In comparison, the development speed of Brog civilization is very slow, and their civilization history is much longer than that of human beings.

It is hard to say which of the two forms of life and civilization is better.

Of course, at this time, Mimitar would not consider these things at all.

He was watching a video converted from a sudden alien signal with a group of high-ranking Blog officers.

On the screen, Sun Xianyun in military uniform and Lexington stood side by side on the magnificent bridge.

Behind him are the guards of Icarus, Nimf and Astrea.

『Friends of the Brogue civilization, hello. 』

Sun Xianyun spoke.

The voice is Chinese with correct pronunciation, but the subtitles below are intimately attached with the language of the Blogue civilization under the Chinese characters.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are a civilization located in another galaxy near your galaxy. As neighbors, we have been with each other for thousands of years. 』

"Not long ago, the scientific research ship we sent to your galaxy discovered a probe that you used to try to contact other civilizations, and obtained precious information about your civilization from it..."

"It's number 1 for making friends!!!"

In the meeting room, a senior military officer exclaimed.

All the brogue mushrooms remembered one thing, about a year ago or so, they briefly lost the signal of the Make Friends 1 probe.

"After learning that your philosophy is good-neighborliness and friendship, harmonious coexistence with other alien civilizations, and common development, we are very pleased and appreciate this, because we have a common philosophy. 』

"After that, I have been preparing to establish a formal friendly exchange with you..."

On the screen, Sun Xianyun opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

The rabbit is preparing, but all the preparations are battleships...

"However, just as we were preparing to send official diplomatic envoys to your side, we accidentally discovered a wormhole on the edge of your galaxy, and an enemy appeared from within the wormhole. 』

"We firmly believe that the ownership of the galaxy where you are located belongs to you, and the Brog civilization has the right to enjoy an independent and safe development environment. 』

"In order to safeguard your natural rights and to ensure our safety, we have dispatched a fleet to support your just war. 』

"Now, our side has blown up the wormhole, completely cutting off the possibility of the invading enemy's follow-up reinforcement fleet arriving, and will invade your side within one-third of your home star 210's orbit around the star. The enemy launched an attack...』

When he said this, Sun Xianyun frowned slightly.

This kind of behavior of sending troops to the opponent's homeland under the pretext of "I will defend your natural human rights to the death" is somewhat shameful for the rabbit.

Although both the center and Sun Xianyun thought so, but this kind of behavior has been completely stigmatized by a bad eagle in the past few decades.

This made Sun Xianyun feel bored.

Sun Xianyun is tired of the taste, but the Bolog mushrooms headed by Mimitar are not tired of it.

They didn't have a bad-hearted eagle here, and Sun Xianyun's behavior of "Ah! My friend is in danger! Let's help!" almost didn't move the mushrooms in the conference room to tears.

——By the way, brogue mushrooms can cry, but they cry by spraying mucus from the small hole in the center of the mushroom cap on the top of their body...

For a while, there were strange popping sounds in the conference room.

"Friends! General! We've made friends!"

"This is a day that the Blogue civilization will surely go down in history!"

"Humans! Is that what they call themselves? Their bodies look so beautiful..."

In fact, the human form is rather odd for a brogue mushroom aesthetic.

And because of the body surface characteristics such as hair and eyebrows, Brog mushrooms feel a little ashamed-a very strange way of thinking, mushrooms think that having fluff on the body surface is a very shameful thing.

However, this does not affect the mushrooms in the conference room agreeing with what the mushroom just said.

Yes!That's right!

Although Blog used to think it was shameful to have body hair, but not today!

long hair?Long hair roar!

The enthusiastic attitude of the extremely pro-foreign civilizations in the face of alien civilizations has begun to take shape.

Chapter 243 The Great Effect of Little Nimf

"Master, the enemy fleet has stopped invading Brog's home planet. They have closed their own fleet and are hiding behind the gas giant planet A3."

It was Nimf who spoke.

