In the past, when he was in Synaps, Nimfu, who was considered "an electronic warfare model that was not necessary to be built" more than once by his previous owner and even the members of Synaps's parliament, followed Sun Xianyun, After stepping on the interstellar battlefield, he finally showed his own demeanor.

Human beings have realized the importance of electronic warfare since they entered modern times. During the Sea Bowl War in the last century, Eagle Sauce relied on the first round of electronic warfare to destroy Ilak's command system and air defense system, and then won easily, giving all countries in the world Take a good lesson and tell them what modern warfare is.

Not to mention the higher-level interstellar battlefield?

Hacking and anti-hacking, jamming and anti-jamming.

Not only the internal communication system of the fleet, but with the help of Sun Xianyun, Nimfu even began to disrupt the opponent's fleet command system, avionics system, and even all systems containing electronic equipment.

As a starship, no matter how shabby it is, it is absolutely impossible to have a purely mechanical structure, and its internal complex electronic equipment is vulnerable compared to the outer armor shield.

So everyone saw that not only did the scattered starships fail to evade effectively, but even several unlucky ones directly collided with each other.


Nimf shook her head.

"The degree of automation of their starships does not seem to be high. Most of the functions still need to be controlled by humans, especially the weapon system. Otherwise, I can let them shoot each other by themselves."

"At present, I can only close their shields and interfere with their normal flight."

"It's already very, very, very good, Nimfu, you are amazing."

Lexington pinched Nymph's cheek, causing the little girl to groan shyly.

The joy in the eyes was almost overflowing - until now, this little girl was really convinced of one thing.

She is useful, and very useful.

She is not trash.

"Nimf is amazing! 』

Belfast's admiration blared over the fleet radio.

"It feels like we don't even need to appear on stage. 』

Before the war, both Belfast and others were more or less vigilant. As the country's first Star Wars, even if they faced a group of extremely shabby-looking interstellar pirates, whether they could win in this No one could guarantee it before.

But now, looking at the group of enemies who were in a mess under Nimf's electronic interference and couldn't even open their shields, everyone immediately became relaxed and freehand.

Lexington lifted his long hair and began to direct his carrier-based aircraft to launch a free attack.

Without the shield and only relying on armor protection, the fleet on the opposite side obviously couldn't withstand the power of the cold fusion bomb.

Even these guys don't have much useful armor, otherwise they wouldn't be able to use natural meteorites as part of the hull structure.

Sun Xianyun saw that even the laser cannons of some small planes could burn a big hole in the armor of the enemy ship.

From the beginning to the end, this invading fleet can only see various carrier-based aircraft rushing over densely. It is completely unclear where the enemy's fleet is, and I cannot contact other friendly forces on my side, or even the warship I am on. There were various malfunctions (in fact, it was Nimf who was interfering crazily).

Under the blessing of various factors, the battle lasted only a few hours before it was declared over.

"...It seems that I was really scaring myself before."

Sun Xianyun shook his head dumbfounded.

What he was referring to was the scene he saw after Lexington sent a reconnaissance plane through the wormhole before blowing it up.

The overwhelming fleets are shooting at each other, and the grand Star Wars scene made Sun Xianyun, who was really seeing such a scene for the first time, be bluffed

Because he was worried that such a huge fleet would pass through the wormhole, he chose to blow up the wormhole without even having time to observe for a while.

Now imagine, the opposite seems to be just a little more?

In terms of quality, I am still stronger here.

Now think about it, if the opponent is really strong, it is impossible for them all to go to the sky, and they are still fighting like battleships in the age of great navigation.

"So, are they the only ones like this, or are most interstellar civilizations in this universe actually at this level?"

Suddenly, a very subtle conjecture came into Sun Xianyun's mind.

The universe is so vast, and the stars are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River. With such a huge base, it is not surprising that life and even intelligent life are born in the universe, and these life have developed to the stage of interstellar navigation and began to colonize.

