Not only myself, but also those close to me.

In the point of picking weak targets to attack, there is not much difference between humans, monsters, and beasts...

Seeing the female knight's eyes drooping and deeply touched, Chios thought deeply.

But he knows that now is not the best time to ask questions.

"You're right, besides, high-level political matters are too far away from me, and it doesn't make any sense to talk about them here."

Chios restrained his spirit and said with a wry smile.

It seems that the concern about politics that he showed before was just a momentary overthinking his ability to give advice.

Through the conversations along the way, he understood that Alice did not intend to get too involved in the political affairs of the Theocracy, and she did.

If you want to know more details, it is easier to ask the Archbishop directly.

Trust that woman would be happy to accept a pawn who volunteers to be at the forefront of the conflict.

So Chios turned and faced to the right, pointing to the northern foothills.

"Go ahead. If my calculations are correct, the monster's lair is not far from the north. If you get closer, you should be able to smell their stench."

Chapter 850 Five? Fire in the hole

The monster lair is located on the eastern outskirts of the mountains.

If you regard the entire Celine mine as the territory of the kobolds, this location is already the farthest from the core area, the border of poor mountains and bad waters. In a kobold society where resource allocation decreases with each class, it is generally only the lowest, and even the qualifications to be cannon fodder are not high. There are no low-level slaves wandering here.

Because the few female individuals are firmly controlled by elites such as lords and guards, those male wanderers who are despised and abandoned by their peers will never be able to develop into tribal clans. Unstable, once food is in short supply, they tend to kill each other and cannibalize each other.

This kind of ecology is enough to ensure that the wanderers will never grow stronger outside, and one day they will counterattack and challenge the lord.

It is also a good thing for humans.

The weaker the enemies hovering around the mine, the less defensive pressure the Aureas Theocracy will have.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine why the news of a group of female individuals migrating here led by the guards has attracted the attention of the guards.

Regardless of whether the resources in the central area of ​​the mine are not enough for the elites to distribute, or the phenomenon of power struggle among the upper class has intensified, leading to the exodus of the tribe... This kind of bridgehead to the border can foresee the possibility of its future expansion and plunder, is absolutely intolerable.

Even if no one accepts the entrustment, this task will be handed over to the Knights sooner or later.

Chios half-knelt and hid behind the rock, observing the caves that were only about fifty steps away, while quickly sorting out the information in his mind.

According to the information at hand, the cave used by the kobolds as a lair is a long-standing cave. The Theocracy discovered that it was a small mine that was used by the local lords to mine iron ore before the abundant mineral resources in the center of the Celine Mine. Many, it was abandoned after decades of use, and it has a history of 500 years.

Since it is not a valuable location and the location is remote, I believe the kobolds will not be so bored as to hollow out the mountain to connect with the center of the Celine Mine.

The tribe that migrated here probably only lived temporarily in the ready-made caves.

Therefore, there is basically no need to worry about them escaping from other channels.

If you are strong enough, you can go in directly from the entrance of the cave, chop off all the moving things in your eyes, and you can complete the commission.

If no one else was watching behind him, Chios would have done it already.

"How are you going to attack?"

Alice, who was hiding behind the bunker in a squatting and kneeling position like Chios, approached and whispered in the young man's ear.

The warm, moist breath blowing on the ear pinna made people feel a little itchy.


Chios pouted silently.

Is this woman here to supervise the battle or to tease me?

If he hadn't caught a glimpse of the seriousness on the girl's face from the corner of the eye, he might have really suspected that she had other plans.


Women approaching unconsciously are the most annoying.

Chios secretly shook his head inwardly, remaining calm on the surface as usual.

"There are no trees nearby, and there is no way to light a fire to smoke them out. Night raids are meaningless to kobolds living in dark mines. Other methods are even more impractical. The only option is to attack."

"How sure are you?"

"Ten percent, unless the kobold lord comes in person, they will definitely die. However, even if the lord appears and you are present, their ending will not be so good."

"Well, though I don't think Ilfang and Deathstripes dare to be here..."

Alice didn't notice the helplessness on the young man's face at all, and then whispered softly:

"I'll keep a distance and follow behind. As long as I judge you can handle it alone, I won't interfere, okay?"

Chios shrugged and replied:

"I don't seem to have the right to refuse."

"Not really."

"You don't need to stress that point, forget it..."

