Isn't it good to hold yourself (wife) (shock)! ?

Buffa, soft!Icarus, Shannon!

His own, soft and fragrant!

If it’s really not possible, going to Xinggang to tease bubbles is also a great pleasure in life, isn’t it?

In Sun Xianyun's eyes, Bubbles are much cuter than mushrooms.

The little guy can also perform the horoscope dance in space according to Sun Xianyun's instructions!

"Your life, not to mention licentiousness, at least it can be said to be Xia Jie and Shang Zhou."

Holding a pile of documents in her hands, Zhang Lili's eyes were like knives.

Lexington raised his eyelids, propped himself up from Sun Xianyun's arms with lotus root-like arms, then raised his temple hair, stroked his shells, and glanced at Zhang Lili coquettishly.

"Xia Jie and Shang Zhou were feudal monarchs who exploited the poor and working people. We don't like this."

Her voice is soft and melodious, with a bit of laziness, mixed with the warmth of a woman after Cheng En.

Zhang Lili's legs didn't soften for a while.

"Tsk! If you don't know the basics, no ghost will believe that you are the same person..."

The wife in front of her is a beautiful woman who can't help but feel a little itchy when she sees her as a woman.

She glanced again at Belfast standing behind the two bodies almost glued together in the sofa.

The maid's eyes kept falling on Sun Xianyun and Lexington, and she unconsciously smiled as her aunt.

In other words, is there something wrong with your mentality, Befa! ?

Don't be deceived by appearances!

The scene in front of you is challenging the lower limit of human ethics!

Belfast: What can I do?I can't beat both of them physically—in every sense of the word.

Since you can't beat it, you have to join in.

The maid was very open, and thought that she had made a lot of money.

"All in all, with regard to the garrison fleet dispatched to the neighboring galaxy, the garrison of envoys and officials after signing a formal bilateral agreement with the Brog civilization, and the interstellar cruises that our space force needs to undertake after the opening of civilian space activities..."

Reining in her mind, Zhang Lili lowered her eyes and focused on the report in her hand.

"Also, in the exploration plan for the surrounding galaxies, the galaxies initially confirmed are Tianhe III, Tianhe II and Beichen."

"In addition, the space center applied for ground drilling exploration activities on Enceladus. They seriously suspect that there is primitive life under the surface ice cap of Enceladus..."

Holding Lexington's waist with one hand, enjoying the refreshing gardenia fragrance from the other half of his body, Sun Xianyun patiently listened to Zhang Lili's report.

He is not surprised by the exploration activities of Enceladus.

If you want to say where life is most likely to appear in the solar system other than the earth, it is undoubtedly Enceladus, the second satellite of Saturn.

Although the distance from the star of the sun causes its surface temperature to be extremely low, this satellite has been proven to have a huge ocean covering the entire surface!

The surface of the ocean is completely frozen, but under the ice cap, because the star core is still in the active period and continuously releases energy, the lower ocean is liquid water.

In the last century, some scientists speculated that [-]% of Enceladus’s ice caps may have volcanoes that are exactly the same as those on the bottom of the earth. After all, even the simple astronomical observation equipment of human beings has discovered that the ocean under Enceladus’s ice caps is under the seabed volcanoes. Under the influence, it directly broke through the ice cap, forming a spectacle of a huge fountain on the surface of the planet.

There are liquid oceans and submarine volcanic activities like the earth, so it is not surprising to find original self-replicating complex molecular structures and even single-celled organisms near the craters?

"They hope that the Space Force will send a starship to shoot at the ice cap of Enceladus and make a gap."

"you sure?"

Sun Xianyun was a little surprised.

"If it's an asteroid, it doesn't matter. It's fine to blow it up to ashes, but Enceladus... seems to be smaller than the moon, right? What are they going to use? A fusion bomb?"

"Yes." Zhang Lili nodded, "The Aerospace Exploration Center has applied for star bombing."

"What is this? The foundation of the family has become thicker, and things have begun to open and close?"

Sun Xianyun couldn't laugh or cry.

Before the rabbit explored outer space, every step was cautious and well-planned. When did it become such a style of behavior like eagle sauce that would blow it up if there was a disagreement?

