The staff in charge of the inspection made records on the holographic projection in front of him, and replied with a smile: "It's okay, don't worry."

I believe you ghost, you rabbits are very dirty!

Eames slandered inwardly, but the smile on his face grew brighter.

The staff turned off the projector and saluted Eames: "Okay, Mr. Ames, your inspection has passed and you can enter the customs."

"Thank you, thank you!"

After thanking him, Ames returned to the Endeavor. This humble transport ship left the customs and entered the inner solar system.

It was another boring voyage. When the spacecraft entered the inner circle of the galaxy and approached the earth's orbit, the super stargate appeared in front of everyone.

Every time he came back to see the super star gate, Ames would find that this huge monster had changed significantly compared to before.

Seeing the star gate this time, Emston immediately concluded that it was about to be completed.

"Is it because this thing is about to be repaired, so the inspection has become stricter?"

He had guesses in his mind.

All the way back, since entering the solar system, Ames found that the number of fleets patrolling those busy shipping lanes was obviously abnormally large.

This is only on the waterway, the ghost knows how many patrols are swimming in other places.

After placing Junlo and Leah at the Joint 420 Lunar Base (which is now the landing point for almost all alien visitors before they officially enter Earth), Ames began to return to the surface in his own Endeavour.

When entering the atmosphere, he was very bored and turned on the TV.

"...According to the latest news, our station's reporter in the Tujia learned at the press conference of the Tujia Foreign Affairs Speech that the super star gate known as the 'Space-Time Hub' has been officially completed before and has entered the final debugging stage. Regarding the specific utility of the hub, the Tu family said that it is a more functional stargate with a wider range of connections...』

"At the military speech meeting later, the spokesperson of the Tujia military said that the twelve newly-appeared super starships were originally in the expansion plan of the Tujia Space Force. In order to protect the glory of human civilization, the Space Force will not Stop the pace of expansion...』

"Relevant analysts said that in view of the various anomalies recently, the space force that had previously traveled to explore the large void may have encountered a powerful enemy. At present, more than thirteen countries have expressed to the rabbit family that they hope that the rabbit family will disclose relevant information. Interstellar The war is not a battle between the rabbit family, but a battle involving the life and death of all human beings...』

Hearing this, Ames frowned tightly.

How do you feel, it looks like something big is going to happen? .

Chapter 609: Sending a Gorgeous Funeral to the Great Pioneer

The matter is far more serious than countless people in the outside world have speculated.

Obtaining the information in the brain of the unlucky Zhiguan captain through direct violence, what Sun Xianyun learned was——

The pioneers of the last era, the silent great men, fallen empires, knowledge managers, have awakened.

The previous series of heavy injuries made this pioneer and those ancients who fell silent like him all huddled in a corner of Xinghai, licking their wounds silently, regardless of the external situation.

As long as no descendant civilization touches their bottom line, these ancients will watch the ebb and flow of the star sea with indifferent eyes.

Those civilizations that are still growing are all toddlers in their eyes.

It's not worth paying attention to, it's not worth paying attention to, and it's not worth spending the few remaining resources of the empire.

However, Abrak's accident changed everything completely.

The tragedy of this ordinary curator living in the void should be insignificant. It is just an insignificant one of the countless exploration tragedies in the star sea. But no matter how insignificant a person is, there will probably be someone who cares about him exist.

The disappearance of Abrak prompted another expedition team within the curator to search for him and save him.

So, unbeknownst to Abrak, another fleet of Curators entered the Great Void.

Then, they found clues to Xel'Naga ruins.

The relevant information was quickly mastered by the degenerate knowledge management. No one like them, a degenerate empire that has experienced the end of the era, knows better what the four words Xel'Naga represent.

Zhiguan assembled all the existing fleets, brought almost all the curators together, and broke into the big void.

This time, Zhiguan came prepared.

In fact, they have mastered the dangerous technology of free transition, but out of the consideration of avoiding attracting boundary breakers, the free transition technology has not been widely popularized even if it is known.

But correspondingly, Zhiguan thought of another way—artificial beacons.

