Once Nobuna sends an army to assist Dozo, and the Imagawa army arrives again, it will be over for Owari.

(I...what should I do?) The girl thought hard in her heart.

"His Highness Dao San must be saved, not only for emotional recognition, but also because His Highness Dao San survived, and we have a righteous name when we attack Meinong..."

Although the tone was flat and without a trace of emotion, the young man's calm and confident voice gave Nobuna a glimmer of hope at this time.

"His Highness Xinnai, please give my subordinates four hundred horses and seven hundred iron cannons, and my subordinates swear to save His Highness Dao San!"

Chapter 82? Prelude to the Finale

"Four hundred horses and seven hundred iron cannons?" Nobuna was taken aback after hearing Chios' request, and then objected:

"No! I won't allow it. How can this manpower be enough?"

"I am going to rescue His Highness Dou San, not to fight Saito Yoshiryu to the death..."

Even if the young man said so, Nobuna still couldn't accept it.

"Even if you are surrounded by the army, you will probably die!" The girl anxiously grabbed Chios's hand, begging.

It is impossible for her to watch her lover in danger in order to save others.

"At least 5000 people must be brought, otherwise how can we match the strength of the Meinong army?"

Nobuna seems to have forgotten that, as the lord of Chios, the real lord of the horses and ashigaru, he can firmly reject Chios' request.

Maybe she didn't forget, she just didn't want to do it...

"The more people you bring, the slower the march, and the easier it is to be found. More than a thousand people are enough." Chios shook his head and declined.

Looking at Nobuna's bloodless face, Chios didn't pretend to be mysterious, and then explained:

"So far, there has not been an organized iron cannon team on the battlefield. They are used too sporadically, and there is no special method for iron cannons, so that they cannot exert the power of iron cannons."

"However, the Oda family is different..." The young man caressed Nobuna's cheek with his hand, and his tone was calm and natural, without the slightest hint of bravado.

"We have iron cannons, and we also have tactics available."

"Saito Yoshitaka, who has the support of the Mino wealthy family, can mobilize at least tens of thousands of people..."

Nobuna, who has a good understanding of the strength of Mino country, is not so optimistic.

"In the face of ten times more enemy troops, the iron cannon can't change anything." Nobuna pressed the young man's palm against her face, as if afraid that Chios would stay away from her in the next moment.

"I really have nothing to do with you..." Chios sighed lightly.

"Don't worry, I will never confront the enemy's main force head-on, and if the situation is not good, I will also run away."

run away...

There are some things that can be done secretly, but cannot be said openly, and running away is one of them.

No samurai would take such a shameful word as a guarantee, not even in front of his family, let alone in front of his lord.

However, at this moment, when Chios said this, his expression was indifferent, as if he was just answering what to eat for dinner.

Goemon, who was half-kneeling in front of the two of them, watched this scene. Although he understood his humble status, he still couldn't help but said:

"Kios-sama has been preparing for this matter for more than a month, and it is the original that I and Chuan are active in Mino. Please trust the people of Chios!"

"..." Nobuna stared at Chios in a daze, she also never thought that Chios would say such a thing.

In Xinnai's memory, Chios has always been a person who is elegant and gentle, and who loves feathers very much. He doesn't say big words, and he doesn't make embarrassing speeches...

Now, in order to let go of her hanging heart, Chios said the words that other warriors were ashamed to say without any hesitation.

(It's enough to do this for me...)

"Okay, I'll give you four hundred horses and seven hundred iron cannon ashigaru..." Nobuna took a deep breath, stood up and gave a stern order to Chios:

"This is an order, come back alive no matter what!"

"As you order, Your Royal Highness."

Chios nodded in response.


Reluctantly agreeing to Chios' approach, Nobuna turned and left directly, returning to Qingzhou City first.

she's not sure...

If I continue to stay here, will I change my mind?

In the bedroom of the lord of the city, listening to the sound of Xinnai's footsteps gradually going away...

"Goemon, are you ready?"

"Yes, Lord Chios!" The ninja girl took out a map from her bosom, on which the terrain and roads near the lower reaches of the Nagara River in front of Inabayama Castle were clearly drawn.

After receiving the map and reading it briefly, Chios put the map away, walked to the alcove, and put on his armor.

"Does Kawasami need to be on the battlefield for this battle?" Goemon asked at this time.

"It would be too wasteful to use Chuan Bingzhong's skills in a frontal battle..."

Chios replied while putting on the black-type prestige pill.

Goemon couldn't help showing a disappointed expression when he heard this.

"Your subordinates are not weaker than the regular Ashigaru, and I have more important arrangements for you."

"I and Kawabyo will definitely swear to the death to complete the task!" The ninja girl's eyes glowed again.

Soon, Chios put on his armor and walked out of the Honmaru Palace.

"Qios, why are you dressed like this?" Sagara Haru, who was on the defensive duty in Honmaru, saw Chios appearing in full armor, and asked curiously:

"Could it be... a war is coming?"

"You guessed it..." Chios patted Yoshiharu's shoulder.

"His Highness Dao San, whom we met at Zhengde Temple, has turned against his son Yoshiryu Saito, and I will lead my troops to save his life."

"Oh! Of course I know about the Battle of Nagaragawa!" Yoshiharu puffed up his chest first, and then asked with a headache:

"But in this battle, Yilong's army strength exceeds that of Dao San too much, how can we save him?"

"You don't need to worry about this, call other retainers, we will send troops to Meinong."


Suruga, Suruga Castle...

Yoshimoto Imagawa, who loves the culture of Kyoto, also imitated the style of Kyoto in his city construction.

