Pulling down the military cap on his head slightly to cover his eyes, Sun Xianyun's voice returned to its usual calmness.

"Clean the battlefield, search for valuable wreckage, and bring it back for reverse research. I am very interested in their information security technology."

Chapter 293 The tsunami finally came

The starship is on its way back to Earth.

Naturally, there was no suspense during the battle, but the mournful cries of millions of deep-sea fish before they died caused Sun Xianyun and Lexington to make follow-up orders hastily after the battle, and hurried back to the bedroom.

Nearly an hour later.

Yawning lazily, Lexington got up, and Sun Xianyun fell aside.

Afterwards, Lexington, who stepped on the ground and got off the bed with bare feet, walked into the bathroom next to him.

As soon as the hot water was put in the bath and sprinkled with the powder of Jianniang Hot Spring, Sun Xianyun also followed in.

The two bodies fell into the warm pool water together, and after Sun Xianyun stepped into it, Lexington got into the opponent's arms directly.

When the mood fluctuates, he/she is now familiar with comforting himself like this.

After all, it's me.

So I understand what to do to make myself most satisfied.

There is no need for instructions, no guidance, just one thought, and the two bodies can be perfectly coordinated.

"Master, something's not right, you'd better come quickly and take a look. 』

Suddenly, Nimf's voice came from the radio in the bathroom.

When he washed up and returned to the bridge refreshed, he saw the situation from the earth projected on the bridge at a glance.

This is a picture taken by a satellite in orbit.

In the picture, there is an obvious rift valley on the west coast of Yingjia, which did not exist before.

"Is it finally here?"

The moment he saw this rift, Sun Xianyun understood what happened.

In the plot, the first wave of super earthquake broke out.

Starting from the west coast with a huge rift comparable to the Great Rift Valley in the East Philippines, in the next 24 hours, the entire earth will enter an unprecedented active period.

Seeing Sun Xianyun and Lexington, Nimfu hurried forward.

"This is the communication we received. The incident happened four hours ago. The intensity of the earthquake cannot be counted, because it has exceeded the maximum level of ten for human beings."

"Preliminary estimates of the death toll exceed 400 million."

"Why are there so many? Didn't they evacuate early?"

Sun Xianyun frowned.

What he knows is that now with the completion of the shelter, the people of the Rabbit family have started to relocate.

Almost all residents in coastal areas and high-risk earthquake zones have moved their families to safe areas and entered shelters under the unified organization of the state.

Those who entered the refuge first, probably have lived in it for several months now.

"No." Nimfu shook his head, "Master, you know the situation of these guys. They are always making troubles. Many people will not turn back until they hit the south wall."

"By the way, high-level officials from various countries have launched refuge plans, and high-level officials from several countries have already entered the ark located on the roof of the world."

"What about ours?"

Nimf shook her head.

"We just transferred important scientists and other talents from all walks of life to the ark, but the old man didn't go there. He planned to survive the great flood in the refuge."

Sun Xianyun was not surprised by this decision.

"I understand, speed up and return."


When the news was received, the starship was already very close to the earth.

Therefore, not even ten hours after Sun Xianyun gave the order, everyone standing on the bridge could see the blue earth in front of them.

Standing on the starship bridge above the orbit, Sun Xianyun could clearly see that something was wrong with the earth below.

Even in the sky, you can see the scene of a large volcanic eruption.

"There... is Xia Weiwen!"

Nimf squinted her eyes and looked down, covering her small mouth with her hands.

"Master, Xia Wei's catkin is gone!"

Of course it's gone.

It was originally an island with an active volcano, but now that the volcano is erupting at a super-intensive level, the possibility that Xia Weiwen can survive is zero.

"Where is Huangshi Volcanic Park? Has it erupted there?"

"Not yet, but soon."

Nimf banged on the console for a while, then raised her head.

"Once there is an eruption there, there will be obvious plate movement in the North Magnesium Continent immediately. The first wave of tsunamis will be born in the Atlantic Ocean, and then go all the way east to the Europa Continent."

"Master! Received a call from the ancients!"

"Come in."

As Nimfu connected to the communication, the figure of the old man immediately appeared on the projection.

Looking at the background, he is already in an underground shelter.

"Comrade Sun Xianyun, we have received your message, congratulations on your victory."

Although congratulations were on his lips, a smile could not be seen on the face of the old man.

It is also natural that the great flood has come.

Although the tsunami has not landed on the rabbit's house, it will be sooner or later.

"How is the situation on the ground?"

"Everything is going according to plan, and the construction of the shelter is fully implemented according to the indicators. Even if the Eurasian plate shifts significantly, it can still be held here."


"By the way, the magnetic field of the north and south poles has begun to deflect. Our satellite system can only last for another three hours at most. After that, it will be scrapped due to the change of the magnetic field."

"In addition, the submarine optical cable has also been destroyed, and global communication will soon be interrupted."

Sun Xianyun pondered for a moment, and said: "In this way, ancient times, I will let the starship stay in orbit as a temporary emergency signal relay station. Although global communication cannot be restored, it can ensure smooth domestic communication."

