to the navigation target, the young man reached out to touch the bookshelf.

The prompt text suddenly appeared...

[Application for access to information on the power of the world, in the process of testing authorization... The test is passed, and the executor has the query requirement "world authority"]

[The currently readable information of the executor has been stored in the coat of arms memorandum]


[Authority designated world number C079183, commonly known as the world of "Aria of the Scarlet Bullet", strength: C-level, total power of the world: 209, basic value for maintaining world stability: 150]

[The power of the world is just as its name suggests. It is not only the fundamental power that constitutes one world, but also the basis for the will of the world to control all things. It can be used on a wide range of levels.If the world is not destroyed for a day, it can continue to generate the power of the world, but as a vessel for carrying power, the capacity of the world has an upper limit.As far as the current Civilization Guardian Front knows, there are only two ways to improve its capacity: Conquer, devour or link. The Civilization Guardian Front chooses the latter. 】

[The unit strength of the power of each world is the same. Executors with world authority can deploy the power of the world to temporarily offset the hostility of the current mission world, or concentrate on using it on a few plot characters. The case is as follows... 】

[Remarks: The former head of the Ninth Army quickly increased the strength of the Legion by plundering the power of the world, causing all the Ninth Army to go crazy in pursuit of power, thus constantly destroying the world.In the end, the Ninth Legion was destroyed by the counterattack of the destruction of multiple worlds because of its arrogance and inflated psychology.Since then, the Ninth Legion has been permanently removed from the Guardians of Civilization, and I hope all the executors will take warning]


After quickly browsing through the instructions on the light curtain, Chios probably understood how to use the power of the world.

Although the rules of the world are different, its source is still derived from the power of the world. In short, this power can be regarded as the universal energy that all worlds depend on for survival.Once the energy supply falls below the stable base value, it will lead to collapse, and the will of the world will usually not exceed this limit.

When the executor causes a deflection of fate, the power that the world can mobilize will be further reduced, making it closer to the basic value of world stability.

Due to the versatility of the power of the world, it becomes feasible to mobilize the power of other worlds to counter the will of the mission world.

The strength of the world of "Dungeon" is far from comparable to that of "Scarlet Bullet". It is undoubtedly impossible to completely offset the hostility of the world.

However, if it is focused on one point, it is still unknown whether it will have miraculous effects in weakening the hostility of some important plot characters during the critical period.

In view of the fact that the intensity level of the mission world that Chios entered in the past was not high enough, and he was not targeted by the hostility of the world at the beginning, he is currently unable to deduce what kind of difficulties he will face in the future.

In any case, it is always reassuring to have a counter-card in your hand.

At this time...

"Hey, Chios..." With the heraldic light curtain removed, Tifa turned to look at the young man beside him and asked:

"If we will be locked in hostility by the world as soon as we enter the world, it would be a bad thing for us to be in the same camp, right?"


Chios nodded in affirmation of what the girl said.

"The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, even for the strongest family members."

He had wanted to mention this matter a long time ago, but seeing that his partner hadn't noticed it, he put it aside for the time being.

Otherwise, it would be too wronged if he was deemed to have left his companions behind to tease women in the mission world just because he opened his mouth.

Now that the other party has brought it up, it's none of my business...

In the world of "Dungeon", especially in the center of the plot, the force is represented by Olalie, the labyrinth capital of the family of the gods.Two powerful executors joining the same family can certainly speed up the growth of the family, but the flaws are also obvious.

On the one hand, the center of their radiating influence is the same, and they cannot maximize their benefits; on the other hand, they will concentrate their firepower on the will of the world, focusing on the single family they belong to.

Based on the principle of risk diversification...

The two should work separately, and then take care of each other secretly.

Just like the method of using troops in war, how to make it difficult to balance the world from the beginning to the end as much as possible, and even fall into a pincer attack...After understanding the way the power of the world is used, there is a more important purpose, which is to weaken the world's investment in a single plot character. interference.

In this way, there will be flaws.

And the power of the world of "Scarlet Bullet" also has a place to use...



Upper Palace of the Eternal City, Tower 19...

On the day of the executor's expedition to Renwu World, Chios finished his lunch and checked the supplies in the heraldry space again. After confirming that there were no omissions, he went down the spiral ladder.

When I left the tower and came to the teleportation platform on the edge of the cliff, it happened to be the hour.

He has no intention of being early or appreciates being late, and always arrives at his destination on time.

As expected by the young man, Tifa was already waiting on the circular ground made of black marble in advance.


The moment both feet stepped on the platform, a pure white light curtain immediately enveloped the young man and the girl.

[Start teleportation, count down tens of seconds... 10, 9, 8...]

Chapter 440 Nine? The Wandering Knight

After a moment of trance, Chios' eyes focused again.

The foreground suddenly changed.

The small single room is surrounded by four dark brown wooden walls, except for a simple single bed, and a low table with a candlestick by the door, there are no other furnishings.

The unglamorous morning light shines in from the east window, allowing people to clearly see the dust suspended in the air.

The off-white sheets that have been mended many times emit a faint musty smell, and there are still creased stains on the pillows, which seem to be the remnants of the previous occupant who vomited and failed to clean up.

By piecing together the details obtained from observing the surroundings, the young man frowned slightly, and immediately understood where he was currently...

A cheap, dirty hotel or tavern.

It's still the kind of bad store that usually doesn't hire maids, and often only hires someone to clean the guest room every few months to a year.

"The work is not easy..."

When entering the mission world, the position of the executor usually echoes the background information. It can be seen that Chios's identity in "Dungeon" this time is probably not as good as before.

Although the clothes on his body have not been replaced, a dark blue cotton-lined long smock is neatly stacked in a relatively clean corner of the bed, and the metal breastplate, shoulder armor, rivet leather gloves, and deerskin boots are quietly placed in the adjacent floor.

After checking the surrounding situation, Chios took out the tactical force guider Arcus II and found the only contact person.

However, the light indicating the communication status of the other party is lit up in red...

In other words, his partner is currently outside the communication range of ten kilometers.

A little surprised, after careful consideration, Chios quickly understood the intention...

It seems that when the Civilization Guardian Front wrote their identities, their views were consistent with the discussions between Chios and Tifa. It was judged that the advantages of the two executors outweighing the disadvantages were that they acted separately, so they were simply arranged in different fields.

Extending his thinking from this aspect, he estimated that the background information of the two also had no obvious intersection.

Thinking of this, Chios thought and summoned the heraldic light curtain.

[The transmission is complete... You have entered the world of "Is there something wrong with seeking an encounter in the dungeon"]

[World Hostility Level: Moderate Vigilance]

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