The elf woman was startled.

This attitude of making a request without hesitation and taking advantage of the situation is really beyond imagination.

"Please say."

"As you can see, I'm an outsider who doesn't even have a family..." Chios laughed at himself as he opened his arms and showed what he had on him, as if emphasizing his solitude.

"It's not a problem to buy some special products and go to the store for consumption in this city, but to buy real estate, you need to register with the management agency, which is not something that can be solved simply by paying money."

Olali is rich and rich, but it is impossible to unconditionally give all benefits to all comers.

The most intuitive example is that the maintenance of public order in the entire city is entrusted to the Ganesha Familia by the guild for a fee.

Residents living in the local area have a basic obligation to pay taxes in order to ensure their living conditions, and the prerequisite for a sound tax system is perfect household registration records.At the same time, from the perspective of criminal investigation, it is easier to identify and exclude suspects with clear information.

The same principle is the same in any orderly town, especially the purchase of real estate is equivalent to becoming a member of the local residents, which naturally requires complicated procedures and documents, and there is no room for sloppy.

Most adventurers don't feel this kind of trouble. The reason is that there is a god behind them. God is still a god no matter how poor he is in the lower world. Members of the family members who join them are naturally counted as legal citizens in the eyes of the guild.

Ruoqios has a main god, even if it is only the predecessor, the guild can't be too difficult...

The problem is, he really doesn't.

As one of the few people who understood the other party's situation, Riveria immediately understood the embarrassment of Chios at the moment.

"Do you need a guarantor?"

"Yes, I intend to settle here for a long time, but I don't want to hastily decide where I belong..." The young man answered in the affirmative.

"If there is an introduction from a well-known family member, the doubts of both the guild and the seller should be greatly reduced."

The Loki family, whose strength is at the peak of Olali, came forward as the guarantor, and the management agency was assured enough that the cumbersomeness of data registration would be reduced correspondingly, so that outsiders would not be too inquisitive.

"I see..."

The price of doing this kind of favor can be said to be very small. A person who can give up fighting back when Ai Si loses control, and would rather accept the consequences of his own injury or even death to catch the opponent's life-threatening sword, has a character worthy of trust.

Furthermore, even if she doesn't help, Freya and the Mihe family can do it for her, and it is not necessary to seek the assistance of the Loki family.

On the surface, he wanted something from his own side, but in fact it was a goodwill response to the previous initiative.

After understanding this meaning, the woman readily accepted Chios' request.

"What kind of accommodation do you need, and what is your budget?"

"Comfortable and convenient is enough. The price...I think it is acceptable within 3000 million fares. If the living conditions are really worth paying more, I will still consider buying."

As Chios said, he shook his left hand, and a heavy and full money bag appeared in his palm in an instant.

When he pulled the rope that fastened the mouth of the bag, countless metals that reflected the sun's light instantly blinded people's eyes.

Nazha, who narrowed her eyes and overcame the glare, stared at the gleaming large-denomination holy gold coin, and felt a little dizzy for a while...

150 million Farley is more than enough to buy a decent house in Orari.

As for 3000 million...

That's the amount that a first-level adventurer can't make up even if he earns ten days and a half a month without eating or drinking.After deducting the expensive maintenance fee for the first-level armed forces and the share handed over to the family members, it would be ridiculous to save a few million a month.

Tens of millions are spent on weapons and equipment, which is a reasonable investment given the professional nature of an adventurer, but it is pure luxury to enjoy it.

Living alone, is it really good to spend money like this...

The dog-eared girl who couldn't help but want to speak just raised her head and found that Chios had just turned her face and cast a heart-pounding look at her.


Nazha trembled like an electric shock.

not alone...

The girl suddenly realized that she would soon be moving out of the family dormitory and living in the mansion of the other party.

Imprinted deep in her mind, all the images that happened in the camp in the Labyrinth Paradise suddenly became vivid and hot, instantly burning up the advice she had prepared.

"Ha... hoo..."

"Are you okay?"

Riveria looked at Nazha, who suddenly became short of breath, and asked with concern.

