A soldier raised his binoculars to look at it, and then suddenly his eyes widened.

"what happened to you?"

The comrades around him asked strangely.

"You... see for yourself... I feel that I may be wrong..."

After taking the binoculars handed over by his comrade-in-arms, he casually glanced at it, and the person who originally asked immediately became like his comrade-in-arms.

As the Ark got closer and closer, finally even ordinary people could see the anomaly.

"Oh my god! There are people in the sea!"

"How could someone be running at sea!?"

"What is that!?"

……Dividing line……

The rabbit's ark was galloping at a theoretically impossible speed.

The reason for this is that in front of the ark, on the vast sea, Lexington is pulling more than ten thick steel cables, dragging the ark forward.

After upgrading to a starship, she finally galloped on the sea again after a long absence.

After learning about the situation of the major refuges through the communication that was finally recovered, Sun Xianyun immediately suggested to the old man to help.

Afterwards, he, the half-body Lexington, and the three little ones, the Almighty Angel, were all sent out to act separately—at this time, it was important to save people naturally, and they didn't care about exposure.

The half-body Lexington and the Almighty Angel are responsible for the specific rescue, while Sun Xianyun conceptualizes entering the virtual world, high-dimensional interference with low-dimensional, so that those shelters can last until the rescue arrives.

On the other hand, if it wasn't because of the characteristics of the ship's mother at the beginning of the design, the problem of large-scale crew was not considered, leaving only a small amount of space for people to live in, Lexington would not come here with the rabbit's ark like this, she You can embody your own body and rescue the people in the damaged shelter.

The petite flaxen-colored long-haired girl dragged the huge ark. This shocking scene first made the people in the rabbit's ark suspect that they were dreaming.

And now, the shock is borne by those waiting to be rescued who witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

The golden light of the morning sun shone on the giant steel ship, and also shone on the delicate body of his wife.

"Mom...it's Sister Fairy! Sister Fairy is here to save us!"

The immature child's voice awakened the dull people.

Although he didn't understand what was going on at all, there was no doubt that he was saved.

There was a huge cheer from the crowd, and all eyes were on Lexington with unprecedented eagerness.

The girl under the morning light seemed to be emitting golden light all over her body, like a hero who saved the world in myths and legends.


After dragging the ark to the rescue location, Lexington exhaled slightly, tapped his toes on the sea, and dexterously drew an arc to a group of inflatable cushions.

"Everyone, don't panic, this is an ark built in advance by our country, and it can save everyone on board!"

"The Ark will open the hatch later, everyone please board the ship in an orderly manner!"

"The elderly, women, children, people with serious diseases and physical disabilities are given priority!"

The voice that was supposed to be charming, but now carried into the ears of everyone along the sea breeze, turned majestic and convincing.


General Master Yang sniffled and tremblingly came to Lexington. In the end, he didn't say anything, but bowed deeply.

Chapter 297: The Flood Recedes

In the post-disaster new world, such a legend has been circulating for a long time.

In times of crisis, God's messengers descended from the sky to rescue the desperate people.

For the so-called messengers of God, some people swear that they are angels (Icarus, Astrea), some say they are legendary fairies (Nimf), and others say they are fairies (Lexington).

It wasn't until later that the countries of this world watched the discussions among countless people intensify before finally announcing everything.

That's not some god's messenger.

Rabbits also don't need a so-called god and his messengers.

Just like that song sang: There has never been any savior, nor does it depend on gods and emperors. To create human happiness, it all depends on ourselves.

Those who saved the people in the crisis were rabbits from another universe, their compatriots in a distant foreign land, brothers and sisters.

Knowing that the compatriots here are about to face a huge disaster, they traveled thousands of miles to come to the rescue.

The announcement of the news caused an uproar all over the world.

Although some people don’t believe it, they saw that the post-disaster country not only did not regress in technology, but continued to produce one after another ultra-advanced technology that was only seen in science fiction 417 works in the past, and completed the country in a short period of time. After rebuilding the facts, I have to believe it.

