
[Current world identity writing is complete, start the mission world identity information]


【Chios Pesheim】

17 years old, born in a small northern country far away from Orario.As the first son of a country knight family, you have practiced swordsmanship since childhood, and you have an amazing talent. At the age of 12, you followed your father to patrol the territory, wipe out robbers, and slay monsters.Although you have never received the favor of the gods, your strength has already far surpassed the level of low-level adventurers without knowing it.

On your 16th birthday, after exercising in the morning and having a simple breakfast with your family, you head to the village half a day away to help the villagers eliminate the surrounding monsters.Due to the blockage of information transmission, you had no way of knowing at that time that there is a group of defeated mercenaries fleeing towards your own territory.

In the evening of that day, you were exhausted and set foot on the way home, but on the way you saw black smoke rising from your own direction, and immediately felt an ominous premonition in your heart, and hurriedly urged your horse to gallop to finish the last part of the journey.

Unfortunately, you are still one step late.

The center of the family territory was burning with raging fire, and no one could hear the screams and groans.

You drive your horse across the wooden gate that has fallen to the ground, and what you see are houses that have been ruthlessly engulfed in the sea of ​​fire.

The familiar faces I had only seen this morning were stripped of their clothes, pierced through their bodies by sharpened wooden stakes, and died tragically in front of the lord's longhouse.

After burying your family members with grief and indignation, you spent three days chasing them without sleep, and finally found the deserters who killed your family members. After tortured them in the most cruel way, you cut 57 wooden stakes yourself, and let them experience it for themselves. Pain before the death of a loved one.

After that, you left the homeland where you were raised and wandered around the world with your only war horse and family heirloom sword.

In order to hide the most painful memory in your heart, you gradually learn to face others with a smile, shape yourself into a person with perfect appearance, ability, and personality, and even skillfully fabricate your own past.

Now, when you are about to turn 18, whether it is due to the guidance of fate, or simply unable to suppress the desire for your family in your heart, you have gone through many twists and turns and come to the hottest city in the world, "Olalie". outskirts.

As the night is getting dark, the horses who have been traveling all day are unable to complete the last part of the journey, so you have to find a nearby tavern to spend the night temporarily, and then enter the city the next day.


"Heh, is it actually playing the sad card this time..."

The consciousness removed the light curtain, and Chios couldn't help chuckling.

Indeed, for those important plot characters who are influenced by the will of the world, compared to a well-clothed young master, undoubtedly a melancholy young man with a sad past, it is easier to touch their compassion.

Combat in an area of ​​markedly increased hostility in the world, such an arrangement makes sense...

In his heart, he secretly gave a thumbs up to the flexibility of the civilization defense front, and then, he gently covered his face with one hand.

next second...

Two lines of tears slid down the young man's cheeks and converged to his chin.


Unable to withstand the attraction of gravity, transparent jewel-like teardrops fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

The slightly trembling palm was slowly pulled away, revealing the handsome face under the shadow.

On the whole, the contours of Chios' facial features have remained unchanged, but...

It's just that the distance between the eyebrows has been shortened by one or two millimeters, and the corners of the eyes have been slightly lowered by half a degree. Although there is still a faint smile on the expression, the temperament on the outside is slightly different from before.

At first glance, the bright and bright smile gives people a bright and bright smile, but if you distinguish it carefully, you will suddenly realize that it is actually just an illusion that may fade away at any time like the afterglow of twilight.

With extraordinary mental memory, the facial muscle changes at the moment of tears are imprinted in the mind, and the excessively obvious elements are removed after modification, and combined with your usual demeanor.

The appearance of trying to hide emotions, but faintly revealing melancholy is vividly portrayed.


Checking his current appearance with the portable mirror in his arms, the young man nodded in satisfaction.

For the next 250 days, this will be his... wandering knight Chios Pesheim's demeanor when facing everyone.


Put on the clothes and armor prepared for him by the Civilization Guardian Front, fasten the white wolf shawl on the shoulder breastplate buckle, and finally take out the Light Eater Demon Sword in the heraldry space and hang it on the left waist.

An adventurer from a distant country was born...

Putting away the aristocratic dress he was wearing, Chios pushed open the not so strong door and walked down the stairs leading to the first floor.

Business is not good during the day, and the tavern, which does not gradually become lively until evening, is as empty as the young man expected.

Behind the long bar table stood a man in a gray-green pullover and a felt hat.He dipped a quill in his hand and made records in the ledger.


Neither the structure nor the material used can be called a good wooden staircase, and it makes a harsh sound when trampled on.

The tavern owner raised his face and glanced at him. The moment he recognized the person's appearance, his lazy expression quickly subsided.

"Good morning, Mr. Pesheim!" he waved warmly.

"Would you like a breakfast? For 100 fares, it will fill you up."

I don't even mention the taste...

"No need, I still have some dry food on hand..." Drawing the conclusion from the boss's words that the quality of the food was worrying, Chios declined without hesitation.

In order to avoid the other party's persistent sales, he lightly put his left hand on the end of the long sword hilt at his waist, and turned his face to look in the direction of the barn outside the tavern.

"How is my horse cared for?"

He has a tall but powerful figure, coupled with that armor that is not glamorous, and there are even many dark marks on the surface left by swords and swords.

When the young man silently puts his hand on the weapon, a sense of oppression arises accordingly.


