"This is a historic moment!This is a milestone of human civilization!This is our first official contact with an alien civilization! 』

The crowded Beijing International Airport, with banners flying and gongs and drums blaring, is waiting for Sun Xianyun and others and Mimitar and the others to arrive.

Chapter 254: The Mushrooms' Travel Notes of the Rabbit House (2)

After leaving Starport, Mimitar and other mushrooms were still shocked by Bubbles.

They never thought that there would be such a huge life in the starry sky.

What made them even more incredible was that their friends were able to tame such a star life and make them pets.

In comparison, raising these mushrooms to keep various birds as pets is simply weak.

Such a shock, they didn't come back to their senses until Sun Xianyun reminded them when they were about to arrive on Earth.

Then, one by one began to put on protective clothing.

Although the ecological environment of the earth has been tested under the simulation of the Lexington, it is found to be suitable for the survival of the mushrooms. Free activities, but one thing still needs attention.

That is the ubiquitous bacteria and viruses that are ubiquitous on the earth, and that have never been born on the Brog's home planet.

At the same time, these protections are still needed to ensure that the mushrooms do not bring over unknown viruses from other planets.

Sun Xianyun and other non-human beings can ignore these things, but ordinary people cannot.

Seeing Mimitar and other mushrooms in protective clothing, Sun Xianyun was immediately happy.

These protective suits look so interesting, maybe the civilization of the mushrooms has no concept of clothes, and their protective suits don't seem to match the clothes at all.

These so-called protective suits are all made of a special disc with wheels at the bottom that can move freely in 360 degrees, and a huge transparent cover on the top, covering the entire body of the brogue mushroom.

At the same time, a lot of mechanical arms are extended from the disc at the bottom, which are used to replace the original mycelium of the mushroom to perform various activities.

Wearing protective clothing, the mushrooms looked a little frustrated.

Obviously, they are happy to physically contact their friends' homes, but the necessary protective work must be done before ensuring that the two parties can safely contact each other.

It was only after repeated explanations from Sun Xianyun and Lexington that the mushrooms realized that not all human beings are as superhuman as these few friends around them.

The bodies of ordinary human friends are not much stronger than mushrooms.

Finally, the transport ship arrived at the airport.

After the spaceship successfully landed, the hatch opened, and Sun Xianyun and Mimitar appeared at the hatch at the same time.

In an instant, all the reporters pointed their cameras over and frantically took pictures.

"Is that an alien?"

"This...mushroom...what a terrible shape..."

"Without eyes, how do they perceive their surroundings?"

"No matter how you look at it, they are all mushrooms. What do you think will happen if you eat mushrooms in front of them?"

"Your thoughts are dangerous!"

The reporters at the back of the crowd were discussing in private. In front, Mr. Yang had already led people to greet him.

Mimitar and Sun Xianyun walked down the gangway together, and Mr. Yang smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome friends from Planet Brog to visit the Rabbit House. I am Yang XX, the highest consul of the Rabbit House."

Mimitar, who has learned human etiquette in advance, controls a robotic arm to shake hands with Mr. Yang, and at the same time said through a real-time translator:

"Hello, friend. My name is Mimitar. Thank you, friends, for your selfless help in our most dangerous moment. You are Blog's best friend!"

After a short exchange, Sun Xianyun looked at the old man who was looking at him, and immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Report to Comrade Consul, Sun Xianyun successfully completed the task and returned! Please give instructions!"

"You have done a great job and the country and people will always remember your contribution."

"And we, friends, Blogue will always remember the contribution of friends."

Mimitar said beside him.

The human officers who came down with the spaceship were the staff in the star port plus Zhang Lili and others. The three Icarus and Belfast and others had returned to the space base in advance because they did not show up for the time being.

At this moment, almost everyone who could watch the news was in front of the TV, watching the picture of Mr. Yang welcoming Sun Xianyun who had returned from the expedition and the alien leader from Blog.

The Internet is full of discussions about aliens.

In less than a few minutes, keywords such as blogger, aliens, and even mushrooms immediately became hot searches.

