"You just say the conclusion!"

"The conclusion is...the conclusion is that the tsunami may not even reach the roof of the world!"


After a while, with trembling lips, he grabbed the shoulders of the person in front of him: "Are you serious? The tsunami might not even reach the roof of the world?"

"Well, Chong can still go up, but probably there will only be a small water splash left after reaching there? But this small water splash is also relative to the original power. In the past, it would have been a very serious flood."

"God bless...!!!!"

Raising his head, Gu Gu, a materialist who never believed in God, couldn't help clasping his hands together and closing his eyes at this moment.

……Dividing line……

"Huh... this is already the limit."

After exiting the Void Realm, Sun Xianyun felt his whole brain ache.

The brain seems to be pierced by thousands of needles.

"I originally planned to smooth out the tsunami, but it turned out to be very difficult. To do this, it is impossible to stop the riots of the earth's plates, otherwise the first wave of the tsunami and the second wave will be smoothed out."

"But if you want to manipulate the movement of the plates, you're back to the original point - to manipulate the chaotic energy system of the 4.3 part of the earth like a scalpel, I'm afraid it will blow up the earth."

"So, I can only direct the most powerful tsunamis to other places, make them deviate from their original trajectory, and try to vent their energy toward uninhabited areas like the North and South Poles."

"I can't do it, I need to take a rest, my head hurts so much, I feel like my body is not my own anymore..."

Weakening the power of the tsunami made him feel so uncomfortable. If he really asked him to stop a planet, Sun Xianyun reckoned that he might just lie down on the bed.

Nimfu leaned on Sun Xianyun comfortingly.

"Master, you have done a good job, weakening the power of the tsunami and saving many people."

The little girl happily rubbed her cheek against Sun Xianyun's arm, and then plunged into Lexington's arms.

Chapter 295: Under the Disaster

"Master, this is the comparison between the current Earth plate map and that before the earthquake."

After Sun Xianyun and Lexington rested for a while and recovered their energy, Nimfu began to report on the situation she had been paying attention to.

"Hao Mong Kok, the southernmost point in the Philippines, is being raised, and it is expected that the final height will surpass Mount Everest and become the new roof of the world."

"The area where our country is located also shows signs of being raised, but the magnitude is not large. After the flood recedes completely, the land area may increase by 10% to 15%. The foot pot chicken has become a land-connected situation."

"The North Continent where Eagle Sauce is located is sinking, except for the eruption of the Red Rock Volcanic Park, which caused the surrounding area to be raised."

One by one, everything was detailed, and the little girl explained it very clearly.

Combining the endings of the movies he had watched and the clues revealed by the dialogues of the characters in it, Sun Xianyun found that all the changes today are in line.

"Overall, the land area of ​​the entire planet would shrink by about 13 percent."

Nodding his head, after confirming that there was nothing worthy of his attention on the 24th side of the tsunami, Sun Xianyun focused on the arks on the roof of the world.

Although its power was weakened by Sun Xianyun, after all it was the tsunami caused by the global tectonic riots. Even the remaining power allowed it to rush to the plateau area with unparalleled power.

At this time, the rest of the world has basically been submerged.

The high-level and important people from various countries who had retreated to the Ark early analyzed the disaster situation through the remaining communication and intelligence networks, as well as the starship that stayed in orbit in Lexington as an information relay station.

"My God...it's...so scary!"

"Can those shelters really withstand such a flood?"

"Anyway, we're safe."

"Will the flood really recede in a month or so?"

Even in the ark of the rabbit's family, people are unavoidably panicked.

"The flood is coming here! All arks are ready to start their engines!"

As the flood officially arrived and began to submerge the dry dock, the brackets that fixed the arks were lifted up by strong mechanical force, and the brackets were lost, and all the arks were rickety and floating on the rough sea.

The engine started, and the propellers of the ark began to spin rapidly, providing power for the huge hull.

Originally, humans planned to sail all the arks together, but because the tsunami was too powerful, almost all the arks lost contact with each other and were scattered to various places.

Floating on the sea, the people in the bridge of the Rabbit's Ark had complex expressions.

Once upon a time, how could they have thought that one day, even the plateau would become Wang Yanghai?

After all, vicissitudes are just a word that stays on paper, but now it really shows its meaning in the real world-just not in the way humans hope.

"Next, just wait patiently."

Inside the starship, Sun Xianyun shook his head while looking down at the earth with almost no land visible below.

"Until the floods completely recede, the earth will have to be covered by oceans like this."

My tasks two and three have been completed, as long as the flood officially recedes, task one can be completed.

……Dividing line……

The shock finally subsided.

The flickering lights overhead regained a steady brightness.

Until then, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

Someone turned his head and looked at Gu Gu who was sitting on a chair as stable as Mount Tai from the beginning to the end, secretly admiring him.

As expected of a person who can go that far, this kind of determination is not something ordinary people can have.

knock knock knock

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the room.

After identity verification, the scientist who had reported to Gu Gu walked in through the opened door.

"Old, the impact of the tsunami has passed, and the next thing is a long wait."

"That's good." Gu Gu nodded, "How's the shelter going?"

