Except for a few kobolds who were used as lighting tools and allowed to howl and howl under the flames, the rest of the individuals, whether slaves, slave laborers, or engineers, were all lying on the ground clutching their blood gushing throats.

Probably trying to prevent damage to the blade as much as possible, Chios deliberately avoided the bones and picked the most vulnerable points.

The monsters who fell into chaos due to the fire of the same family had no chance to retreat and regroup. They lost their numerical advantage and were defeated one by one.


The sharp blade sliced ​​through flesh and blood, tearing out bright red.

Goo uh...

The monsters couldn't even make a scream, only the vague sound produced by blowing blood bubbles echoed in the abandoned mine tunnels.

The smell of blood became stronger.

Mixed with the stench of excrement and filth accumulated in poorly ventilated monster lairs, the smell was unbearably pungent.

Alice calculated the number of corpses a little, and found that in less than a minute, more than thirty kobolds were killed by Chios' sword.

It was equal to the combat power of a small tribe, and it was slaughtered like this.

And the rest...

Roar! ! !

Follow the roar and look towards the deepest part of the mine.

Beside the bonfire, the burly kobold guard held up a five-foot-long heavy hooked ax made entirely of iron, and roared with his head raised.

Standing upright over two meters high, the shadow cast by the firelight almost covered the entire cave, as if the dark reddish-brown hair after the blood had dried up couldn't cover up the strong physique made of knotted muscles, like a natural armor.

Identifying the level of this monster is very simple.

The higher the rank of the kobold, the bigger the body.

From the beginning of the foreman, the physique generally exceeds that of human adult males, and when it reaches the highest position of the lord, the standing height can reach three to four meters.

And the dark red kobold in front of him, even by the standard of a guard, is a particularly strong individual.

The regular soldiers of the guard regiment couldn't take the monster's brutal blow at all.

No, I'm afraid even if it's a true knight, it's more dangerous to deal with it alone...

In order to confront them head-on, at least they must have the strength of a senior knight.

Alice thought.

Her eyes fell on the young man who stopped the high-speed drive and confronted the monster with both hands holding the sword on his right shoulder.

Breathing is a little faster than before, but not too fast.

The muscles of the limbs are kept in a semi-relaxed state that is not overly tense and can be exerted at any time.

With a calm and focused face, he looked directly at the enemy without the slightest hesitation.

The various details observed made Alice relieve her worries.

What she was worried about before was that Chios was surrounded, forced to consume a lot of energy, and faced a powerful enemy in an incomplete state.

But now, Chios is in good physical condition.

In terms of one-on-one duels, Alice has absolute confidence in this young swordsman who has fought against her many times.

Therefore, I only need to witness from the sidelines.

Even though she thought so, Alice still put her hand on the hilt to prevent any accidents from happening.

Central chamber...

The anger of the tribe members being killed caused the dark red kobold guards to quickly lose the patience to confront their opponents.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! !

Howling angrily, it rushed towards the young man.

The hooked ax swung close to the rock on the top of the cave and drew a semicircle, locked on the fragile head of the tiny human, and smashed it down with all its strength.

No tricks needed...

With astonishing arm strength combined with speed and body weight, one blow is enough to chop a fully armored knight into a meat paste.

Faced with such a powerful slash, parrying is useless, the best choice is to dodge.

But how long can they hide in the not-so-big space of the cave?

The kobold guard's fighting method is simple and clear. Relying on the strength and wingspan advantages brought by his size, he uses continuous attacks to push the young swordsman to a dead end.

Based on the experience of fighting high-level kobolds more than once in the past, Alice knew exactly what the monster was planning.

She wasn't worried about that.

With the explosive speed of Chios's combat skills just now, it is simply impossible for a dull opponent to catch up.

Chios only needs to counterattack after dodging, and use bloodletting tactics to accumulate damage, and he can win safely.

The above judgment was made in the flash of thoughts.

However, the development of reality runs counter to what she thought...


Chios didn't dodge or dodge, and raised his sword to meet the giant ax that fell head-on.


The moment Alice witnessed this scene, Alice almost cried out.

