According to Sun Xianyun's speculation, the creator of this AI, the pioneer who has disappeared in the long river of history, must have come into contact with the Void, and as a result, the entire civilization went astray on the spot.

Their so-called breaking the fourth wall was forcibly interpreted by Sun Xianyun as exploring the truth of the virtual world.

Perhaps because of the long standby state, the AI ​​logic module of the secretariat had a bug. This kind of forced explanation was actually passed by her at 72 hours of the earth standard time.

Thus, Rabbit successfully obtained the key to open the library.

"So, Enceladus is really a foreign object, not naturally formed?"

In Space Base 16, looking at the latest report in his hand, Sun Xianyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The report shows that the origin of Enceladus has been confirmed after sorting out the remaining materials of the Secretariat.

He was originally a man-made object belonging to that pioneer civilization, and that civilization actually relied on unimaginable technology to establish a 100% man-made small colonial star in space.

According to calculations, there should be countless colonies like this in its heyday.

Later, civilization collectively self-destructed, leaving behind this library.

When the end came, all the secretariats controlled the transition equipment of the colony star, escaped into the void, and scattered all over the universe with random coordinates.

The purpose is to encounter a possible later civilization in the future and pass the torch.

As for the pioneers, although there are very few materials left for this civilization, and all the technology has been lost, some historical materials have remained.

Like human beings, they were initially full of uncertainty among individuals, but in the process of development, they took some extreme measures and successfully fixed the group thinking to be more united than brogue mushrooms, which is extremely similar to hive thinking mode.

The collective will completely smashes the individual will, and all individuals abandon all their own interests to serve the species.

It's all about breaking the fourth wall.

"Then, they chose to self-destruct?"

Turning to the last page of the information, Sun Xianyun shook his head.

"Why is this? Do you think you can get out of the cage after committing suicide, or is it simply because you can't see hope that the will of the race is crushed by despair?"

Reminiscent of the lingering negative emotions of the entire city under the sea of ​​Enceladus under psychic perception, Sun Xianyun is more inclined to the latter.

Throwing this information aside, Sun Xianyun asked Belfast: "Is there any conclusion about the research on the so-called era?"

"Through sorting out the library, there are indeed some discoveries."

Belfast also had a look of wonder on his face.

"It has been proven that the universe was born with a big bang 137 billion years ago."

"A group of ancient civilizations were indeed born in the original universe, and they developed to the extreme. The brilliance of civilization spread almost every corner of the universe—but almost all of them disappeared."

"Era calamity?"

Sun Xianyun thought of what the AI ​​girl had mentioned.

"That's right." Belfast nodded, "About 70 billion years ago, a disaster swept across the entire universe and destroyed all the first civilizations. We currently don't know the truth about the disaster of the era. Part of the data was damaged too badly, and how many other civilizations survived this disaster. It is impossible to know in the current Second Era, but it is certain that if these civilizations still exist, then they... are extremely terrifying! "

"Our experts speculate that even if these pioneers still exist now, they should be in a very bad situation, otherwise there is no reason why they haven't spread to the whole universe after billions of years - after the big reshuffle, there is no civilization in the whole universe Can bear these old antiques."

"And the cleansing of the original era by the calamity of the era also supports the fact that we have never been able to discover alien civilizations in the past, or advanced alien civilizations, because they—"

"—all destroyed."

Sun Xianyun took Belfast's words and fell into deep thought.

This seems to be an explanation for Fermi's paradox.

It is more convincing than the explanation that "human beings cannot discover advanced alien civilizations because human beings are the first batch of intelligent civilizations".

In a sense, humans can indeed be called the first batch of advanced intelligent civilizations - but in the second era.

"Forget it, these things are not what we should think about, at least not what we should think about now."

Sighing, Sun Xianyun no longer struggled with this issue.

Even if a similar disaster is about to erupt in the next second, human beings have nothing to do at present.

Not to mention the entire universe, even if it is only for the earth, a planet with a history of 50 billion years, the history of human beings with a history of no more than 890 million years, and the history of civilization that is so small that it is only a few thousand years are not worth a damn. carry.

Give time to civilization?

Let's wait until human beings have survived the 1-year bottleneck in the history of civilization.

"Send an application to the center."

Suddenly, Sun Xianyun spoke suddenly.

Belfast raised his head, and saw the firmness in Sun Xianyun's eyes.

"I hope to communicate with the virtual world again."

"Commander—!? Didn't you say..."

"I know."

Waving his hand, Sun Xianyun let out a breath.

"The Void Realm is very dangerous. It was noticed by some incomprehensible will last time, but there are some things that must be done."

"As I said, psychic power has brought me super intuition, and this intuition has even reached the point of predicting the future in many cases."

"Now I feel more and more clearly that being targeted by something in the Void Realm is not necessarily a bad thing."

"If possible, I would like to contact him again."

Belfast wanted to say something more, but seeing Sun Xianyun's determined expression, he could only nod in the end, turned and left the office.

After Belfast left, Sun Xianyun looked at the rising sun outside the window.

Like a rising rabbit family.

Chapter 266 The role of the ship-slashing knife to open the sky, and the exposure of the omnipotent angel

The location is in a laboratory that is more heavily guarded than when he communicated with the virtual world for the first time.

Since the last communication with the Void, the national team responsible for researching the Void has collected a large amount of valuable data. These data have been studied day and night by countless top scientists, and they have really achieved some results.