"Okay, after their mission starts, let the regular starships that were on duty at the star port cooperate, this time there is no need for the ship girl, why do you have to let those boys who have been training for so long move around? .”


Comrade commander, many of the soldiers under your command are older than you.

Zhang Lili couldn't help but slander, and then she couldn't help looking at Sun Xianyun in front of her.

Boy... no, man.

The man's eyebrows slanted into the temples, the bridge of his nose was high, and his thin lips were lightly raised. The contours of the facial features alone were full of oppressive force, but the smile in the eyes that were raised at the end of the eyes well neutralized the sharpness.

With a long body and long arms and legs, he is set off by a fitted military uniform, which makes the people standing beside him feel a heavy and warm sense of security.

All of a sudden, Zhang Lili realized that this little boy, who was still young and immature when she first saw him, and who needed her to take care of him occasionally in his daily life, had grown up completely before he knew it.

Obviously his appearance hasn't changed much, but he will no longer be treated as a child.

Zhang Lili was suddenly satisfied.

It's like playing a nurturing game, watching with your own eyes the satisfaction and joy of the target object after being cultivated a little bit.

Although Zhang Lili knew that Sun Xianyun did not have much credit for her growth to this day.

Suddenly noticing Sun Xianyun and Lexington staring at her half-smile eyes at the same time, Zhang Lili panicked, quickly looked away, and turned the report in her hand to the next page.

When I used to look at Sun Xianyun as my younger brother, I didn't care too much even if I accidentally disappeared, but now I suddenly realize that the little brother in front of me has grown up, and I feel frightened just being looked at like this.

Biting the tip of her tongue secretly, Zhang Lili continued:

"Next, about..."

Chapter 257 Where Are the Rare Crystals?

a few days later.

The location is in the star base that has been named [Central Starport].

The layout of the command hall is very similar to the famous People's Auditorium, but the area is countless times wider, and there are seven floors in height.

If you stand on the top platform and look down, you can have a panoramic view of the entire command hall.

Coupled with the huge holographic projection star map in the center of the front, suspended in mid-air, which can be seen clearly from any corner of the entire command hall, it is even more unavoidable to raise a kind of pride that the stars are under control.

On the top platform, military officers at all levels were busy coming and going, but from time to time, someone would always look up and take a look at the two figures in front of the platform.

Sun Xianyun, with a lean body, stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a military uniform and a cloak, looking down at the star map below and the busy command hall.

The national emblem on the military cap shone brightly under the lights in the hall, and the eyes under the brim showed no emotion at all.

Lexington, who stood beside him, was originally tall, but standing next to Sun Xianyun, he looked petite and exquisite, almost fit in the palm of his hand.

She didn't wear a military cap, and even let her long flaxen hair hang down, her long black silk legs under the wrap-around skirt were stretched straight and slender, and her silver high-heeled boots were stuck together, leaning slightly against Sun Xianyun arms standing to one side.

The eyes of the two were parallel, and they both looked at the busy scene below.

"Start the fourth gamma 737 laser cannon test firing! 』

At a certain moment, the central control AI Nuwa's announcement sounded in the hall.

Theoretically, the highest energy burst known in the universe, apart from the Big Bang that is still under speculation, is the famous gamma ray burst.

Human beings are still in the research stage of the cause of gamma ray bursts, but there are indications that this unimaginable energy release is closely related to the death of supermassive stars.

When a star with enough mass has finally gone through its entire life journey, it is bound to usher in the most gorgeous and bright fireworks event in its life.

Accompanied by the cosmic phenomenon called "supernova explosion" by human beings, the gamma-ray burst will sweep across all the star fields targeted by it like a torrent, and everything will disappear in smoke wherever it goes.

What many people don't know is that human civilization or the entire earth's ecosystem is in a situation where it will be destroyed at any time.

Maybe it was fate, or maybe it was just a coincidence. In the celestial body system called Sagittarius by humans, the tip of the long arrow that the archer drew is an old star that may produce a supernova explosion at any time.

And this archer, who is destined to bring death, is aiming in an unbiased direction, which happens to be the solar system!

Human scientists have been monitoring this dead star hanging above life on Earth, but as to when it will erupt, and whether the torrent of gamma rays after the eruption will hit the earth head-on when it sweeps across the solar system But know nothing.