Some kind of man-made object similar to a probe replaced the natural massive celestial body, and emitted a jump-guiding signal, allowing the fleet to ignore the restrictions of conventional jumps.

However, although artificial beacons can replace natural stars, if you want the fleet to jump to the vicinity of the beacon, you still have to find a way to go to the destination to place the beacon before it is possible.

Therefore, Zhiguan Adventure started a free transition.

Every jump is accompanied by a long period of engine cooling, and the speed at which the fleet penetrates into the large cavity is very slow.

Until they discovered the isolated island civilization in the big void that was still looking for a way out.

The joyful Zhiguan promised the isolated island civilization to help them find a new home, and as a price, the Quantum Bow would be owned by Zhiguan.

Zhiguan has improved the Quantum Shotgun so that it can adjust the ejection parameters to a certain extent. Although it is still not possible to accurately determine the ejection destination like a free transition, it can at least limit a rough range.

As a result, countless Zhiguan fleets carrying artificial beacons bloomed everywhere in the large void, and the beacons placed in every corner guided the Zhiguan to begin to explore the entire large void star area with unprecedented efficiency.

In the fourth year after the discovery of the quantum bullet bow, the last knowledge management fleet also left the isolated island civilization, leaving only the child who was made a big joke by the universe to stay alone on the home planet where all resources had been drained On the road, helplessly waiting for Zhiguan, who was as powerful as a god in their eyes, to come back and fulfill the promise he had made.

But Zhiguan never came back.

"It's not that they're ungrateful, it's that they're too busy to take care of themselves.〃."

Inside the bridge, Sun Xianyun sighed quietly.

"When one of the Zhiguan fleet came into contact with the meme infection source sealed by the great pioneer in a Xel'Naga ruins discovered by chance, the spread of the infection was uncontrollable."

"Following Zhiguan's internal network, all the fleets that entered the big void fell into madness, including those curator vassals."

"Even if the infection moves along the network, it will also corrode the galaxy where the parent star is located."

"The last ones among them who were still awake gave an order that was almost suicidal—abandon their homes and enter the Great Hollow en masse."

"Then, it opened the final insurance that was found in the ruins, maybe Xel'Naga, or other later civilizations that used to be in this star area."

"The infected Zhiguan and their vassals, as well as those who can barely keep awake, have been imprisoned in countless out-of-phase spaces together."

"They even blew up the passage from the inside back to the outside world, just like the ancestors of Morita back then, resisting erosion by self-imprisonment."

Sun Xianyun's tone was heavy, he took a sip of the black tea Belfast handed over.

This is not the Lexington, but the Belfast.

After the encounter, Sun Xianyun considered for a moment, and finally decided to split up.

Let Lexington lead the others back first, and stay alone to deal with the aftermath.

Belfast was also ordered to go back, but the maid repeatedly begged to stay, and finally Sun Xianyun compromised.

"I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune. The captain Zhiguan whose memory I read was the one who was able to stay awake at the beginning. It's just that in the hundreds of years of war, no Zhiguan can stay awake. All the lunatics were imprisoned in the out-of-phase space until..."

"¨.——Until you took over Xel'Naga's legacy, Commander, and reopened the passages to those out-of-phase spaces from the outside world?"

Belfast stood behind Sun Xianyun, bent down and hugged him gently, comforting the heavy hearted Sun Xianyun with his tenderness.

"Don't blame yourself, Commander, this matter...can't be blamed on you. Moreover, you use yourself as a bait to stay here, and those crazy intellectuals will not leave this big hole until they find you. It's safe for now."

"But only temporarily."

Sun Xianyun shook his head.

"The signal I voluntarily left will indeed attract them, but after a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not leave here-after all, lunatics, their actions are unpredictable."

"What we can do now is to do our best to buy time for the rear. At the same time, we must find a way to contact...the supervisory guard node that the eldest lady said before, which almost disappeared in the big hole in a flash."

Supervisory guards, Gray Wind, Gray Gu, even the Suzheng Agreement and even reinforcements from other worlds after the establishment of the super star gate.

In order to give the self-imprisoned Zhiguan a gorgeous funeral, Sun Xianyun has submitted an all-out war application to the center.