"Quantum fluctuations are not completely random, but have rules to follow."

The old scientist with gray hair and even his eyebrows and beard completely white explained to Sun Xianyun excitedly.

"But this kind of law is extremely complicated. Under normal circumstances, if you want to calculate this kind of law in the quantum field, all the most advanced supercomputers in the world will not be able to do that kind of calculation. This is just a single quantum calculation!"

"But—but! Comrade Commander, when you start to spread the psychic power, we found that the amount of calculations for this rule drops exponentially."

"I don't know, Comrade Commander, have you ever heard of Pierre Simon?"

Sun Xianyun, who was wearing the experimental protective suit, glanced sideways at the old man, thought for a while, and said, "Pierre Simon Laplace?"

"That's right! That's him! The famous mathematician and physicist of the 19th century! He once proposed a hypothetical creature that can accurately calculate the position and momentum of every atom in the universe. In other words, he Through such calculations, we can know everything about the past, present and future of the universe!"

"Comrade Commander, the extraordinary intuition you displayed is very similar to Laplace's demon!"

Sun Xianyun didn't know if it was possible.

Even if the Laplace demon really exists, the power it displays is beyond what Sun Xianyun can imagine now.

Accurately calculate the trajectory of every atom in the universe?

If there is any existence that can do this, theoretically he can indeed know everything about the past and the future.

It may not be omnipotent, but omniscience may be worthy of the name.

But Sun Xianyun?

The most powerful intuition he has shown now is that he has successfully predicted the weather in the coming week.

The Weather Center can do the same thing.

"By the way, Comrade Commander, if possible, we hope that you can try to bring your Ship-Slaying Saber when you communicate with the Void Realm this time."

"Open the sky?"

"Yes, yes, that's the name!"

The old scientist nodded frantically, and at the same time signaled his assistant to bring Kai Tian up.

The system once mentioned when casting Kaitian that although its raw materials are the equipment that exploded after killing Yamato, they actually came from the Void Realm.

Therefore, the scientific research center later applied to Sun Xianyun, wanting to borrow Kaitian for research.

"We successfully used the equipment to simulate the various energy fields released by Comrade Commander when he communicated with the virtual world last time, and then found that when we also placed your saber in this energy field, it showed a very incredible effect ——It split the force field, it's incredible! It's like a knife cutting off the water flow, it can actually split the force field!"

The words of the old scientist really surprised Sun Xianyun a lot this time.

After taking Kai Tian, ​​he put the Zhanjian Saber in his hand and looked at it over and over again.

No matter how you look at it, except for the extreme sharpness, you can't see any effect.

"I'll try, how do I do it?"

"This...well..." The old scientist blushed suddenly, "Although such words should not be said from a scientist's mouth, we don't know, so we can only let you, Commander, use your invincible intuition to think Think of ways to."

"My power of thinking, isn't it?"

Sun Xianyun was also amused.

Everything was ready, Sun Xianyun and Lexington entered the laboratory again.

This time, Sun Xianyun opened the sky with a ship-cutter knife in his hand.

Following the previous experience, Sun Xianyun and Lexington held hands, and both bodies began to diffuse spiritual energy at the same time.

The laboratory in front of him, and even the group of researchers waiting outside through the window, seemed to immediately create a barrier between Sun Xianyun and Lexington.

Obviously there is no obstruction to the line of sight, but in Sun Xianyun's view, there is already another world there.

In other words, Sun Xianyun himself is in the gap between "reality" and "unreality".

It looks like the person is still in place, but is actually in another phase.

"The feeling is clearer than last time... and there is no discomfort at all."

With a mutter, Sun Xianyun suddenly came to his heart, and raised Kaitian in his right hand.

Then, just wave it casually.

Two bodies, disappeared.

……Dividing line……

Inside the space base.

Icarus, who was taking care of watermelons in the melon field, suddenly paused and raised his head to look in the direction of the capital.

The next moment, the original indigo pupils turned blood red, the pink wings behind him spread out, and the battle armor of the almighty angel changed from virtual to real with light particles.

With a thought, Icarus soared into the sky with a whistling sound, and flew towards the capital.

Soon, Astrea and Nimf rushed over.

"Ah! Wait a minute! You're too fast!"

Icarus, who had no choice but to slow down, waited for Astrea and Nimf to catch up with him.

"Master, it's gone."

Icarus kept staring in the direction of the capital, grabbed Astrea and Nimf with both hands and started to accelerate.

"I thought it was an illusion." Astrea still had crumbs on her face. Obviously, this girl just came back from looking for food in the cafeteria. "I couldn't sense the Master's position just now."

"This is also power."

Nimfu was pulled by Icarus with one hand, and pressed on her pointed mechanical ear with the other, trying to call Sun Xianyun.

But no matter how I sent the message, I didn't get any response.

"No, Master didn't answer!"

"Icarus!Nimf!Astrea!What are you doing! ?You were spotted by satellite and ground surveillance systems!No... You were discovered by the people! 』

Zhang Lili's voice suddenly sounded in San Xiaozhi's mind, it was a message from the command center.

Just now, the three little ones took off from the space base desperately and galloped towards the capital at supersonic speed, which shocked them.

What's more serious is that the three little ones didn't notice the height of the lift, and as a result, ordinary people on the ground could clearly see the scene of them whizzing past in the sky!

Without Sun Xianyun using his psychic powers to give spiritual hints to unsuspecting people, the ordinary people who saw the three little ones were all stunned!

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