They are not alone, even if there is no intelligent civilization with the same wisdom as human beings in this universe, in another universe that is not so far away, they still have compatriots who can watch each other.

What's more, compared to those aliens who don't know what attitude they have towards human beings (the country has not announced the truth about the solar storm), the compatriots from another universe who are also rabbits have an innate favorability bonus.

Coupled with the fact that the other party came to help in the apocalypse, the rabbits in this world became one of the most active rabbits when they joined the rabbit family alliance in the future.

……Dividing line……

More than a month has passed in a flash.

When the powerful energy inside the earth was released, the violent plate movement finally stopped.

Without this core cause of the tsunami, the turbulent sea gradually returned to calm.

The flood that rushed to Mount Everest began to recede.

Inside the starship, Sun Xianyun sunk his body into his command seat on the top floor of the bridge, embraced Lexington sitting on his legs, and Sun Xianyun watched the real-time monitoring screen of the earth in the holographic projection.

"Master, the flood has begun to recede. At present, the new roof of the world, Mount Kilimanjaro in the Philippines, has reappeared from the sea!"

Nimfu stood beside Sun Xianyun, talking excitedly.

There was a shining jadeite pendant hanging around the little girl's neck - it was given to her by an aunt who was rescued by Nimfu when Sun Xianyun sent her out to save others.

It is said that it is still the family heirloom of the old lady.

Each of the three little ones received a lot of small gifts like this, even in Lexington.

"It is expected that in two or three days, Mount Everest will also be exposed."

"In addition, the matter is consistent with the result of Nuwa's calculation before. Although active volcanoes erupted collectively around the world and the glaciers at the two poles melted this time, the earth's own rotation axis has also deflected. Fortunately, , the two ends of the new rotation axis are consistent with the north and south poles of the newly born magnetic field!"

"Moreover, the release of a large amount of internal energy will cause geological activities to enter a cooling period for a long time in the future, which will accelerate the formation of new glaciers without causing serious consequences of a large rise in sea level."

"It doesn't look like it's all bad news."

Lying in Sun Xianyun's arms, Lexington smiled sweetly, his eyes were like water.

"It's not enough!" Nimfu's good news is not over yet, "Although the earthquake brought great disasters, it also lifted up many mineral veins that were buried deep in the ground and cannot be mined by humans at present. According to calculations, there are nearly three layers more resources that humans can exploit than before the disaster! And they are all in an easy-to-mine state, which is of great help to them in rebuilding their homes!"

"Of course, it's not without bad news. The ecological environment has been severely damaged. The land animals that were not taken into the ark and underground shelters by humans in advance are basically wiped out, and a large number of marine fish have also lost their lives..."


Astrea's eyes widened in confusion.

"Can't fish swim? How can they still be drowned?"

So this girl immediately received everyone's mentally retarded eyes.

Nimfu gave Astrea a charming look, and continued: "The corpses of a large number of dead creatures will rot collectively in a short period of time in the future, which may have a considerable impact on the environment and lead to rich sea water. Nutrition."

Sun Xianyun waved his hand indifferently: "Let them deal with this kind of thing, we can't take care of all the problems."

Sun Xianyun hopes that the members of the Pan-Universal Rabbit League in the future will be companions who can look out for each other, instead of a group of people who only know how to stick to their own side, and when they encounter problems, they will just mess up and just "ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" when asked Flat people.

As for how many rabbits have survived, Sun Xianyun is definitely the first in the world to know.


【Mission [-]. Rescue at least half of the rabbits...completed! 】

[The final result statistics show that the number of surviving rabbits is one billion seven thousand eight six thousand forty six thousand nine seventy three!It was 860% of the total population before the disaster! 】

[The distribution map of mineral resources rewarded by this mission is detailed at 80% of the total mineral resources in a spherical area with a radius of 80.99 light-years at the center of the solar system. 】

[The host can specify that the detail level of some minerals is 100%, and the corresponding final reward will lower the detail level of the remaining minerals. 】

Hundreds of millions of people died in a great flood!