Silently clenching his fists, Chios resisted the idea of ​​putting the female knight to death on the spot and immediately turning himself into the master.

Reaching for the leather holster on his back waist, he drew out a throwing knife. He got up and left the bunker, and walked towards the entrance of the mine close to the mountain wall in the blind spot of the sentinel's sight.

Although the movement is not slow, it is very light.

The footsteps were drowned out by the wind blowing from the north.

The kobolds guarding the entrance of the cave were completely unaware.

Until the distance between the two sides was less than [-] steps, Chios deliberately stepped down.


Boots crush weathered gravel.

The kobold artificial soldier holding a pickaxe turned his head to check, and finally found the intruder.

Woohoo! ! !

After deliberately waiting for it to howl, Chios threw the throwing knife.

The kobold artificial soldier tried to dodge, but the cold light that came with the sound of breaking wind shot precisely between its eyebrows as if it had predicted its action in advance.


The cold blade sank between the eyes.

Kuang Dang!

The pick fell to the ground.

The kobold opened his suddenly out-of-focus eyes in a daze, and staggered down.

Passing over the corpse and entering the abandoned mine, Chios held a sword in his right hand, and repeatedly threw a spherical clay pot tied with a matchlock with his left hand.

Flaming Pot.

An expensive item bought from an alchemy shop costs 20 silver coins each.

It is very effective against weak enemies but does not meet the cost, and it is useless when encountering strong enemies. It is a relatively luxurious toy.

Chios is now taken out for other purposes.

tata tao...

Based on the volume of footsteps coming from the tunnel ahead, he calculated the timing of the phone in his mind.

"Five, four, three..."

The thumb slid across the rope, and a flash of red light instantly ignited it.

"Two, one."

The flame pot flew across the air, and fell into the depths of the dark tunnel at the moment when the final countdown fell.

The few kobolds rushing out with their weapons in hand, before they could figure out the situation, their vision was covered by flames.

Boom boom boom boom!

The bang of the explosion echoed in the cavern.

Aw ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

The fur was burning in the fire, like a monster walking on fire, wailing in pain and fleeing in all directions.

Their companions avoid them in fear.

The already unorganized team suddenly fell into chaos.

Looking at the red fire in the tunnel, Chios sneered.

"Now, there's no need for a torch."

A kobold covered in combustible hair is undoubtedly a better lamp.

He turned his head and glanced at Alice who walked into the cave.

It's time for the chief knight to understand that some worries are unnecessary...

He decided to show off a little.

Lowering the figure, the mantra runs through a specific circuit, endowing the limbs with explosive power that is different from that derived from muscles.

"Forbidden Sword? Night Drive"


Sensing the strangeness, Alice's blue eyes slightly widened.

That is...

Combat skills?

And it's something I've never seen before.

Without waiting for her to think about it, the next moment...


Like an arrow leaving the string, Chios rushed at an astonishing speed and rushed into the depths of the tunnel.

Chapter 850 Six? Insect Biting

Alice quickened her pace and chased at full speed.

The running momentum of Chios at the moment is so terrifying.

Even a person with extraordinary physical fitness will be thrown away in the blink of an eye if he doesn't exert all his strength.

It would be fine if Chios was a paladin, but judging from the physical condition of the opponent when he fought against the young man in the past, such speed undoubtedly belonged to the abnormal category.

Therefore, Alice was sure that Chios used some kind of unknown "combat technique".

Combining the knowledge, experience, and training accumulation of the fighters, with a firm belief in displaying a power that is no less than a miracle, the power cannot be underestimated, but the price is that it consumes considerable physical energy and concentration.

Despite the above definition, the ultra-high speed displayed by Chios at the moment is by no means achievable by ordinary combat skills.

Is it a unique family heritage?

Or, is it the superb skill that he created by himself based on his experience in swordsmanship?

The demeanor and speech that have obviously been cultivated by a good family background, the superb swordsmanship that makes superior knights bow down, the rich knowledge and experience of wilderness tracking, and the vision of accurately interpreting the advantages and disadvantages of the battlefield...

Coupled with unprecedented combat skills...

How many mysteries are hidden in this seemingly simple but mysterious northerner?

I always feel that with the passage of time, the doubts are increasing.

Wave your hands to clear away the fog, and there will always be more unknowns waiting ahead.

However, now is not the time to inquire.

Alice quickened her pace to follow.

Corpses littered the field of vision flickering red.

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