"Because the other shelters have not been able to be contacted for the time being, there is no information sent back, so we don't know, but our shelter is generally in good condition. It's just that the water circulation and seawater desalination systems have some failures, but they are all within acceptable limits."

"In terms of personnel, except for some people who suffered minor injuries due to the previous shock, no one was seriously injured or died."

"However, the animals were frightened. The animal shelter area is a bit messy now, and the staff in charge of the care are spraying them with tranquilizers."

"There is also good news. At the moment when the shock subsided, a newborn baby was born in our base."

Speaking of this, the old scientist couldn't help laughing.

Although because of the disaster, the vast majority of couples of childbearing age choose not to have children temporarily, but in the case of a large population, newborns will still be born.

"This is a good sign, and the birth of that child also represents hope."

"Also, if the timing is right, send some scout ships out to see what's going on outside, so it won't work if you lose sight of it."


After roughly understanding the situation of the base, although he was satisfied, Gu Gu still didn't relax completely.

Finally, as time passed, word came from shelters across the country. 400

And this time, it wasn't all good news.

Of the 860 four shelters, nearly [-] shelters failed to withstand the first wave of the tsunami, and completely lost contact.

The people there are in bad luck.

Many of the remaining refuges that can be contacted are severely damaged and are undergoing emergency repairs.

After this wave, I don't know how many people will die.

"What's going on with shelter 2137!? Even though the first wave of shelters on the east side had survived the impact, why did the shelter in the rear collapse!?"

"Who is in charge of the project!? People!?"

"Check! Check it out for me!"

"Old...According to the system, the person in charge of all shelters will take refuge in the shelters they are in charge of. The person in charge of No. 2137 may have died."

"Investigators sent by the nearby shelters found very strong radiation in the area, but the cold fusion reactor in shelter 2137 was well preserved, and they speculated... it was a nuclear power plant reactor that was blown over from nowhere, It exploded there."

"Didn't all our nuclear reactors be dismantled before the disaster!?"

"It was... washed over from other countries..."

Hearing this, Gu Gu slowly closed his eyes.

Chapter 296 Mrs. Lie turns into an ark and drags the barge!

"Don't panic! Don't rush! Everyone can get on board! The country will not abandon every single one of its people!"

Holding a trumpet, the staff responsible for maintaining order shouted at the top of their lungs.

Here is a shelter that has been damaged beyond repair.

After the tsunami reached above the shelter, the shelter deep underground began to vibrate violently.

In the end, the shelter failed to resist, and some vital key structures were damaged and collapsed, taking the lives of more than half of the people in the shelter on the spot.

The people hiding here were already desperate, but just when they thought they could only wait to die, a piece of good news suddenly came.

There is a boat!

In addition to the refuge, various powerful countries in the world have also contributed money and technology one after another, and finally built many huge arks in the rabbit's house!

And now, the ark belonging to the rabbit family is on its way here.

As long as everyone takes the submersible boat in the refuge that was originally used as a last resort emergency, and after surfacing from the refuge to the surface of the sea, you can board the boat and be rescued!

The person in charge of managing the refuge stood on a high place, looking at the people below with fear on their faces, but still patiently waiting in line to board the submersible boat, wiping the tears from the corners of their eyes.

"I...I am sorry for the country, I am sorry for the people..."

Seeing this, the deputy beside him was equally distraught—his wife and child also died in the first wave of disasters—but he was still trying to comfort the old man beside him.

"Master Yang, I don't blame you for this. Our refuge was completed according to the drawings with guaranteed quality and quantity. This kind of thing can only be said to be God's will..."

"You... hey!"

"Master Yang, the next batch of submersible boats, you should also board the boat, it won't last long here."

"No, I want to be the last one to go, you don't need to persuade me."

The stubborn old man made the deputy stamp his feet anxiously.

"Master! My wife and children are all dead. If you have any troubles, I will lose a single family member in this world!"

"You two, pull the chief teacher up! I will bear all the consequences!"

The two guards beside him hesitated for a while, looked at each other and nodded, and forcibly dragged the struggling old man away from the high platform.

Even though he was extremely angry, the old man could only sigh deeply after being dragged onto the submarine boat.

Another group of submersible boats floated to the surface.

The airtight hatch of the cabin was opened, and the people inside saw countless huge inflatable cushions floating beside them.

Each of these inflatable cushions has hundreds of square meters after being inflated, allowing a large number of people to wait for rescue on them.

Brushing away the hands of the guards who wanted to support him, Chief Master Yang used his limbs and used the inflatable cushion responsible for taking over his group of people, looking at the weeping crowd around him, with a deep sense of guilt on his face.

People recognized the old man, but no one stepped forward to question him, instead they nodded slightly at him.

Occasionally, there are a few people who are irrational because of the death of their loved ones, and they are also pulled and persuaded by the people around them.

This made the old man feel even more uncomfortable.

Before you know it, the night passes.

The sun rises again.

Under the dawn, someone suddenly pointed forward and shouted: "Boat! It's a boat!!!"

This cry caused commotion among the people who were shivering in the cold wind at night and huddled together for warmth all night.

Gradually, the black shadow that could only be seen vaguely became clearer and clearer, and people finally saw clearly the figure of the giant steel ship galloping from the sea.

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