After blowing up the wormhole, Sun Xianyun recorded an announcement video and asked Nimfu to send it to the Brog mushroom man, and then led the fleet to start flying towards the interstellar pirates.

Along the way, all the probes and reconnaissance planes in the Lexington gantry were released. These small things also have an electromagnetic barrier system. As long as they are not directly seen by people with optical equipment or even with the naked eye, theoretically there is no possibility of being blocked. possibility of discovery.

That's exactly what happened.

This fleet that invaded from the Andromeda Nebula seems to have no anti-stealth technology at all, or they have it, but they can't break through their own invisibility barrier.

This conclusion gave Sun Xianyun and others, and even the command center in the star base a big reassurance.

As a universal angel for electronic warfare, Nimf has already taken over all the reconnaissance units in one go. Although it is impossible to know all the troubles of the entire Proxima Galaxy, it is not a problem to know the whereabouts of such a huge fleet.

Standing on the command platform on the top floor of the bridge, Sun Xianyun looked down at the holographic battlefield situation map below.

Planet A3 is the third planet in Proxima Centauri and a gas giant.

Its mass is between Jupiter and Saturn in the solar system, without rings.

At this time, less than a hundred shabby starships of the invading interstellar pirates were gathering on the side of the gas giant planet, opposite to Sun Xianyun's side on the back of the planet.

"It seems they have sensed that the wormhole has been blown up."

Sun Xianyun gently tapped the alloy railing in front of him with his fingers.

Lexington stood beside him, raised his right hand lightly, swiped his plain index finger in the void, and two attack routes appeared on the star map, one left and one right.

"The first to seventh brigades are dispatched along the first route, and the eighth to No.14 brigades are dispatched along the second route for a tentative attack."

The garages on both sides of the hull opened, and the catapults ejected countless carrier-based aircraft into the vacuum like popping beans.

The straight-line distance between the two fleets is only 100 million kilometers at this time, and the gas giant planet A3 is almost separated.

With the high speed of the carrier-based aircraft in a vacuum, it only takes less than four hours to bypass the planet and enter the attack range.

Four hours passed in a flash, and the carrier-based planes, which were divided into two groups, circled the two sides of planet A3 and came to the back of it, and immediately carried out the first wave of tentative attacks.

Countless cold nuclear fusion missiles were launched. Under the unified command of Nimfu, these advanced missiles equipped with miniature plasma propulsion, which abandoned traditional rocket engines and were built with great effort by the country, were like meteorite rain Generally flew towards the enemy ship.

"Master! The enemy has detected our attack, and they are trying to use electronic interference to destroy the electronic equipment of the missile!"

"Can it be countered?"

"Let me try……"

Nimf's pointed mechanical ears began to emit a low electric sizzle, and his face looked a little painful.

As a universal angel for electronic warfare, electronic confrontation with the enemy is to a certain extent the same as Astrea holding a sword and fighting people at close range. If the enemy is strong enough, it will cause certain damage to your body. .

At this time, the battlefield situation map showed that in less than 3 minutes, more than [-] of the first batch of [-] fusion missiles had been detonated in advance.

In the pitch-black vacuum, countless small sun-like flashes burst out for a moment.

Sun Xianyun took a deep breath, and his black pupils were stained with purple awn again.

Nimfu, who had a bit of pain on her face, gradually relaxed, and her blue eyes looked at the back of Sun Xianyun in front of her with surprise.

【Psychic Amplification】

"Master...can you even do this kind of thing?"

If we say that the previous battle with the interstellar pirates for the commanding heights of electronic warfare was like being stuck in the sea of ​​Wang Yang alone and facing the stormy waves, then after Sun Xianyun began to provide help, Nimfu felt that she was driving A sturdy warship, breaking through the waves in the inland river where the wind and waves are not too big.

This feeling as if the whole person was protected and led by the Master from the inside out, made Nimfu's fair and smooth cheeks gradually stained with a blush.