Wang Xueyan, who was watching the news at home, covered her mouth and stared at Sun Xianyun on the TV screen: "I'm back, my son is back safely, he's black... and also thin..."

Are you skinny?

Sun Chengbo sitting next to him was a little confused

Why does it look like this kid has no signs of this at all?

After running four or five light-years away from a different planet and coming back from a fight with people, he actually looked even more handsome...

Wang Xingyu, who had already returned to school, was in the dormitory, watching the news in front of the computer with his little sisters, dancing with excitement.

"Okay, okay, Xingyu, don't get excited, I didn't know that I thought our general brother was your own brother."

Wang Xingyu sneered and gave the little sister a white look.

She didn't tell others that the very popular general brother on the Internet is her own brother.

It was already night in Britain, and Virlia, who had not yet fallen asleep, lay lazily on the bench, staring at Sun Xianyun on the TV screen on the wall in front of her, elegantly eating the pastries brought by the maid.

Under her secret promotion, the young oriental man on the screen is also very popular in Britain.

The maid Lydia stood behind Villia, looked away from the screen, landed on Her Royal Highness, and then shook her head.

His Highness always said that she knew exactly what she wanted, and she also had the mentality of taking advantage of that young general, but Lydia's intuition as a woman was warning her. His Highness probably didn't know at all, some of her Behavior is beyond the scope of "exploitation" 1.3.

Thinking of what Virlia once said, she will become the Victoria of the new era, and she will also follow the example of Queen Elizabeth and never marry for life, marrying Britain instead of a specific person.

However, did she choose to marry Britannia for her own ambition and not for any other reason?

Lydia sighed secretly.

With the attention of all parties, Mr. Yang left the airport with the high-level mushrooms from Blogger and boarded the concierge car.

The specially modified concierge car removed part of the rear seats to provide space for the mushrooms, but also reserved some chairs for the accompanying rabbits.

Every high-level mushroom is accompanied by the level and corresponding high-level. After everyone got on the courtesy car, the motorcade began to head for the auditorium.

Along the way, the brogue mushrooms finally saw the human city.

Chapter 255: Invitations from Other Countries

The bustling capital city has opened the eyes of Blogue Mushrooms.

Towering skyscrapers, floating vehicles shuttle back and forth, signal lights and various billboards floating in mid-air without any support.

It's hard to say what kind of shock these Jingxiang brought to the mushrooms.

Their technological strength is not weak, at least as far as the combat effectiveness of the army is concerned, it is comparable to the eagle sauce in the human world.

But to be honest, the achievements of mushrooms in economic and cultural aspects are quite limited, even if they were once shocked by alien signals from outer space.

Mushroom cities are also quite different from human beings, perhaps because they are fungal life forms. Mushrooms, like their relatives on the earth, like dark and humid environments. No matter how prosperous the city is, it is like a primeval forest. Compared with all kinds of man-made objects, natural vegetation is the real big head.

A group of mushrooms headed by Mimitar are dazzled by the steel forest of humans—even though they have no eyes at all.

Along the way, the casual senior officials dragged the accompanying rabbits on the 14th floor and kept asking all kinds of questions. They seemed to be curious about everything they saw. Even a floating screen would be haunted by these mushrooms from afar. for a long time.

Finally, the convoy arrived at the auditorium.

Here, Mr. Yang held a grand welcome ceremony for the Blogue Mushrooms in accordance with the specifications of the Rabbit family for receiving the supreme leaders of other countries.

The welcome ceremony was full of sincerity. Although Mimitar and the others didn't know much about human culture, they could feel the rabbit's respect expressed in the ceremony.

This country did not treat them with condescending arrogance by relying on their strength far surpassing Brog, but placed them on an equal footing.

This made Mimitar very satisfied, and at the same time he became more and more determined to be the rabbit's friend.

That's right, rabbits, not humans.

Mushrooms like Mimitar already know that human beings are different from them, and they have not yet unified the whole family into one country.

When he first learned about this, Mimitar was puzzled, why didn't humans unite?

"There are very complex historical factors to this question."

Facing Mimitar's question, Mr. Yang answered very patiently.

After popularizing some human history, the old man said:

"We agree that peace and development are the main theme of today's world..."