The only thing that is certain is that if that day really comes, with the current level of human technology, there is no other way to go except for everyone to go home, hug their wives and children and wait to die.

——Oh yes, some people don't have wives and children yet.

What a sad story.

And now, what the rabbit is doing is the experiment of artificially generating gamma ray torrents.

According to the joint calculation of the digital super AI extended from the Red Queen, the experiment must not be carried out on the earth, otherwise the consequences will be countless times more terrible than the Tsar bomb test explosion back then.

"Gamma ray laser cannon... Although the name still has the word 'laser', this weapon has completely broken away from the category of laser weapons."

Stepping on high-heeled shoes, Belfast, whose heels made a crisp sound on the alloy floor, came to Sun Xianyun's other side, standing on the left and right of Lexington.

"Just now I went to find out about this weapon, Commander, it's really terrifying."

"Although according to the theoretical design, the gamma ray energy index emitted by our laser cannon is far lower than the gamma ray burst that erupts naturally in the universe, even less than one ten-thousandth, but it instantly tears our current most powerful shield. Shield, we have no problem destroying our armor."

"Even this star port can't withstand more than three blows from such a weapon."

"That's natural." Sun Xianyun nodded, "Because of this, the previous three experiments all failed. Even if I gave all the techniques, the samples produced would be scrapped once."

Shaking his head, Sun Xianyun thought, the gamma laser cannon is so terrifying, and even more powerful than it, the legendary weapon that can only be carried on a giant starship of the battleship level - the light spear, how devastating should it be?

What would a doomsday natural disaster more terrifying than a light spear, and a star-destroying weapon [Earth Explosion Star] that could destroy a planet like the Earth in one shot be like?

The huge star map projection in front of him disappeared, replaced by an experimental platform on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

On this temporary experimental platform, an experimental laser cannon that is more than ten meters high and larger than several villas tied together has already been prepared.

The engineering ship has already retreated, and all the experimenters have been evacuated to a safe area nearly a thousand kilometers away. Only a large number of probes and various unmanned detection equipment are left on the scene.

"Experimental turret No. 4 starts charging..."

"The rotary energy system is running stably! 』

"The particle cyclotron chamber is working properly! 』

"warn!Neutrinos are having a physical reaction! 』

"warn!The stability of the rotary energy system is reduced! 』

"The particle cyclotron chamber dissolves! 』

"The experiment failed! 』

The moment Nuwa announced the failure of the experiment, the experimental gamma laser cannon far away in the asteroid belt exploded with a bright flash hundreds of times brighter than the sun.

An asteroid that innocently passed by was evaporated in the blink of an eye, leaving no ashes.

Above the earth orbit, the astronauts in the International Joint Space Station found that the instruments in the cabin began to scream crazily.

"Here it goes again! Shit! This is the fourth time!"

"What the hell is the rabbit doing in the universe!"

"Gamma rays, X-rays, b-rays... What the hell are these messy high-energy rays! Is the rabbit trying to make a black hole in the asteroid belt!"

"Man-made black holes don't have that much power, man."

The cursing astronauts, while collecting various data detected by the instrument, passed it to the ground.

In Xinggang, Sun Xianyun looked at the failed experiment, his eyes were calm.

"Stop the next experiment plan. As I said, according to the design, the manufacture of this weapon requires a special resource that can only be mined in space. This thing has not been found in the solar system so far. I want to use other materials. Substitution is not going to work."

Sun Xianyun turned around, and the cloak of the shawl brought a gust of warm wind, brushing against the delicate and fair cheeks of Lexington and Belfast.

Rare crystals - that's what they're called in Stellaris.

Without this material, a gamma laser cannon would be impossible.

Chapter 258: Eight Billion Mad Dogs Killed the Earth?

Everyone in the world thought that the rabbit would firmly hold the power to communicate with the Blog civilization, but what surprised everyone was that after the Blog mushrooms headed by Mimitar completed their visit to the rabbit's house, they happily Accepted invitations to visit from other countries.

Moreover, the rabbit did not do any blocking behavior during this process, and even very warmly and generously told the other party some of the experiences they learned about communicating with aliens when they received the Blog civilization.

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