In an instant, everyone in the star base and the central command hall fell into an eerie silence.

Some young officers even lowered their heads and said to themselves: "White hair and red eyes, hedging the special attack of the Chinese! This is no longer targeting XP, this is playing directly on the XP system..."

Mr. Yang narrowed his eyes and stared at the little girl on the holographic projection in front of him.

"Young people nowadays, do you like this?"

A trainee officer who was only in his early twenties beside him couldn't help but said: "That's right, amazing white hair and red pupils... Comrade Consul, I mean... the little girl is so cute..."

"I have to say, you succeeded."

Sun Xianyun coughed in embarrassment.

"Now, please explain your identity."

『I am AI, librarian administrator of Section 'Data Corruption' of 'Data Corruption'. 』

The AI ​​girl repeated what she said before.

Sun Xianyun couldn't help but frowned, the data was damaged?

"What is the library?"

This time, the AI ​​girl finally had a different answer.

『The Registry is an organization used by 'Data Corruption' to store archives, and the total number of 'Data Corruption'. 』


"What files?"

"everything. 』

Sun Xianyun was stunned.

A super-advanced civilization no matter how you look at it, a library used to store all their archives?

Almost instantly, Sun Xianyun had the urge to pack up the whole obelisk and take it back.

In the earphones, Mr. Yang's voice was also trembling: "Xianyun, ask how complete her information is?"

"How complete is the information you store?"

The figure of the AI ​​girl flickered for a moment, and then replied:

"99% of the file data has been damaged..."



The girl in front of her suddenly disappeared.

A few short seconds later, she reappeared, blinking and not speaking.

"What happened to you just now?"

Sun Xianyun was taken aback.

AI girl flat mouth:

『There are too many digits after the decimal point, which exceeds the calculation limit, and the computer crashed. 』

Ah this...

Suddenly, I feel that this secretariat seems to be useless.

Shaking his head, Sun Xianyun asked another question: "What are your remaining materials?"

This time the girl didn't answer directly, but asked a question instead.

"Is the civilization of the younger generations determined to inherit the will of the pioneers?" 』

"What do you mean?"

Sun Xianyun narrowed his eyes.

"The Secretariat is the torch left by the pioneers when the 'data corruption' is coming to an end, and it will be fully opened to the civilization when there is a descendant civilization determined to inherit the will of the pioneers. 』

In other words, if Sun Xianyun does not agree to inherit the will of this so-called pioneer, don't want to know what else is preserved in this secretariat.

In addition, usher in the end?

"The pioneer in your mouth is extinct?"

"Yes. 』

The nodding AI girl still had no expression on her face, showing no trace of sadness.

"Collective self-destruction, the whole family self-destruction. 』

In an instant, Sun Xianyun couldn't help but gasp.

How desperate does a race have to be to engage in collective self-destructive behavior?

Chapter 264 Breaking the Fourth Wall!

Standing at the top of the command center, Mr. Yang, who had quit smoking for decades, suddenly had the urge to smoke again.

"You say, what kind of thing will make a race choose to destroy itself collectively?"

There was not much emotion in his tone, but the accompanying people standing beside him clearly felt a great pressure.

They can't think of it themselves.

After all, human beings are just a young civilization that has just stepped out of the cradle of its mother planet.

They don't know how many crises there are in the star sea.

Young, curious, and full of desire to explore, this is the best portrayal of human civilization today.

Because of this, as a member of human beings, even if these people are in high positions, rich in experience, and knowledgeable, they can't figure out what kind of disaster would cause such a tragedy.

At this time, on the central holographic projection screen, Sun Xianyun asked the AI ​​girl again.

"What is the will of the pioneers you are talking about? We can't just nod in agreement without knowing anything, right?"

The AI ​​girl didn't hesitate, and said the answer directly.

"The pioneers are the few civilizations that survived after the end of the original era of the universe, and my creator 'Data Corruption' is one of them. 』

『The disaster at the end of the era swept across the entire universe, making the pioneers 'data corrupted' decide that the universe is not real, but a box. 』

"Everything we wait for is the game of a certain person or a group of higher-dimensional beings. 』

"In terms that your race can understand, it is—this universe is just a game of the real real world. 』

"All the grand epics, heroic stories, civilization history, and historical evolution are the inevitable plots of the game. 』

"The speed of light is set, the four fundamental forces are man-made, and the entropy increase of the universe is not a natural phenomenon. 』

"The will of the pioneers to 'corrupt data' is to break through the illusion and go to the real world, which is the so-called breaking the fourth wall. 』

"Young civilizations, are you willing to inherit the will of the pioneers, vow to break the fourth wall, and find the real truth?" 』

"If you are willing, the Secretariat will be fully open to you. Although almost all the materials have been damaged, the remaining sporadic files can still provide you with some help. 』

The voice of the AI ​​girl, full of mechanical flavor, resounded in the research base and star port through radio signals.