With the support provided by Sun Xianyun, Nimfu's combat power suddenly skyrocketed, and after dozens of missiles were detonated in advance by the enemy, Nimfu finally successfully resisted the opponent's electronic interference.

Not only that, the little girl even got angry and started having fun in the internal communication system of the enemy ship.

Curling the corners of her mouth, Nimfu hopped up to Sun Xianyun mischievously, and said with a smile: "Master, I'll show you something good!"

Then, she snapped her fingers lightly.

Suddenly, there was an extremely uncomfortable noise on the fleet communication broadcast.

All kinds of screams and roars are mixed together, but what makes people more concerned is that it is mixed in, and people can't ignore it no matter what——

"I can't fly"


"It turns out I'm one"

"Drunken Butterfly"


"I completely cut off their internal communication with each other, and then played "Drunk Butterfly" on loop in each enemy ship...hehe"

"well done."

Sun Xianyun and Lexington rubbed Nimfu's head at the same time, making the translucent fairy wings on the back of the little angel girl with blue hair and double ponytails flap happily.

Sharing the senses with Lexington, through the reconnaissance plane and probes, Sun Xianyun clearly saw that after Nimfu successfully cut off the enemy's internal communication and began to play the square dance divine song, those guys fell into great chaos.

Their formation began to become disorganized, and some small starships even showed signs of breaking away from the formation.


Suddenly, Sun Xianyun saw that some enemy ships with relatively weird shapes had numerous turret-like equipment raised on the surface armor. Afterwards, these turrets began to open fire at the deep space, catching the missiles that were approaching rapidly.

"Supposed to be some kind of point defense system. Synaps has encountered aliens before, so I've seen something like that."

Nimf said calmly.

"This is used to deal with missile weapons, similar to the anti-missile anti-aircraft guns of humans on Earth. It's just more powerful, faster firing rate, and more responsive... But it doesn't matter!"

I don't know how the little girl did it. Missile Rain, who had taken over the flight system by her, actually started to dance with swords in front of the enemy's dense point defense system.

These missiles seemed to come alive, like an extremely sensitive little snake, successfully bypassing the interstellar pirate fleet's air defense network.

Although there were still a few sporadic missiles that fell short and were detonated, most of the missiles finally broke through the defense under Nimf's careful control.

The next moment, dozens of bright suns rose in the enemy fleet.

Chapter 244 Even if it's Star Wars, my wife is also an aviation mother

Whether it is Sun Xianyun and others, or inside the command center in the solar system starport, everyone is paying close attention to the results of this first round of tentative attacks.

When the flash gradually faded, what appeared in front of everyone was a fleet group that was more chaotic than before.

"...The seven smallest starships were successfully destroyed, but are the rest all right?"

"These guys really have shields."

Sun Xianyun narrowed his eyes.

The stronger the shield, the greater the output power, and the higher the corresponding energy consumption. It is doomed that unless there is a technological breakthrough, the shield must follow the law that the larger the starship, the stronger the shield.

Conversely, the shields of those small ships will naturally not be very reliable, as for ordinary carrier-based aircraft?

Maybe other interstellar civilizations have the ability to put shields on their carrier aircraft-like the Reapers in "Independence Day".

But Lexington's carrier-based aircraft can't do this yet.

"But at least it proves that our weapons can break through the shield on the opposite side and cause damage to the enemy."

Sun Xianyun raised his jaw slightly.

At the same time, the pirates who survived the first round of attacks began to fight back.

Their fleet quickly dispersed. Although Nimf still maintained the ability to cut off their internal communication, the opposite side had obviously encountered similar situations in the past.

Even if there is no way to achieve unified command, these guys have made effective countermeasures.

A dispersed fleet group can effectively avoid being taken over by others. At the same time, after being dispersed, these starships fighting independently can also achieve a certain degree of cooperation based on rich experience.

"But... it won't let you do what you want!"

Nimf smiled slyly.

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