However, humans have never discovered them in the past—where are these aliens?

After the famous Fermi paradox was put forward, people have had countless explanations for it.

One of these explanations may seem like a fantasy, but it is not impossible to think about it.

——Human civilization is not a late-developing civilization, not to mention looking at the entire universe, perhaps in the Milky Way and surrounding galaxies, human civilization belongs to the first batch of intelligent civilizations born.

This can explain why human beings can't find aliens, because human civilization itself is the first batch to be born.

Even if there are countless civilizations in the universe, among these civilizations, there must be one who wins the crown of "the first intelligent civilization".

That being the case, why can't this laurels fall on the heads of humans?

Although Sun Xianyun will not really think that human beings are the first batch of intelligent civilizations, he always feels that he seems to have grasped some key points in 4.6.

The super intuition brought by psychic energy made Sun Xianyun vaguely realize that although his idea may not be accurate, it is already very close to the truth to some extent.

Shaking his head and throwing these irrelevant thoughts out of his mind, Sun Xianyun said:

"Leave a battleship on the opposite side, and then let's board the ship, and at least we have to catch a job.... Heh, I never thought before the battle, that it really doesn't need to fire a single shot, and the carrier-based aircraft alone can kill the enemy." Can win, is this the so-called ants killing elephants?"

This battle brought great experience to Sun Xianyun and even the whole rabbit.

At least one thing people know, unless the enemy's shield is too thick and our electronic interference can't gain an advantage, so we can only use the main gun to forcefully blast the opposing defense, otherwise it is true to use a large number of carrier-based aircraft to launch a swarm attack very useful.

Even in the interstellar war, my wife can still play an active role as a flight mother.

Chapter 245: This looks really whatever you want

Even if there is no advanced observation method like a rabbit, Brog mushroom is not unable to observe the battlefield.

After being notified by Sun Xianyun and confirming that the invading enemy retreated, Mimitar immediately ordered the good news to be announced to all Brog Mushrooms.

Friends from other galaxies are fighting against the invading enemies for us!

It's hard to say how crazy this news has driven the Brog Mushrooms.

If Sun Xianyun hadn't brought the fleet to support, perhaps even if Brog Mushroom had a difficult victory in this invasion, it would end up being attacked by aliens, and the whole family would change from being extremely pro-foreign to extremely xenophobic.

This kind of thing is not impossible.

But now, with Sun Xianyun bringing the fleet over to help the Brog civilization, these mushrooms have in turn strengthened their consistent pro-foreign thinking.


Blogue civilization needs friends!

Especially a friend as noble as a human being!

Under the order of Mimitar, Brog Mushroom, who lost all satellites in orbit and deep space exploration equipment, used the equipment on the ground to observe the battlefield near the gas giant planet A3.

Naturally, they can't see Sun Xianyun's fleet on the back of planet A11, and even the invasion fleet near the gas giant planet A3 can't see it because of the interference of the parent star's atmosphere. Long starships are no bigger than a single pixel in photos.

But they were able to see the flashes of cold nuclear fusion bombs exploding in the enemy fleet!

At the same time, their ground monitoring equipment can detect the huge nuclear radiation contained in those flashes!

"Human friends also have nuclear weapons!"

"Our friends are helping us fight our enemies!"

In the highest conference room, Mimitar danced his mycelium and said excitedly.

"Sadly, we can't help our friends who are struggling." A certain mushroom looked a little downcast.

Hours later, Brog Mushroom never saw a single flash.

They knew that the battle might be over.

But neither the invading enemies nor their friends heard any more news.

This made Mimitar and all Blog executives below fearful.

……Dividing line……

It's a relatively well-preserved starship.

Compared with other starships that have been blown to pieces, this starship at least keeps its main structure intact.

It's just that its power part has been destroyed, and various external turrets have also been precisely eliminated by Lexington's control of the carrier-based aircraft.