Looking at this number alone, there is no doubt that it is heartbreaking.

But compared to the original plot where only a few people on the boat survived, this is already a grand achievement that is enough for the whole country to celebrate.

The situation in other countries is pretty bad compared to rabbits.

They did not have the huge civil defense project brought about by digging holes across the country many years ago as a basis for transformation. Even if the country here provided them with a lot of equipment afterwards, there was no way to build a shelter enough to accommodate the people of the whole country in just a few years.

For more than a month in the shelter, people from these countries also frequently broke out various riots.

The crime rate remains high, and countless people die from various man-made accidents every day.

In the end, the highest-performing countries retained barely more than half of their pre-disaster populations.

It is foreseeable that the rabbits in this world will reach the status of Sun Xianyun's country nearly ten years ahead of schedule—or even higher!

Chapter 298: Post-disaster reconstruction, and return

"Comrade Sun Xianyun, Comrade Lexington, Comrade Icarus, Comrade Nimf, Comrade Astrea, please accept my sincere thanks to you on behalf of the country, the people of the country and the people of the world!"

In a simple camp, the old man led a large group of people, and bowed solemnly to Sun Xianyun and others to thank him.

Sun Xianyun hurried forward and helped the old man whose hair was completely gray in a short time.

Although with the help of Sun Xianyun, mankind has successfully passed the crisis of genocide, but the huge loss and hundreds of millions of casualties still make Gu Gu and others grow old within a month or two.

Originally, he looked only five or sixty years old, but at this moment, his appearance was more than ten years older than his sixty-seventy-year-old actual age.

"Okay, Gu Gu, and everyone, no need to thank, this is what we should do."

Sun Xianyun shook Gu's hand and said with a smile.

"You don't need to come here to see you off, and there's no need for a farewell party. The most urgent thing now is to gather all the resources you can to rebuild your home."

"You're right." With moist eyes in Gu Gu's eyes, he held Sun Xianyun's hand in turn, and patted it lightly.

A great flood that destroyed the world completely cleaned the earth.

The originally prosperous city has been destroyed, and the country that has been built with decades of hard work has been reduced to ruins.

But it doesn't matter.

Because although there is grief in people's eyes, there is also hope.

Now that everything is gone, let's start from scratch, plan from scratch, and build a better home.

Everyone believes that as long as they are united and united, they will be able to live a happy life again in the near future.

"By the way, Gu Gu, before you leave, can you record a video for me?"

Sun Xianyun asked with a smile.

"This is already a practice. Every time you go to a world, you will do this when you leave. You can also say hello to people like you in other worlds in the video. In the future, we will have the ability to unite countries that are different from Zhou. When we are together, we can really talk freely and make progress together.”

"Okay, okay! This opinion is very good, old man, I will take this opportunity to say hello to my compatriots in other worlds in disguise."

Hearing what Sun Xianyun said, the old man suppressed the sadness in his heart, and nodded with a smile.

While the old man was recording the video, Sun Xianyun was also looking at the camp.

Because of the impact of the flood, no one can guarantee whether the remaining urban buildings have become dangerous buildings, so after leaving the shelter, everyone chose to camp in the suburbs of the city.

While cleaning up the ruins, use all available materials found in the ruins, as well as various materials that have been preserved in the shelter, to restore vitality little by little.

Time, more than half a month has passed since the great flood completely receded.

In the past half a month, Sun Xianyun has traveled almost all over the country in order to help rebuild the communication network of this world country.

As long as the communication is restored, the center can understand the situation in various places again, and can make overall plans and formulate appropriate plans to avoid chaos in the local area.

Restore communication, clear the land, and quickly sow new grain seeds to ensure the most basic food supply, etc...

One after another, all the survivors were busy but fulfilled.

However, this is the effect of the unification thought that has been carved into the DNA of the rabbit for thousands of years. Under such circumstances, it did not think of taking advantage of this opportunity to cede territory and become king.

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