Some people turned pale, some frowned in confusion, and some sneered.

Even Mr. Yang felt dizzy for a while.

He rubbed his temples and couldn't help thinking about this question.

Is their universe, their everything, really a sham, a game?

Think about it carefully, Sun Xianyun's unreasonable system, those worlds that only exist in movies and games...

Could it be that the "truth" discovered by the pioneers that this AI said is true?

At the same time, Sun Xianyun and Lexington, who were standing in front of the AI ​​girl, also lost focus.

What this AI said was scary.

If the fourth wall really exists, if everything is really false, then what's the point of everything they've worked so hard for?

The plot has already been decided, who is the protagonist and who is the supporting role, who should go to the end and who is doomed to die halfway, but it is just the setting of the existence behind the fourth wall at will.

Suddenly, ever since it was successfully contained with the help of Daedalus, the psychic energy that kept itself in place suddenly had a tendency to go berserk.

Sun Xianyun shook his head violently, this spiritual energy that immediately calmed down after he ran away for a moment made him regain his clarity.

When the lowered heads were raised again, the confusion in the eyes of Sun Xianyun and Lexington had dissipated.

"……so what?"

"I can't understand. 』

"I mean, so what? Even if the truth is pretty much what your creators say it is."

Sun Xianyun's words reached everyone's ears.

"What I think and think comes from my heart, and what I do is righteous."

"The supporting roles on the stage also have their own highlight moments, not to mention that we are not necessarily supporting roles. Before the drama ends, the plot reversal is normal."

"Furthermore, what if your pioneer was wrong from the beginning? Let me ask you a question—have you, or that pioneer, ever known about psionic power and the Void?"

The AI ​​girl pondered for a moment.

"The detailed information is damaged, but the directory is well preserved, and no records related to psionic power and virtual world have been found. 』


Hearing this sentence, Sun Xianyun suddenly had a bottom line in his heart.

"Master, I have an idea."

Mr. Yang in the central command hall glanced over the faces of those confused people around him, and then said, "What do you think?"

"The more I develop my psychic power, the more I realize one thing. The awakening and development of psychic power is closely related to the talent of the race itself. I have also discussed with you about my shallow understanding of the virtual world before."

"So, this pioneer, it seems that their own racial talent is not enough to support their spiritual awakening, but the unimaginable science and technology have allowed them to touch a corner of the virtual world."

"I have also mentioned to you that the virtual world is the birthplace of all concepts. Any concept is first born in the virtual world, and then turned into information, and then the information is converted into energy in the material universe. These energies form matter and finally build A logically consistent universe."

"If a race is destined to be unable to awaken its spiritual power to detect the truth of the virtual world, but because of its superb technical strength, it has vaguely come into contact with the virtual world, then, in this cloud and mist, what will they see?"

"They will find that everything in their universe is pre-set by some kind of indescribable 'existence' from another world—isn't this the same as the pioneer judged?"

Sun Xianyun's explanation made Mr. Yang suddenly enlightened, and also gradually brightened the dim eyes of the people around him who were originally confused.

"……you're right."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Xianyun and Lexington breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

In fact, his explanations are far-fetched and almost entirely guesswork.

But there was no way. After the AI ​​girl said those words, Sun Xianyun knew that if he didn't find a way to temporarily appease the people who heard these words, there would be big troubles.

If the high-level collective 4.2 begins to doubt the authenticity of this world, then the rabbit should stop developing and wait for the plot to go through the process.

Sun Xianyun knew very well that it was impossible for him to really convince the old man with his words, but he must be able to clearly understand this problem that he could see through at a glance.

Therefore, even if his heart is still not relieved, the old man will follow the explanation given by Sun Xianyun and go down the steps to stabilize the morale of the army.

And it is most appropriate for Sun Xianyun to say these words-whether the high-level executives or the core members of the Space Force know his magic. To a certain extent, Sun Xianyun even has signs of being deified in the hearts of some Space Force soldiers.

This is not a good thing, and Rabbit does not advocate these things. In the past, Sun Xianyun also tried to reverse this abnormal thinking.

But now, this situation has actually helped him a lot.

As for the truth?

that's not important.

Chapter 265 Humans are the Heralds of the Second Era

Until later, whenever Sun Xianyun recalled that scene at the beginning, Sun Xianyun would sigh, if it wasn't because of the system that he awakened his psychic power by mistake and came into contact with part of the truth of the virtual world, he might have heard the words of that white-haired and red-eyed AI. Doubt your life on the spot.

Discoveries under the ice on Enceladus' surface are classified as top secret state secrets.

The issue of the inheritance of the will of the pioneers was also discussed by Sun Xianyun and the center, and it was circled, and a disguised inheritance was achieved in a certain sense.

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