Knowing that she was in an unseemly situation, the dog-eared girl hurriedly lowered her blushing face and shook her head.

Through the other party's unusual performance, she faintly guessed the reason, and the elf woman politely looked away.

"Give me seven days..."

She also didn't expect a wandering knight from a remote country to travel thousands of miles to Orario, carrying such a huge sum of money with him.

However, after all, she is a person who often handles large sums of money in and out of the family, and her own income is at the top of many adventurers. After the initial brief surprise, she immediately regained her composure.

Knowing that the other party has a sufficient budget, it is easier to do things.

At least there is no need to bargain with the seller because the price of an ordinary house exceeds tens of thousands of fares, just let the family members who are familiar with negotiations choose a few luxury manors with different characteristics for Chios to choose from.

It was agreed to visit the door in seven days. At that time, a member of the group would lead the young people to visit the eligible residences on the spot. Then, Rivilia also carefully pointed out the addresses of several hotels with good reputations in the city, saving Chios the few days to find accommodation. location troubles.

"Thank you for your assistance, Miss Rios Alf."

"Just call me Riveria..." Riveria replied with plain but sincere words:

"Compared to your tolerant treatment of Aisi's kindness, what I did was nothing more than an insignificant thing."

To this, Chios only responded with a humble smile.

Without saying any more endless polite words, he bowed gracefully, then turned and left with Nazha.

They watched the two go away in front of the Twilight Pavilion, and finally disappeared among the bustling crowds on the northern main street, before returning to the headquarters of the family.

In addition to discussing with Finn and Grace about the adverse effects that may be caused by the abnormal situation in the dungeon, the guild must be notified to see what the management organization has planned.

Riveria can imagine how busy she will be in the future, and it may not be easy for her to take care of all aspects of her affairs.

However, this was not the reason for her to neglect Chios' request.

It is necessary to find a reliable person to handle...

Ascending to the living area on the second floor, the woman pondered over who should be in charge of this matter.

When she passed the side hall of the collection of books, she keenly caught a figure out of the corner of her eye.


The female elf with soft golden hair hummed a tune in a low voice, holding the books left by the family members on the table with one hand, and put them back on the shelf to the corresponding category.

After finishing tidying up, she patted off a little dust on her body with one hand, and slowly walked down the bookcase ladder.

At this time, she finally noticed the deputy head's gaze outside the door.

"Master Riveria, the guests have already left?"

"Alexia Freeslite"

The senior second-level adventurers of the second army of the family, although their talents are slightly inferior to those of Ais, Diona, and Burt, their gentle personality and thoughtful and meticulous handling style are not possessed by the troubled children of the first army Yes, it is very reassuring to entrust her with dealing with people.


"Alysia, do you have something important these days?"

Chapter 470 Six? Alchemy's Loyal Dog


knock knock...

After knocking on the door twice, the female clerk of Tianqing Pharmacy pushed open the door as if she was used to the result of not getting a response.

The afterglow of the setting sun spilled into the room from the window, and a little dust suspended in the air was clearly visible under the light curtain.

The environment is not dirty, the bedding on the bed is neatly folded into a rectangle, and there are no scattered clothes around. The main source of dust is the books piled up near the desk.

His eyes pass through the gaps between the stacks of books that are taller than adults, and he stays at the figure in front of the table who is concentrating on reading, and the quill in his right hand is constantly dipping ink to write down the key points in the notebook.

"Nozha, your boyfriend came to visit you again today."


"Did you listen to me carefully..." The girl from the same family sighed, looking at Nazha with her hands on her hips.

"Obviously there is no quarrel, you should at least take a few steps and go out to meet and say hello."

Three days had passed since the labyrinth returned to the surface.

Nazha did not continue to follow Chios, but returned to the main store of "Tianqing Pharmacy", the base of the Mihe family.

The main god and family companions who thought she died in the middle were relieved. The girl who lost her longbow had to wait for new custom-made equipment, and temporarily stopped her adventurer activities.

Nearly dying and losing the main weapon, it is very reasonable to take a vacation for a period of time, and it has been unanimously understood by the whole family.