Mimitar twisted the mushroom body, and said in a low voice: "Understood, it seems that if we divide into two factions and throw nuclear bombs at each other, we will only end up exterminating the Brog family. Friends, you are correct. "

In the following reception, the banquet that was indispensable for every welcome ceremony in the past was omitted.

There is no way, this is for the benefit of both parties.

It doesn't matter if the mushrooms of the Blog civilization are not the same carbon-based life forms as humans, but silicon-based or other forms of life forms with completely different shapes. It is impossible for the source of disease to infect each other.

No matter how powerful the biological virus is, even if it mutates into a flower, it can't do anything to the bumblebee, right?

But the problem is that both sides are carbon-based. According to preliminary research, the bacteria and viruses on Planet Brog and the basic structure of the earth are consistent.

Both sides are likely to infect each other.

Until this problem can be resolved, all contacts must be made with caution.

Although the mushrooms could not experience the dimensionality reduction blow of rabbit cuisine and let them feel the charm of the eight major cuisines, the center still made a tour plan so that the mushrooms could deeply appreciate the charm of human civilization.

The old man almost turned down all his work and accompanied General Mimitar the whole time.The other mushrooms were accompanied by officials at all levels, and they visited the major scenic spots in the capital together.

Every day, the reception work will be updated synchronously on the news, and the photos left by the mushrooms in major scenic spots will be spread all over the Internet as soon as possible.

There was a carnival on the Internet. In a short period of time, various suspicious organizations such as "Blog Mushroom Club", "Mushroom Culture Research Society", and "Time and Space Administration" bloomed everywhere on major social media platforms. Even some treasures and some Xixi have already appeared various brogue mushroom dolls...

And as the tour continued, a problem arose.

Except for rabbits, almost all countries with some strength have sent invitations to visit Brog Mushroom.

"Rabbits shouldn't monopolize opportunities to communicate with alien civilizations!"

"This is a grand event for all mankind!"

“Cultural exchanges cannot have borders!”

"Daddy loves me again!"

Excluding the remarks of the last son who ran away from home for many years and was suspected of preparing to backstab his current father, Lord Yingjiabao, and re-recognize his ancestors, most of the remarks were normal.

Mr. Yang was noncommittal.

If you send invitations, you can send invitations. If the mushrooms are willing to take a look, I will not stop them.

Anyway, no matter what agreement you signed with the mushrooms in the end, as long as the two sides want to have exchanges or trade, the rabbits cannot be avoided.

Who made it hard for these guys to go to the sky?

The old man even 347 wished that all these countries would engage in economic and trade exchanges with the mushrooms. The emergence of a huge market would, firstly, greatly alleviate all kinds of messy conflicts among humans today. place an order.

Now that they are planning to sell civilian spaceships to mushrooms, there is no need to hide them from being sold to other countries that are also human beings, which is just stingy—not to mention, the rabbits who have decided to open up various civilian space fields are also very clear. As soon as the hole is opened, while powerful domestic non-governmental groups get various spaceships, it will inevitably cause these things to flow abroad.

But even if they disassembled and studied it as soon as they bought it-this is almost inevitable-but they won't be able to research much useful things if they are guaranteed to be given 50 years.

Rabbit has a full set of technical information, and it took a long time to achieve it with the help of Bumblebee, the Cybertron elite. Other countries are doomed to be blinded by just getting a real thing.

The gap in technology generation is too great, and it cannot be researched reversely just by giving it.

Besides, when they have researched the results, the big boy of the rabbit may not know how much Zenith star technology will be brought back from the mission...

No matter what, the rabbits are all numb.

Chapter 256 Accompanying Mushrooms Can Have the Smell of Hugging Yourself?

Naturally, Sun Xianyun didn't need to worry about receiving the mushrooms.

In other words, there was originally a position for Sun Xianyun in the reception team, but after handing over the mission led by Mimitar to the center, Sun Xianyun... slipped away.

He is not interested in accompanying a group of mushrooms to press the road everywhere. Compared to this, wouldn't it be better to go home with a fragrant and soft Buffa?Wouldn't it be nice to hold Icarus, who will actively give benefits in various ways?

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