Among the huge number of enemy ships, this surviving starship was carefully selected. First of all, it is the largest in size, and it can be recognized as the flagship at a glance. Neither is equipped with a missile launch matrix like its other companion ships, nor does it have a hangar to store and eject fighters.

There is nothing more suitable to be left to catch alive than it is.

When Sun Xianyun arrived at the battlefield with the fleet, Icarus hugged Sun Xianyun, Astrea hugged Lexington, and together with Nimfu and Belfast, they left the starship, crossed the starry sky, and came to The exterior of the flagship, which has lost power.

Although there is no way to fly without wings, the omnipotent angels do not fly by flapping their wings to provide power. They can fly by relying on some kind of flight module similar to an anti-gravity engine built into the wings.

If you think about it, in the shape of a human, even with a pair of wings and a vigorous fan, it is impossible to fly.

——But Sun Xianyun couldn't understand why Icarus and the others couldn't fly when their wings got wet. It stands to reason that since they fly by controlling anti-gravity, there is no reason for this phenomenon to happen.

After much deliberation, it can only be attributed to the unreliable explanation of "cute point".

"Let me come let me come!"

Astrea's voice sounded in everyone's minds. This is a spiritual communication network that was hooked up among the people by Sun Xianyun's psychic power.

After all, sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

Pulling out the high-vibration particle lightsaber, Astrea licked her lips, and slashed at the starship armor.

Just like cutting tofu, a huge hole was cut into the originally solid armor.

In an instant, the pressure inside the starship leaked, and a large number of debris flew out.

After cutting the outer armor, everyone entered the interior of the starship.

This is an alloy corridor, and Nimf, who has already figured out the internal situation of the starship through electronic intrusion, begins to lead the way.

"It's so strange. No matter how you look at it, this kind of warship can be used to perform ultra-long interstellar voyages, but it doesn't have a function like a gravitational generator, or even the original function of using rotation to generate centrifugal force to simulate gravity. In other words, everyone in this battleship has to float."

Nimf muttered while leading the way.

"There is an isolation gate in front. I will open the gate and then we can enter an isolation compartment. The space behind the isolation compartment maintains the normal air pressure inside the ship."

With that said, Nimf opened the gate, and everyone entered the isolation cabin.

After the gate behind him was closed, Sun Xianyun obviously felt the air pressure around him start to rise, indicating that the system for maintaining the internal pressure was still working normally.

However, the pressure has not risen to a level that humans can adapt to.

Obviously, the air pressure in the living environment of these enemies is much lower than that of the earth.

After that, another gate in front opened, and everyone continued to move forward.

"The environment here is terrible."

Belfast frowned slightly.

The corridors are narrow and cramped, the environment is messy, and various traces that look like stains are everywhere.

"Obviously this wasn't caused by the battle, it's the original environment. As a starship, it's too indecent to have such a bad internal environment."

The meticulous maid usually sees any unclean place at home, and she can't help but do a big cleaning immediately. It is too difficult for her to adapt to such a messy environment.

After passing through several gates, Sun Xianyun and others finally saw the so-called enemy.

"So that's it. I said that these guys' warships don't simulate how gravity can adapt to high-intensity battles. Is it because of this method?"

Nimff looked at the tin can in front of her and shook her head.

"Put the body in protective clothing similar to alloy cans, and then generate magnetic force in the starship, relying on the magnetic force to attract the iron cans to the so-called 'ground', and these iron cans can slide freely on the ground alloy... This method is too primitive, but it is also a trick.”

There was a touch of disdain in the little girl's eyes.

Floating forward, Nimfu asked Astrea to knock open the tin can.

An extremely unpleasant smell suddenly came out.

Sun Xianyun suppressed the discomfort and looked at the alien.

"...Tsk, this looks too arbitrary, right? Is it because the whole body is packed in a can and no one can see it, so it grows casually?"

Chapter 246 There are many mysteries, what happened to the Andromeda Nebula?

As the can was knocked open, the alien inside floated out.

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