""I'm so sorry, Nazha still refuses to come out! ""

Behind the counter of the Tianqing Pharmacy, two shopkeeper girls bowed deeply to the young man in front of them.

The tip of his nose almost touched the table.

"That's it..."

With a wry smile, Chios nodded knowingly.

He still remembered that when he mentioned the dog-eared girl's future direction, the other party suddenly realized the determination.

Since then, every time he visited Tianqing Pharmacy, he received the same response.

Nazha seems to be obsessed, studying the essence of the knowledge of the blending potion day and night. According to the feedback from the clerk, Nazha's attitude of seeking knowledge made several senior pharmacists of the Mihe family feel at a loss.

It seems that the exchange between Chios and the Loki family a few days ago stimulated his girlfriend who was present at the time.

Seeing the melancholy on the young man's handsome face, the members of Mihe's family who were the clerks suddenly tensed up.

"Anyway, your boyfriend is here, and it's too much to refuse even a face-to-face meeting."

"Sure enough, it would be better to bring her out?"

Hearing this, Chios quickly waved his hands to stop the impulsive plans of the two.

"No, please don't bother her, I'm sure she has good reason for her insistence..."

Having said that, he lifted the bamboo basket in his hand and put it on the counter, then put one hand into his arms, took out two bottles of high-quality perfume bought from a boutique on West Avenue, and handed them to at least the women with a smile on his face, asking for help in a low voice :

"Although I said that, I still don't want her to work too hard to damage her body. I brought some simple food from the hotel. It's okay to eat while studying. Can you please pass it to her for me? "

The warm palm personally delivered the gift worth tens of thousands of fares, coupled with the gentle eyes of the man close at hand, instantly pierced the hearts of the two shop assistants.

"Dangdang, of course no problem!"

"Please...don't worry, we will take good care of Nazha!"

"Thank you for your help..." A faint smile flashed in his eyes, Chios sighed the powerful effect of charm in his heart, controlled his facial muscles to maintain an expression consistent with his tone, turned around and walked out of the shop .

Then, it's almost time to go to the well-known tavern "Miss Abundance" on West Street.

I have an appointment with my partner who has been unable to get online for several days at six o'clock in the evening, so I can't be late...

The two young girls who watched the young man leave behind with misty eyes couldn't help but say:

"Ah~ Mr. Pesheim is really handsome..."

"The personality is also very gentle, I really hope that I was the one who was saved..."

"What are you talking about, it's me!"

"It's obviously me!"

In the Tianqing Pharmacy near closing time, a quarrel broke out suddenly.

Chapter 470: Stalker

There are eight main streets called "Avenues" in Orari, starting from the central square of the city and extending radially from eight directions to the city wall or city gate surrounding the town.

As the most prosperous area in the city, it is not difficult to imagine the high prices of houses and stores on both sides of the eight main streets.Usually, only those who stand out from the fierce competition in all walks of life are qualified to gain a foothold for a long time, while the rest of the businesses are rooted in nearby alleys, earning profits by taking advantage of the declining passenger flow in the center of the business district.

After leaving the Tianqing Pharmacy, Chios glanced at the block where the headquarters of the management organization "Guild" is located, also known as the "Adventurer Avenue" in the northwest of the main street.

To explore the dungeon in Olalie, you must ask the guild to go through various procedures and provide various assistance, so all adventurers must visit the guild frequently, without exception.So it is natural to see many adventurers on this street.

Because of this, on this avenue where adventurers come and go, many shops that serve them as customers are adjacent to each other.

A well-decorated weapons and equipment shop that occupies an area more than twice the size of the left and right buildings naturally caught the young man's eyes.

Facing the street, there are beautifully crafted weapons displayed in the display window. The billboard hanging on the heavy door is painted with erupting volcanoes and crossed forging hammers, and its name is engraved in sacred words:



The executor who is proficient in language can easily understand this font.

Of course, as long as enough intelligence is collected beforehand, it is not difficult to guess the answer even if the text is ignored.

It enjoys a high reputation in Olali, and the name of the family represents the forging faction of the top brand of adventurer equipment. At the same time, the main god is also a close friend of a god who has just descended to the lower world.

Chios thought summoned the heraldic light curtain, unfolded the world authority interface, stared at the gauge filled with the power of the world, and narrowed his purple eyes slightly.

The best time is yet to come...

When the forging god started to feel dissatisfied with the laziness of his god friend, it was the time for the young man to act.

Thinking with regret in his heart, he resisted the idea of ​​​​immediately testing the effect of interfering with the mission world, removed the light curtain in front of him, and moved away from the sight of the Hephaestus weapon shop that was temporarily stationed.

"Hey, that handsome guy is..."

"Well, looks and dresses match... can't be wrong, it's a wandering knight."

"The person who defeated five second-level adventurers alone, and almost caused a war between the two families, is he said to be in a state of no affiliation?"

"Shall we invite to see?"

The excellent hearing caught the whispers of the adventurers who were standing around one after another, and the young man realized that he had stood there for too long.

Before more and more people noticed him and took action, Chios paced along the street, turned left at the next intersection according to the city map that he had memorized in his mind in advance, and then quickly turned into an inconspicuous alley next to him.

When the adventurers stepped up to keep up, the figure of the wandering knight had already disappeared.

Galahad Square...

One of several squares connecting West, Northwest and North Streets in series.

Where each main road and side streets and alleys frequently intersect, a square was designed during urban planning, with fountains, bronze statues of heroes, and benches for people to rest. The name of each square corresponds to the hero it commemorates.

Go south counterclockwise from here, and you can reach West Street within 10 minutes. The location is just at the nearest intersection of the well-known tavern "Mistress of Abundance".