While speaking, Sun Xianyun ordered the starship to fly over the rabbit's house.

Hearing what Sun Xianyun said, Gu Gu smiled and nodded.

"Thank you very much Comrade Sun Xianyun for your help."

"this is necessary."

When the starship arrived over the rabbit's house, several remote refuges of the rabbit's house that had lost contact with the central refuge due to violent geological activities and magnetic field deflection finally managed to contact each other.

At this moment, Sun Xianyun saw that on the Pacific Ocean, a huge tsunami was rushing towards the east coast of Tujia.

"Finally, is it here..."

Standing on the bridge, Sun Xianyun narrowed his eyes.

Once a tsunami lands, everything on the surface will be destroyed except for the shelters hidden deep underground.

At that time, the refuges in the deep underground that are submerged in seawater will face the real test.

Chapter 294 Master, can you weaken the tsunami?

The tsunami rising from the Pacific Ocean has a height of more than [-] meters, and it is getting higher and higher with the plate movement!

Along the way, many small island countries that ordinary people can't even pronounce their names completely disappeared in this world in an instant.

Sun Xianyun didn't know if there were still people on these small islands, but if there were, then they would definitely not survive.

The tsunami that destroyed everything along the way finally landed on the east coast of the rabbit's house not long after.

In an instant, the bustling city disappeared in front of my eyes.

The towering skyscrapers and the reinforced concrete modern civilization that human beings are proud of look weak and childish in the face of natural disasters.

Looking at the disappearing east coast, even knowing that these cities did not build shelters at all because they had to deal with the first wave of tsunami, and instead moved everyone to the rear, Sun Xianyun couldn't help but feel anxious.

This is not his home, but it can be regarded as his home in a sense.

"Not enough...not strong enough."

"We still need to be stronger, so strong that we can shape planets at will, even ignite stars, and tear apart the starry sky..."

"Only when we are so strong can we laugh and talk in the face of such a disaster."

If human beings can be so strong that they can even build Dyson spheres at will, use matter decompressors to extract resources from black holes, and even completely abandon natural planets, relying on building rings to maintain the survival of civilization, then what is such a natural disaster?

"Master...can you use psionic energy to intervene in such a situation in high dimensions?"

Suddenly, Nimfu asked in a low voice.

Sun Xianyun was taken aback for a moment, then slapped his thigh suddenly.

"Yes! How did I forget about this!"

Before, it was not that Sun Xianyun had thought of directly stopping the increasingly violent geological activities through high-dimensional interference, but the results after the attempt disappointed him greatly.

The geological activities inside the earth are completely a complex chaotic system, and the most advanced supercomputers have no way to accurately calculate its process.

Sun Xianyun also tried to reduce this kind of activity through high-dimensional interference—for example, directly extracting excessive energy and throwing it into the void.

But the result of doing so was that he almost shook his hand, causing the Reed Rock Volcanic Park to erupt earlier.

After that attempt almost caused a catastrophe, Sun Xianyun no longer considered this plan.

After the earth was targeted and sniped, the violent internal activities were like a crumbling tower built entirely on building blocks.

What Sun Xianyun has to do is to remove a few crucial pieces of load-bearing wood from this tall tower that may collapse at any time, and at the same time ensure that the tower does not collapse.

Compared with such an operation, stopping the planet or directly changing the trajectory of the celestial body seems even more incredible, but the process is countless times rougher and simpler.

It's like, one simply splits a tall tree with an axe, while the other wants to use a knife to carve a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival on a palm-sized piece of wood.

But now, what Sun Xianyun has to do is no longer to carve a pair of national quintessence, but to use a file to smooth the rough texture of the wood surface.

Compared with carving a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival, the difficulty is sky-high.

Just do it when you think about it, Sun Xianyun immediately took out the open sky, communicated with the virtual world, and split the boundary between the virtual world and the material universe with one knife.

……Dividing line……

"Ancient! The tsunami has landed! The cities on the eastern seaboard are all destroyed."

"The thirteen shelters closest to the east have received the first round of shock! Everything is normal!"

"The volcano in Heijiang Province erupted! Three surrounding cities disappeared...!!"

All kinds of bad information were continuously gathered into the hands of the old man in the central refuge.

With the help of the crumbling communication network Son Xianyun maintains, he can barely see the situation across the country.

Compared with him, at this time other countries are afraid that their eyes have already been dimmed, and they don't know what's going on outside.

"Wait! Ancient! The photos sent back by the high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance plane are wrong!"

"The tsunami is weakening abnormally!"

"It's incredible!"

When the latest information came back, the old man got news beyond his imagination.

The old scientist who was in charge of responding to the disaster and monitoring the tsunami stumbled to Gu Gu, held up a thick stack of paper documents in his hand and said:

"You see, we expected that the tsunami should be on the third step of our country to reduce its destructive power to the current level after being buffered by the cities and mountains along the way, but now it has not even reached the second step, and its power is almost Weakened to such an extent!"

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