What are you doing?

Facing an enemy whose power is far superior to his own, it's fine if he doesn't avoid it, and chooses a weaker way of swinging the sword, and doesn't even plan to unload his strength...

Are you looking for death?

Before she had time to think about it, she immediately drew out the golden sweet-scented osmanthus sword, stomped on the ground and rushed forward with all her strength.


It's too far away.


Accompanied by the bursting of sparks, the sound of weapons clashing resounded.

A look of despair flashed in Alice's eyes.

She never expected Chios to make such a stupid response.

I believe that even if an accident happens, I will find out the clues in advance.

As a result, I can only watch helplessly as the rough hooked ax in the monster's hand hits the long sword, and then pushes the blade and smashes it into Chios' face...


she screamed.



Crisp, like the sound of glass shattering suddenly exploded.


The huge hook ax made of iron exploded into countless metal fragments in an instant.

Alice stared blankly at the silver flakes flying all over the sky...

A young man's faint voice came from his ear:

"Abstain from swords? Insect bites."

Chapter 850 Seven? Devils and demons

"Forbidden sword? Insect bite"

By applying the same shock wave impact as the resonance point of the target object, the structure of the object will collapse due to the instantaneously increased vibration, such as the shattering of ice flowers.

This is another form of taboo sword that has reached the ultimate level of sword theory, and the skills in it are beyond the naked eye's ability to see through.

Even Alice couldn't understand what Chios did, let alone an enemy who only knows how to rely on brute force...

Facing the flashing metal fragments like scales, the weight of the object in his hand suddenly disappeared, and the kobold guard, whose brain couldn't react for a while, stood in place like a statue.

Until the back knee tendon was stabbed with sharp pain.


The injured lower limbs were unable to support the heavy body, causing it to kneel on the ground.

At this moment, it finally realized that it had lost its weapon and was severely injured.

The strength inspired by the survival instinct poured into the still movable arms and right leg, trying to make a final struggle.

However, it was too late...

The blade reflecting the gray-silver cold light rapidly enlarged in its field of vision.


Bing Yan across the neck, horizontally bringing out a beautiful circular cutting line.

Chios, who passed by the monster, naturally lowered the tip of his sword with his right hand, and the bright red dyed on the front half of the blade was pulled by gravity to the tip, turning into blood droplets and dripping down.

At the same time, the ferocious dog's head fell to the ground with a "slap", rolled a few times and stopped at the youth's feet.

Bending down to pick up the head of the Kobold Guard, Chios turned to face Alice.

He smiled and said:

"Sorry for worrying you."


Alice's cherry lips moved slightly, she reflexively wanted to grab the young man's collar, and let out the excitement that surged in her chest when she witnessed the other party's distress a second ago.

But she quickly restrained her emotions and regained her composure.

"You're fine."

"Hehe, why pretend to be indifferent?" Chios laughed lightly and teased:

"You obviously shouted so anxiously just now, didn't you?"


As if hit by a battering ram, Alice trembled all over.

Thinking of not long ago, I felt desperate and remorseful because I couldn't save Chios, which caused my gaffe.

Although it was true that all of this was true, but in front of Chios, who was completely intact and dealt with the enemy without blushing or panting, recalling his immediate reaction felt extremely ashamed.

Thinking of this, the corners of Alice's eyebrows twitched unnaturally, and her fists were clenched tightly.

Seeing that the girl's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, Chios continued to die:

"It's a pity that my back was turned to you at the time, otherwise I really wanted to see your hoarse appearance. To make the chief knight worry about me to such an extent can be said to be death without regret."

"Death without regrets, right..."

Alice's tone was cold, she gritted her teeth and raised her face.

"Your Excellency Alice, I was just a metaphor..." Sensing that the situation was not good, Chios said while stepping back quickly.

"Do you think I will believe your defense?"

Alice raised her sword and chased after him.

A scumbag who plays with people's hearts as if nothing happened, and builds happiness on other people's pain points...

Must be sanctioned!


"Huh...huh..." Lyfa panted with her hands on her knees.

"It's dangerous, I was almost caught up."

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