He and Tifa meet here.

Compared with the streets crowded with thousands of people and the view is easily blocked, it is obviously much easier to find someone in the open square, and Chios quickly found him on the bench by the pool.

This was the first time he saw his partner's outfit in the mission world.

A corseted black jacket that outlines the figure is covered with a white leather vest with rivets. Interlocking iron gray chains are sewn into a short skirt made of soft leather. Metal boots, with dark armor on the elbows and knees.

Just like Chios's knight armor in line with his background, Tifa's light yet practical attire is very good at creating the impression of an adventurer who is good at fighting.

Sensing the young man's gaze, Tifa looked sideways.

A blue light flashed in the depths of the crystal eyes.

The surrounding airflow was carefully condensed, wrapping the reminder words that the girl gently opened her cherry lips, and sent them to Chios' ears alone:

"Ace is nearby."

"She's following you?"

The surprised voice of the young man flowed back to the other party with the wind, except for the person who heard it clearly, no matter how close they were, the content would only be blurred by the atmosphere.

His expression remained calm before, he did not look around to arouse suspicion, and continued to approach the date at a leisurely pace.

"Well, because we have no direct relationship on the surface, in order to make people feel as reasonable as possible, after you visited the Twilight Mansion three days ago, I deliberately showed that I cared about your affairs, and often asked my companions. As a result, I was too active It aroused Aisi's curiosity, and it happened that she was strictly restricted by Riveria from going to the dungeon for five days, and the time suddenly became more abundant, so..."

When Tifa said this, Chios already understood the reason.

Although Aisi's tracking was not within the scope of the plan, which added some variables, he had no intention of canceling the trip.

With the ability to command the magic of the atmosphere's destiny "Stigmata of the Wind", the two executors don't have to worry about being eavesdropped on the conversation, and any magic that affects the flow of air will be noticed by Tifa.

"So, all members of the Loki family, including Jian Ji, think you are in love with my face?"

"That's it..."

The black-haired girl stood up, put her hands behind her waist, and smiled shyly at the young man.

"Pretty convincing, right?"


Chios nodded in the affirmative answer.

It is undeniable that even without the slightest subjective evaluation, my face does have sufficient elements to confuse people.

Although it sounds superficial to fall in love with someone purely based on face, so that people often need to find a few excuses as a cover, but in fact, most people know the reason.

Tifa can't do the twists and turns and delicate acting skills that change from unfamiliar to familiar emotions.Then, just show your heart generously, and others will not be able to see the flaws.

On the basis of having a good impression, it will not appear too abrupt to actively ask outsiders about their origins, where they live, or even invite them to have a meal together.

Simple and smart way...

"We're almost ready to go."

There were more and more people in armor coming and going.

Adventurers who have worked hard all day will surely fill up the well-known taverns and restaurants on the streets in a short period of time.

If the action is slow, the seat may be snatched up.

Chapter 470 Eight? It Was You

The sun sinks into the western horizon.

The last touch of redness disappeared, the dark blue sky shone with stars, and the newly rising silver moon cast a soft hazy light.

The magic stone lamps on the streets of Olalie were lit one by one, the residents who finished their hard work that day, and the adventurers who returned safely with their spoils after fighting, walked into the tavern amidst the melodious accompaniment of bards’ orchestral instruments, Food and wine soothe your body and mind.

Mistress of Plenty is still doing brisk business today.

The decoration of the outdoor seating area is fashionable without losing the characteristics of the tavern. The food and drinks are all of a very high level. The staff all employ good-looking women. Except for the slightly higher price, the store has almost no shortcomings, and is favored by customers. It is not surprising.

Not long after the business started in the evening, the seats were almost filled by the crowds of people, and the noise of laughter seemed to be able to spread throughout the street through the orange lights streaming down the shop window curtains.

"Fortunately it wasn't too late..."

When he came to the entrance of the tavern, Chios glanced at the few vacant tables in the store, with a smile on his face.

"Very good, so I can check if their pasta is good."


Witnessing the sharpness in the depths of the youth's purple eyes, the black-haired girl who was traveling with her couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.

"When it comes to food of uprising origin, Chios is always very serious and strict."

"Of course..." Chios replied naturally:

"If the princess of the Medici family hadn't brought a court chef when she married France, the French would still eat the same food as the British until the 21st century. I would be very sorry."

I don't know much about the history of my partner's origin, but because I heard it mentioned by the other party during the meal from time to time, Tifa also understood the origin of the pride of Chios' integration into the flesh and blood over time.

A person who usually looks perfect is actually serious about such small things, but it gives people an interesting...even cute impression.

It's just that, if you say this, I'm afraid it will attract the other party's cold eyes...

Hiding her thoughts in her heart, the girl gently pushed the young man's shoulders from behind with both hands, urging:

"Okay, let's go in."

After kicking the boots a few times, he boarded the steps in front of the door, and a brown-haired cat-man clerk in a turquoise dress and a white apron trotted over holding a tray.

"Are you two guests here for dinner?"

"Yes, if there are seats that are less disturbing, please arrange them for us."

As he said that, the young man looked over the cat man's shoulder, indicating a place by the window.

The girl with cat ears understands.

"No problem meow~"

The figure lightly turned half a circle, the skirt hanging down to the knees was fluttering, revealing a section of pure white lace trim inside the skirt, and the tail was raised high in response to the cheerful mood. She shouted into the store:

"Two guests meow!"

Accompanied by the shouts, everyone in the tavern naturally glanced at the new figure who came in.

Whoa whoa!

"It's a wandering knight..." The adventurer elbowed his partner beside him.

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