The Zhiguan fleet they faced before was actually a motley army temporarily created by the Zhiguan who were lingering in a small out-of-phase space during the long-term melee.

They haven't met the real Zhiguan...

……Dividing line……

Solar system, Earth, central valence.

Mr. Yang looked down at the total war application report on his desk and closed his eyes.

After a long silence, he opened his eyes and signed his name on it.

PS. I'm too busy, I don't go home until close to 9 o'clock, I'm too busy today to code~ I'll try to make up for it as much as possible tomorrow depending on the situation~.

Chapter 610 Contact with the isolated island civilization

Another jump ends.

When the only burning star in the large cavity appeared in sight, both Sun Xianyun and Belfast breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally arrived, the location of that isolated island civilization.

Along the way, after each jump, Sun Xianyun would carefully select one place, and release some ambiguous signals to the outside world, attracting the depraved knowledge who had gone crazy.

He is like a fisherman throwing bait into a fish pond, and the Zhiguan Fleet, which is full of large holes, has now become a fish swimming in the pond.

Although those Zhiguan who successfully escaped from the space of different phases have fallen into madness, the obsession with obtaining Xel'Naga's legacy has not disappeared.

At least, for a short period of time, Sun Xianyun is confident that they will be trapped in the big hole by relying on this.

This is the cemetery he chose for this pioneer. Once the strength is assembled, the gorgeous funeral will officially begin.

But before that, Sun Xianyun needs to do one more thing.

Island Civilization, Hudson.

It was the name he had learned through Abrak.

The pronunciation of Hudson means "lonely" in their language, and before that, the name of this race was Eslaya, which means "beautiful and bright".

"Commander, a quantum bow, right?"

Looking into the distance from Belfast, near the stars, a huge metal creation in space can be seen.

Its size is not as good as the star gate, and its appearance and structure are full of the rough style similar to that of the red hair back then. Many designs, even a layman like Sun Xianyun, can see that it adheres to the concept of the least efficiency, and any meaningless decoration structure is all Abandoned, even except for the necessary parts that need to be sealed and protected, all other internal structures are exposed to the vacuum radiation environment.

The quantum bow has a huge base, and on the base are two double concentric rings.

Around the base, thick brackets can be seen connecting the surrounding countless... land.

"That is……"

Belfast saw the situation around the Quantum Shotgun clearly, and covered his mouth in disbelief.

Hudson's home planet has long been riddled with holes.

Sun Xianyun once saw a solid barren planet that was almost at the Roche limit near a black hole.

The original complete structure of the planet has been torn apart due to the strong gravitational force of the black hole, and the side close to the black hole collapsed and disintegrated. The outermost rock block with an area larger than that of the Eurasian continent broke away from the star itself, exposing the interior. mantle and core.

The already dead core is also active again under the strong gravitational pull of the black hole.

From a distance, the barren planet looked like an egg whose shell had been knocked off more than half of its surface, exposing the white and yolk inside.

The same is true for the Hudson home planet in front of him.

It's just that it's no longer the strong gravitational force from the black hole that knocked the planet open, but the Hudsons themselves.

They dismembered their own home planet, stripped countless huge lands from the planet, and then connected the quantum sling bow as the core, relying on a series of bracket structures that can be clearly seen in space, to form a spider web land network.

Not far away, Hudson Star, whose crust has been knocked open, can see a large number of man-made structures inside.

In order to survive, these people who have persisted in the isolated island for an unknown number of years have tried every means to transform their home planet.

"Very...terrible planetary transformation technology!"

Belfast gasped in admiration.

Destroying a planet is not difficult for today's rabbit family.

There is no problem in transforming a naturally existing barren planet into a habitable planet.

But transforming a planet to this extent, setting off the continental shelf, lifting it into the starry sky, and building such a land network in space with a quantum slingshot as the core, such a project can only be imagined even by the current rabbits. .

"They are a race that has been driven to a desperate situation. Can't people burst out with great power even in despair?"

Sun Xianyun had admiration in his eyes.

"They failed to develop the free transition technology, so they were trapped and died in this desert. Or if a person with spiritual qualifications was born within them..."

Having said that, Sun Xianyun shook his head again.

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