The neatly planned roads, the surrounding houses and shops seem to be extraordinarily neat, and they look like blocks of buildings from a distance.

The further you go to the center, the larger the area of ​​the house...even if it is a castle town where ordinary people live.

From commoners to samurai class, the status of everyone can be clearly judged simply by the distance between the house and the residence of the ruler.

On the street, from time to time, foreign samurai could be seen on horseback or on foot, leading ten or even dozens of Hyakuzugaru towards the Sannomaru of Sunfu Castle.

"His Royal Highness ordered the mobilization, three days have passed..."

"Yes, in the past few days, warriors and adults have come to Junfu City in an endless stream. I think there are at least 2 people!"

"Asahina-sama's defeat at Kurosuegawa last time seems to have really annoyed Her Royal Highness..."

The people in Shunfu Castle Town talked a lot, and Imakawa Yoshimoto made no secret of his determination for Shangluo, and it could even be said that everyone knew it.

"Anyway, the Oda family is finished this time."

This is the common opinion of the people under Imagawa's rule, or the whole world...

Ninomaru Keju Stadium...

"Your Highness, please forgive me..." General Asahina Shinoki, Imagawa's family servant, gasped heavily with his back facing the sky:

"My Cuju skills are no match for you!"

As soon as these words came out, the Imagawa retainers who were panting and collapsed in the field nodded one after another.

The warriors who usually go to battle without frowning when they lick blood with their knives are now lying on the ground like dead bodies.

The culprit of all this was the only girl present who could still stand gracefully.

Wearing luxurious twelve-single costumes, the Imagawa family governor who can still pass the retainers to join forces to prevent blocking with phantom-like movements time and time again...

Yoshimoto Imagawa...

"It's really boring to play Cuju with you guys..." Imagawa Yoshimoto held the ball boredly, looking westward.

"Looks like it's about time for our family to go and play with the big fool Owari."

Chapter 83? Come back to me safely

Sumori Castle, Sannomaru West Gate...

The thick wooden door opened, and Chios led the crowd out, followed by ten knights on horseback carrying laurel cross arrow flags, and led their twenty ashigaru out of the city.

Serving as a servant general in the Oda family gave Chios the authority to command the Owari Lord's army, and his status as a lord made him obliged to bring his subordinate soldiers to join the battle when he sent troops.

It doesn't matter if there was no territory before or the fiefdom was too small.

However, when Chios's territory increased to [-] shi, it was a bit unreasonable to send troops to fight without his own army.

More than two hundred people walked the flat official road and arrived at Qingzhou City in more than two hours.

Leaving his subordinates outside the castle town, he rode into the city alone to prepare to take over the horses and the Iron Cannon team's Banner Oss. When he came to Sannomaru Castle, he found that the army was fully prepared.

Just a little more people.

Four hundred Oda horses, seven hundred iron cannon ashigaru, and five hundred gun ashigaru... It is not a problem to increase this manpower, and it is within Chios' expectations.

However, when he saw the main generals of these forces, Chios realized deeply...

(Nobuna gave me a...)

The main general of the horses: a big gun inserted into the ground beside her, wearing silver and blue armor, long brown hair tied into a ponytail behind her head, a beautiful girl with a heroic face...Katsuie Shibata.

The leader of the Iron Cannon Squad: Naginata leaning on his shoulders, wearing a purple-red kimono with sleeveless black haori, long blue-black hair tied with peach-red bows on both sides, a pretty woman with a graceful face...Nagahide Niwa.

The leader of the Gun Foot Light Team: Holding a vermilion short spear, the big amber eyes are slightly upturned, but there is no sense of viciousness, wearing a tiger head cap, and a girl dressed in a strange outfit...Maeda Inuchiyo.

The two elders of the Oda family, plus Nobuna's side.

At the same time, they are also the Oda retainers who have the best relationship with Chios, and even show signs of beyond friendship.

Niwa Chohide, who was the first to notice Chios, pursed his lips, and the other two also turned their heads when they saw this.

"You are finally here, Mr. Chios, no..." Changxiu blinked playfully with the folding fan on his chin.

"Now you should be called General..."

"Yeah, I did think that one day I might become your subordinate..." Katsuie Shibata rested his right elbow on her huge chest with his left hand, propped his chin and nodded heavily, expressing his approval of Nagahide's words.

"It's just that I didn't expect it to be so fast, General."

"Nuuu~Liu actually dreamed of becoming a subordinate of Lord Chios, eighty percent..."

With a swipe, Changxiu shook open the folding fan, covering the lower part of his face, and joked:

"As a subordinate official, what kind of order do you want the general to give you?"

Faced with the ambiguous words and meaningful tone of his friend, even a fool who is not good at thinking like Singer can understand the meaning of the other party.

Then, the ponytail girl's face was suddenly dyed with a red glow.

"Manchiyo! What nonsense are you talking about..."

"...An impure relationship between the general and his subordinates?" Inuchiyo narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Singer carefully.

"No, no, you are hateful..." Sheng Jia, who was surrounded and suppressed by the generals of the Iron Cannon Squad and the Gunner Light Squad, could only look to Chios for help.

"Chios, what are you talking about!"

"Oh? Singer, what do you want me to say..." He came forward, and after standing with the three girls, Chios pretended to be contemplative.

"This question is really embarrassing. What should I do with your three subordinates?"

Originally waiting for Chios to join the battle, they didn't expect Nagahide and Inuchiyo, who were making a surprise attack from three sides, to be taken aback for a moment as soon as Chios appeared on the stage.

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