Knowing from the report that her life and death were at stake, she was rescued by wandering knights who have been widely rumored in recent days. Lord Mihe personally took several members to the place where Chios is currently staying to express his gratitude and presented a gift Two boxes of advanced recovery medicine and spirit recovery medicine as a thank you gift.

On the established fate line, because Nazha was gnawed on her right arm by a monster, the Lord God bowed his head to buy an expensive prosthetic "Silver Wrist" from the rival Dean Kite family, so that he owed a high debt, causing internal separation, and a short period of time. The Mihe family, which fell to a small scale, escaped a huge disaster invisibly.

Maybe that's why, even though they don't understand the reason, their gratitude to Chios is still very deep...

During the rest period, the dog-eared girl began to actively ask other people for knowledge about medicine blending.

"Let me give you a suggestion for your future development direction..."

"Your family is good at concocting potions. If you can combine this specialty with archery, such as arrows with strong acid, flammable, or bursting liquid bottles, depending on the situation, the effect may be better than that of a mage. ."

"Of course, there is no need to stick to bows and arrows. With your eyesight and sense of coordination as a shooter, you can directly throw the alchemy bottle with a larger charge at medium and short distances, and the lethality will be more significant."

The words of the young man who is not only a lifesaver, but also an object of love, opened a new door for Nazha, who is not very talented as an adventurer...

Indeed, her faction's specialization in pharmaceutical skills does not seem to be directly related to combat.

However, just as a blacksmith can forge armor, he can also make weapons.Since the technology of mixing and preparing substances with different characteristics can develop a recovery medicine that can cure even a dying state, it must also be able to produce a lethal reagent of the same level.

Once you have mastered the development ability of "reconciliation", combined with rich knowledge and experience, you can in turn use the resources that can be collected on each floor of the maze, monster drops, and make alchemy products with different effects in advance or in real time to help you fight.

In order to catch up with the figure walking far ahead, she is willing to do any means that has the opportunity to speed up her pace...

"We will meet again in a few days, and now I have to devote every second of my energy to the study record..."

As she spoke, the dog-eared girl flipped through the pages of the booklet with her left hand, her bloodshot eyes scanned the content, and her right hand quickly drove the pen holder, writing all the important parts on the white paper.

The body continued to be tired and sleepy, but the spirit became more concentrated, and the characters that came into view were instantly absorbed.

Books that other members of the family could not possibly understand after spending a whole day in them are deeply imprinted in their minds in just a few hours.

Nazha is very clear that this is not because she is particularly smart.After all, the situation when I read the materials in the past is no different from others.

It's just luck to fall into an efficient learning state.

Just taking your eyes off the book for a few seconds, this unusual concentration begins to fade dramatically, not to mention rest, sleep and other activities...

As for meeting Chios, that was undoubtedly the most terrifying thing.

She is well aware of how powerless her will is in front of Chios, and a few soft words can melt everything in her body that claims to be tough.

Therefore, it is necessary to get all the useful information into mind and notes in one go before moving out of here.

She didn't think that she would have the opportunity to enter such a special mental state by the side of that young man.

"Please apologize to him for me, I really can't see him now."


"Such a handsome, powerful and considerate man, you are willing to leave him alone. If it was me, I would be watching him every day."

Holding his face in one hand, the family member who did not know what kind of scene he was imagining was full of intoxication.

(He's not something a woman can rest assured by staring at...)

Nazha glanced coldly at the girl at the door.

With the strength of swordsmanship enough to suppress the sword girl, her talent and character have been appreciated by the leaders of the Loki family, and it is said that the goddess Freya also looks at her differently.Staying by such a person's side, just to catch up with the other person's footsteps and not let oneself be left too far, is enough for a person to work hard for a lifetime.

It's not that she lacks a sense of crisis, it's better to say it's the complete opposite...

It is precisely because there are too many potential threats that there is an urgent desire for self-improvement.

Leaving aside her delusional companion, the dog-eared girl quickly turned her attention back to the books.


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