"Master Chios is really greedy, ninety percent..." Changxiu's folding fan covering his face quietly raised higher

"...(blushing)" Inuchiyo tightened his grip on the gun slightly.

At this time, an extremely unhappy female voice came from the direction of Ninomaru:

"Hmph, it looks like you two had a good chat..."

White linen shirts, black horse hakamas, tiger-skin suits around the waist, red capes hunting in the air...

Lord Owari, Oda Kami Sosuke Nobuna folded his hands on his chest, with a murderous look on his face as smooth as white porcelain, standing on the ramp in front of the gate of Ninomaru, looking down at Chios and others.

Katsuya, Naghide, and Inuchiyo were stared at by Nobuna's sharp eyes, and each of them lowered their heads a little guilty.

How did the three people who have a friendship with Nobuna that is more than family affection, and even more righteousness as a monarch and minister, repay each other...

Know each other well.

Only Chios' expression remained unchanged. After looking at Nobuna for a few seconds, he bowed politely.

"Your Highness Nobuna, your subordinates are here to lead the army."

"Ah~ I'm so annoying! I don't care about your affairs!" Nobuna stomped the ground vigorously, turned around angrily and said:

"Chios, come with me!"

The three girls beside him cast worried glances, Chios smiled at them, and followed Nobuna's figure with strides.

"..." Nobuna, who was walking ahead, heard footsteps coming from behind, and speeded up without looking back.

"His Highness Nobuna..."

After calling a few times, but getting no response, Chios stepped forward and grabbed the girl's wrist.

"Am I so stupid that I took the initiative to gather them under your command?" Xin Nai stopped walking, the shadow of her bangs covered her expression at the moment.

"Chios, are you happy to have so many beautiful girls with you?"

"Of course I'm happy." The young man responded with a smile.

"Is that so..." Nobuna clenched her fists tightly and spit out two syllables coldly.

"In order to ensure that his subordinates do not mess around on the battlefield and lose their lives, His Highness Nobuna's arrangement... I am very happy for it."

"That's right, I'm going to use them to threaten you!" Nobuna raised her head suddenly, and grabbed Chios's black-type Weidoumaru's shoulders.

"If you dare to act in disregard of your life, they will fall into danger and even die for you... If you don't want all this to happen, then take them back to Qingzhou City intact, without a single hair ."

"His Highness Nobuna..." Chios asked Nobuna's slender body in his arms, softly in her ear.

"Do you remember this place?"

"What..." The girl, who had only been walking in a muffled voice before, looked around after hearing Chios' question.

At the foot is the lawn, green moss and stone-paved roads, and the shrubs and cypresses on both sides are full of greenery, blocking the guards' sight, making this place an independent and quiet place.

"This is...Ninomaru's garden?" Nobuna murmured.

"It's a place where His Royal Highness Nobuna and I make clear to each other..." Chios put more strength on Nobuna, and his tone was unprecedentedly serious:

"I will not die, because from that moment on, my life is closely tied to you."

"K...O...S..." Nobuna's eyes glistened with tears.

She raised her small face and kissed the young man's lips.

The lips met, and before Chios could taste it carefully, a tingling pain came from his lips...

"You're right, our lives are linked..." With the rusty taste of his lover's blood in his mouth, Nobuna took the initiative to let go of Chios.

"So, I will always...wait for you, until you come back to me safely..."


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Chapter 84? Infiltrating

Chios, who returned to Sannomaru, immediately faced the careful scrutiny of Katsuya, Nagahide, and Inuchiyo.

Looking across the young man's body, he didn't find any trace of a wound.

"What a surprise..."

He looked at Chios's left and right cheeks, and there was no redness or swelling... Changxiu's blue eyes flashed with surprise.

"Lord Chios, you are unscathed... [-]%..."

"Do you have to be happy if I get hurt, Manchiyo?"

"That's not what it means..." Changxiu solemnly shook his head in denial, and closed the folding fan with a snap.

"Just because I know Her Royal Highness, I can't believe it."

"...(nodding)" Inuchiyo echoed silently.

"..." Singer said nothing.

"It seems that you really understand His Highness Xinnai..." Chios, who reflexively wanted to touch the wound inside his lip, raised his hand halfway and realized something was wrong, so he naturally changed his destination and put it on his waist.

Seeing this, Singer was stunned; Inuchiyo tilted his head, stretched out his small hand and poked Chios' waist...

The young man frowned cooperatively, and the girl withdrew her hand.

Only Changxiu remained motionless from the beginning to the end, just glanced at Chios's lips, then looked away, her expression as usual.

(I knew I couldn't hide it from her...) Chios shook his head secretly.

Fortunately, Changxiu didn't show any intention to ask questions, instead he took the initiative to change the subject and said, "Master Chios, we already know the situation, how do you plan to fight against Saito Yoshiryu's army?"

"...the enemy has at least 1 troops, probably closer to [-]," Inuchiyo added.

"It really is that one..." Singer's eyes were full of war-thirsty light, and he clenched his fists with both hands, and said confidently:

"Rush into the enemy's formation and claim the enemy general!"