The tavern owner rolled his throat and swallowed his saliva. He was nervous for no reason, and his speech could not help but be affected:

"Dangdang, of course it is fed with the best alfalfa and water, please rest assured!"

"Really..." replied lightly, and under the fearful gaze of the man, Chios stepped out of the gate.


Hearing this, the tavern owner was startled.

When he came back to his senses, Chios had already left.

For no reason, the man suddenly felt that he was very sorry for the guest...

Although he remembered that he did feed the horses with the best feed that could be bought in the village as the customer ordered.However, the room prepared for the other party was not even properly tidied up because of his own laziness.

Especially when the young man turned his face to thank him, with that faintly sad side face, one couldn't help but feel that he had done something wrong...

"Alas..." the tavern owner sighed in a low voice, muttering to himself:

"Should I hire a cleaning maid in the future..."

At the same time that the lazy and mediocre tavern owner ushered in a turning point in his life, the young guest who made him feel guilty had already saddled his war horse.

"It worked better than expected."

His keen sense of hearing captured the monologue of the man in the tavern, and Chios expressed his satisfaction with the results of this small trial.

He turned over and stepped on the horse's back, flicking the rein.


The charisma was too much for non-humanoid species. The war horse raised its head and neighed happily, and accelerated along the road south of the village.

The destination is very clear...

It is in front of the vision that stands a magnificent city with a giant tower reaching the sky.

Stepping into autumn, the slightly cool breeze blows over the black hair, as if welcoming the arrival of this knight from a foreign land.


Not long after they set off, the Arcus II in the inner pocket of the shirt rang softly.

Chapter 450? Do you think you are calling the family dog?

Press the mechanism on the side of the tactical force guide lightly, and the case cover with exquisite seals will automatically pop up, and the name of the only contact person "TIFA" will appear on the illuminated display screen.

Speaking of which, Instructor Liana and Witch Vita should also have similar equipment...

Next time you return to the Eternal City, why don't you add their contact information to add some vitality to the phone book?

Thinking of this for no reason, Chios did not slow down his movements, and quickly picked up the call.

"Good morning, Tifa."


On the other end of the communication, the girl who heard her partner's voice was obviously relieved.

"Where have you been teleported, and it is displayed outside the signal area?"

He didn't hear any hustle and bustle or the sound of the wind passing by, so it can be inferred that Tifa is probably in a quiet indoor space at this time.Of course, the possibility of her using the power to manipulate the airflow to form an environment comparable to a recording studio is not ruled out.

"A tavern about ten kilometers from O'Leary..."

As he spoke, the young man looked back.

In his field of vision, the village that was his starting point had now shrunk into a mass of black dots, far behind him.

"By the way, I'm just a homeless knight sleeping in a cheap hotel, and I may not be able to support you for the time being."

Hearing this, Tifa burst out laughing with a "puchi".

"On the surface, you and I are two adventurers who have nothing to do with each other. We are no longer your fiancée, so there is no need to worry about this."

"Oh?" Chios raised his eyebrows and joked:

"Are you planning to voluntarily give up this identity?"

"I just want to lighten your burden..."

The girl's answer was still gentle and ethereal, but the young man was still keenly aware that the other party's scale was slightly lowered by about half a degree.

"However, judging from your raised tone, it sounds like you're very happy to be able to get rid of this burden."

"That's definitely a misunderstanding..." Without hesitation for half a millisecond, Chios decisively shook his head in denial.

"I really can't think of a way to deal with such a beautiful and delicate "burden" other than to cherish it properly. Maybe other people will have different opinions, but I am not very smart and will never learn to let go. "


As if hit by an unexpected curveball, the girl choked on everything she wanted to say and fell silent.

It is conceivable that she pressed her bare hands lightly on her heart at this moment, calming down the embarrassment of her chaotic heartbeat...

Victory and defeat.

The black-haired young man held Arcus II close to his right ear, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

half an hour...

"You're too shrewd..."

Having said that, Tifa let out a sigh as if admitting defeat.

Not wanting to continue to face such heart-harming conversations for a short time, she quickly shifted the topic to the task before the young man spoke again:

"Speaking of the particularity of the background identity, I'm afraid I'm not too worried. Do you know where I am now?"

Talking about the business, Chios quietly disappeared with a light-hearted expression, and manipulated the reins to make the horse go to the top of the gentle slope in front of the road.

Looking down from this position, one can have a panoramic view of the flat avenue stretching straight forward under one's feet, including the cityscape and streetscape at its end hidden behind the open city gate.

The labyrinth city "Orari".

The city surrounded by the city wall presents a perfect circle. The outer part is mainly the taller towers and high-rise buildings that are the most conspicuous. The closer to the central area, the lower the height of the buildings.

At least hundreds of thousands...or even millions of people live in it, fully worthy of the name of the largest city.

In the center of the vast city, there is a huge white skyscraper tower reaching the sky.

He wanted to see the top of the tower from the ground, but suddenly found that his sight was blocked by white clouds floating in the blue sky, and he could not go any further.It is like silently telling the gap between ordinary people and the gods high above, making people deeply realize their own insignificance.

"The Tower of Babel is quite high, isn't it?"

The place where the partner can ask specifically, the one with the highest probability among many possibilities, and nothing else.

"That's right..."

"Our partner, the goddess of beauty, Freya, is sitting on the throne in front of the French windows, waiting for you to walk into her eyes."

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