"What about zero..."

"...(shakes head)"

The other three replied at the same time.

"About the strategy of this battle, I will explain it on the way..." After getting on his horse, Chios pulled the reins and gave the order to the three generals:

"Take your subordinates and set off!"


Nagahide and Inuchiyo raised their weapons and responded energetically.

"You are the only ones who are smart anyway, hum..."

Sheng Jia made a fuss, but still obeyed the order and led the team to keep up.

The three Oda vassals, led by the Maguis, the Iron Cannon Squad, and the Ashigaru, joined the more than two hundred soldiers who were stationed in the castle town of Chios.

A total of [-] troops marched along the official road to the east of Inuyama Castle...

His purpose is not to support Saito Dosan with great fanfare, but to quietly approach the battlefield where Dosan and his son Saito Yoshiryu conflict.

Judging from the topographical map that Chuan Ningzhong came to Mino to explore, Dozo, who lacks the support of his retainers and nobles, will have far fewer troops than Saito Yoshiryu.In war, the side with fewer numbers will always try to choose favorable terrain so that its own side will not be surrounded by the enemy.

In the history that Chios knew, Dosan did not choose to defend the castle, but set up his main camp on the top of the hill near the Nagara River, and confronted Saito Yoshiryu of Inabayama Castle across the bank.

The mountains across the river from Inabayama Castle are only at the foot of the mountain in the north, the west is the rich plain leading to Kinki, and the southeast and southeast have nothing to do with the Nagara River.

However, Chios could not be sure of the exact location.

What he needs to do now is to go to the foothills north of Mino Inabayama Castle in a low-key manner, and the rest can only rely on the intelligence of Chuan Ningzhong...

With an army of nearly 2000 people, under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to deceive people.

Luckily, the rainy season is just around the corner now.

The moisture from the sea does not cause continuous drizzle, but is accompanied by a slightly thicker fog...

"Lord Chios, please go this way..." Goemon pointed to a forest path north of the official road as he approached the territory of Inuyama Castle, which belonged to the Oda family.

"Your Majesty has prepared a ferry on the edge of the river. From now on, you can approach the Kiso River to avoid Saito Yoshiryu's eyes and ears."

Inuyama Castle is located on the border between Mino and Owari, south of the Kiso River, just in front of the main road connecting the two countries.

Because of this, Inuyama castle town and neighboring villages often have turbulent waves from Mino.

With nearly [-] troops, if they continue to move eastward, it will definitely arouse their vigilance.

Chios clearly understood that against Mino Ichikuni, it would never be as easy as when facing that child Oda Nobukatsu.

Goemon's subordinates, Shimikawa, were the forces that were active in the Kiso River between Mino Owari in the past, and they were already familiar with the terrain and trails in this area.

For more than a month, the Sichuan and the public have been active in Meinong, and the preparations are even more thorough.

Passing through the forest and arriving at the Kiso River, the Oda Army crossed the river on a boat arranged in advance.

Along the way, thanks to Goemon leading the way, the [-] troops were able to bypass the more populated areas and march through the Mino country, but the marching speed was not much slower than taking the official road.

Even so, when Chios and his party arrived at the upper reaches of the Nagara River, it was almost dawn.

At the time of Yinzheng, the forest in the upper reaches of the Nagara River...

Among the dark mountains and forests, [-] Oda soldiers marched quietly along the river, and the soldiers were tied with straw ropes so as not to get lost in the darkness.

In the night before dawn, it was extremely quiet and dark, and what the naked eye could see was only three or five steps away.

Except for the silvery white moonlight reflected in the Nagara River, everything is covered in shadows...

The journey for six consecutive hours was not easy, and halfway through the mountain forest.

The Oda Army, who was full of morale when they set off, is now panting and tired, the clothes under the armor are wet with sweat, and the walking legs feel heavier and heavier.

Except for Chios and Shibata Katsuie who are particularly energetic, even the two generals Niwa Chohide and Maeda Inuchiyo are showing signs of fatigue.

They desperately need rest.

Fortunately, Oda Junye has already walked [-]% of the way, and the last part does not need to be strenuous...

"Everyone rest on the spot for three hours!" Chios waved his hand and issued an order:

"There are few people in this place, you can light a fire, sleep quickly after eating, and nourish your energy."

As soon as these words came out, the [-] troops under his command immediately raised their arms and cheered softly.

From the samurai down to the ashigaru, after finding a flat ground, they fetched water from the river and started cooking.

For a while, the aroma of rice and miso filled the mountains.

"Goemon, you have worked hard too, and you have led us all night."

"It's not hard..." Hachisuka Goemon returned with a shallow smile, her face was not flushed and she looked out of breath, she seemed really not tired.

"As a ninja, trekking through mountains and rivers is a basic skill, and I have been used to it since I was a child."

She traced her fingers along the upper reaches of the Nagara River to the southwest.

"Chuan Bingzhong have prepared their boats. As long as they go down the river, they can reach the poor north of Da Daoye Mountain within half an hour."

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